Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1062: Seeing death does not save!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

In addition to Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, there are fears in the eyes of the eleven first rounds of the earth wheel. There are even some pendulum swings. It's hard to predict.

These blood-clad people should have a considerable IQ, otherwise they will not be so soft and hard. Wan Dong had no time to explore the way of these blood-clad men at this time. With a wave of his hands, he would gather together with Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, the first stage of the 11 earth wheels, all gathered around his side, bringing the rest of the second-line disciples together Xiao Cunxin blocked him behind them.

One-on-one, they are certainly not the opponents of these blood-clad men, but if you gather the power of the people and have a few enemies, there may be some opportunities.

"If you don't want to die, just give me a fight! Kill!"

Wan Dong stood at the center of the eleven, and screamed, his palms split first. Without any fancy, two wind-blade qualities immediately roared and struck two blood-clad men at the same time.

After a while, the two slamming noises spread. The two blood-clad men turned into blood mist almost at the same time, and disappeared with the wind.

Ling Wei and Ling Gang couldn't help glancing at each other, their faces were full of shock. Even if they are strong in the Shinto realm, they can only kill three to four blood-clad men at the same time. Wandong can kill two of them in one stroke with the first-level cultivation of the earth wheel. Are they surprised?

And those Lingjia masters of Tiange Realm were stunned. They could n’t believe it. You know, even if it is the pinnacle of the celestial realm among them, but also with some luck, it is impossible to be as relaxed and comfortable as Wandong.

Could it be said that Wan Dong's cultivation practice is already comparable to the peak of Tiange Realm? This is certainly not possible! Wandong Dilun's first-stage cultivation is not far from the peak of Tiange Realm. He can achieve this degree because of his use of Dao Qi and his weakness in blood-dressed people. Observation. This ability is more rare than cultivation, and it is even more terrible!

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen knew that at this moment, they were needed to take the lead. Without a word, they immediately followed Wan Dong and shot.

As soon as they shot, they even brought out Wan Dong's extraordinary. Wan Dong killed two blood-clad men with a single move, and Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen's full efforts only pushed a blood-clad man back a few steps. The gap between the two was self-evident.

However, the performance of Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen is already quite good. In addition, the first stage of the nine-life earth wheel was launched with all his strength, and he did not even successfully repel a blood-clothed person, but instead struggled with the nine blood-covered people separately. stand up.

This performance, of course, made Wan Dong frown, but if you think about it, they can do this, which is already quite good.

According to Wan Dong's assumption, it was he and the eleven earth chakra beginners who tried to block these blood-clad people as much as possible. It could not be stopped. One or two were missed. The rest of the second-line disciples united and should be able to deal with it. In this way, casualties will be reduced to a minimum.

But now it seems that he is really wishful thinking.

The blood-clothed people completely gave up the offensive against the Ling family, and swarmed towards Wandong like them. Although there was some damage before, it was very limited. There are at least seventy or eighty blood-covered people intact.

Just in the blink of an eye, Wan Dong and the first stage of the eleven earth wheels seemed to be drowned in the sea of ​​blood, and the situation was not dangerous.

Wan Dong urged the law of the wind to the extreme, and the body's qi should not be transformed into money like a palm, and only twenty or thirty blood-clad men were killed in his hands.

But he was so sharp and brave offensive, but he still couldn't stop the blood-clothed man. He only heard a cry out loudly, and Wandong turned his head to look around. He saw the Lin family's first stage of a ground wheel, and was directly caught by the giant sword in the hand of a blood-clothed man. Cut it in half.

The blood mixed with the intestines and threw it away. The horrible scene suddenly let the other ground chakras suddenly change their face, one by one, they lost their fighting spirit directly, and a burst of screams came out of their mouths, and their feet retreated backwards.

Wan Dong was shocked in his heart and hurriedly shouted, "Don't go backwards, backwards will only die faster!"

Wan Dong's applause was anxious, but at this time the first stage of these earth wheels had already been frightened, where could he still care about him? It didn't take long for another scream to sound, and this time it was a second-line disciple of the Xin family.

Although Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen didn't retreat, they also faced two blood-clad men, supporting each other.

Wan Dong wanted to sacrifice the "Blood Slaughter" and "Smoke Dispelled Clouds", but at this time the two sides fought together. One is not well controlled and may hurt his own. Wan Dong can only make the palm dance more urgent, and keep turning the blood-clothed men into blood mist.

But the number of blood-skinned people is really not much, just give Wan Dong a kind of helplessness.


A soft sound of sharp edge into the meat sounded in Wan Dong's ear. Wan Dong's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly looked through the gap of the blood-skinned man. He saw Xin Wuhen's back, and a deep and long scar was drawn by the blood-stained man's giant sword. It's all red.

"No trace!" Wan Dong roared, palms, and his legs spread together, and directly kicked out the five or six blood-clad men in front of him.

Seizing a hint of void, Wan Dong's figure crawled through like a wandering snake, and suddenly came to Xin Wuhen's body, blocking the offensive of the blood-clothed man for him.

"Wuhen, are you okay?" Lin Feng also rushed over at this time, looking at Xin Wuhen, who was covered in blood, and asked nervously.

Xin Wuhen shook his head and gave a wry smile from the two, saying, "It's okay, I can't die yet! They just ..."

Xin Wuhen's eyes turned melancholy and looked at the other primary rounds. In the blink of an eye, two primary rounds fell down.

In addition to the four ground wheels of the first stage, the remaining five, at this time, have also been divided by the blood-clothed people. They all have minor injuries, and it seems that they may not be able to support it for long.

"We'll get them together!" Wan Dong clenched his teeth and asked Lin Feng to support Xin Wuhen, but he was currently on the way to leaning towards the other five ground wheels.

"It's the man who follows me!"

Wan Dong finally gathered the first five ground wheels together, forming a defensive formation back-to-back, and heard a crisp call.

Wan Dong looked back, his face was straight and bitter, and Xiao Cunxin took the second-line disciples of Xinlin's two big families and launched a charge toward the blood-clothed people.

Not to mention, the second-line disciples of these two big families really don't have any geniuses. But such a swarm of bees rushed up, and the casualties must be great. Look at those blood-clothed men, one by one, it looks like sharks smelling blood, and they greet Xiao Cunxin.

"You can't let them rush over and block them for me!"

Once the blood-clothed people and Xiao Cunxin fight together, the situation will become completely uncontrollable, which Wan Dong never wants to see. Suddenly his eyes were firm, Wan Dong took the lead to rise up, and the volleyball sacrificed hundreds of palms, falling down like a storm.

A series of bursts of qi burst into the sky, and the impetuous crowd of blood-clad people immediately became chaotic, and were swayed by this violent rush.

"Girl, take them back!"

To stop the offensive of the Xueyi people, Wan Dong hurriedly shouted at Xiao Cunxin.

"How about that, we have to fight side by side with you!"

"Fuck! Do you want to kill them? Give me back!"

Xiao Cunxin's words had just landed, and Wan Dong's mouth suddenly burst into a loud scream, which scared Xiao Cunxin a few times, and even the pretty face was slightly whitened. Then I realized that the handsome and handsome Wan Dong looked very gentle, but once the fire came, it was even more fierce than her elder brother!

"This kid is more powerful than I thought! Those blood-clad people are nothing to us, but for these children, it is too terrible!" Ling Wei looked at everything that happened in front of him, and frowned gently. Said.

"Elder Wei, don't we just stare at each other, don't we help?"

Seeing Wandong's situation is very bad, Ling Wushuang suddenly gave birth to a little intolerable, could not help but said to Ling Wei.

"No frost, are you stupid? Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng are both Xiao Lang's brothers, do we help them, does not mean to help Xiao Lang? Just, let these blood-clothed people who don't know if they are ghosts clean up them No matter how angry the Lins and Xins are, they ca n’t find our head. "

Ling Tianhua sneered and said.

"But ... but I don't think it's kind, Elder Granville, what do you say?"

Ling Wei frowned, saying, "If there is no Xiao family, I will rescue them. But this Xiao family is really too powerful. If he is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that one day he will become our Ling. My family is in trouble! "

"Ah? You ... you mean him?" Ling Wushuang turned his eyes to Wandong.

Ling Wei nodded heavily and glanced at Ling Gang. He said, "Yes! This kid's performance is so amazing, even we haven't even seen through his details. Instead of being trapped in the future, it is better to take the opportunity now Strangle it in the cradle. "

As soon as Ling Wei's words came out, Ling Wushuang's whole body felt a deep sense of coldness, looking at Ling Wei, and he said, "Elder Wei, if not these blood-clad people appear, you will also find a way Kill the Xiao family disciple, right? "

Ling Wei glanced back at Ling Wushuang, and finally did not deny it, nodded silently.

"Elder Granville, don't you think ..."

Before Ling Wushuang's words were finished, Ling Tianhua glared at her fiercely and shouted, "No frost, so rude! Elder Wei does this for the future of our Xiao family, you don't understand!"

"Brother, I am not a child anymore, and I am not a fool, of course I understand what you said! I just think that it is not the style of our Ling family to die if we die!"

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447754->

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