Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1249: Mutiannan's unconfidence!

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[Chapter 1 Text]

Chapter 1201, Chapter 1,213 Mutiannan!

"Yao Ting, sometimes I really think that you are the omnipotent god! Even if it is a tricky thing, as long as you come to you, there will be no way to solve it!" Looking at Wan Dong, Hu Xueqing can no longer hide his heart. Excited, he said to Wan Dong with admiration.

Hu Xueqing's words immediately resonated with Hu Xuehong, Qi Jie, and even Qi Xuan and He Fei. Relatively speaking, Qi Xuan and He Feilai are even more excited, knowing that they have already made a plan to die. Now life is in desperation, almost all thanks to Wandong!

"Mr. Xu, great gratitude does not say anything. If you are sent in the future, I will never say goodbye!" He Feilai is a man with a true temperament, and at this time he can only hope to give his life to Wan Dong. Emotionally said.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Everyone is your own, and you don't have to say these outliers. You shouldn't stay here for a long time. Let's start your own journey to avoid long nights."

"We are all safe, what should you do?" Hu Xueqing suddenly thought of it, and a pair of Emei immediately clustered, asking with infinite worry in his voice.

Hu Xueqing said that everyone was worried. The plan of Ping Sihai and Blood Skeleton failed completely, and Ping Sihai must be irresistible. Who knows what crazy things will happen in the anger of the world? Perhaps, the anger against them will be doubled to Wandong's head. How can they feel at ease when they think of the dangers that Wandong is about to face?

"Xu Gongzi, or you go with us to the tempered treasure temporarily to avoid the limelight." Qi Xuan suggested to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head, saying: "I still have something to do, I am afraid it will not work. But you don't need to worry about me, Ping Sihai wants to deal with me, it's not that easy. Ha ha ..."

Hu Xueqing wanted to say something. Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "You guys, then let's go farewell first and then we will meet again in the future!"

Without saying anything, everyone waited to respond, and Wandong pulled up his body, and the meteor disappeared at the end of the sky like a moon.

Looking at the silhouette of Wan Dong, Hu Xueqing couldn't help but feel a little lost. Qi Xuan, He Feilai and others were also lost in their hearts, and there was a touch of sadness in the air.

After a long while, Qi Xuan just sighed heavily and returned to Shen'er. He asked Hu Xueqing with some curiosity, "Xue Qing, how did you know Xu Gongzi, and what kind of great family training was he? The young man who came out? If Yao Ting is not Xu, I really doubt that he is a disciple of the top three Yipin family! "

Hu Xueqing shook his head and said, "Yao Ting, like me, is from a small world of ordinary people, how could it be a disciple of the three major and first-class families ..."

"What are you talking about?" Hu Xueqing said halfway, and Qi Xuan and He Feilai shouted in surprise. Qi Xuan stared at his eyes and looked at Hu Xueqing incredulously. Nana said, "You ... you said that Xu Gongzi was born in a small world?"

Hu Xueqing was taken aback by the performance of the two, and he was stunned for a moment before he nodded and asked, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Ha ha ..." Qi Xuan and He Fei came to look at each other, an extremely bitter smile appeared on his face, and he couldn't say anything after shaking his head.

He Feilai turned his head to look at his son He Jun, and said, "You see, Xu Gongzi, who was born in a small world of ordinary people, can achieve such achievements. Why else do you not work hard?"

After hearing He Feilai say this, Hu Xueqing only touched the taste, and then turned around and found that Qi Jie, Hu Xuehong, and a group of Qi family disciples were all serious and dignified, and Hu Xueqing's face suddenly showed a smile. . The talents of the Qi family disciples are still good. The key is the lack of motivation. With Wandong ’s goal, they ca n’t help but do not practice their lives!

Two days later, outside Tiansha Valley, there were more than ten gorgeous flowers flashing in the sky, and more than ten figures fell immediately. All of them are masters, and the weakest is also the peak state of Tiange. The majority above the Shinto state accounts for the majority. The two headed are even better. One of them, the majestic old man with white eyebrows and white beards, but with pure black hair, has already reached the Holy Soul Realm, standing there, like a sheathed blade, daunting.

This old man is in the Daomen World, but he is a well-known figure. As the elder of the Mu Family, Mu Tiannan definitely has the energy to stir the entire Daomen World. No one dares to underestimate him.

Next to Mu Tiannan, Ling Feiqiu, the second lord of the Ling family, followed closely, and the cultivation of the pinnacle of the Shinto Peak also had a reputation for being in the Daomen. The Ling family masters led by two people, the lineup is definitely called the word luxury.

"Elder Taishang, there is Tiansha Valley ahead. Why did you stop?" Ling Feiqiu saved his heart and asked Mu Tiannan with a puzzled look.

Mu Tiannan glanced back at him and said, "Don't you notice that there is a wave of movement in front of you!"

Ling Fei Qiu was stunned. He hurriedly sensed, but didn't sense anything. He only felt that the front was empty and empty, like no one's land. This made the doubt on his face not only disappeared, but more intense.

As soon as Mu Tiannan looked at him, he knew that he didn't sense anything, and sneered. "It's no wonder that someone on the other side made a clever cover-up of the entire formation. It's normal to arrive. It seems that in this valley, there are strong men of the Holy Soul Realm sitting in town! "

"What !?" Listening to Mu Tiannan said, Ling Fei Qiu Zhi was shocked, even more fortunate in his heart, thanks to Mu Tiannan came with them, otherwise he will go to Tiansha Gu's trip must have come and go.

"Blood Skeleton has even moved out of the power of the Holy Soul Realm. It seems that he really doesn't plan to give me a face at Mujia. The old man is curious. Where did the Blood Skull come from with such guts, what exactly do they want to do? "

Ling Fei Qiu looked bitter and said, "Too elders, now is not the time to think about this, it is important to seize the time to save my second brother!"

Mu Tiannan nodded and was about to step forward. Behind them, suddenly heard a sound of footsteps.

"Who !?" Ling Fei Qiu's heart tightened, looking around with vigilance.

I saw a few more figures, coming from the sky. Ling Fei Qiu fixed his eyes and couldn't help but frown, the person coming was not someone else, it was Ling Tianhua, Ling Wushuang's siblings, and Ling Cheng and Ling Gang who were responsible for the safety of Ling Tianhua.

In order to be able to keep up with Mu Tiannan and Ling Feiqiu, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang actually exerted their strength, and at this moment they were breathless.

"Three uncles, you are so quick to do something, it's really exhausting me!" Ling Wushuang is obviously harder than Ling Tianhua. As soon as he came to him, he couldn't help complaining to Ling Feiqiu.

Ling Feiqiu has never married, has no children under his knees, and has always regarded Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang as his children. At this time, I saw Ling Wushuang's tired face dripping with sweat, heartache and blame: "Isn't you not to keep up, why is it disobedient?"

"Three uncles! But my father is trapped, how can I not be a daughter?" Ling Wushuang not only felt wrong, but also said with a vibe.

For Ling Wushuang, Ling Feiqiu had no solution at all, so he had to turn to Mu Tiannan for help. Mu Tiannan's face suddenly changed, and he said, "Nonsense! Do you think this is fun? Do you know that this day the valley is full of crises and will die!"

"As long as we can save my dad, we are not afraid!" Ling Wushuang's stubbornness is notorious, even in the face of Mu Tiannan, she is also unwilling to give in.

"Yes, Senior, take us with us, we will not add to your confusion!"

After all, Ling Tianhua is more mature than Ling Wushuang, and dare not be as unscrupulous as her, and said to Mu Tiannan respectfully.

"No!" Facing the request of Sister Ling, Mu Tiannan was very determined, and said firmly, leaving no room for the brothers and sisters.

Seeing Ling Wushuang's eyes, tears rolled out, and Ling Feiqiu could not bear to Mu Tiannan Road, "The elders, see them for their filial piety, I will take them with me."

"Fuck! I said no, didn't you hear? You don't understand, in this valley of the sky, the strong man with the Holy Soul Realm sits in town, I must deal with it with all my strength, and there must not be a slight distraction, how can I bring them These two burdens? "

"Who's cumbersome? My brother has now practiced to the mid-level of the celestial realm, and I'm about to break through to the initial level of the celestial realm. Why is it cumbersome?" To Mu Tiannan, Ling Wushuang was very dissatisfied, straight Shouted.

Mu Tiannan didn't speak, just sneered, and her eyes were full of disdain. This made Ling Wushuang even more annoyed, and was about to say something more, but was blocked by a severe look in Ling Feiqiu's eyes. Ling Wushuang remembered this, Mu Tiannan was a super power of the Holy Soul Realm, and the Tiange Realm was in front of him, but wasn't he only the despised part?

Ling Feiqiu pondered for a moment, trying to persuade Mu Tiannan again, but unexpectedly Mu Tiannan took the first step and said coldly, "There is nothing to say, if they must enter the Tiansha Valley, the old man will leave now!"

"Ah !? Then ... how do you do it?" Ling Feiqiu panicked, and lost Mu Tiannan's powerful help. Wanting to rescue Ling Tianhou from Tiansha Valley is a fool's dream.

Not to mention Ling Feiqiu, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang also panicked.

No matter how worried they were about their father ’s safety, they also knew that it was impossible for them to save people.

Ling Tianhua snapped his teeth and said, "Taiwan Elder, please calm down! We listen to you, and you will be in Tiansha Valley!"

Seeing Ling Tianhua is still sensible, Mu Tiannan's expression eased a little, Shen said, "The old man is doing this for your good. I don't want to see you die in vain. You should return to the Ling family and wait for the news!"

"Yes, Tianhua obeyed the order!" Ling Tianhua bowed slightly and said calmly.

"Brother! ..." Ling Wushuang was a little unwilling, but Ling Tianhua hadn't waited for her to finish talking, so she dragged her, turned her body, and went back and forth ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498402->

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