Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Yeah, no frost, you quickly crush the transmission stone, and leave here immediately, don't delay anymore!" Ling Tianhua also returned to Shen'er, and his voice was full of rush. (Book haha)

Ling Wushuang smiled and said, "How can I leave my elder brother and elder and escape myself?"

"Silly girl! These blood-clothed people are of unknown origin, but they are extremely terrifying. You stay and die! Hurry, listen to me, and crush the teleportation stone immediately!" Ling Tianhua shook his head again and again.

Regarding Ling Tianhua's urging, Ling Wushuang not only did not move, but instead put the only piece of teleportation stone into Ling Tianhua's hands and said, "Brother, if you and I can only have one person alive, that person It should also be you! You are the future of our Ling family, and there must be no slippage. "

"No frost ... hey!"

Ling Gang seemed to want to say something, but when he came to his mouth, he swallowed it back, just shaking his head with a sigh, his face full of sadness and helplessness.

Although he was reluctant to Ling Wushuang, Ling Lingshuang's words were undoubtedly correct, he had nothing to say.

"What smile do you have? Brother, where did you sacrifice your sister to escape alone?"

Ling Tianhua was shocked for a while, then shouted with excitement.

"Brother, stop talking! If you die, then everyone will be sacrificed. Elder Steel, what do you say?"

"I ... I ..." Faced with Ling Wushuang's calm and determined gaze, Ling Gang didn't even know what to say, just a heart, as if hurt by an awl.

Ling Wushuang obviously sacrificed himself to preserve Ling Tianhua, which undoubtedly made Ling Tianhua's heart even more painful, with tears in his eyes, his head shaking like a rattle, and Ling Tianhua's voice seemed to pass through There was a trembling in a storm. "No! I will never agree! Never!"

"Brother! There is not much time, if you don't go anymore, then ... then I have to kill myself in front of you!"

Although Ling Wushuang was a girl, her temper was not generally stubborn. When her voice fell, she actually traversed Jian Feng and aimed at her neck.

"Silly sister, if you die, where can your brother live alone? Good God, what the **** am I doing, you want to punish me like this !?"

Ling Wushuang's move left Ling Tianhua heartbroken, and couldn't help but grieve.

"It's all old man's incompetence, old man's incompetence!" Ling Gang's heart was extremely uncomfortable to see the brothers and sisters parting from life to death, and could not help crying.

While Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang were stalemate, the second-line disciples of the Lin and Xin families had all been sent to the treasure of trial, and Xiao Cunxin was no exception. (Book haha) Only Xin Wuhen is left. Lin Feng and Wan Dong are still entangled with the blood-clothed people.

"Brother, it's time, let's go!" Lin Feng greeted Wan Dong.

Wan Dong nodded and said, "The two of you will go first, and I will be there later!"

At this time, Wan Dong's cultivation was the state, although he was comparable to Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they had already left them far behind. Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen did not worry much. All of them crushed the transmission stone and turned into white light.

Everyone had successfully escaped. Wandong's heart was relieved, and his thoughts moved, and the magical soldier in Yuan Fu who lacked the sword tip suddenly appeared in his hand. A deep drink weighing more than ten thousand yuan rushed out of the throat, and the whole breath of the blood slaughtered thousands of miles immediately echoed between the world.

At this time, the brothers and sisters of the Ling family, who were unable to extricate themselves, were all struck by the sorrow of life and death. Even Ling Gang's eyes were wide and her face was full of surprise.

A blood-red sword awn burst from the blade front in Wandong's hand, and within a radius of a hundred meters, it was like a minefield that had been completely detonated. A series of violent and dense explosions followed one after another. The ground under my feet shivered with it.

The six or seven blood-clothed men closest to Wandong were killed on the spot, and the rest were all staggered and retreated by Jian Qi. For a time, with Wandong as the center, within a radius of 10 meters, it turned into a vacuum. Zone, there seems to belong to the domain of Wandong, only he stands up, like the pillar of Optimus!

Seeing Wandong use this trick, Ling Tianhua's eyes were straight, and his heart was even more palpable. I dare not imagine that if Fang Caiwandong showed him this trick, what would be his consequences.

"This ... who is this child? It's terrible!"

These words were not said by others, but the mouth of Ling Gang from Shinto Realm, which fell in the ears of people, is inevitably more shocking! A strong man of Shinto realm actually said the word ‘horrible’ to a monk who had only the first stage of the earth wheel. If it was not heard in person, who could believe it, who would dare to believe it?

Pushing the blood-clothed man back, Wan Dong took out the teleportation stone from the storage ring. When it was about to be crushed, Ling Gang suddenly returned to Shen'er and hurriedly shouted "Young Master and Slow!"

The title of young hero is a bit new to Wan Dong. However, it is not difficult to hear from this "Shaoxia", Ling Gang has put down his elders in front of Wan Dong and placed Wan Dong in an equal position with him. I am afraid that in Ling Gang's mind, only Ling Tianhua, the future head of the Ling family, had such treatment.


Wan Dong did not have any affection for the Ling family, but there was no unresolvable enmity. After a pause, he temporarily gave up crushing the transmission stone.

"This young man, I suppose you still have a teleport stone? Can you give us another piece, as long as one piece! Great grace and greatness, my Ling family will never forget it, and will definitely repay in the future!"

This time Ling Gang not only put down the shelf, but also used a pleading tone.

When Ling Tianhua heard it, his eyes lit up suddenly, and with another teleportation stone, he could get away with Ling Wushuang, and without the drag of the two of them, Ling Gang could let go of a fight. Presumably these blood-clad men, He may not be able to do anything about it, and so, the crisis is resolved.

Even Ling Wushuang even blamed herself. If she could think of it earlier, she would just ask Lin Feng to take an extra transmission stone.

"Why should I send you the teleportation stone? I remember that not long ago, Prince Ling also wanted me to stab me!"

"I'm trying to stab you out, because you dare to hurt my sister! How can my Ling Tianhua's sister be bullied?" Ling Tianhua's temperament was straightforward, and he didn't hide it. Shouted Chong Wandong.

"Brother, you ... you say less!"

Ling Wushuang was really defeated by Ling Tianhua, and he clearly begged others, and he was so coquettish. If someone is annoyed and turns away without looking back, what can I do?

After staring at Ling Tianhua for a while, Ling Wushuang was busy and said to Wan Dong, "This brother, we are really wrong, but for the sake of everyone's trouble, you will give us a few more transmission stones, Big deal, we can pay for it! "

"Buy? Hahaha ... I don't do business, you are looking for the wrong person!"

"Okay, okay, sister, don't need to talk to him anymore. This teleportation stone is for you, you go first, I don't believe it, I Ling Tianhua will die here so easily."

Ling Tianhua obviously couldn't put down the shelves of his first-line disciples, waved his hands impatiently, and said to Ling Wushuang.

Ling Wushuang and Ling Gang glanced at each other, and in their eyes, they were all helpless. Ling Tianhua has such a temper, I'm afraid I can't change it.

Ling Wushuang sighed and said, "It's okay, die if you die! I can't die with my brother. I have no regrets."

"No frost, what are you talking nonsense about? Whoever dies, you can't die! Come and leave me!"

But let Ling Tianhua's roar no matter how anxious, Ling Wushuang was always a determined, unresolutely resolute look, so that Ling Tianhua was hopping.

"take it!"

Just when Ling Tianhua considered learning to learn Ling Wushuang and threatened with death, Wan Dong suddenly opened his mouth and threw the teleport stone in his hand to Ling Tianhua.

Ling Tianhua took it subconsciously, and the whole person was stupefied for a while before waking up to God, and some unbelievable looked at Wan Dong and asked, "You ... did you just give me this?"

"Anyway, you are a good brother."

"Thank you young hero, thank you young hero!"

Wan Dong's move clearly exceeded Ling Gang's expectations, which made Ling Gang both happy and touched, and said to Wan Dong again and again.

Ling Wushuang was also grateful. When thinking of his previous actions, his heart was full of guilt.

"What's your name, I owe you a favor, and I will repay it in the future!"

Although Ling Tianhua's temper is a little irritable, he can still distinguish clearly in front of big and bad. After calming down, he solemnly said to Wan Dong.

"No need, I will be grateful if you can find some trouble with my elder brother Xiao Lang in the future."

"That won't work! Xiao Lang doesn't give my sister an explanation, and I'll never end with him! This is related to my sister's reputation, and it's useless to say!"

"You ..." Ling Tianhua's character is really interesting, Wan Dong frowned, and some did not know what to say.

"Brother, you ... you can't say less!"

Ling Wushuang hurriedly dragged Ling Tianhua's sleeves privately, hoping to kick him.

"Wushuang, if you don't make this clear, others will call me Ling Tianhua without faith in the future." After all, Ling Tianhua will send the stone to Wandong and say, "If you regret it, The teleportation stone can now be recovered! "

Looking at Ling Tianhua, whose eyes were dull, Wan Dong was suddenly in a trance, as if he had begged for the teleportation stone to him.

Annoyed for a while, Wan Dong couldn't help but glared at Ling Tianhua fiercely and said in a deep voice: "No need! The things I sent out are never taken back. But don't blame me for not reminding you, I told you not to look for me Brother ’s habit, that ’s for you! ”

"Yes, yes, our son is his temper since childhood, don't be surprised if you are a young man." Ling Tianhua didn't give people a face, Ling Gang also had to make an old face for him. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447758->

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