Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1208: Hu Xueqing, who is in love with herself!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"It's you ... Is it really you?" Hu Xueqing was awake for a long time before Hu Xueqing woke up and asked her in a trembling voice.

Wan Dong laughed loudly and turned his head slowly. Although the big cloak blocked Wan Dong's face by two thirds, the remaining third was enough for Hu Xueqing to recognize him. For a time, Hu Xueqing's heart seemed to be hit hard by someone, and he jumped violently at an unprecedented speed. The brain is more like she is not under her control, she will turn. From the first encounter with Wan Dong, everything they experienced together was formed into a picture, flashing in front of her.

For Hu Xueqing, all these pictures are full of warmth and thoughts. Only a few pictures have made Hu Xueqing tearful.

"Why, you just don't want to see me?" Wan Dongchong Hu Xueqing smiled.

Ever since he met Wandong, what impressed Hu Xueqing most is not Wandong's handsome and handsome, nor his cultivation behavior that is not commensurate with his age, but Wandong's smile.

This smile seems to be carved into Wan Dong's face, and it seems that it will never disappear. Although it is not brilliant, it always gives people a quiet, warm and practical feeling. No matter what kind of desperation you are in, what kind of danger you face, as long as you see this smile, even if you are afraid of panic, you will immediately settle down. Just like a small boat that was bumping forward in the stormy waves, it suddenly drove into the calm and breeze of the harbour. The kind of magic that made Hu Xueqing fascinated.

"Ah? No ... no, I ..." Hu Xueqing suddenly woke up to Shen'er and hurriedly waved her hands. The anxious look seemed to cry.

"Okay! Just kidding, don't be so nervous."

After all, Wandong's fingers flicked across Hu Xuehong's body like a wind, and in the blink of an eye, he fully clicked on Hu Xuehong's hundreds of key points.

Accompanied by a low voice, Hu Xuehong's body suddenly flicked out, and a black bruise spouted out, his pale complexion turned slowly to ruddy, and his eyes slowly opened.

"This ... is this Yincao Mansion?" Hu Xuehong stared blankly at the front, whispering like a dream.

Upon hearing this, Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and said, "Yin Cao Di Fu does not have such a good view! Xue Qing!"

Wan Dong said with a bang, he reached out and sent Hu Xuehong to Hu Xueqing's side. Hu Xueqing grabbed Hu Xuehong in one hand, and saw his spirit improved a lot. His tight heart string relaxed immediately, and wept with joy, "Brother, are you okay?"

"Xue Qing, is it ... I'm not dead yet, or even you ..." Hu Xuehong saw her sister, and she was both happy and worried.

Listening to his question, Hu Xueqing couldn't help but snorted and laughed, "Brother, you're fine, I'm fine, everyone's fine, our savior is here!"

"Savior?" Hu Xuehong was slightly stunned.

Hu Xueqing stretched out his fingers and directed Hu Xuehong's eyes to Wan Dong. There was a bit of sweet secret thoughts in my heart. Perhaps Wan Dong was really the patron saint arranged by God. Otherwise, why would Wan Dong appear beside her every time at the juncture of the crisis, help her turn the dangers into danger? What?

Wan Dong didn't notice the conversation between Hu and his brothers and sisters at this time, but took a calm step and walked towards Rongqi. As for the Pingjia master who was standing between him and Rongqi, he was directly ignored by him. The glorious pride of the world made it difficult for Rongqi to link Wan Dong to a young man with a long hair and a long hair.

Hu Xuehong was even more dumbfounded. He just felt that the young man in front of him was even stronger than Xiao Lang and Luo Xiao. Can't help but think about it, when did such a great young man appear in the major families of Daomen World? It's a pity that Hu Xuehong couldn't think of it even after she racked her last brain.

"You are not Fu Ling, who the **** are you?" Tian Chong stood up with his teeth gritted, his face resentful until the indescribable point of words. Of course, he never believed that Wan Dong could easily knock him down, only thinking that Wan Dong disguised himself as a sling and attacked him despicably. After such a big loss, if Tian Chong does not come back, then he is not Tian Chong.

However, what made Tian Chong even more annoying was that even though he was jealous and jealous, he seemed to eat people, but Wan Dong did n’t even listen to him as if he had n’t heard it, .

This ignorance of nakedness is like a face-slap, and it makes Tian Chong feel that he is a bad dog barking at the sky, and he feels humiliated.

"Bastard, I ..."

Tian Chong couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but shot, Qiqi raised his eyebrows, and uttered a low voice "and slow!"

Drink it, Hu Qiqing's figure moved slightly, Hu Xueqing hasn't even seen it clearly, Ju Qiqi's figure has gone from dozens of feet away to less than a foot in front of Wan Dong.

With such a brilliant body, the heart of Hu Xueqing, who looked straight, sank suddenly. Hu Xuehong gritted his teeth and said, "The blood skeleton really deserves our family. In order to destroy us, even the strongest of the Shinto realm was sent out."

"Powerful of Shinto Realm ?!" Hu Xueqing entered the Daomen not one day or two. Naturally, he knew what the three words of Shinto Realm meant, and he shivered involuntarily. .

"Xue Qing, did you see that that little brother is really amazing! In the face of the powerful person in the magical realm of Rongqi, he didn't even blink his eyebrows."

Hu Xuehong said another sentence, making Hu Xueqing's heart seem to be injected with a cardiac needle, and suddenly he was excited, and looked up anxiously, as expected, Wan Dongfei didn't even frown, even his mark Sexual smiles are still there.

"Young man, report your identity."

Although Rongqi is a bit surprised by Wandong's performances, he hasn't been ashamed. In his eyes, Wandong has always been a young man he can destroy, so the voice is very Easy, even slow.

"Anonymous, don't report! But I can listen to your identity."

Wan Dong's calmness no doubt surprised Rongqi more and more. Every killer of Blood Skeleton, especially the high-level sword-like killers like Rongqi, kills countless people. Naturally, he carries a daunting blood. In front of him, other young people were afraid that they didn't even say three words, and they were already so soft that they couldn't stand anymore. Like Wan Dong, it was rare.

"Blood Skull Golden Sword Killer Rising Qi!" Rising Qi nodded and replied.

Wan Dong yelled, and then asked, "Should you be the person in charge here?"

"Exactly, how?"

"That's good, I don't need to find anyone anymore. He Fei, the owner of the He family, should be alive now. Can you give him to me?"

"Hehe ... You're right, He Feilai is still alive, but I'm curious, why should I hand him over to you?" Rongqi asked more and more sneerly.

Wan Dong also laughed and said, "I know that your blood skeleton killers are all greedy for money, and they will never lose money, otherwise, they will not be a killer. Work. "

"Humph!" Rongqi's face couldn't hold a bit, and straightened up.

Wan Dong didn't take it seriously, and then smiled, "You can rest assured, I won't let you lose, how about I use his life to exchange your life with Fei Fei?" So, Wan Dong pointed Tian Chong with his finger .

Tian Chong was suffocating, and then Wan Dong was almost like a blowfish that bulged to the extreme, exploding on the spot. Intolerably growled: "Little bastard, are you a grandpa who is a dead man? Mr. Rise, please allow me to break this small **** into pieces!"

Rongqi smiled and rushed to Wandongdao "You heard it, he seems to be less willing to cooperate with you."

"In this case, it would be useless for him to live!" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes and waited for the words to fall to the ground. Huo Ran split his palm with a white spirit, and immediately whistled through the palm of Wan Dong, shouting towards Tian Rushed away.

"Young man, you are too unpretentious!"

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong was in his own face, he had no scruples, he shot when he shot, and Rou Qi's face was overcast, followed by a palm. In the end, it is the strongest of Shinto Realm. This palm shot is like dropping a nuclear bomb in the sea. It immediately set off a monstrous wave, and the layers of energy were rolled towards the Wandong Festival.

Seeing Wandong's palm power is about to be annihilated by Rongqi's palm power, Rongqi's face even showed a disdainful smile, Wandong's palm suddenly turned over, and the white cloud of energy was actually Suddenly burst, and turned into inexhaustible lines, after penetrating the layers of palm strength of Rongqi, they gathered together again and continued to shoot towards Tian Chong.

Such an exquisite palm method, even if it was Rongqi, was only seen in his life, and he was shocked. When he woke up to the god, the white cloud of energy was only one arm away from Tian Chong. Away.

Seeing that he couldn't stop Wan Dong's offensive, Rongqi's face was indeed a bit sullen, so gloomy, but Rongqi didn't believe it. With Wandong's airy palm, Tian Chong could do nothing. And Tian Chong was already very well prepared at this time. His whole body was mobilized to the limit, waiting for Wan Dong's palm to strike, then he fought back. Not only did he want to smash Wan Dong's offensive against him completely, but he also took advantage of the situation to counterattack Wan Dong, and only then could he restore his lost face.

However, Qiqi never believed what would happen, but it happened. The mass of vitality sacrificed by Wan Dong seemed to Rongqi to be like a small fish swimming in the big net. Just when he wanted to remind Tian Chong to "close the net", the small fish suddenly It has changed. The original white misty atmosphere suddenly turned into the color of red gold, and at the same time, a sword that shocked the rise of the horror, like a Jedi counterattack, suddenly burst out, and it was extremely domineering ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16458495->

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