Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Mother, you don't have to be so nervous, both Miss Huangfu and I are friends." Wan Dong hurriedly supported Chen Yi and smiled.

Chen Yi took Wan Dong's hand and said, "My mother knows you have the ability, but Miss Huangfu is after all the gold of the Huangfu family. It is an indescribable glory to be able to enter our door today. You must not be neglected! Come with me! Go out to meet! "

Seeing Chen Yiman's determination, Wan Dong realized that this concept of high and low respect has long been ingrained in the Daomen world, and it is by no means said that change can become. Shaking his head helplessly, he could only go out with Chen Yi to greet Huang Fuqing.

At the same time, the entire Chen family has received the news. There is no need for Chen Yi to order it. Chen Tianfang, Chen Tiankai, and Chen Tiande's three brothers led the team, and the assembly was completed in an instant. The whole is a good scene of the Chen family mobilization.

"Ai, why are you so slow? Quickly, Miss Huangfu has come in!" Chen Tiande looked anxious without seeing Chen Yi, and even blamed him a bit.

Chen Yi was blamed and couldn't help but stared at Wan Dong. Wan Dong was crying and laughing.

Chen Yizheng wanted to lead everyone to welcome Huangfuqing, but Huangfuqing had already come by himself. Today's Huang Fuqing, dressed in a bright yellow Luo skirt, light and graceful, looks like a kind of beautiful yellow warbler bird, which is particularly eye-catching.

Huangfu Qing was so beautiful, and dressed like that, she looked so cute. Even Chen Yi couldn't help but stunned and walked away.

Huang Fuqing turned to Chen Yi in a blink of an eye, but Chen Yi was just in a daze. There was no indication that Chen Tiande was in a hurry, which could hinder his identity. On this occasion, although he was an elder, he was not good at making up, he had to cover his arms. Elbow pushed Chen Yi.

Chen Yi woke up to God now, and he was a little panicked. When he was busy, he would take everyone in the Chen family to bow and salute. He did not expect that Huang Fuqing was faster than her. Go down, "Huangfu Qing has seen her aunt!"

Huangfu Qingren is beautiful and her voice is more beautiful. This greeting is like a natural sound, coupled with its beautiful face and moving posture, it makes people read it. If you drink a hundred years of fine wine, you are almost drunk.

It's just that Huang Fuqing made Chen Yi panic even more and wanted to help, but he didn't dare. His hands shrank and shrank, and he didn't know what to do for a while. Panic gazes frequently toward Chen Tiande, Chen Tianfeng and others, and hope they can give an idea.

But in such a situation, Chen Tiande also had never experienced it before. Chen Yipan, their head was blank.

"Let's go, it's all my own family, you don't need to be polite." Seeing that Chen Yi is somewhat devoid of the six gods, and could not keep Huang Fuqing from staying up, Wan Dong smiled and said in a loud voice.

Wan Dong was purely kind, but when she arrived at Chen Yi, she scared her enough, and while trembling, she slapped it on the back of Wan Dong ’s head and yelled, "Shy boy." , How can I talk to Miss Huangfu? "

After saying nothing, Chen Yi was busy to Huangfu Qing, and was also an apologetic and an apology. "Miss Huangfu, the son is invisible, and there are many offenses. You must not know him in general."

This slap is really wrong, Wan Dong rubbed his head, neither crying nor laughing, there is a feeling of suffering and nowhere to complain, and no reason to speak.

Huang Fuqing was also stunned, but even if Xuan understood it, and then saw Wan Dong's cry, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and chuckled.

"That ... I don't know that Miss Huangfu is coming, Chen Yi is far away, and I also ask Miss Huangfu to forgive me!"

Chen Yi slapped it out, but calmed her down, bowed to Huangfu Qing, and said.

But Chen Yi calmed down just now and found some emotions. Huang Fuqing suddenly giggled and stepped forward, holding one of Chen Yi's arms, and then snuggled up like a mother and daughter, while using A sweet, dead-hearted tone said, "Auntie, what a miss is not a miss, just call me Qing'er."

So, Chen Yi, who had just calmed down, was blinded again!

Not to mention Chen Yi, even Chen Tiande and others were stunned and blank.

In front of the Yipin family, the Sanpin family can only be described as ‘humbly’. Why did they ever have such treatment? It is no wonder that everyone in the Chen family will be so at a loss.

"Auntie, I blame Yaoting badly. He didn't tell me that you are his mother. Otherwise, I must have come to visit you long ago."

Chen Yi is still on the side, and Huang Fuqing has launched the second round of sweet words offensive. That intimate posture, people who don't know, will surely treat them as a pair of biological mothers and daughters.

"Ah? Miss Huangfu has a distinguished status. How dare Chen Yi visit you in person, then ..."

"Oh, Auntie! I haven't told you all. From now on, you can call me Qing'er, but I really treat you as a mother-in-law." Before Chen Yi finished speaking, Huang Fuqing Then I spit it off, where is there a little bit of the first lady of the first family?

This made Chen Yi can't help but think of Zhang Xuefei ten days ago. After sneaking a look, Sure enough, Huang Fuqing's gaze would occasionally glance at Wan Dong's body, his eyes in love, almost at a glance.

All of a sudden Chen Yi understood it! It's just that unlike last time's identity with Zhang Xuefei and Huang Fuqing, Chen Yi has some concerns. Coupled with these ten days, Wan Dong has already accused him and Mu Lian of Chen Yihe's affairs, which makes Chen Yi's heart even more unreliable. The son is attractive, and the mother is of course proud, but if there are too many likes, it will inevitably lead to peach blossom robbery.

Chen Yi saw the signs, Chen Tianfang, Chen Tiankai, and Chen Tiande's eyes of the three old foxes were even more poisonous. It's just that unlike Chen Yi, the three of them are not excited, especially Chen Tianfang and Chen Tiankai, almost all cheered for it.

Although Chen Yi wanted to alienate Huangfu Qing, Huang Fuqing's identity was very special. Chen Yi didn't dare to be too serious. Secondly, Huang Fuqing was really cute, and Chen Yi couldn't be as hearty as a stone. distressed.

Huang Fuqing came to Qingqi Jiancong this time, and had no task. Upon entering the Chen family, he actually stayed and was not ready to leave.

At the beginning, Chen Yi felt that this was not appropriate, and several times wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Wan Dong, but Huang Fuqing didn't give her the opportunity at all, and kept her tightly wrapped, slowly, Chen According to Huang Fuqing, it is becoming more and more rare, and she is still reluctant to let her go. She simply doesn't care about that many. She talks and chats with Huang Fuqing every day. The relationship is intimate day by day. In the end, even Wandongdu It's hard to plug in.

The two of them stayed together like mother and daughter all day long, but it made up for the regret that Chen Yi had no daughter in this life!

However, Huang Fuqing came to let Wan Dong have more free time, from time to time to point out Chen Chu their cultivation, life is full and happy.

"Ding Ding Ding ... Dang Dang Dang ..."

On the performance of the Chen family's martial arts field, a sword in Chen Chu's hands turned into a roaming dragon, spitting out countless Dawson cold swords, and stormed into the long sword in Chen Tian's hands. Chen Tianfang's complexion changed, Jianmang danced his blades, struggling to resist, a series of crisp sounds like raindrops rang immediately between heaven and earth.

Chen Chu's offensive clearly exceeded Chen Tianfang's expectations. When he arrived, he stepped back involuntarily.

Of course, Chen Tianfang deliberately condensed his qi, which was purely resisted by sword moves. If not, he only had to mobilize the qi, even though Chen Chu ’s swordsmanship was brilliant, he would n’t want to get close to him.

Standing back, Chen Tianfang's face was full of surprises, looking at Chen Chudao, "Chuer, this is less than a month, your swordsmanship has improved so much?"

Chen Chu held the sword, and his face was also inexpressible. He looked back at Wan Dong and said, "This is much more thanks to the" Jianxian secret "that Yao Yaoting sent me. Not only has my sword skills improved a lot, my Xiuwei seems to be breaking through to the middle level of the earth wheel. "

Chen Chu said this, Chen Tianfang's eyes also fell on Wan Dong with gratitude. Chen Chuneng can have today, but it can be said that it is completely given by Wan Wandong. How can Chen Tianfang not appreciate Wandong?

Wan Dong waved his hands and said with a smile, "Chen Chu could have such a great understanding in less than a month, which was beyond my expectations. Chen Chu, I believe, I am afraid that it will not take long before you can fully understand 'Sword fairy trick'! "

"Yes!" Chen Chu now cares about Wan Dong's words very much. Hearing this, the whole person is more confident.

Wan Dong nodded his head and glanced. Chen Hao, Chen Xiao, Chen Jiping and other elite disciples of the Chen family said, "If you have any questions about cultivation, let's ask now, even if I can't answer for you, There are also three grandpas who will be able to solve doubts for everyone! "

Chen Tianfang smiled bitterly and said, "Xingla Yaoting is all from his family. You don't need to lift up the three of us. You must solve these problems. I still have a few doubts about the" Lei Beng Jue ". Waiting to ask you for advice. "

Wan Dong smiled and didn't answer any more. It was not that he was not humble, but Chen Hao, Chen Jiping and others had already gathered around, and he could no longer care about Chen Tianfang.

Seeing Wan Dong calm down, he talked eloquently about Chen Chu's questions and explained them in a simple way. There was no lack of fun to explain, and Chen Tiande's straight smile couldn't close.

Such a scene, such an atmosphere, has not been seen in the Chen family for many years, and Chen Tiande has not remembered it.

"Grandpa, I think your cultivation behavior, I'm afraid it won't take long to break through to the Shinto realm, which is really gratifying!" Wan Dong solved Chen Tianfang's problem and smirked at him.

When Wan Dong mentioned the Shinto realm, Chen Tianfang's face immediately flew a word of indescribable excitement.

Chen Tianfang could n’t stay in the peak state of Tiange, it was not a year or two. In order to be able to advance into the Shinto realm, he really thought of a lot of ways, and he could not endure hardship. In the end, he even stole Tian Quandan Dan's recipes were all used, and almost broke the two blood lines of the Chen family. Now, the Shinto realm is finally breaking soon. Does he have the excitement and excitement? -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192522->

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