Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1218: The savior comes!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Brother, you killed me, killed me!" Ping Yijian's obscene laughter fell into Ling Wushuang's ear, which was a thousand times more terrifying than the devil's voice. , shuhАhА. Ling Wushuang couldn't bear it, and cried straight into Ling Tianhua.

Ling Wushuang's cry, no less than a stabbing fiercely on Ling Tianhua's body, that kind of pain, Ling Tianhua could hardly bear.

Seeing that Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang were in desperation, Ling Gang's heart was filled with unspeakable hatred. Before hating, I believed in Ping Marriott and dispelled the **** thunder. Otherwise, even if he was fighting to die without a dead body, he would have to marry the small group of animals and animals in front of him!

"In this way, is Ping Gongzi not planning to use this old thief to please the beauty?" Wei Shaoqing was somewhat disappointed about Ping Yijian's choice and asked with a curse.

Ping Yijian waved his hand and said, "This old guy doesn't look good to me. I want to do it. Wei Gongzi is free!"

Thinking of the morals of the Ling family masters gathered in the Lingling Stone, but also to share with Ping Yijian, Wei Shaoqing couldn't help but feel angry. I wanted to torture Ling Gang a little bit and put him to death. At this time, I was not interested.

His face was sharp, and when he was about to send Ling Gang to the road, a cold, chilly drink suddenly rang out.


Upon hearing this cold drink, Ling Tianhua, who was in agony, felt refreshed, just like the same sun, pierced through the dark clouds, shining on his body, so that his cold body and mind suddenly gained a trace of warmth.

At the same time, Ling Wushuang also raised her head from Ling Tianhua's arms, whispering almost to dream, "Brother, how did I hear Yao Ting's voice, is it an illusion?"

"No! Not an illusion! He really came !!"

Ling Tianhua's voice was more exciting than one sentence. Later, Ling Wushuang clearly felt that Ling Tianhua's body was shaking like an electric shock.

"What !?" At the same time, Ling Wushuang was also trembling, and could not wait to turn her head around. As expected, the familiar one made her feel warm, down-to-earth, and safe, as if flying in the wind.

It's that real, so chic!

Ling Wushuang rubbed and rubbed her eyes excitedly, until her eyes were a little painful. This was finally determined. At this most critical juncture, Wandong really came! For a time, Ling Wushuang's original dark heart suddenly lit up. With the appearance of Wandong, it seems that all the darkness has been eliminated.

This sounds a bit magical, but isn't Wandong such a magical person, as if he has some kind of magic?

"He ... he's really alive!" At the same time, Ling Gang also noticed the appearance of Wan Dong, unable to say anything on his mouth, but he kept crying out in his heart.

Ling Gang was not afraid of death, but he did not want to see the death of his brothers and sisters. At this time, when he saw Wan Dong's figure, Ling Gang's heart suddenly settled down, and a blood arrow spit out in his mouth, and he died. A smile on the corner of his mouth solidified.

Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang, all their attention is on Wan Dong, so they did not notice that Ling Gang has passed away, but Wan Dong has noticed. Suddenly, the volley flew to Ling Gang.

"It's you !?" Wei Shaoqing also recognized Wan Dong, involuntarily showing a shock on his face. As Wan Dong's defeat, he may no longer be able to remain calm with Wan Dong.

Especially at this time, Wan Dong flew like a falcon, and his face was frosty, which made Wei Shaoqing feel terrified. Without having to say hello to Wan Dong, he could not help but aside.

Although Wan Dong and Ling Gang haven't had a deep friendship, they have also fought side by side. They even admire his loyalty to the liver. Seeing that his life is dying, he originally intended to provide treatment. Only when he came to the front, he discovered that Ling Gang's breath is true It has been cut off, even if it is him, it is also monetary. However, the smile on Ling Gang's face was sufficient for Wan Dong to read his final entrustment. He completely delivered the lives of Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang in his hands.

At the last moment of life, what he had in mind was his duty. It seemed that his own life was an understatement. It was insignificant. The Ling family had slaves like this. It was indeed the blessing of the Ling family.

"Just elder!" Ling Tianhua brothers and sisters also noticed Ling Gang's death at this time, sorrow in their hearts, Qi Qi issued a cry, subconsciously want to look at the past, but Wei Shaoqing and Ping Yijian's direction I took a step forward and just blocked the path of the two siblings. The strong man in purple clothes and Ping Marriott are also loose and tight inside, and a posture that they must fight at any time.

With such strong enemies, Ling Tianhua's brothers and sisters are like a pair of little white rabbits who fell into the mouth of the wolves.

Seeing this, Wan Dong frowned, and a thunder burst out in his mouth. "Get out of here!"

To the blood skeleton, Wan Dong hated the bones, and even to the family, Wan Dong disdain. At this time, Ling Gangling became the two elders and died in their hands again. The old hatred and the new hatred, Wan Dong did not use the thunder means on the spot, it was already an amazing cultivation.

"You ..." Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Wan Dong is still so overbearing. Wei Shaoqing is shocked and angry. When he is about to attack, he suddenly feels a cold, like the cold air from the Nine Nine, rushing in the face It made him tremble with excitement. Wei Shaoqing found out that Wan Dong's face was not just wrong, and the momentum that erupted was even more amazing. It was comparable to His Royal Highness's Soul Emissary, which made him feel the coldness in his heart. When it came to his mouth, he couldn't spit it out anymore, and swallowed it back involuntarily.

Not to mention Wei Shaoqing, even the strong man in purple clothes and Ping Wanjun looked at each other in shock, and there was something incredible shocking in their eyes.

With a sigh of shock, the four of Wei Shaoqing were deterred, and Wan Dong's nose made a cold hum, saying to Ling Tianhua's brothers and sisters, "Come and send the two elders for the last journey."

Upon hearing this, Ling Tianhua's brother and sister no longer hesitated, raised their figure, and swooped in. Wei Shaoqing stood there with a sword of peace, as if he had been acupunctured, and didn't dare to move. Looking at the entire world of Daomen, Tiange's initial realm, but can have such a powerful, I am afraid that in addition to Wan Dong, no one can find a second person.

Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang did not care to sigh, but came to Ling Gangling's bodies of two elders. Ling Wushuang had been crying into tears before he even said a word. Ling Tianhua's character has always been strong, a typical man who bleeds but does not shed tears, but also lost control of the lacrimal glands at this time, and the tears were like rain.

Ling Gang and Ling Cheng came to Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang when they were very young, and they got along day by day. For decades, they were not only the bodyguards of the brothers and sisters, but also the masters of the two brothers and sisters. , Elders and friends, when it comes to their feelings with these two elders, I am afraid they are not much shallower than their father Ling Tianhou. How can these two siblings not be sad?

"Brother Xie, who is this kid?"

Just when the Ling family sisters were sad for Ling Gang Ling Cheng's death, Ping Marriott had been looking at Wandong curiously. After looking around, Ping Marriott was shocked. The more you look at it, the more you can feel Wan Dong's extraordinary. I made a comparison in my heart, and suddenly found that compared with the first-line disciples of the second-class family like Ping Yijian, the two are not at the same level. Compared with others, they are obviously shorter. What kind of forces can actually cultivate young people like Wan Dong? Youbuping Marriott is not curious.

The strong man in purple clothes with the surname Xie frowned, saying, "The origin of this kid is indeed surprising, as if it fell from the sky. I only know that he is now the elder of the Lin family."

"The elders of the Lin family !? Impossible. My Ping family knows several other second-rate families very well. The Lin family never has such a young elder!" Ping Marriott said, shaking his head like a rattle.

The strong man in purple clothes smiled bitterly and said, "So I said that this kid's origins are strange. He should have been recently taken in by Lin Yingyang."

Ping Marriott listened to this, and his heart moved suddenly, whispering, "If he is newly joined the Lin family, then his relationship with the Lin family may not be deep, if he can be recruited ..."

Hearing the whisper of Ping Wanhao, the strong purple clothes were somewhat disapproving. Although he has only met with Wandong twice, he has already felt that Wandong is not so easy to solicit, and Ping Marriott is somewhat whimsical. But the strong man in purple clothes did not intend to stop Ping Marriott, anyway, let him try without harm. If it is successful, it is a blessing for the family, if it fails, then today will say anything to kill Wan Dong, otherwise, Wan Dong will become a big trouble in the future!

"I don't know if this little brother has a high surname?" Ping Marriott raised his heart, and his tone softened, and even a three-pointed smile appeared on his face.

Wan Dong's mouth twitched slightly, and pointed at Ping Ping, saying, "He should recognize me."

"I? I ... Where do I recognize you?" Ping Yijian looked puzzled.

Wan Dong shook his head and smiled lightly, "So, that's how I look at you."

"Fuck! What do you mean?" Wan Dong's words were full of sarcasm and contempt, which made Ping Yijian furious and shouted loudly.

The sneer on Wan Dong's face continued, but on the contrary, it became more and more intense, and said faintly, "I have snatched the candle candle from your hand. At that time, you still said that you would shatter my body, but I will stand now In front of you, you do n’t recognize me, huh ... Is n’t it how I look at you? "

"What !? You took away the candle shade !?"

Upon hearing Wan Dong's words, Ping Yijian was like a firecracker ignited, and then exploded. Ping Marriott's brow was suddenly lowered, his eyes flashing the aisle of Dawson. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16754645->

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