Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1214: Encountered blood boy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Until the brothers and sisters of the Ling family left, Mu Tiannan gave a soft grunt and said to Ling Fei: "I think the formation in this valley is not ordinary. After entering the valley, you must be Stay close to me and do n’t move around! "

Mu Tiannan's expression was extremely dignified. Where did Ling Feiqiu dare to say nothing? He nodded in a hurry to bear it, and carefully instructed other Ling masters. ?? Mu Tiannan took a long breath, and his body suddenly started, plunging into Tiansha Valley like a dragon.

"Brother, Mu Tiannan is clearly relying on the old to sell old bully people!" Walking out of the distance, Ling Wushuang still feels annoyed, suddenly throwing away Ling Tianhua's hand, said bitterly.

Ling Tianhua really convinced her baby sister, dare to say such words. If you accidentally leaked it out, because of the sternness of Mu Tiannan, I was afraid that even the Ling family could not protect her,

"Don't talk nonsense! In any case, Taishang Elder is here to save our father!" Ling Tianhua said with a frown.

Ling Wushuang vented her dissatisfaction, but she didn't really think of Mu Tiannan. The obedient did not continue to scold.

"Brother, don't we just go back and wait like this?" Ling Wushuang's eyebrows were tight, and he asked with a sad face.

Ling Tianhua couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said, "What can I do if I don't go back? You don't know the temper of Taishang Elder. If he was irritated and he walked away, wouldn't we harm my father? It ’s not unreasonable for the elder Taishang to say. In the valley of this day, strange arrays are scattered and strong enemies are like clouds. Let ’s go in. I ’m afraid it wo n’t help, but it will add chaos! ”

"But ..." Ling Wushuang still refused to persuade, just about to argue again, Ling Cheng took over the words.

"Miss, the son is right! Let's go back and wait with peace of mind. The elders of the Mu family are all out of the horse, and I think there will be no loss!"

Seeing everyone saying this, Ling Wushuang was no longer willing, and had nothing to say, so he sighed and gave up.

"Hey ... Since it's here, I don't want to leave!"

This is often the case in the world. I don't want to retreat when I haven't figured it out, but I can't go back when I have figured it out. With a burst of overcast laughter, two figures flashed.

"Be careful!" Seeing the two of them, Ling Gang and Ling Cheng's faces changed at the same time, and they stepped forward one step at a time, blocking Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang behind. His body was tight, his eyes were staring, and he looked like an enemy.

They couldn't help being so nervous. One of the two people who appeared suddenly was actually a strong player in the middle of the Shinto realm. The cultivation level was higher than them. The other is not very young, but it has already revealed the breath of the peak of the heaven. If it is a simple discussion, although Ling Gang and Ling Cheng are not ashamed of this young man, the identity of this young man makes Ling Gang Ling Cheng , Not dare to underestimate.

The young master of the blood skeleton-the blood boy Wei Shaoqing, who dares to underestimate? Over time, this must be a name that makes the entire Daomen tremble. Of course, the premise is not to fall halfway.

Blood boy, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang have not seen. Although the blood skeleton is not a family-style force, no one in the Daomen doubts that they absolutely have the strength to challenge any Yipin family! In fact, the blood skull is under the mystery, but it is more deterrent than the three big first-class families. In other words, the Ling family and the blood skeleton are not on the same level. It is normal that the brothers and sisters of the Ling family have no intersection with the blood boy.

However, Ling Gang and Ling Cheng lived a handful of years, but their knowledge is still there. The blood boy's iconic blood coat is enough to arouse the vigilance of the two, plus the strong man next to the blood boy, the blood boy's identity is almost ready!

"I didn't expect that I would encounter a blood boy here!" Ling Gang said lightly, without too much emotion in his voice. Not under extreme circumstances, even the Yipin family is not willing to easily offend the blood skeleton.

At this time, Ling Gang only hopes that the blood boy is just passing by, and does not want to have conflict between the two sides.

Wei Shaoqing smiled and pointed at Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang, saying, "Ling Tianhou is your father?"

"How do you know?" Ling Tianhua Jianmei raised her eyes, Shen Sheng asked.

Wei Shaoqing immediately gave a burst of wanton laughter, and said, "Within hundreds of miles, I am under the control of my blood skeleton. Even if a fly flies in, I am clear!"

"Under the control of the blood skeleton ... Hey! Is it that your blood skeleton trapped my father in Tiansha Valley ?!" Ling Tianhua's reaction was not slow and he immediately became alert,

Ling Gang and Ling Cheng also changed their faces suddenly, and turned their eyes to the blood boy. Ling Tianhou was trapped in Tiansha Valley. The Ling family had rescued a few waves before. The buns seemed to come and go. The Ling family realized that the opponent was not simple. Tiannan. Regarding the identity of the opponent, the Ling family certainly doubted the blood skeleton, but it was impossible to think about it.

Although blood skulls are frightening, they seem to be very law-abiding, with money in one hand and murder in the other, and their credibility is really good. As the employer of the blood skeleton, Ling Tianhou did not have any evil relationship with the blood skeleton. It is really impossible to think of the reason why the blood skeleton murdered Ling Tianhou.

The smile on Wei Shaoqing's face was a little more evil, and he sneered: "Anyone can have such a big hand besides my blood skeleton?"

"But why!" Wei Shaoqing's confession, even Ling Gang and Ling Chengdu were shocked and shouted out in silence.

"Why? Naturally to destroy your Ling family!" Wei Shaoqing narrowed his eyes, and his murderous eruption broke out, so that Ling Gang and Ling Cheng couldn't help but feel cold.

"Young Master, where do you need to talk nonsense with them? Holding these two children of Ling Tianhou is equal to two more trump cards, I am not afraid that the Ling family will not bow their heads!"

"What's the point! Do blood skeletons do this, are they not afraid of being bitten? Even if blood skeletons don't care about my Ling family, don't they worry about Mu family?" Ling Tianhua roared in anger.

"Hey ... Since my blood skeleton dares to do the first day of the first year, I am not afraid of the retribution of the fifteenth! Besides, as long as the means are neat and do not leave the handle, what can the Mu family do to me?"

"Son, you and the young lady go away, we stop these two people, we must conspiracy the blood skeleton!"

Ling Gang was very decisive. With a loud bang, Fei body grabbed Wei Shaoqing. He had a clear plan in his mind. In the face of the middle-level clothing powerhouse of Shinto Realm, he and Ling Cheng joined hands, and the odds of winning were all very small. At present, the only chance is to seize the opportunity, grab Wei Shaoqing, and maybe still earn a ray of life.

"Looking to death!" Seeing Ling Gang pounced on Wei Shaoqing, how could the strong man ignore it? There was a loud roar in the mouth, and the right foot slammed on the ground, so that the earth was trembling. At the same time, an extremely terrible, as if the jade pillar collapsed, the terrible power of the sky and the earth hanging up, spread instantly, not to mention Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang, even Ling Gang and Ling Cheng, can't help but mind Trembling.

This is the power of the mid-level powers of Shinto Realm. Although the cultivation level is higher than that of the Shinto Realm, the power that can be exploded is completely different. It is like heaven!

"Brother, I will help you!"

Ling Cheng gritted his steel teeth, waved his palms, and breathed out, as if dancing the heavenly damask, the wind and the clouds moved, rumbling and pouring towards the strong man in clothing.

"Carving insect skills, just now!"

In the face of Ling Cheng's offensive, the strong man with his eyes flared, Huo Ran burst into a violent majestic energy, like a violent wind that rolled the wave, and suddenly the energy released by Ling Cheng was blown away .

Ling Cheng was shocked, but he refused to give up. His body hurried forward, and the second offensive was brewing again. Although Ling Gang's cultivation base is above Wei Shaoqing, Wei Shaoqing is not dead after all. Ling Gang needs time to hold him.

"Hey ... Eat me a palm!"

However, just as Ling Cheng was brewing to sacrifice the second wave of offensive, a strong sneer came from his ear. Ling Cheng's heart sank down, and felt bad. A devil's claw-like palm appeared abruptly a foot away on his chest.

"Why !?" Ling Cheng could not help but shuddered, his face full of horror. The means of the strong in middle ranks in the Shinto realm really was not what he could imagine.

One realm and one heaven! This gap may not be obvious when it is weak, but the more it will become more obvious in the future!

In a panic, Ling Cheng had no other choice but to gather hurriedly and wave his palms to welcome him. Retreat? At this time, there is no refund!


It was like detonating a dynamite bag. Two powerful forces burst out almost simultaneously. Ling Cheng's arms came with a burst of pain almost like a crack, and immediately followed by a force of wild beasts, through his arms, straight into his chest, not as badly as a man. There was a hammer in his chest, Ling Cheng made a cry in his mouth, and the whole person flew back straight with blood.

"It's too weak! It's a shock!"

The strong man gave a sneer full of sarcasm, not chasing after, a figure, like a ghost, drifted towards Ling Gang.

Ling Gang thought that it was not difficult to hold Wei Shaoqing, but the fact surprised him. Wei Shaoqing's palm power was so faint that he surpassed the peak of Tiange and followed the first stage of Shinto Realm, which was not much weaker than him.

Where Ling Gang will know, Wei Shaoqing's original behavior is not bad, and the defeat of Wan Dong in the Lin family gave him great stimulation. With a lot of anger and enthusiasm, coupled with the magical means of the blood skeleton, he simply made his cultivation practice, which has achieved a great improvement in a short period of time, and can impact the Shinto realm at any time.

In the face of Ling Gang ’s trouble, Wei Shaoqing ’s response was also very smart. He would never bump into Ling Gang, change his feet, shake his body, and use a strange way to avoid Linggang ’s tsunami-like offensive. Very stable!

Seeing Ling Gangji's eyes red, Wei Shaoqing's face smiled and blossomed.

"Go back to the old man!" At this moment, the strong man came quickly, the tyrant's energy swept away, and Ling Gang was forced to retreat from the three feet ... -by : dad856 | 55634 | 16642835->

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