Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1056: Ling Tianhua's killing opportunity!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Ling Tianhua !?" With these voices, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen's complexions immediately became severe, even Xiao Yangxin, who was young and full of eyes, when he heard the name, his face was also Can't help but reveal a deep sense of fear.

"Brother !?"

Ling Wushuang was very happy, looking at the direction where his voice came from. I saw a few figures, flying from the depths of the ancient wilderness like a string and arrows.

At the front is a brother with a cold face, a handsome face, but he is not stern, giving a strong sense of coldness. Presumably it is Ling Tianhua, a disciple of the Ling family! Behind the two powerful Shinto realms, right and left support, also proves its prominent identity and importance.

There are several figures in the back, all the peaks of the sky, all are masters of the Ling family. Such a luxurious lineup that is enough to make people tremble can only be seen after the first-line disciples of the second-tier families have toured.

With the arrival of Ling Tianhua and a super master of the Ling family, the atmosphere around the violent wind sword tomb suddenly suppressed a lot. Many people don't even dare to take a breath, and some are timid, and they have quietly slipped away. Just standing with these powerful people can make them feel almost collapsed pressure.

"Brother, did you finish the trial so soon?" Ling Wushuang said to Tiantian Hua with a smile. Whether it was the smile on that face or the tone of the speech, it seemed like a new person.

It is only at this time that people can associate Ling Wushuang with women, and women with beautiful appearance.

Ling Tianhua nodded his head gently, although there was no smile on his face, but the flash of joy in his eyes was not difficult to see, this time he tried, he gained a lot!

"As long as we enter this violent wind sword tomb and find a handy ancient soldier, we can go home."

I really don't know if Ling Wushuang's face of frost has learned from Ling Tianhua, even when facing his sister, Ling Tianhua's face also has no smile and is full of coolness. If only he can hear it in his gentle words, he actually cares about Ling Wushuang and loves it very much.

After chatting with Ling Wushuang casually, Ling Tianhua's knife-like gaze fell on Lin Feng's body, and his voice was a bit cold and proud. "Your young Lin family, I only have a little impression of Lin Chengxu ,What is your name?"

Ling Tianhua is the first-line disciple of the Ling family, and is the master of the Ling family in the future. In the face of him, if Lin Feng has no pressure at all, it is naturally impossible. In fact, the pressure on Lin Feng at this time was not so great. It felt like he was pressing a big stone on his chest, making him even more gasping than usual.

"Lin Chengxu is my cousin, my name is Lin Feng!"

In the face of so many people, of course, Lin Feng cannot fall into the prestige of the Lin family, even if the pressure is great, he has to grind his teeth. Chang took a breath and yawned slightly towards Ling Tianhua, his voice said calmly.

"Lin Feng? Hum ... you dare to touch even my sister? It's so bold!"

Ling Tianhua's expression changed indifferently, a pair of eyes seemed to have a thunderbolt, and Lin Feng involuntarily beat three chills, and at the same time, the pressure on his shoulders also increased significantly. Raising, making Lin Feng's body tremble slightly, there is a sense of difficulty to support.

Ling Tian became a first-line disciple of the Ling family. Although he was young, his cultivation practice was quite outstanding. Now he is a master who has stepped into the first stage of Tiange!

"Ling Gongzi, as the future head of the Ling family, shouldn't he act so arbitrarily? It's clearly that the younger sister should start first. Should we let us do nothing?"

Of course Xin Wuhen couldn't let Lin Feng himself face the pressure from Ling Tianhua, he snorted softly in his nose and walked forward. Xiao Cunxin wanted to be with him, but Xin Wuhen was given a stern, non-negotiable look.

This look appeared on Xin Wuhen, who was always in a hurry and could not adjust the tone on weekdays. It really surprised Xiao Cunxin. He didn't expect that Xin Wuhen even had such a man's side. New understanding.

Xin Wuhen stood side by side with Lin Feng, immediately splitting the pressure on Ling Feng's body by half, Lin Feng was a lot easier, and the waist plate was straighter. Although, the first-line disciples of these major families have a higher status than the second-line disciples, but they are all of the same age, after all, they are not too big to go, everyone is a fledgling, no one is willing to bow down to anyone .

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Xin Wuhen and gave him a grateful look.

"who are you?"

Ling Tianhua looked up and down at Xin Wuhen and asked, frowning slightly.

"Say! My name is Xin Wuhen!"

"Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen ... I think of it, there are two followers around Xiao Lang, are you?" Ling Tianhua frowned for a moment, and the sword eyebrow rose suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed when his eyes were neutral.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen's hearts sank at the same time. Ling Tianhua's hostility towards Xiao Lang was no less inferior to Ling Wushuang, and even stronger. When the Ling family was going to hire a blood skeleton killer to chase Xiao Lang, Ling Tianhua also strongly opposed it. Of course not to protect Xiao Lang, but to kill Xiao Lang himself. In order to avoid a direct conflict with the Xiao family, the Ling family did not agree to him.

"Follow me? Huh! It's a brother!" Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen glanced at each other, and they both sneered and said in unison.

"Good brother! Since it is a brother, then there is an obligation to pay the debt for the brother! Today, the two of you met me and you are out of luck!"

As soon as Ling Tianhua's voice fell, his whole body was shrouded in bursts of murderous energy. Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng felt their hearts sink at the same time, but no one ever stepped back.

"Brother, they are not Xiao Lang after all, I think it's okay, there is no need to know them in general."

Ling Wushuang longed for Lin Feng to die before, but now he turned to love for the two. This woman's heart is really elusive.

"Since they are Xiao Lang's brothers, then I kill them, Xiao Lang will avenge them, and then I will be able to wash the shame for you and our Ling family!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Tianhua was playing such an idea, Ling Wushuang was obviously taken aback.

Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng were also taken aback by Ling Tianhua's words. They all said that among the six first-line disciples of the six second-tier family, Ling Tianhua was the most arrogant and the most unconventional. See, the rumors are indeed true.

"Ling Tianhua, who do you think you are? Is my Lin family so killable?" Lin Feng burst into a fierce anger when he was neutral, shouting at Ling Tianhua.

Xin Wuhen also sneered, his face full of disdain, "Your Ling family has bullied our Xin family, I want to see if you really dare to kill me!"

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen now had considerable prestige among the second-line disciples of their respective families. When the words came out, the disciples of the Lin and Xin families immediately gathered around and looked to Ling Tianhua His eyes are full of hostility.

"What do you want to do, looking for death?" At this time, one of the two Shinto Realm strongmen beside Ling Tian's body suddenly took a step forward, and his vitality bloomed, including Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen The disciples of the big family are all shaking for a while.

The powerful of the Shinto realm, in the Daomen world, there is absolutely one level of overlord, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, the second-line disciples of the major families, compared with them, it is really too far away, not at a level.

"Grandpa Wei, these little shrimps, where you need to come forward, I am enough to clean them up!" Ling Tianhua sneered and nodded to the strong man of the Shinto realm.

The strong Shinto realm pondered a little, and then backed away.

Ling Tianhua held his head high, and looked at Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen proudly. "The family behind you, although with the strength comparable to my Ling family, you think that your family will work for both of you. Is my Ling family breaking up? It ’s naive, you do n’t have such a weight at all! How about, are you coquettish or are you like a man fighting alone with me? "

"Brother, I think it's okay. Although they have a humble status, if they are really killed, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble for their father."

Ling Wushuang became more and more unsteady and came to persuade him.

"No! This air pressure has been in my mind for five years. If I don't start venting out, I will become my devil!"

Ling Tianhua's expression was firm, and he didn't leave any room at all. Ling Wushuang's expression became more urgent.

"Injustice has a debt and there is a master! You want to find revenge on my brother, you can come to our Xiao family, why bother them?"

Seeing that the murderousness of Ling Tianhua was getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Cunxin pursed his lips and strode forward.

"Cunxin, whoever asked you to come, get away!" Xin Wuhen saw Xiao Cunxin coming over, anxious when he was neutral, and could not help but roar with anger.

"Xiao Cunxin, Xiao Lang's sister? Okay! Haha ... It seems that Xiao Lang will not die!"

Seeing Xiao Cunxin, Ling Tianhua was immediately overjoyed, and Yang Tian burst into a burst of laughter.

"Ling Tianhua, you dare to move a heart of hair, today is your death!"

Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng still hesitated before. At this time, they saw Ling Tianhua's expression embarrassing Xiao Cunxin. The two of them no longer hesitated, stepped forward together, and blocked Xiao Cunxin behind him.

"What are you saying?" Xin Wuhen's words made Ling Tianhua's laughter come to an abrupt end, with a cold, playful look in his eyes.

"I said that you better not mess up, so as not to cause a big disaster! Cunxin's position in the Xiao family is not lower than yours in the Ling family. And if you dare to hurt Cunxin, our Xin family and Xiao family, I will definitely not let go with you Ling Jiashan! You weigh yourself, can your Lin family withstand the anger of our three big families? "

"Yes, brother, for a Xiao Lang, it's not worth it." Ling Wushuang now also eagerly hopes that Ling Tianhua will close and rush to follow Xin Wuhen's words. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402552->

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