Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

As Ling Feiqiu's heart and soul became stronger and stronger, his original control became weaker and weaker. The momentum that burst out from him was also more frightened and horrified. Bearing this momentum, for the monks of the earth wheel, it is simply a disaster and a nightmare! If it weren't for Luo Xiao's and other people's strong will, then I was just afraid that they would have collapsed. However, although they are struggling to support, the taste at this time is absolutely uncomfortable, just like wandering back in front of the vast cliffs, as long as a little negligence, it means that the catastrophe is gone. Despair is like a thick haze, covering their hearts!

At this time, Wandong's roar came, it was like the sunshine tearing the dark clouds, making their cold, bone-shaking hearts instantly shocked, more like a ghost wandering in the valley of death, suddenly found the light of rebirth That kind of trembling of the soul, if you are not immersive, it is difficult to experience.

"Luo Xiao, I ... Am I hearing it wrong?" Tang Xinyi followed Lu Xiao closely, a pretty face at this time was filled with joy and excitement, and there was even a trace of doubt and anxiety between the eyebrows. .

"No! It's him, it's him !!" Luo Xiao stared at the front with a smile, a smile on his face, but tears in his eyes.

Tang Xinyi subconsciously followed Luo Xiao's gaze, and saw a familiar figure that made her miss her all the time. At this time, it was like a broken meteor, rushing towards them. The white robe is still simple and clean, showing a kind of unrestrained.

At the same time, there was a cheer, and weeping with joy, sobbing, a brain sounded from behind Tang Xinyi, endlessly. At the moment when Wandong appeared, the heavy oppression and threats from Ling Feiqiu no longer existed.

In this world, there is such a person who can always bring hope and forget the danger! This is like a talent, born with it! Needless to say, Wandong is such a person!

"This guy didn't seem to be so flattering before, but now why ..." Sun Xiaoya moaned with tears.

Her murmur immediately resonated in Tang Xinyi's heart. Recall that when I almost didn't kick someone to death, Tang Xinyi was a little trance, and even sighed, saying that fate is unpredictable, but sometimes this person is even more elusive!

"Isn't Boss flattering before? But why?" Balinger shook his head in disbelief: "I always think our boss is the coolest and coolest man in the world, no one!"

"Hey, hello, Ling'er, do you say that, aren't you afraid of someone jealous?" Leng Yuecui snuggled up and glanced at the now-crying tiger leap, asking with a funny smile.

"He dare!" Balinger spit out a word, showing the bold style of the eight women in Xijue!

Among the young people in this group, it was Yin and Yang, and Wang Yangde and Xiao Lang were absent, and they became a girl army. When Ling Ling's words fell, they immediately caused bursts of laughter and hearty sweetness.

Their conversation, Hu Yue was also clearly heard, a handsome face was somewhat red, but he never dared to refute, unless he was tight-skinned, want Balinger to give him a good loose .

"Don't make trouble! The danger hasn't been lifted yet!" Luo Xiao is more and more commanding and dignified, with a sullen face, a low drink, and a woman will immediately obey the laughter and close her mouth.

Even Ye Qingyu, Hu Xueqing and Dai Yajun who joined the highest level later, were the same, with no unpleasant expression on their faces.

Watching Wan Dong's anxious meteor fly by, the speed was astonishing, and Hu Yue couldn't help but ask, "What do you think the boss's cultivation practice is now?"

Fang Cai everyone was only concerned about happiness, and really didn't have time to consider this question. At this time, Hu Yue asked, and naturally aroused the curiosity of everyone. Everyone turned around and looked at Ye Qingyu, Hu Xueqing and Dai Yajun. Ye Qingyu is a high apprentice of the Hidden Blade Venerable, Hu Xueqing and Dai Yajun are from the Ascension Continent, their qualifications are not worse than those of Luo Xiao and others, and their starting point is higher than them. Earth wheel peak state. The only thing comparable to them is Wang Yangde, Liu Kerr, and a little worse. Since the three of them have the highest cultivation level, naturally their judgment of Wan Dong is the most accurate.

"The boss's cultivation behavior, I can't see it at all, which means that the boss's cultivation behavior must be above me!" Ye Qingyu said first. Close to Zhu Zhechi, they have been together with Luo Xiao for a long time. Ye Qingyu's boss called out and said very smoothly.

"I agree with Qing Yu's statement. I think the boss's cultivation behavior has at least already broken into the heavenly realm!" Dai Yajun tapped his head, his face full of admiration and admiration. In the ordinary small world, Wan Dong's performance has been very eye-catching. Unexpectedly, when he comes to the Daomen World, Wan Dong's performance is still admirable.

"Tiange Realm! God, is he the best man? I'm afraid we can't catch up with him in our life." After listening to Ye Qingyu and Dai Yajun, Wuyang couldn't help shouting.

"Do you still want to catch up with the boss? Be your spring and autumn dream! Let me see that among us, Yangde still has a chance to ..." Hu Yue originally wanted to seize the opportunity to hit Wuyang hard, But halfway through, it came to an abrupt end, and at the same time a flash of sadness appeared on his face.

Not only is Tiger Leap, the expressions of other people also become a little unnatural, and sighs from time to time.

"By the way, do you say the old conference is the guy's opponent?" After a moment of silence, Wu Yang opened his mouth and asked in a sudden, straight out Dawson's killing opportunity.

Listening to Wu Yang's question, Luo Xiao's brows were also frowning, obviously he was thinking about something.

"That man is by no means the boss's opponent!" Hu Xueqing opened his mouth decisively before waiting for Luo Xiaosi to come up with a result.

"How can you be so sure? Even Brother Xiao is not that guy's opponent, is the old conference stronger than Brother Xiao?" Wu Yang's voice was both uncertain and full of hope.

Everyone's eyes fell on Hu Xueqing's body all at once, Hu Xueqing's expression suddenly rose, and said, "Although the cultivation level of the Nine Five Chong Chong is high, it is only the middle level of the celestial realm. Brother is the best. But Brother Xiao has already had the strength to impact the mid-level of the celestial realm. He is to continue to take care of us in the cultivation land, which has been forcibly suppressed and does not break through, so in terms of cultivation, Brother Xiao may not necessarily be It ’s worse than the 95th Chong Chong. I think Brother Xiao is eating a weapon ’s loss. The 9th Chong Chong ’s Sky Sword is a magical weapon on the Daomen Weapon Spectrum. Brother Xiao fists are empty-handed, is there a reason not to lose? ”

"Sister Xueqing, your analysis is correct, but you still have no answer. Why can you be so sure that the boss can overcome the 95th Chong Chong?" Wu Yang was anxious.

Hu Xueqing chuckled softly and said, "The reason why I am so sure is that I saw the boss killing a strong person in the first stage of Shinto Realm!"


Hu Xueqing's remarks were like a blockbuster. They exploded in everyone's mind, and even the calm Luo Xiao couldn't help but lose sight of it.

"Sister Xueqing, are you ... what you said is true?" Wu Yang and Hu Yue asked almost in unison.

"That is of course! Do you think the Pingjia betrayed, how did the boss rescue me, my brother and my father? The boss not only killed the strong man of the first stage of the Shinto realm, but the strong man was also a killer from the blood skeleton. Comparing the two, what can the 95th Chongchong count? "

Hu Xueqing said that he was eloquent, but Luo Xiao and others still felt a sense of disbelief. There is no way. The strong in Shinto Realm is too strong for them, so strong that they have to look up.

"What are you all doing? Uncle Ling wouldn't be polite to us!" Just when Luo Xiao and others looked at each other, but when God couldn't come back, Wan Dong had already flew away, and the voice hadn't landed. Passed over.

Luo Xiao and others looked back subconsciously, and saw Wandong's arms spread out suddenly, and a hundred-foot dragon screamed out, circling and dancing around Wandong's body. The scene was far away with 'shocking the heart'. Far from being described.

Luo Xiao's heart was about to lift the turbulent waves, a sharp and clear, but the power was not worse than Long Yin's cries suddenly resounded through Yun Xiao. I saw a red gold eagle falcon, facing the storm long, and the sudden work, the body has turned into a giant of more than a hundred feet, covering the sky and the sun, seeing it as dizzy, awe, and spontaneously alive .

Zuo Canglong, Right Giant Eagle, this mighty, let alone an enemy, even Luo Xiao these comrades can not help but be stunned dumbfounded, for a long time can not come back to God.

If before saying that Luo Xiao and others had doubts about Hu Xueqing's remarks, then these doubts, like the clouds of smoke in the violent wind, were completely swept away. At the same time, an indescribable sense of excitement and pride rose from the depths of their hearts, unstoppable like a torrent.

Can there be such a powerful boss, where can we go between heaven and earth?

In the cry of Wandong Qingyue, Luo Xiao and others quickly awakened Shen'er, his right arm twitched, dozens of figures, and they all greeted up with a sudden rise, as if they were fit together, the volley and Wandong got together.

The so-called finishing touch of the dragon is not only to add eyes to the dragon at the end, but to inject soul into it. Once the soul is injected, the entire dragon will be 'live', otherwise, it will only be the 'dead' on the paper! This shows how important this soul is!

At this moment, Wan Dong seems to be the soul of these young people, Luo Xiao, who brought them an indescribable spirit. The Luo Xiao and others in it may not feel so obvious, but in the eyes of the bystanders Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou and others, each of these people seems to have completely changed their appearance. His momentum immediately climbed several levels, reaching a point where Mu Tiannan was shocked. It seems that with Wan Dong's return, all the shackles that can restrain these young people no longer exist ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498400->

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