Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1240: Critical moment!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Therefore, in Shen Lian's mind, Wan Dong must die, even at all costs!

In the face of such a strong enemy as Shen Lian, Wan Dong dared not have any reservations. The blood slaughtered thousands of miles, the smoke disappeared, and the true meaning of the sword. Wan Dong compressed these three great moves almost together and released them at the same time. . Such prestige almost surpassed the ultimate level of Shinto Realm, and Ling Feiqiu, who was entangled with Lu Xiong, couldn't help but be surprised. Wan Dong, the young man, seems to have no upper limit, and again and again, beyond his expectations!

Dinglong and Wandong can be said to be dependent on life and death. Wandong is desperately trying to keep his hand? In Daolongyin, a large piece of snow-white flame appeared, like a wave surging, matching Wandong's sword, a brain rolled towards Shen Lian.

Wandong and Dinglong's offensives are combined, and the kind of toughness is beyond everyone's imagination. Ling Feiqiu and Lu Xiong, such as the pinnacles of the Shinto Peak Realm, must be weighed even when they are at their heyday. As for this time, both of them lost a lot of morale, and it was even more difficult to connect.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Xiong couldn't help raising a fluke in his heart. Fortunately, Shen Lian insisted on killing Wan Dong with his own hands. If not, under the offensive like Wan Dong, he had to suffer a big loss.

"Good boy, the old man did not misunderstand you! Just like that, hold on, the old man will break out of the difficulties immediately!"

Wan Dong's eye-catching performance made Mu Tiannan quite surprised, and he was relieved. If you go on like this, Shen Lian's wishful thinking must fail!

"Little bastard, if you don't die, will my blood skeleton have a day of peace?"

Shen Lian made a strange cry in the face of the offensive of Wandong and Dinglong. Not only did he not make a move, but his body shape skyrocketed, his right palm broke through the air and shot continuously, even a palm larger than that hill in the air Shadow.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the powerful saint soul realm is not a bully after all! When two great forces collided into the sky, Wan Dong felt a boring chest when he stood up, and he couldn't help but blurted out. Wan Dong's figure couldn't help but took a few steps back.

Dinglong is even more miserable, with a refining palm. It bears two-thirds of its own. The huge body is pushed back by the huge palm shadow. The body is suddenly shrunk, the colorful dragon on his body. Scales, at least more than ten pieces burst on the spot.

However, Wan Dong and Ding Long bluntly withstood Shen Lian's offensive, and Shen Lian was not so easy. It was already pale. At this time, it showed a bit of greenness. . Even though Shen Lian is not the end of a strong crossbow, it is not much better.

Just now Shen Lian has made ten percent of his cultivation behavior, but he still hasn't been able to kill Wan Dong in one blow. This is quite unexpected from Shen Lian. Although his face did not show up, his heart at this time was as calm as a river.

"Hum ... the surname is Shen, what are you doing? Come again!"

Wan Dong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his fighting spirit was as high as the sun. Without waiting for Shen Lian to start, he took the initiative to attack Shen Lian again. Fearless, move forward bravely, even if it is the strong man who refines this holy soul realm, he still wants to let Wan Dong succumb. Today, Ling Fei Qiu opened his eyes, and he can no longer look at Wan Dong as a junior junior. His heart is full of admiration.

"Little bastard, don't you really succeed?" Shen Lian was hit by fire, Li Xiao screamed, his palms raised at the same time, two equally powerful and overbearing energies, and at the same time sprang out from his palm If two dragons emerge from the cloud, one goes straight to Dinglong, and the other goes straight to Wandong, never let Wandong and Dinglong form a joint attack again.

Shen Lianqi returned to Qi, but his mind was very clear. The reason why Wan Dong can withstand his offensive just now has a great relationship with Wan Dong's cultivation practice, which is absolutely incompatible with his age, but the more reason is that Ding Long shared most of the pressure for him. Shen Lian is so smart to divide and rule.

Sure enough, the two strengths released by Shen Lian collided with Dinglong to form a bull-headed situation, and they could not stand still. The other, collided with Wandong's Jianmang, immediately separated the strength. , Wan Dong's Jianmang was immediately contained, and was swallowed a little bit by the refining energy.

Wan Dong was in a hurry, and quickly gathered all the morals and spirits of Yuanfu, but even so, it didn't help to reverse the decline. Dinglong on the side was very anxious, but the ethics he faced was the same difficult. Just like Mu Tiannan trapped in a blood prison, it takes time to get out!

Finally, Wan Dong was suppressed, and the strong man who refined this Holy Soul Realm was involuntarily relieved. Since he broke through to the Holy Soul Realm, Wan Dong is undoubtedly the youngest and weakest opponent he has encountered, but such a youngest and weakest opponent, but he was so stunned that he made such a nine Niu Erhu's strength, thinking about it, even Shen Lian couldn't help but feel a little weird.

Anyway, Wan Dong is finally over, as if a nightmare has finally come to an end, Shen Lian's heart suddenly relaxed. For a time, he even forgot, there is a bigger threat aside-Mu Tiannan!


With the continuous approach of Shen Lianqi, Wan Dong's pressure is also increasing. Finally unable to bear it, another spit out of blood.

"Ling Feiqiu, you king bastard, don't help Yaoting with help !?" Mu Tiannan saw this situation, his white hair almost stood upright, and his mouth was angry and straight. Thunder.

Ling Feiqiu listened, and his heart was filled with complaints. Of course he knew that Wan Dong had reached the last moment. Why did n’t he want to help Wan Dong? In fact, if Ling Feiqiu shot at Shen Lian at this time, it would definitely be the best in a lifetime. opportunity. Shen Lian is at a critical moment when he is competing with Wan Dong and Ding Long. At this time, let alone Ling Fei Qiu, even if he is casually changed to a Shinto realm, he can also seriously injure Shen Lian.

It is a pity that Lu Xiong is not a dead person, he also has a brain, and he can also think that this time has come to the last moment. Every move and every style, not only has no reservations, but it has exploded with 12% of the fighting power, which is a big deal. Fighting against Ling Fei Qiu. Ling Fei Qiu wanted to get away, but he couldn't get away.

"Little bastard, give you a piece of advice. In your next life, don't be my enemies, or you will die early in life! Ha ha ha ..."

Although Wan Dong's heart is full of hatred, but at this moment, there is no way at all, a face is straight from white to green, and his body is already shaky.

"Shen Lian, Shen mongrel, you **** mother has the ability to charge me, come to me! See the old man does not crush your eggs, dog mongrel!" Dozens of **** ghosts trapping Mu Tiannan, At this time, there were less than ten Dao, but these ten Dao, but stunned to block Mu Tiannan's death, let his offensive no matter how fierce, always stand upright. Mu Tiannan was anxious and hated in his heart, but there was no other way but to swear.

This kind of anger and helplessness were even stronger than when he was trapped in battle!

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a sigh and was ready to send his life. Shen Lian obviously also felt that Wan Dong had reached the exhaustion time. In order to avoid extra branches and not give Mutiannan and Ding Long a chance to rescue Wan Dong, Shen Lian ’s body suddenly moved forward, relying on his own cultivation For the superiority, he stubbornly held Wan Dong's Jianmang and kept approaching him.

Seeing that Shen Lian was only one foot away from Wan Dong, he only had to move forward a little bit, and Wan Dong was about to die under his palm. Suddenly, an unusually clear cry rang out of the ground. , Straight into the sky.

This cry, although not as shocking as Dinglong's Longyin, was filled with a vigorous vigor and vitality, and there was a kind of power that was not inferior to Dinglong.

The people present are not only the strong ones in the Taoist gates, but also have a very wide range of knowledge. Just listen to this cry and you will understand what a wonderful fairy beast appeared.

In the mind of Shen Lian and others, just after this thought flashed, there was a golden shadow, which was blasted out from Wandong's storage ring. The golden shadow rushed into the air, and then spread its wings, and the light within a radius of more than a hundred feet was actually dark.

"This is !?" Shen Lian looked up blankly, and for a time he forgot to take Wan Dong's life.

A big golden bird with two wings spread out, which is huge, is flying and hovering over your head. I am afraid that if you are the one, you will have to forget everything.

"Emperor Kunpeng! It turned out to be the emperor Kunpeng!" As soon as the golden bird appeared, Mu Tiannan couldn't help but exclaim.

Whether in Daomen or Xianting, the types of beasts are rare, and Emperor Kunpeng is just one of them. Emperor Kunpeng, who is a **** beast, is even more powerful than ordinary dragons. Even Mu Tiannan and Shen Lian, who have lived for nearly a hundred years, may be the first to see the real Emperor Kunpeng.

Not to mention Lu Xiong and Ling Feiqiu, the two even forgot to continue to fight, but just kept their eyes on, and stared at Di Kunpeng dullly.

To be honest, Di Kunpeng's mighty power also surprised Wan Dong, and he was even puzzled. How can a Kunpeng egg, who is only one person tall, hatch this huge giant?

It is said how amazing the beast is, Wan Dong believes it completely today. Emperor Kunpeng, who has just hatched, can have such power. If it takes time and waits for it to fully grow, what kind of power should it be?

Only now, Wan Dong has no time to ignore these. Di Kunpeng can hatch at this time, so **** too timely!

"You stupid bird, what are you waiting for, I'm not here to save Lao Tzu!"

Wan Dong could not support it for a long time, but Emperor Kunpeng was just hovering over Shen Lian's head. Can Wan Dong have a good voice? When he opened his mouth, he scolded ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17207002->

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