Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1008: Obviously grab!

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Hu Xuehong's remarks were extremely heavy, and the weight of Yun Fei was immediately suppressed.

Yun Fei asked Hu Xuehong for trouble. This is okay, but he should be ignoring Qi Xuan. Once Qi Xuan is more true, the disciples outside Yunfei must suffer. Think about it and know that it is impossible for the Ping family to abandon the Qi family for his sake.

"Disciple Yun Fei, at the order of the elders, welcome Qi Family Master here!"

Yun Fei knows that he can't make mistakes again and again, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he has to pretend to be respectful.

Yun Fei couldn't get along with his favorite disciple, it was so arrogant. Where did Qi Xuan give him a good face, a face, and a big grunt in his nose, screaming, "If not looking on Elder Tu's face , This seat will slap you now! "

Yun Fei could not help but shudder, clearly from Qi Xuan where he felt a biting murderous opportunity, a look of panic could not help but reveal in his expression.

Yunfei came to Ascension Mainland through the general election. On the surface, his luck was good, and he was able to stay in the flat family of the second grade family. However, he was just an outside disciple. The resources he shared were not as good as Hu Xuehong.

Although the Qi family is a Sanpin family, the resources are far less abundant and abundant than that of the Ping family, but Qi Xuan has cultivated Hu Xuehong as a first-line disciple. Instead, it is much weaker than Hu Xuehong.

This is a personal encounter, not to let yourself decide, just listen to God's arrangement!

Perhaps this is why Yunfei saw Hu Xuehong six years later, and his resentment was not reduced, but was not the main reason why it was bigger before.

"Yes!" Where did Yunfei dare to talk back to Qi Xuan again? Obediently leaning over is said to be.

Qi Xuan snorted coldly and turned back to Hu Xuehong, "Xue Hong, Jieer, don't care about this little man, let's go up the mountain!"

After all, Qi Xuan didn't even look at Yun Fei, his head stepped up to the jade level.

"A dog servant who bullies!" Qi Jie is more fierce than Qi Xuan. He yelled at Yun Fei and followed Qi Xuan without looking back.

Qi Xuan and Qi Jie first, Yun Fei wanted to rely on the identity of his Ping family disciple to give Hu Xuehong a dismounted horse, but did not expect that he was eating deflated repeatedly, a face, and instantly turned into a soy liver color! The gaze that stared at the Qi family's father and daughter was more like eating people.

"Yun Fei, I warn you, when will you rush at me, Hu Xuehong will continue, but if you dare to disrespect my master, Jiemei, still that sentence, I will let you not eat and go!

Six years ago, Hu Xuehong's cultivation plan was slightly inferior to Yun Fei's, but now, Hu Xuehong can completely treat Yun Fei with his nostrils, which is naturally not polite to him!

Yun Fei gritted his teeth tightly, glared and flicked him away, Hu Xuehong striding toward the top of the mountain, said somberly: "Hu Xuehong, I Yun Fei swears here, you do n’t want to leave Pingjia alive today!"

"Xuehong, you don't have to worry! A clown with a jump beam is nothing to fear! I don't believe that the Ping family will abandon our Qi family for his servant outside!" Seeing Hu Xuehong's brow furrowed, his face gloomy, Qi Xuan Open mouth comforted.

Hu Xuehong shook his head and said, "I have nothing, I'm just a little worried about my brother Xiao Le."

"Xiao Le? Oh, it was the disciple of Dan Xia Zong who passed the election two years ago." When Qi Xuan remembered, he couldn't help but sigh, and his face was full of regret. "Xiao Le's qualifications are very good, and his heart is very good. I was faithful and kind. I was very satisfied with him at that time. But when I took him to Pingjia to worship the mountain, I was taken care of by the Pingjia owner and stayed in Pingjia. If not, I would have more of the Qi family A material that can be made! "

"Yeah, I only went to Dan Xia Zong half a year earlier than Brother Xiao Le. At Dan Xia Zong, we were very good. My sister Xue Qing was still young at that time, thanks to him taking care of sharing with me. Knowing how well he has spent in the family in the past two years. "

Qi Jie'e's eyebrows were light, and his face was full of worries. "There was the dog slave just now. I'm afraid that this brother Xiao Le will not be well."

"Don't worry, the front door is the outside door of the Ping family. Maybe you will meet Xiao Le soon, and you will know when you ask!"

Although Qi Xuan said this on his mouth, but his face did not stretch, apparently having the same concerns as Qi Jie and Hu Xuehong.

Yun Fei, who was behind him, heard the conversation of the three people, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a wicked and sinister smile, and it was even a dead person!

Pingjia is located on the top of Du'e Mountain, covering an extremely wide area, and afraid of more than 100,000 mu. The Ping family is divided into an inner door and an outer door. The inner door can only be moved by the Ping family. Those disciples with surnames and disciples of the vassal family who are not summoned by the head of the Ping family are absolutely not allowed to step in. The rules of the outside door are not so strict. In fact, almost all the grand events held by the Pingjia, like the draft, are held at the outside door.

The elder Tu in the mouth of Fang Cai Yunfei, named Tu Muqi, is the elder of the outer door, who is in charge of everything. Speaking of it, it should be the highest-ranking disciple of the whole family. In the past, what orders did the Ping Family give to the subordinate Sanpin family? They were basically handled by Tu Muqi, so Qi Xuan had dealt with him a lot and was very familiar with him.

It's just that this person is very greedy and vicious. If there is a big thing in the Ping family, he will take the opportunity to blackmail the subordinate Sanpin family. If it is done, everything is fine. If it is not, it will be worn. Finished little shoes. And this person has a narrow mind and is very vengeful. Once he offends, he wants to pay him off and get his forgiveness. On the surface, Qi Xuan and others respected him as an elder, but secretly, he called him sad.

Today is a grand election event. The outside door of the Ping family is a new look, but the atmosphere does not seem to be as lively and lively as it was in previous years. Qi Xuan can sit firmly as the head of a Sanpin family. Naturally, he is not an ordinary person. His heart is as thin as a hair. He immediately feels wrong and frowns slightly. He makes a careful look at Qi Jie and Hu Xuehong.

It's no wonder that Yun Fei would have complained about Qi Xuan's slowness. The six big three-pin families under the Ping family had already arrived, but Qi Xuan was late. Because they belong to the same family, the relationship between the six major and third-grade families is still harmonious. Qi Xuan greeted the other five big families who had already settled down, and came to Tu Muqi who was sitting in the center of the first master. Slightly bowed, and said in a straight voice, "Qi Xuan has seen Elder Tu. He is a little late, and please don't blame him."

At four or fifty years of age, Tumuqi is a little fat and looks a little less flexible, but if someone looks down on him because of this, it is not far from death. Tu Muqi's cultivation practice has reached the initial stage of the world. Although he is in the last place among the eight elders of the Ping family, it is comparable to the heads of the three-pin family Qixuan!

"Humph! Qi Family Lord can appreciate the face and go to the meeting. My family has been deeply honoured. Where else dare to be surprised? Qi Family Lord doesn't have to be polite, please just sit down!"

Tumuqi's words are yin and yang, and they are clearly not good, but Qi Xuan is not surprised. He and Tumuqi are not very harmonious, and they once clamored in front of the head of the family. Qi Xuan deliberately came too late, why didn't he mean to dry him?

Qi Xuan chuckled and did not speak. Chong Tumuqi clenched his fists, led Hu Xuehong and Qi Jie, and turned to the Qi family.

Tumuqi has a gap with Qi Xuan, and naturally will not arrange a good position for the Qi family, and settles the Qi family in the last seat, clearly and deliberately alienated.

All these years, Qi Xuan is also used to it. He Fei, the owner of the He family who turned around and sat down, nodded. Qi Xuan swayed his hem and sat down steadily. Hu Xuehong and Qi Jie also have positions, but they are far from Qi Xuan's throne, basically in the corner, mixed with disciples of other families.

"Brother Qi doesn't need to be angry. Today's situation is special. Tumuqi may not intend to target you." The He family and the Qi family are very close. Usually there are contacts, and the relationship between He Feilai and Qi Xuan is also very good. He Feilai nodded to Qi Xuan with a smile.

Qi Xuan just asked, "Brother He, I came a little late. I don't know what happened?"

He Feilai turned his head and glanced at Tu Muqi, only to see Mu Qiqi's expression was gloomy, his brows were tight, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't notice it, so he whispered to Xuan Tao, "Brother Qi didn't know , Just now, the masters of the two second-class Pinyin families of Ling, Xiao, Xin, and Lin came together and went straight to the inner door. I heard that they wanted to ask the Ping Family for justice. "

"The four big families joined forces to seek justice !?" Hearing this, Qi Xuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face was horrified.

The six big and second-class families are evenly matched, regardless of top and bottom. If one fails, the Qi family is likely to be buried for the Ping family, so Qi Xuan is not nervous.

"Brother He, what the **** is going on, the four second-class Pinyin families will come to the door together?"

He Feilai smiled bitterly and said, "This question, Qi Xiong asked me down."

Qi Xuan also gave a wry smile. This question was superfluous to ask. When did the second-level family get their hands to ask the third-level family?

"Everyone, since the six major and third-grade families have arrived, then I will say a few words on behalf of our head." At this time, Tumuqi stood up and swept around for a week, making a majestic look. " This election is different from the previous ones, and everyone knows it well. This time, the major families did not send people to Ascension Mainland. All of them were selected by the seven ancestors of Ascension Continental, and they will inevitably be uneven. We The owner said that the six major and third-grade families are not wealthy, and you cannot let your precious resources be wasted on those geniuses who rely solely on luck and have no shaping value. Therefore, in this election, no matter how many people can come to Daomen, they are all Accepted by my family, you do n’t have to worry about it. "


"How does this work?"

"This is clearly a robbing!"

As soon as Tu Muqi's words were finished, the heads of the six major and third-rank families expressed their dissatisfaction. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402502->

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