Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1024: Xiao Lang vs Li Baiyi!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"What are you talking about?" Li Baiyi didn't expect Xiao Lang to even come up with such a pair of eyebrows, and he immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Why, am I wrong? If you are not disappointed with others, you must not let others down!"

Facing Li Baiyi's exposed edge, Xiao Lang stepped forward and took a step forward, staring directly at Li Baiyi's eyes and saying one word at a time.

That confidence, that atmosphere, almost compared Xiao Tengyun beside Xiao Lang to the soil. For a time, the sound of discussion around him suddenly calmed down completely, and Xiao Tengyun standing beside Xiao Lang felt a wave of invisible pressure and rushed towards him like a wave. I wanted to say something, but I was powerless, as if I couldn't even open my mouth.

Xiao Yuanshan on the high platform, his eyes lit up suddenly, he had some hesitant thoughts, and suddenly he became firm.

"Dad, I think it's still ..."

Xiao Linhu was more disturbed than anyone else. The uneasiness in his heart was obviously stronger than before. The thoughts to stop this challenge also became more firm, but before he finished speaking, Xiao Yuanshan was very decisive. He raised a palm, interrupted him, and said, "Let Xiao Lang try it!"

After all, Xiao Tengyun, who refused to go down on the Yanwuchang, also yelled, "Tengyun, please go down!"

After Xiao Yuanshan's order, Xiao Tengyun didn't dare not listen, with a full of humiliation and unwillingness, after staring at Xiao Lang and Li Baiyi fiercely, he slowly walked down the Yanwuchang.

Xiao Gutao, who originally did not agree with Xiao Lang's challenge to Li Baiyi, was so relieved when he saw such a situation, he had to clap his nervous hands and felt a little cold.

Only Xiao Cunxin was not very nervous, but very excited. A pair of apricots looked rounder than ever.

I don't know if it was Xiao Lang's calm and gentle attitude that affected everyone. Those Xiao family disciples not only stopped talking about Xiao Lang, but even raised a trace of expectation deep inside.

Li Baiyi looked around for a week and sneered, "It seems that your Xiao family is still not giving up, okay! Then today I will make you thoroughly understand that the Tao of the future, the Xiao family can only surrender to our Li family!"

"You have too much nonsense! I just returned from a trip, and I was anxious to defeat you, and then kowtowed to my grandpa!"

"Hehe ..." Xiao Yuanshan standing on the high platform could not help laughing when he heard Xiao Lang's words.

Xiao Gutao had a happy heart, but Xiao Linhu's face was more and more gloomy.

"You are crazy!"

After being robbed by Xiao Lang one after another, Li Baiyi couldn't hold his face. He burst into a scream, and his figure rose arrogantly. More than a dozen palms, the Dao Dao vigorously sinking, when the sky is soaring, it actually brought out a thunderous thunder, which is very amazing.

The disciples of the Xiao family around the Yanwuchang suddenly took a breath. Li Baiyi's offensive was more than just stronger when he dealt with Xiao Tengyun just now. It turned out that people were really just teasing Li Baiyi just now.

Xiao Tengyun's face was ashamed, and when his disciples looked at him around him, his eyes clearly became more complicated.

"Good to come!" Faced with such a swift offensive, Xiao Lang's face did not say anything, but he roared loudly, and he did not retreat. Rubbing his hands and waving his hands, he was actually facing Li Baiyi's surging palm.

There is no fancy at all, simple and straightforward. At that time, the sky was full of rumbling, like a thunderous thunder. The vigorous and vigorous vigour, which spread out constantly, actually expanded beyond the Yanwuchang, and forced a group of disciples of the Xiao family, all of them evaded.

Compared to the battle between Li Baiyi and Xiao Tengyun, this is the real battle. Fierce and gorgeous, comparable, even the blood of bystanders could not help boiling.

"How did Xiao Lang become so strong? Did he really go to Ascension Mainland?"

"Compared with Xiao Lang, Xiao Tengyun is simply weak!"

"Am I blinded?"

"Perhaps Xiao Lang can defeat that Li Baiyi and can restore the reputation of our Xiao family!"

There was again a sound of discussion around, but at the beginning, the focus of the discussion was quite different.

"Well, Brother Xiao, you are really deep enough in the Xiao family. These second-tier disciples are even stronger than the first-tier disciples!" When he saw this, Li Lang's complexion gloomed down and turned his head to look at Xiao Yuanshan, with a smile Said without a smile.

When Li Lang said that Xiao Lang was stronger than Li Baiyi, Le Pan'er's face immediately showed a hint of pride, and he lifted his waist subconsciously. The same is true for Xiao Gutao, who glanced back with complacency and glanced at Xiao Linhu.

At this glance, Xiao Linhu's lungs were barely exploded, and his mouth kept making crunching teeth.

Xiao Yuanshan was calm, and said quietly, "Where is Li, Brother Li has a reputation."

Li Lang snorted heavily, and said, "This boy named Xiao Lang is stronger than Xiao Tengyun, but it is not my grandson's opponent. Sooner or later he will lose!"

As soon as Li Lang said this, Xiao Yuanshan had just stretched his eyebrows and wrinkled again. In terms of vision, Xiao Gutao and Xiao Linhu are still worse than him.

Teng Teng Teng!

After a muffled sound, Xiao Lang and Li Baiyi stepped back three steps at the same time, and it was an equal situation.

"Happy! Really happy!" As soon as he returned to the door, he could encounter a strong opponent like Li Baiyi, which made Xiao Lang excited.

Li Baiyi's face was also full of warfare, staring at Xiao Lang with his eyes shining brightly, saying, "You are not only stronger than Xiao Tengyun, but also much stronger! I really don't understand how the first-line disciple of the Xiao family could be him Not you! "

"It's not your turn to worry about our Xiao family! Eat me!"

It was Li Baiyi who launched the offensive first, but this time it was the other way round. It was Xiao Lang who took the lead first. The disciples of the Xiao family were more excited at this time, and burst into cheers.

"Huh! You Xiao family, it's too happy to be too happy! Can force me to use all my strength, Xiao Lang, you are proud!"

Hearing the cheers around, Li Baiyi's face sank drastically, his shoulders flicked slightly, and a terrifying momentum immediately burst out of him, sweeping away like a storm.

The disciples of the Xiao family, who had retired to more than ten feet away from the Yanwuchang, exclaimed, and blasted back more than ten feet again. The cheers came to an abrupt halt, and the noisy world instantly returned to a dead silence, and even the sound of breathing stopped.

The smiles on the faces of the Xiao family disciples were frozen and turned into deep awe!

"The first stage of Tiange !?" Xiao Gutao's expression changed suddenly, his eyes full of worry.

Xiao Yuanshan narrowed his eyes sharply, turned his head to look at Li Lang, and said in a low voice, "Say what our Xiao family hides deep, but our Xiao family hides even deeper, I am afraid that it will not be as good as your Li family!"

"Hehe ... not a dragon, nor will you cross this river of Xiao's family! Brother Xiao, it's too late to admit defeat now."

"Dad!" As a mother, Le Paner would not care about face or face, the only thing she cares about is Xiao Lang's safety.

Although conceding defeat is shameful, Xiao Lang's performance today really surprised him. If it takes time, Xiao Lang may not be able to break through to the heavenly realm. If at this time, because of fear of embarrassment, Xiao Lang hurt Li Baiyi's hand, then it will be worthless.

Just as Xiao Yuanshan weighed the pros and cons in his heart, a stubborn atmosphere suddenly arose from Yanwuchang. It even broke through the encirclement and suppression of Li Baiyi's breath of temperament and passed on to the high platform.

Xiao Yuanshan Huo raised his head and looked at Xiao Lang with a shocked expression on his face. I saw Xiao Lang's face sinking like water, staring at Li Baiyi, and then a faint voice sounded. "Li Baiyi, do you want to defeat me by relying only on the breath? Are you too small to look at me Xiao Waves! Roar !!! "

Along with a roaring dragon-like roar, Xiao Lang suddenly raised his right foot and stomped down on the ground fiercely, a burst of unyielding breath immediately burst from Xiao Lang's body, just like an invisible The iron and steel walls simply held Li Baiyi's breath away.

Looking at the hardship, but not shaken at all, the strong is just like the dry waves on the cliff's broken wall, endured by the wind and rain all year round, Xiao Yuanshan's heart is no longer shaken immediately.

This battle must not end there! Failure is not terrible, Xiao Lang is still young, and injuries are not terrible, even if the Xiao family is ruined, he can always be cured. However, once Xiao Lang's strong and unyielding character is hit, it is the greatest pity!

For a time, Xiao Yuanshan actually left the victory and disgrace, all left behind, sitting steadily in a chair, watching Xiao Lang's eyes, but constantly flashing the Dao Jingguang, and there was no lack of comfort. color.

"This kid is really not that simple!" Li Lang obviously felt something, whispered a little, and said no more, turned his eyes back to the Yanwuchang, and his face actually showed a touch of tension. .

"You still have to fight? Don't you know that between the peak of the earth wheel and the first stage of Tiange, it sounds only one step away, but actually it is between the sky and the earth!" Li Baiyi was also very surprised at this time, looking Xiao Xiaodao said.

Xiao Lang chuckled, and said with a loud voice, "The top of the earth wheel and the first stage of Tiange may be separated by the sky and the earth, but between me and you, but not necessarily! Today, I Xiaolang will defeat you Your palm! "

Although Xiao Lang's voice was not loud, every word he said seemed to contain some magic power, and it fell into people's ears, which made people feel excited.

"Mother, have you heard? Brother ... he is so handsome!" Xiao Cunxin clasped his hands on his chest, his face full of indescribable pride and pride.

Le Pan'er also seemed to be infected and nodded heavily.

"What are you dreaming about?"

Li Baiyi was stunned for a while, but soon he came back to Shen'er. He burst into a slam and suddenly gave a hand to Xiao Lang ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402518->

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