Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter Twelve Bengal Blue Flame Tiger

"Master, why do you care so much about this kid?"

Shuo Feng really couldn't understand, from the appearance of this kid, he really didn't see anything worthy of special attention.

"It's nothing, just keep an eye on it."

Noah was in a high position, he did not feel the depression of this dungeon, but he would feel that these would bring him pleasure.

This Shura quenched his appetite, and it was the first time in so many years that he had seen such a talented young man.

There is another level in the dungeon that these people don't even know about.

Noah understands that this place is very dangerous, and if someone else discovers its existence, it will be a disaster.

When he was young and energetic, he felt that he could control any cultivation practitioner, but he ended up like this in the end.

Being framed and envied by the "630" people, he couldn't bear such a dirty environment, and it evaporated overnight, but gradually the dungeon began to prosper.

If he couldn't break through the demon, he would have ended up no different from the fallen demons wandering here.

"This kid, there must be some secrets on him, but I like to push him away layer by layer!

Noah's attitude is extremely uncertain, compared to other people, he will be sent to the belly of the monster at every turn.

A Bengal blue-flamed tiger was raised in a place where these fallen demons could not see, and no one dared to provoke this ferocious monster.

After all, anyone who has entered will only have one fate.

Only the dead keep secrets, and it's definitely not a docile pet.


Shuofeng has stayed by Noah's side for so many years and has become Noah's right-hand man. Once he appears, it represents Noah's meaning.

Any rules in this city are not worth mentioning in front of them, and the most important thing is that the fallen demons are already on the verge of becoming demons, but the last straw that broke the camel was never anyone, but them. Own.

Noah stood in this city and looked at the ups and downs in the past few years. He knew very well that these people were greedy, and they found this result by themselves.

There are very few cultivators who can go out from this dungeon, and he can count them clearly with his fingers.

"The Deng family Fractionated Divinity, the old man of the Leng family, really few people have passed through. 35

The dungeon doesn't just leave when they say go, they naturally make up their minds when they enter the place where they come.

Noah stood on the edge of the dungeon, the blood had already stained the little clouds in the sky, and the originally empty mind was filled little by little after this Shura came.

This dungeon is not entirely impregnable, but people who enter it will never go out easily.

"My little cutie must be hungry, go get some food.

Noah's frivolous words will probably kill dozens of people tonight, and this Bengal blue flame tiger is not easy to deal with.

Only their master would call it cute, and in the eyes of the people below, it was like a beast-like existence.

"Yes. 35

There is an unwritten rule in the dungeon that the daily points of the fallen demons below 100 points in the daily ranking will be taken away in secret, and it is unknown where they go.

But it never came out alive, which is why these people are greedy and calculating.

"Ah, no, I don't want to die yet, please save me, save me!"

Xu Yi just came out to see what happened. He had no idea what the dungeon was doing.

100 points is a lot more for him, but he will not give it to someone who has no value to him.

"If you want me to save you, then see how useful you are!"

Xu Yi's mask covered the aura around him. Originally, he could die, but in the end, he changed his mind.

"Okay, I still have one thousand taels of silver, I'll give you all, you give me 100 points!

Unexpectedly, this seemingly useless Demon Fallen had one thousand taels of silver on him, so Xu Yi wanted to know where these Demon Fallen would be taken, and he was so panicked.

It's nothing but money for life, Xu Yi already understood that if he wanted to survive in this place, he had to go to the arena.

"make a deal!"

"Today is really bad, let's keep looking!

These guards are all higher in Spirit Power, and the indifference exuding from their bodies seems to be as simple as eating and drinking.  …

"One thousand taels!"

Xu Yi felt that the fallen demon he had rescued was a jerk. If someone protects him today, then tomorrow, it will be staged every day, but he only cares about a thousand taels.

Judging from his current performance at this stage, he would go to the arena to play one game every day, and now he has won forty-five games and zero losses.

At this stage, such a result has been regarded as a fast ascending competitor among them, but zero loss is not just such a simple thing.

"Roar~ Roar~"

When we got to the lowest end of the underground city, before we even got close, we heard a deafening roar of tigers.

"My mother! It's better not to come on this errand in the future. I heard that even our people were eaten last time."

The fallen demons they escorted who did not reach the daily 100 points were blocked from the five senses, but when they were bitten, they screamed like thunder.

"Our mission has been completed, we can leave!"

A little bit of blue gradually emerged from the darkness, and gradually rendered a mysterious touch in the darkness.

"Ah~ah~, help~!

Gradually this group of people gradually lost their voices, and the flame of the Bengal Blue Flame Tiger gradually faded away.

Every day is like this, no one can see the real Bengal Blue Flame Tiger is like this, everyone calls it a monster-like existence.

And among them, only Noah will understand, the true attack power of this 0.4 Bengal Blue Flame Tiger and its docility.

In the past, there was no such a Bengal blue flame tiger, and only after the new city lord came to the throne, there was such an unwritten rule.

It was originally a bunch of small beasts, and now it is such a huge monster. It has relied on the essence of these fallen demons for cultivation all these years.

Noah withdrew his attention, the existence of this Bengal blue flame tiger would not be known to outsiders, otherwise he would not be able to keep it even if he had the ability to shroud the sun from Shrouding the Heavens.

Just because it was bred, but also because it is the last Bengal blue flame tiger in the whole world.

Its bloodline is extremely pure, which is why he spends so much thought on feeding it every day, and he will naturally come in handy when necessary.

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