Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1238: Blood Hell Forbidden!

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"Hehe ... Listening to this movement, it seems to be almost the same. 77nt.Com Thousands of novels are broken away, and we will meet the old thief to see if he can get upset!" Mu Tiannan With a sneer, as a glimpse of the light, flash away!

Wan Dong turned his head and looked at the three fathers and sons of Ling Tianhou. All three had no intention of ending, and he couldn't help but hesitate. Although the entry of the three of them was very smooth, they were not afraid of 10,000 in the end. Ling Feiqiu seemed to see Wan Dong ’s thoughts and smiled, “There ’s no need to worry about them. With my Ling family masters, they can be guaranteed. The key is Shen Lian and Lu Xiong. Now! "

Wan Dong nodded, Ling Feiqiu made a careful and careful arrangement for a master Ling family master, and then the two hurriedly chased Tiannan away.

After Wandong rearranged and changed the Eight Desolation Soul Array, its power has increased several times than before, even if it is strong, it can't resist. An hour at a time, in the eyes of others, may be a flash, but for Shen Lian and Lu Xiong, I am afraid that it will be longer than that in his life. After seeing the two again, even Ling Feiqiu couldn't help but be surprised by the embarrassment of the two.

The powerful person of the Holy Soul Realm, how shining and magnificent should that be? However, Shen Lian in front of him was gray-faced, full of sorrow and exhaustion. At first glance, he looked like an old man who had nothing to rely on and beg on the street. What a majesty, no longer!

Needless to say, Lu Xiong, the whole body can only be described by the word "tragic"!

"Shen Lian, Shen Lian, did you ever think that you will have today?" Mu Tiannan looked at Shen Lian and sneered.

Shen Lian gasped a few times, and his eyes were full of indignation. "Let's talk less, if you think I am your opponent, give me a happy heart!"

Mu Tiannan shook his head, condensed and said, "Shen Lian, you really don't deserve to be my opponent of Mu Tiannan! You are simply a **** for the purpose, any means, and everything you want! Want to be my Your opponent is respected by me. You are still far away, but you can rest assured that I promised you to fight against you fairly, so you do n’t have to say such words to excite me! "

"Mutiannan, you can think clearly. Once you put this seat out, you, and this little bastard, will be dead!" Shen Lian gritted her teeth and roared with a vicious voice.

Mu Tiannan shook his head. It was really so-called that the dog couldn't change the feces. If Shen Lian wouldn't use the heart of a villain to be a gentleman's belly, it would be impossible.

"Yao Ting, how are you, can you trust the old man?" Mu Tiannan was too lazy to be reasonable, but wanted to know Wan Dong's attitude at this time. (This chapter is updated by 92Ks.Com). Shen Lian said it was not bad. Once he was released and Mu Tiannan couldn't control him, it was Shen Lian's hatred for Wan Dong. East Africa was torn to pieces by him alive. Moreover, Mu Tiannan is not sure of Shen Lian's victory! This means that Mu Tiannan wants to fight Shen Lian fairly, but instead wants Wan Dong to bear the greatest risk.

"There is nothing to believe in this, the evil is overwhelming, but it is an ancient common sense! If the old thief with the last name Shen wins, it can only mean that God is blind! If so, then Yaoting will never be young even if he is young. May I stand here under the sky! "Wan Dong shrugged his shoulders and said calmly.

"Hahaha ... Okay! Well said!"

Wan Dong ’s answer was firm without any hesitation. This was already a surprise to Mu Tiannan. At a young age, he could see life and death so indifferently. Although Mu Tiannan had seen countless young talents, he could n’t find it. Come out with a comparable. What Wan Dong said was filled with a kind of majestic pride, which made Mu Tiannan's heart vibrate. In addition to this, the kind of trust in him that Wan Dong has revealed invisible has moved Mu Tiannan deeply. I just feel that when I am old, I can meet such a confidant of Wandong, which is the greatest luck in my life! Can't help laughing loudly now.

Mu Tiannan smiled, but the facial features that Shen Lian hated were twisted. What is right and evil, this Shen Lian doesn't care much, but the problem is that Wan Dong's trust in Mu Tiannan, in turn, is a deep contempt for him, which is what makes Shen Lian most irresistible.

"Small bastard, don't regret it! Once you put this seat out, this seat will definitely smash you corpses!" Shen Lianzhi straightened his mouth full of steel teeth and creaked, listening to scalp tingling!

"Let's go to your spring and autumn dreams! There is an old man, anyone wants to hurt him a sweat!" Shen Lian's words came out, and Mu Tiannan burst into hatred when he stood up, which felt like insulting him. He also made him angry by three points. Those who don't know, seeing this situation, will surely regard Wan Dong as Mu Tiannan's grandson. He would never have thought that the two had only met for a few hours.

Therefore, the depth and shallowness of feelings are related to time, but time is definitely not the decisive factor!

"Yao Ting, let them come out!" Mu Tiannan clenched his fists, adjusted his body's breath to the best, and turned his head to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong didn't hesitate either. Five fingers, a palm shot, a sword light bursting out, a golden light net that shrouded Shen Lian and Lu Xiong's head, immediately decomposed and dissipated. Feeling that the qi in his body was no longer lost, Shen Lian couldn't help but spit out a long turbid breath.

"Shen Lian, come on, our old account, it is time for a complete liquidation today!" Mu Tiannan's eyes were like a sword, and he was approaching Shen Lian, with a fierce fierce fighting intention, like an erupting volcano, spewing out of his eyes Out.

"Slow!" Mu Tiannan's war intentions were high and fierce, but Shen Lian drew some eyes, and drank anxiously.

Mu Tiannan raised his white eyebrows and said impatiently, "What do you want?"

Shen Lian snorted coldly and said, "You said you want to fight me fair, but how do I know that when you lose, will you suddenly start the battle again? You mean you have left a path for yourself, There is no fairness at all! "

"You ..." I didn't expect Shen Lian to be so serious about the gentleman's belly with the villain's heart that he was speechless.

Just when Mu Tiannan didn't know what to say, Wan Dong's palms suddenly emptied, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of palm shadows went straight in all directions and whistled away. Then a series of crackling sounds like a glass burst came densely.

Wan Dong looked up at Shen Lian, his eyes full of sneer sneered, "You are also everyone in the formation, you should know that the crystals that I have broken are the most important formations. You can rest assured now. ? "

Not only Shen Lian, Mu Tiannan is also an expert in formation. He naturally understands what Wandong's actions mean, and can't help but nod.

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong was so decisive, and Shen Lian felt more surprised at the same time, and was even more afraid of Wan Dong. Even more determined to remove Wan Dong, so as not to become a confusing thought!

"Shen Lian, since you have nothing to say, let's fight!"

Shen Lian's brows were tight and his eyes became darker than ever, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind. Mu Tiannan apparently did not have that kind of patience, screamed and took the lead to Shen Lian.

However, the palm strength is not very strong, it should just give Shen Lian a warning and tell him that the battle will begin.

Shen Lian's figure flicked, easily avoiding Mu Tiannan's palm strength, and the palm front followed him up. Just when Mu Tiannan thought that Shen Lian was about to launch a counterattack, he didn't expect that Shen Lian's palm front was not sent out, but he broke into the air and slammed into his own chest.

His move was very strange, and it seemed that Wan Dong and Ling Fei Qiu were one of them. His face was inexplicable. Does Shen Lian know that he is not Mu Tiannan's opponent, and he wants to punish himself?

Wan Dong thought this involuntarily, but Mu Tiannan knew that this was simply nonsense. Others don't understand, but he knows Shen Lian very well. Shen Lian is not the kind of master who is willing to admit it easily. On the contrary, Shen Lian's almost self-defeating act lifted his mind into an infinite crisis.

Just when Mu Tiannan was thinking hard about Shen Lian's purpose, Shen Lian's palm was already on his own chest, and a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth. Seeing this posture, this palm seemed Not so heavy!

It's just that the blood spouting from Shen Lian is very weird. Instead of turning into a blood mist in the air and dissipating with the wind, it condenses into a mass, as if it is free from gravity and does not fall or fall. Just when Wan Dong was suspicious of this scene, the blood group suddenly split up and turned into dozens of blood drops, and then the blood drops scattered and condensed into blood ghosts and fell from the sky. These blood shadows, although unclear in appearance, can be distinguished vaguely, very similar to Shen Lian himself.

"Blood Imprisonment !? Shen Lian, what do you want to do !?" When Wan Dong sighed for the scene in front of him, Mu Tiannan exclaimed in silence, startling Wan Dong.

What makes Mu Tiannan so dreaded is definitely not a normal trick.

Before Wan Dong thought, the dozens of ghost images formed by Shen Lianjing's blood had already surrounded Mu Tiannan.

"What's this? Doppelganger?" Wan Dong turned to look at Ling Feiqiu with a shock on his face. The means of the strong man of the Holy Soul Realm is indeed beyond human expectations.

Although Ling Feiqiu is the pinnacle of Shinto, it sounds only one step away from the Holy Soul Realm. In fact, he is unheard of such supernatural powers, and the shock on his face is no less than Wan Dong.

"Shen Lian, you killed that day, could it be crazy !?"

Mu Tiannan screamed fiercely, slamming his palm fiercely, and the majestic palm strength, straightened into a wave of air visible to the naked eye, rolling violently towards the **** phantom around him. The dozens of **** phantoms, as if they had wisdom, launched their palms in unison, sending out hundreds of **** breaths, and actually ate Mu Tiannan's palms.

Wan Dong subconsciously thought that the reason why these **** phantoms could be so acquainted must have been controlled by Shen Lian, but when he set his sights on Shen Lian, he was taken aback. I saw that although Shen Lian's face was pale and very tired, he didn't have any movements on his hands, just standing there ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17020329->

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