Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1242: Shen Lianxiong died!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Mu Tiannan scolded and scolded, but he could not watch Ling Feiqiu and others being sucked up alive, so he had to gather his palms again and defeat the red light in the sky. Then he took everyone in a hurry and wanted to rush out. Even if it is a thunder and lightning, it is always better than being sucked into a person to dry it.

Mu Tiannan's calculations were pretty good, but the cruelty of reality far exceeded his imagination. Mu Tiannan led Ling Feiqiu and others to do their best to go wild, but the strange red light was like a shadow, and it could not be thrown away. On the contrary, they swept down at any cost, and the speed of air loss in the body was faster than before! Mu Tiannan finally realized that it was wrong, and took the lead to hold his body.

In the hands of Lingjia masters, the individual was shallow when he was breathless, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat. This was not only tense, but also a loss of qi and too much energy! If you go on like this, you will be like the Kuafu chasing the sun and will be exhausted to death!

"Senior Mu, that's not right! At our speed, this violent raid, even less said, has rushed hundreds of miles. Isn't the coverage of this situation so wide?" Ling Feiqiu looked at Mutian with surprise. Nan asked.

Without reminding Ling Feiqiu, Mu Tiannan thought of this himself. There might be a change in the Eight Desolation Soul Array, which captivated their eyes and confused their sense of direction. No, they might be like mice in a bellows at this time, but they can't find an exit because they are turning around. But in the process of flying, Mu Tiannan has been paying attention to the changes in the surrounding air machinery, but has not found anything abnormal.

Mu Tiannan couldn't help but sink down in his heart. I am afraid that the Eight Desolation Soul Formation is more terrible than he thought!

"No! I can't make such a mess anymore!" Mu Tiannan greeted and sat down cross-legged.

Such indiscriminate intrusion can only make the air loss in your body faster! He had to calm down and think carefully about a strategy to break through.

Seeing that Mu Tiannan sat down, Ling Feiqiu could only endure the burning anxiety, and greeted a master of Ling family to sit down and fully run his heart. Dao Qi was sucked in half.

Since Ling Feiqiu's debut, there have been countless battles, but there has never been a battle like this one! Even without seeing the enemy's shadow, he was almost forced into desperation. Looking at Mu Tiannan's white eyebrows and frowning, he fell into deep thoughts. Ling Fei and Qiu Wan didn't dare to disturb.

At the same time, on a high platform made of wood in the middle of Tiansha Valley, an old man in black robe, like Zhong Duan sat, was full of breath, even if he was more than ten miles away, he could feel a The power of coercion is overwhelming, making people afraid to come close.

At this time, his eyes narrowed slightly and glanced around, as if his eyes had crossed thousands of miles, as if the heavens and the earth were all in his sight. If this person was seen by Mu Tiannan, he would definitely not be able to curse his mouth. Shen Lian is definitely Mu Tiannan's old opponent!

On this high platform, not only Mu Tiannan is alone, but Ling Tianhou is also here. It's just that Ling Tianhou at this time, no longer the style of the day on the Du'e Mountain, appeared to be languishing, and the mottled blood on his body showed that he was not hurt badly. But it seems that life is innocent, sitting there, from time to time with a hate-filled glance towards Shen Lian.

This high platform is located in the center of the Eight Desolation Soul Formation. It controls the entire position, and at the same time, it can also move the wind and grass that occurred in most parts of the entire Tiansha Valley to the fullest extent. Therefore, since these days, the master Ling family encountered everything in the Eight Desolation Soul Formation, he is clear.

In order to save him, Ling masters can be described as former servants and successors, but all of them were injured under the situation of the Eight Desolation Soul Formation, which really made Ling Tianhua heartbroken. At this time, I saw Ling Feiqiu again, and Mu Tiannan and others also fell into the same desperate situation. He really had the heart to eat Shen Lian alive.

"Hahaha ... Shen Gong, you see it, then Mu Tiannan is like a headless fly, wandering around and hitting walls everywhere. Too addictive, really addictive!"

In the sound of laughter, a figure flew into the high platform like a trainer. The face is rugged. At first glance, it is like a lion with a mane dancing wildly. It gives a kind of majestic, but also very violent, so that people are not close.

When he saw this person, the hatred in Ling Tianhou's eyes suddenly rose like a rocket, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Lu Xiong, you bastard, one day, I will kill you!"

"Hahaha ... Ling Tianhou, your life is quite hard, and you still gasp?"

Lu Xiong smiled at Ling Tianhou's evil spirit, his face full of sarcasm and teasing.

At the beginning, Ling Tianhou found Lu Xiong and asked him to arrange for the assassination of Xiao Lang. In order to cancel this transaction, Ling Tianhou naturally wanted Lu Xiong, but who knows, he was caught in Lu Xiong's trap and was taken by him Live, the blood skeleton also used his bait, in this valley, a large-scale lure to kill the Lingjia master. These days, Ling Tianhou has also seen that the blood skeleton is basically to uproot the Ling family. Can Lu Tianhou not hate Lu Xiong?

"Relax, as long as your dog thief does not die, I will not die Ling Tianhou!" Ling Tianhou gritted his teeth.

"Hey ... I don't think so! After you have cleaned up Mu Tiannan and your three brothers, you will no longer have any use value. By then, I will personally send you to where I should go." See Ling Tianhou After earning, a straight face turned red, and more green muscles appeared on his neck, and the proud look on Lu Xiong's face was even worse.

"Ling Tianhou, there is one more thing I didn't tell you. Your pair of children have already arrived outside Tiansha Valley at this time, and will rush in at any time. It's really filial piety!"

As soon as Lu Xiong said this, Ling Tianhou's complexion suddenly changed. If even Ling Tianhua Ling Wushuang died in Tiansha Valley, then the blow to him would be too great.

"You ... how dare you!" Ling Tianhou couldn't bear to utter a loud roar, the resentment in his heart, even if he ate Lu Xiong Shen Lian lively.

Lu Xiong turned a deaf ear to Ling Tianhou, but turned around and bowed to Shen Lian, "Shen Gong, let me go and grab the pair of cubs here, or let them reunite!"

Lu Xiong wanted to see what kind of expression Ling Tianhou would be when he pinched the necks of Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang, and it would be very exciting!

"I killed you!" Ling Tianhou was irritated and didn't know where the strength came from. Huo Ran stood up and waved to Lu Xiong.

Lu Xiong smiled coldly, his body immovable, his right palm swept sharply, with a tremendous strength, he immediately blocked Ling Tianhou's palm front, and even paralyzed him to the ground. The injury combined with these days of suffering, Ling Tianhou's Xiuwei left almost 10%, where will be Lu Xiong's opponent.

Lu Xiong smiled with a look of contempt and ridicule, stepped on Ling Tianhou's chest that was about to get up, and stepped on him again, "Ling Tianhou, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise I move my little finger The head will make you a dilemma! "

Ling Tianhou has created a great reputation among Daomen throughout his life. Why has he suffered such humiliation? The iron man had always bleed without tears, but Ling Tianhou had crimson eyes at this time, blood and tears brewing in it.

Of course, in this **** tear, not only is there humiliation, but there are also concerns about my own children!

Lu Xiong was eager to try, only wishing Shen Lian nodded immediately, but after some thoughts, he shook his head and said, "Our purpose has almost been achieved. Even if we catch the kid girl, it doesn't make much sense. Now Mu Although Tiannan was trapped, he was definitely not at the end of his desperate end. He acted rashly for meaningless things, and it is very likely that he would be out of control and mess up the whole situation. Did n’t they want to break into the battlefield? Soul Destroyer will naturally clean up them without our trouble. "

Although Lu Xiong had some regrets, he definitely did not dare to oppose the decision made by Shen Lian. He stared at Ling Tianhou bitterly and didn't say much.

"Tianhua, frost-free, don't go into battle, go away, go away!"

Ling Tianhou kept shouting in his heart, hoping that this voice would break through the barriers of the Eight Desolation Soul Array and pass to the ears of Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang.

"Yao Ting, this is all at Gukou, why are you sitting down?"

In the valley mouth of Tiansha Valley, Wan Dong sat on the ground with his knees closed and said nothing, but Ling Wushuang was so anxious that he could not hold it after a few tolerations, Zhangkou said.

Ling Tianhua hurriedly dragged her arm, and she was a little restless, not to disturb Wandong. Since meeting Wandong, Ling Tianhua has become more and more aware that the reason why Wandong can create miracles repeatedly is not because of luck, but because of careful consideration before each action.

Every battle that Wandong fought, to outsiders, was extremely dangerous, like a snake swallowing an elephant, but after careful consideration afterwards, you will find that Wandong fought a battle that is prepared and sure, not like Crazy adventures that outsiders look like!

This is like a natural talent that has always been innate, and it is impossible for others to cultivate after they have exhausted hardships.

Ling Wushuang had to say something more, Wan Dong suddenly stood up, his eyes twinkling, and a look of wisdom beads in his grip. This expression fell in Ling Wushuang's eyes, and immediately let her restless mind settle down.

Ling Tianhua is also a joy in his heart. He only feels that acting with a person like Wandong, no matter how big the risk, it also makes people feel at ease!

"How about it, have you thought about it?"

Ling Tianhua asked with a smile.

Wan Dong nodded his head lightly and said, "The Eight Desolation Soul Formation is indeed powerful, but it is not invulnerable. After a while, if you follow my footsteps, I will keep you safe and sound!" A storage ring came out and was carried on the finger.

Ling Wushuang's sharp eyes immediately exclaimed, "This storage ring seems familiar? Is it ...". ... --by: dad856 | 55634 | 17207004->

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