Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1068: Between life and death!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!


While Wan Dongzheng was moving towards the violent wind sword tomb, Ling Wei and Ling Gang each shot another blood-clothed man. (Book haha) Ling Gang took a time to look back, Wan Dong's figure was surrounded by blood-clothed people, moving more and more difficult, Ling Gang hurriedly screamed at the Lingjia Tiange Realm masters.

"Second brother, don't scold! Little Five, they are exhausted, and now we can help the young man only if we get rid of these blood-clothed men quickly!"

After listening to Ling Wei's words, Ling Gang forced himself to calm down, and the five blood-clothed men were all covered under his palm with full firepower.

Wan Dong can manage many of them at this time, and his body is rushing forward. There are only more than ten feet away from the Sword of the Wind. As long as a few feet ahead, the ban can be triggered and the gust of wind can be triggered. Wan Dong He bit his lips tightly, even if he had bitten blood, he didn't notice it, and his eyes were staring at the violent wind sword mound, staring at the few feet remaining.

Wan Dong can feel that he has reached the limit at this time. The last trace of qi in his body was exhausted, and every trace of muscle on his body seemed to be stiff, sour, dizzy, tired, and wave-like, sweeping wave after wave. His whole body.

Wan Dong no longer has anything to rely on at this time, except ... will!

But now, it seems that even the will is gradually disintegrating. Wan Dong only feels the light in front of him, receding a little bit, but the darkness is spreading a little bit. That feeling is like a person, step by step from the sun, to the abyss, to the darkness. That feeling is desperate and even more terrible than death!

"I can't move, I can't move ..."

Wan Dong gave a wry smile in his heart. He was by no means a person who would easily give up, but at this moment, it seemed that he would not want to give up.


There was a loud bang, and it suddenly sounded from Wandong's back. A heartache, like electric current, instantly spread throughout Wandong's body. The body was like a violent storm, and the internal organs were like a boat floating in the violent wind and the waves, shaking at almost the same time. That feeling is ten times more painful than death. Almost at that moment, Wan Dong completely lost consciousness, and let his body fly toward the windstorm sword mound under his palm.

"No!" This scene happened to fall into Ling Gang's eyes, and with a stern growl, it immediately resounded all around.

Under the sunlight, a calm sword mound suddenly blew a burst of wind like a ghost crying. Countless flying sands and dead leaves rolled up by strong winds are like muddy waves and floods, engulfing Wan Dong's body a little bit until it disappears completely.

Looking at all this, Ling Gang was completely powerless to stop, and his face couldn't help but shed two lines of old tears for Wandong.

Ling Gang couldn't remember when he last shed tears, but one thing Ling Gang knew clearly, that is, the tears he shed today are more than the amount he shed in the past. Ling Gang never thought that he would be so touched, and still for a young man who has never been alive! But he just wanted to cry, involuntarily, and flow from the heart!


Ling Gang was hurt for Wandong, and a few violent waves came suddenly from the side. Ling Gang looked back and saw that Ling Wei flew like a winged dap, and quietly forced three to his side. 'S blood-clad men flew out.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you?" Ling Wei fell beside Ling Gang, with a lingering face.

If it was not his timely action just now, Ling Gangfei must not be hurt by the three blood-clad men.

Ling Gang was about to answer. In a blink of an eye, he saw only a few blood-clothed men left, and he threw his claws at himself.

Ling Gang broke out completely, and once the cultivation of the Shinto realm broke out completely, the scene was definitely not terrible. Even Ling Wei couldn't help but be taken aback.

The remaining blood-clad men are already at the end of the crossbow, where can they afford to live Ling Gang at any cost, regardless of cost? After a bang, there were only a few of the twelve blood-clad men in the second wave, almost at the same time under the power of Ling Gang, turning into blood mist and drifting away with the wind.

So Ling Gang still couldn't get rid of his hatred. With a roar, his figure followed a turn, and then plundered into the first wave of blood-clothed men. As if the angry tiger rushed into the sheepfold, these blood-clad men with only the Xuan marks peak state fell under Ling Gang's palms. Before and after, it was a quarter of an hour, and all the blood-clothed people were in the hands of Ling Gang, and all of them disappeared.

When Ling Gang stopped the killing, his body suddenly swayed, actually kneeling on the ground on one knee. Ling Wei hurried forward to find out that Ling Gang was actually caused by excessive consumption of Dao Qi. The style of play just like his other is just to play with the enemy.

Fortunately, these blood-clad men are not a perpetual motion machine, and they will also consume the morale. After so much battle, the combat power will be greatly reduced, otherwise it is likely that Ling Gang died in the end.

Ling Wei reached out to lift Ling Steel from the ground, but found that Ling Steel seemed to become mud-carved wood and plastic, but it didn't move. A pair of eyes, just staring straight at the sword mound raging wildly.

"Brother, I'm going to break into this violent wind sword tomb!" Ling Wei's sudden words startled Ling Gang.

"Are you crazy, this is absolutely not enough! This violent wind sword mound is really not an ordinary evil door. The violent wind covered by it is getting scarier as it goes in! It has also been tried by the strong people of Shinto Realm before, but it has only entered seven The distance of eight feet was seriously injured by the violent wind and was almost completely abolished! Don't you know this? "

"I know, but ... but we are saved!"

"He? Is that a teenager? I was wondering, he is not a disciple of the Xiao family, and I can't get off the stage if you get it, why are you suddenly so mad at him?" Ling Wei looked puzzled.

Ling Gang shook his head and said in a bitter voice, "Brother, I didn't tell you. Tianhua and Wushuang, the reason why he can escape from danger is because he gave up his only chance of survival. In other words, he used his own Life saved Tianhua! "

"What? Is there such a thing? But why did he do this?" Ling Wei was surprised when he heard Ling Gang's words, and his face was filled with incredible expressions.

"This son's lofty love is lofty, and his mind is so broad-minded that even you and I can't reach it! Brother, he is a well-deserved benefactor of our Ling family, don't we just look at him so openly ..."

Ling Gang couldn't say anything, his voice choked for a time.

Ling Wei sighed heavily and murmured, "I understand your thoughts. This young man can have such a righteous act, which is really touching and admirable. But my second brother, the gust of wind from the raging sword mound is really It ’s too powerful, even if you and I, at most, we can only support a quarter of an hour. Presumably the teenager is already ... "

Ling Wei's words made Ling Gang unacceptable, but he also had no argument. The time seemed to be still. Ling Gang looked at the windstorm sword mound for a long time, and he could not return to God for a long time.

After being transported into the trial treasure land, the second-line disciples of the Lin and Xin families first breathed a sigh of relief and were thankful to get rid of the entanglement of the dreaded blood-clothed people. But soon, everyone was flooded with this trial treasure land. The rich spirit of heaven and earth was attracted, and all the faces were occupied by a deep shocking color.

"Brother Feng, this ... where is this?"

A disciple of the Lin family, turned excitedly and curiously, asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's brow furrowed, his expression somewhat helpless. If it weren't for the emergency, he would never bring so many Lin family disciples to this place of trial treasure. These second-line disciples of the Lin family are also unevenly mixed. After returning to the Lin family, the secret of this trial treasure land may not be preserved anymore.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask! Hurry up and heal the injured. Wait for the uninjured to wait on the spot. No one is allowed to walk around here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

At the same time, Xin Wuhen also issued the same order to the second-line disciples of the Xin family.

"Lin Feng, Wuhen, what about Yaoting?"

"That is, where is our boss, where is he?"

Xiao Lang and Luo Xiao hurried over.

Lin Fengchang took a breath and said, "The third brother, he should be there in a moment, the boss need not worry."

Listening to Lin Feng said, Xiao Lang and Luo Xiaocai were relieved.

"Brother, didn't you go to the Ancestral Mausoleum, how could you be here?" Xiao Cunxin asked Xiao Lang, surprised and delighted, and asked in surprise.

Xiao Lang was very surprised when he saw Xiao Cunxin, and asked anxiously, "You also went to trial in the ancient wasteland?"

Xiao Cunxin nodded his head and said in grievance, "I wanted to be with you, but Grandpa he refused. After you went to the ancestral mausoleum, I was so bored that I shouted to the ancient world. It ’s okay, who knew that weird blood-clad people would be met, almost ... "

Before Xin Wuhen came back, he didn't mention Xiao Cunxin. Xiao Lang didn't know that Xiao Cunxin was also surrounded by blood-clothed people. At this time, when he wanted to come, his heart suddenly grew frightened.

Perhaps Xiao Lang ’s face was wrong, and Xiao Cun said half of his words came to an abrupt end. Then he smiled briskly and cheered up, "Brother, I saw the brother Yaoting you recognized on my behalf. He and your brother The same is a great hero! "

"Hehe ... that is of course! How else would you qualify as your brother?"

Xiao Cunxin saw that Xiao Lang was happy and nodded heavily, very satisfied with his wit.

"Okay! I do n’t think you are okay, so heal everyone with me!"

Xiao Cunxin readily followed, and turned to Xin Wuhen's body. He carefully cleaned the wound for Xin Wujian. The gentle movements did not dare to exert any force, fearing that it would hurt Xin Wujian.

"Boss, look, Cunxin, this girl is very careful!" Lin Feng poked Xiao Lang with his elbow and said with a frowning smile. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14447760->

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