Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1186: Body Protection Fape!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wandong, the pseudo-earth wheel peak, started crazy, and that might actually approached the first stage of the Shinto realm. [百 \\ 快] Despite this, if in normal times, Que Wudao will not even frown, but now, Que Wudao is under the care of Lu Youlong, and his injury is only slightly lighter than that of Lu Youlong. No small pressure.

When you reach the realm of Que Wudao, you must have endured countless hardships. It is extremely rare. Most people like this are sad, and Que Wudao is even more so. And in this case, Que Wudao consciously didn't need to desperately, and Lu Youlong wanted to kill when he wanted to.

Que Wudao almost didn't even have a moment of hesitation, so he took back the palm seal that was shot towards Lu Youlong's Tian Ling Gai, and at the same time shot it behind him with lightning.

Palm Jin collided with Jianmang and volley, and a splendid glory erupted, just like a firework on New Year's Eve. Que Wudao suddenly felt a numb arm, and his feet were uncontrollable. He stepped back three steps in a row.

However, before waiting for Que Wudao to stand still, a fierce sword gas that made him creepy approached his face. Que Wudao looked at him in surprise, and saw Wan Dong, who was determined, like a sharp arrow off the string, and even a man with a sword slammed into him.

Young man, Que Wudao has seen countless times, but he is the young man who is as young as Wan Dong, but can bring him a fatal threat. Of course, there are reasons for Que Dao's serious injury, but this has already made Que Dao's heart shake.

In the face of Wan Dong's long-established momentum, interlocking, it seemed like a drifting rain, and the needle could not be inserted into the offensive. For a time, there was no way to turn it off, and it could only retreat backward.

"Tong'er, hurry up!" While Que Wudao was forced to retreat, Wan Dong hurriedly made a scream, and at the same time, the person swept straight and landed on the landing.

At the same time, Mu Tong, who was already preparing, was like a rabbit that suddenly jumped from the grass. He stepped over to Lu Youlong in one or two steps. I do n’t know where it came from. He dragged Lu Youlong from the ground and greeted Wandong with him.

As soon as the three met, Wan Dong and Mu Tong landed on the left side of the dragon, and rushed towards Fengshan.

"Feifei! Feifei!" Lu Youlong was reluctant to give up Xiao Feifei and escaped herself, but he didn't want to drag Wandong and Mutong, so he shouted loudly while trying to keep up with Wandong Mutong's footsteps.

"Aunt, don't get entangled with that mess any more, go away!"

Of course, Wan Dong did not want to see Xiao Feifei something wrong, more anxious than Lu Youlong's cry.

Xiao Feifei, who was in despair, had never expected that Wan Dong and Mu Tong had such a courage. They miraculously rescued Lu Youlong from Que Wudao at the last moment. Slightly stupefied. After hearing the shouts of Lu Youlong and Wan Dong, he woke up.

Fortunately, Jin Feiyu's feelings are even stronger than her at this time, and she can't respond to them for a while. Otherwise, she will suffer from Jin Feiyu's venom.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Xiao Feifei broke out completely. One move ‘Golden Cicada wins the heart’, offering the sky-like strength of the golden awn, overwhelming Jin Feiyu.

Jin Feiyu uttered a deep drink in his mouth, his palms crazed like crazy, and he shot them one after another. Each awn is like an eagle falcon fluttering a bird, knocking down the awn of gold.

While taking advantage of Jin Feiyu's full response to Jinmang, Xiao Feifei turned to Wandong without looking back.

This first-line vitality that fell from the sky certainly surprised Xiao Feifei, but it also made her ecstatic! Knowing that this line of life is hard-won and extremely precious, Xiao Feifei did n’t want to miss his death, and his cultivation practice actually played out 12%, and the speed was almost to the extreme. It looked like a snowy mountain fox, blinking in the blink of an eye. It is already ten feet away.

By the time Jin Feiyu had dealt with the golden sky, Xiao Feifei had already merged with Wandong and Mutong, and took one of Lu Youlong's arms from Mutong's hand, and looted it towards Fengshen War faster. .

"Why not?"

At this point, if you let Lu Youlong and others escape, then Jin Feiyu's face was lost. Suddenly shouted, Jin Feiyu stood up, no longer caring about his injuries, and his speed was scary.

At the same time, Que Wudao also awakened Shener and joined the pursuit.

The feelings of the two powerful powerhouses in the pinnacle of the realm of sacred peaks have been madly chased after them. This feeling is enough to make people soulful. If it is not personal experience, I am afraid that it will be difficult to realize.

Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu have fully exerted the speed that a Shinto peak realm should have. A single fast word is not enough to describe. With only a few breathing efforts, they were less than 20 feet away from the four people of Wandong, but at this time the four people of Wandong were far from Fengshan Formation, less to say fifty feet away.

Fifty feet, it's actually not very far, but at this time in the eyes of the four people in Wandong, it is like a chasm that cannot be crossed.

"Is this the end?" Wan Dong felt sad and raised helplessness. But immediately this helplessness was left behind by Wan Dong.

Never give up like this, even if four people can live one!

"Just because you want to escape from our palm, it's a dream!"

Behind Jin Feiyu shouted, Wan Dong turned his head and saw that the two of them were approaching some more, and he could clearly see the fierceness in Jin Feiyu's face and the fierce light in his eyes.

Wan Dong's heart was abruptly firm, so he had to stay in shape and use his life to get more time for Lu Youlong to escape. However, at this moment, Mu Tong's palm suddenly turned into a blue light, and at the same time, a broad and pure, breath-like breath, like a volcanic eruption, came out thinly.

"This is ..." Wan Dong's heart shook suddenly, his face full of incredible. With Mu Tong's cultivation behavior, it is absolutely impossible to release such power.

"You two villains, I will let you chase!"

Mu Tong's small mouth flicked, and he cursed lowly. Then he dropped his right hand, and a jade-sized jade pendant was thrown away by her. This jade pendant burst into the air, and burst into the air. The terrible power originally contained in it was suddenly released. Numerous paths were filled with the green awn of destruction. When the air danced wildly, there were more and more thrilling roars, one after another. In a blink of an eye, dozens of square feet were rendered by this vigour like a purgatory on earth.

Although Wandong didn't know what that jade wear was, he felt it. The power released in this jade wear is absolutely worth the full blow of the power of the Shinto Peak Realm. I am afraid it is still more than that.

When Qingmang appeared, Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu were obviously frightened, fixed their bodies together, and then retreated backward while condensing their qi, and their palms were broken and beat, and no matter what. The rules are out of order, but they are almost instinct, and all of my brains release their qi to fight against the green man.

"This is a 'protective method'?" Wan Dong did not recognize the jade wear, but Lu Youlong did. However, in the expression, he was full of surprise. Obviously something like a body protector Fabry is never too common.

Mu Tong nodded with a smile and said, "My father gave it to me when I was very young, but I never had a chance."

Lu Youlong yelled and praised, "It is indeed a family of Yipin, really it is very wide!"

"Brother Dragon, this is not the time to say this. Although the power of body protection Fabry is strong, it may not be able to help the second thief, let's hurry up and escape!" Xiao Feifei's pretty face is full of dignity and no relaxation. .

"Escape?" Lu Youlong's face could not help but a wry smile appeared.

Que Wudao, Jin Feiyu, and Xu Fusheng have been able to pass through the Fengshan Formation quietly, which means that they have completely broken through the Fengshan Formation, and the Fengshan Formation is no longer a barrier. Even if they fled into Fengshan Formation, what can they do?

It's just that Lu Youlong can't even think about it now. While Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu are blocked by the body protector Fa Wan, Wan Dong and Xiao Feifei almost forcibly drove him into the Fengshan formation.

Lu Youlong did not pity his life, but he never wanted Wan Dong, Mu Tong, especially Xiao Feifei, who also took his life here. If you want to find a way to help the three of them get out, but the brain is blank, so the heart is infinitely troubled. However, at this moment, there was an unobtrusive flow of vitality around him, which shocked his mind.

The Fengshan Formation was laid by him, and he was naturally very familiar. However, this hint of breathing machine revealed a strangeness in familiarity, which was very different from before.

And when Lu Youlong began to pay attention, he found that among the gas machines that circulated around him, there were not a few who made him familiar and strange like this.

"What's going on?" Lu Youlong was taken aback and shouted involuntarily. It was as if I had come to an unfamiliar place, and my eyes kept turning, eager to recognize my environment.

The mountain is still that mountain, the scenery has not changed, but the situation has undoubtedly changed!

"Let me go, let me leave this **** place! Little mongrel, little animal ... Little grandpa, where are you, where?"

When Lu Youlong was surprised, Xu Fusheng's roar came suddenly. At first it was extremely fierce. It seemed that even the bones of the enemy were crunching, but later, it turned into a bitter pleading, and upon hearing it was on the verge of collapse.

"Xu Fusheng !?"

Lu Youlong was so familiar with this voice, and he recognized it all at once. He turned to Wandong with a look of shock and confusion in his expression.

Wan Dong was about to explain, but unexpectedly Lu Youlong stepped forward in the direction of the shout, but forgot his own injuries, his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

In the end, Lu Youlong is a person who attaches great importance to feelings and righteousness. Even if he was betrayed by Xu Fusheng, he still remembers his unworthy teacher. Wan Dong also rejoiced that he did not arbitrarily set Xu Fusheng to death. If not, even if Lu You didn't say anything on Longzui's lips, she would certainly regret it.

"Senior Lu, don't worry, we will help you over!" Wan Dong worried about Lu Youlong's excitement and said quickly.

"Quick ... fast!" Lu Youlong didn't know what happened to Xu Fusheng, but just thought his shouts were miserable and hurriedly anxious. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16192537->

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