Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Why don't Wandong look forward to it? There was a stir in my heart!

"Don't say, good grandson, let's go and chase your mother!" Chen Tiande held Wan Dong's hand and couldn't wait to say.

Of course, Wan Dong wanted to reunite with his biological mother, but he just left, but he was not reconciled. Looking at the posture set by the Ping family, it is clear that it is coming to the candle, so there is no reason for such a good thing to make the Ping family go.

"Grandpa, the Ping family killed so many of us, how can we just let it go?"

"Ah? My good grandson, you don't know, Pingjia is a second-rank family, and its power is much stronger than ours. We simply can't fight them. In fact, it's already in my opinion to keep this old life God ’s gift. As for revenge, I think it ’s okay. "

Chen Tiande seemed to be frightened as a whole, his face turned pale, and even the voice of his voice trembled.

Of course, Chen Tiande is not a timid person. Otherwise, he would not be able to sacrifice himself for Chen Yi without hesitation. However, Chen Tiande is not a courageous person, too cautious, this may be due to the brutal living environment of Daomen, but this character of Chen Tiande is undoubtedly one of the reasons for the separation of Chen Yi and Marriott Xiong.

"How can it be forgotten? Grandpa, in fact, the Ping family is not a big deal, don't be afraid!"

Although Wan Dong entered the Daomen just now, to be honest, his knowledge is no less than that of Chen Tiande, and the world he has seen is something that Chen Tiande has never seen before. For the time being, the memory of Xuantian Daming God is not mentioned, just saying that Wan Dong accidentally hit and broke into the forbidden ground of Huangfu's house. If it was said, it would be enough to make Chen Tiande tremble and stand unsteady.

The Ping family is only a second-class family, but the Huangfu family is an out-and-out first-class family. In the entire world of Daomen, it is a well-deserved overlord.

"Good grandson, even if you want to take revenge, then you have to deliberate on it for a long time. Isn't it? Staggering today, we will find the anger of the family in the future, or will we meet with your mother first?"

After all, Chen Tiande still regarded Wan Dong as a child, thinking that Wan Dong was just a moment of enthusiasm, and he thought of holding him in the first place. After a few days, Wan Dong himself would eliminate the idea of ​​revenge. After all, Chen Tiande still does not understand his baby grandson.


As soon as Chen Tiande's voice fell, Wan Dong was about to speak. Suddenly, an unusually loud, roaring roar rose up into the sky, and Chen Tiande immediately hit three chills on the spot.

Hearing this roar, Wan Dong was very excited, and his eyes gleamed brightly: "It seems that the Ping family has already got in touch with Dizhulong."

"Early candle dragon ?!"

Hearing these three words from Wan Dong's mouth, Chen Tiande was obviously frightened again, and his face was much whiter than before.

"Grandpa, I don't have time to talk to you more. Pingjia made it clear that the candles were blooming. I will never let them succeed. You go chase my mother first, and I will go to you after I finish things here!"

"No!" Chen Tiande couldn't help but hold Wan Dong's wrist, a flat house was enough to make him disgusted, plus a candle dragon, where Chen Tiande would easily let Wan Dong go?

There was even a kind of begging tone in the tone, saying, "My good grandson, you don't know the terrible candle dragon in that place, but it is equivalent to the fairy beast of Shendao Realm!"

"Grandpa, Dizhulong is dealt with by the Ping family and will not hurt me. Besides, although my cultivation is not high, but there is still the ability to escape. I believe that if I want to retreat, no one will Can stop me. "

Chen Tiande couldn't refute this. The reason why Wan Dong was able to kill the first-level master of the day was half by calculation, and half by his fabulous incarnation.

Without giving Chen Tiande a chance to speak, Wandong took out the 'Eternal Wilderness' from the storage ring and stuffed it into Chen Tiande's hand, saying, "Grandpa, this is a map of the Ancient Wilderness. , The distribution of various fairy beasts, as long as you follow this map and avoid them carefully, there will be no danger. "

"Map?" Chen Tiande opened the "Eternal Wilderness" suspiciously, only glanced at it, and he was startled and asked in a silent voice, "How can you have such a wonderful book ?!"

Wan Dong really surprised Chen Tiande. He actually had a feeling that there was no way to see Wan Dong as a young man.

"Luck and luck! Ha ha ..." Wan Dong smiled and said, "From here to the east, we can walk out of the ancient wilderness, and we will meet at the camp outside the ancient wilderness!"

"But ... but ..."

Before Chen Tiande was finished, Wan Dong's figure had turned into a cloud of smoke and went straight to the direction where the roar came.

Chen Tiande wanted to chase, but he took a few steps, and lost Wan Dong's figure in sight, so he had to give up helplessly! Shaking his head with a wry smile, Chen Tiande could only go to Chen Yi as Wan Dong said.

"Is this the earth candle dragon, really powerful!"

A moment later, Wan Dong had seen from a distance, a dragon with sixty or seventy feet long, more than ten feet thick, ugly in appearance, and a single-horned frontal dragon, with several figures, entangled and killed together.

The earth candle dragon is a little smaller than the nine-yin yin fire dragon, but the combat power is just as amazing. After the tail was swept, the huge rock weighing tens of kilograms was flung to a height of tens of feet as light as a feather. If this is a human being, I am afraid that it will take a breath to break my bones.

The earth candle dragon is difficult to entangle, but the family is well-prepared. The few figures that danced up and down around the earth candle dragon, the weakest one has also reached the peak of the sky, and the gray-haired old man headed by it has already reached the first level of Shinto.

And these masters are all flexible and extremely alert. Surrounding the earth candle dragon, going east and west, he grabbed the earth candle dragon with huge body, inflexible weakness, and bombarded it wildly.

In addition to these people, there are one old and one young, and the two are watching.

The old Xiuwei seems to be stronger than that of the Shinto first-level ones. The less, it seems, has reached the peak of the earth wheel, half-stepped.

Powerful people with high contrast to one's own realm will generally be affected by the other party's momentum, producing a feeling that is not very comfortable. But after Wan Dong realized the true meaning of Yun, this effect would hardly exist. The cultivation base is too high and reaches the peak of Tiange, then Wandong will still feel it.

This is only a half-step scale. It does n’t make Wan Dong feel uncomfortable, but Wan Dong not only feels uncomfortable, but even very strong.

This discomfort does not come from danger, it seems that it is more from the disgust of the other party!

Is n’t it disgusting to see a majestic man, who is smeared and smeared with flourishes, even more women than women?

The young man standing beside the old man is like that! The white face, I don't know how much powder was applied. When I looked at it, there seemed to be extra powder, which was falling down.

The waist is more slender than the woman, and even swings in the wind! If this action is reflected in a real woman, it is extremely enchanting, but it is disgusting on this big master.

If the face can be more refined, as a pseudo-mother, it may be better, but the carelessness of this buddy's long face, and the lack of attention to his face, is even more appetizing.

Of course, Wandong is not the kind of person who judges people by appearance. The key lies in the femininity that exudes from this person, making Wandong the most uncomfortable.

"Ping Yi Jian!"

The name came out of Wan Dong's mind almost automatically. Wan Dong has long heard Xiao Lang say that the "Yinjia recipe" of Ping Yijian's cultivation is a fairy recipe to Yin. In order to practice this immortal tactic, Ping Yijian must often pick up the girl's pure yin. Over the years, there have been no more than one thousand women who have been scourged by him.

The candle candle flower is the most overcast thing, it is not surprising that Ping Yijian wants to get it. Look at him like this, probably want to use candle candle to break through the heavens!

For a scourge such as Ping Yijian, even if Wandong had not had a holiday with the Ping family before, he wanted to remove it. However, the old man standing beside Ping Yijian was too high to cultivate. If Wandong shot against Ping Yijian That is pure death.

Wan Dong's gaze circulated for a while, and soon he found the candle candle flower.

It was a strange flower with the size of a fist and a dark body. Compared with those colorful flowers, this candle can't talk about beautiful and gorgeous, but on its body, it has a unique charm, it can attract attractive eyes, and the storage is unforgettable!

In the five steps around the candle, all the sunlight seemed to be sucked away by it, and it was much darker than the surroundings.

At this time, the candle candle flower has already fully bloomed. It is the time when the effect is the strongest. At this time, picking and refining is the best!

Looking at the situation posed by the family, I am afraid that a long time ago, they stared at this candle. Even the way to deal with the earth candle dragon has been figured out. A few strong players in the heavenly peak state, under the command and command of the old Shinto realm, can be said to be seamless. Although the dragon skin of this place is thick and thick, it can go on like this, and it will be sooner or later.

It seemed that Ping Yijian had already met success. A snow-white face twitched slightly, revealing a smile, and the powder fell suddenly violently.

Wan Dong couldn't help but be anxious. In his original calculation, taking advantage of the death of the Ping family and the earth candle dragon, he quietly removed the candle Yinhua, without knowing the ghost, the most safe. But now, the old man standing beside Ping Yijian has become Wandong's biggest obstacle.

But if Wan Dong is left without success, it is naturally impossible!

After taking a long breath, Wandong tried to calm down his mind, and at the same time, he vigorously ran the law of wind to melt himself in the wind. Wan Dong is a body of flesh and blood, of course it is impossible to really melt, he melts his own breath ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402546->

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