Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Livestock! Really livestock! Such a good seedling is so ruined, it's just ... simply sin!" After a moment, Mu Tiannan seemed to be intolerable, but he cursed.

Mu Tiannan's swearing made him suddenly sink Wan Wan's heart to the bottom. If even Mu Tiannan said it was ruined, what hope would Wang Wangde return to?

"Senior man, don't just patronize and scold, but talk about it, Yangde, can he still save?" Wan Dongman asked eagerly.

Mu Tiannan pondered for a long while, and he just said, "There is also salvation, but it is almost equal to no salvation ... Alas, it is a pity, what a pity! Such a good qualification is definitely a thousand years of hardship. There must be hope to impact Xianting. But now ... Nine Five Chong, this little **** is too muddy! Yao Ting, don't tell you, even I have the urge to kill him. "

Wan Dong just kept pondering the first half of Mu Tiannan's sentence. As for the second half, he didn't go to the heart at all. What is the qualification of Wang Yangde, he knows better than Mutianan! It was just the first half of Mu Tiannan's sentence. He pondered for a long time, but he didn't understand it.

"Senior man, you'd better talk about what it means to be saved, but it's almost not saved? What kind of poison is Yangde?" Wan Dong's patience seemed to be exhausted. Asked Mu Tiannan with complaints.

Mu Tiannan sighed and said, "There are tens of millions of poisons under the sky. If you come to a ranking, this immortal grass will definitely be in the top three!"

"Hua Xiancao! Mu Lao, don't you mean that this little brother is the poison of Hua Xiancao?" Mu Tiannan's voice fell, and Ling Tianhou couldn't help but exclaimed , His face is full of horror.

Seeing Ling Tianhua's expression made Wan Dong feel bad. Ling Tianhua can be so shocked. I can think of it with my toes. It will never be anything ordinary. It's just that this immortal grass, Wan Dong really hasn't heard of it, so he doesn't make a cavity, just listens to his ears.

Mu Tiannan nodded heavily, and said, "It should be good, so I will be so angry! This immortal grass is extremely poisonous, even the immortals from the immortal court can't resist it. It is clean and clean. There are many ways to turn a person into a waste person in this world, but the immortal grass is undoubtedly the most poisonous one among them, which is really hurtful! "

Ling Tianhou froze for a long time, his mouth opened a few, but he didn't say a word. Shaking his head, he sighed heavily, and looked into Wang Yangde's eyes, full of deep sympathy and pity.

Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and others, like Wan Dong, did not know the origin of Huaxiancao, and could only stand aside anxiously, their hearts chilling.

"Yao Ting, Yang De is your brother anyway, and Jiu Wu Chong is good at using Hua Xian Cao, which is wrong, I will definitely get this justice for you! Even if you can't kill Jiu Chong, you must be ruthless. Give him a lesson! "

Facing Huaxiancao, Mu Tiannan had no choice but to sigh and said to Wan Dong.

Wandong shook his head bitterly, in fact, even if he was going to blow the sword for a thousand dollars, what would happen? Compared with Wang Yangde's great future, this is not worth mentioning at all! Moreover, Mu Tiannan has given up, but Wan Dong has not yet.

"Senior man, what you just said, Yang De is actually saved, right?"

Mu Tiannan shook his head and said, "There is salvation, but this method is really difficult. Even with the power of the three big families, it is almost impossible to do it, so it means no salvation!"

"What the **** is that?" Wan Dong waved his hand and asked unswervingly.

Mu Tiannan pondered for a moment and said, "I'm sorry Yaoting, I can't tell you."

"Why !?" Wan Dong immediately excited, asked loudly.

Mu Tiannan pressed his hand on Wandong ’s shoulder and whispered, “Yao Ting, I can see that you and the little brother have a deep relationship. You can save everything to save him. If you can do it with your strength I will tell you, even if I have to take some risks. But if I want to cure this little brother, I really do n’t just need to take risks. You ca n’t do it, but I told you how to do it. This will definitely bring a shadow to your heart. I am afraid that it will have an inestimable negative impact on your future cultivation. You must understand that I am not telling you that it is really for your own good! "

"Hahaha ... Do you guys, ignorant folks, still have faces here?"

Wan Dong was about to speak, and a loud laugh came straight from the direction of the mountain top, instantly causing Luo Xiao and others to change their faces, gritting their teeth one by one, all with a flash of resentment in their eyes.

Wan Dong frowned and looked closely, only to see two figures, one after another rushed from the top of the mountain.

Walking ahead is a younger generation who is about the same age as Luo Xiao. The middle-level cultivation practice of Tiange, although not weak, can be returned to Wandong's eyes. Followed by an old man, it made Wan Dong feel awkward. Judging from the power exuded from him, it is only slightly weaker than Mutianan, and Shiyou ** is also a top strong man in the Holy Soul Realm!

"Boss, the guy walking in front is Ninety Five!"

Wan Dong was suspicious of the identity of the coming person, Luo Xiao stepped forward and said something to Wan Dong.

Listening to Luo Xiao's words, Wan Dong's eyes suddenly narrowed, among them the electric flash strobe, and the murderous opportunity immediately spread out.

"Yao Ting, the guy who followed the guy in the Ninth Five-Year Chong called the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky, which should be the holy soul realm that was achieved five years ago!" Mu Tiannan pointed to the old man behind the Ninth Five-Year Chong, whispering to the million Dong said.

Wan Dong nodded his head lightly, and of course understood Mu Tiannan's kindness. The Ninth Five-Year Family can send such a powerful person in the Holy Soul Realm to serve as a bodyguard for the Ninth Five-Year Chong. Only this one is enough to prove that Mu Tiannan said earlier that the position of the Ninth Five-Year Chong in the Nine-Five Family is indeed not low!

"Chong'er, a group of little cubs, why talk to them more? Leave me away, don't block the road!"

The dark temper of the Ninth Five-Year Plan seemed to be more horizontal than that of the Ninth Five-Year Chong, and there was a deep drink in the mouth, before Wandong and others could come back to God, a pressure that seemed to crush everything into powder Then, he thundered and swept towards Wandong and others.

Is the power of the powerful in the Holy Soul Realm good? Under the pressure of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, everything along the way, even the boulders, turned into powder. If Wandong had been hiding a little bit slower, these stones would serve as role models.

"The Ninth Five-Year Plan is not clear. I haven't seen it in a few years. Will you get used to your problems?"

Mu Tiannan snorted when he saw it, and the right hand shot a void. The pressure released by the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky collapsed and burst into a fresh wind of Fuliu, blowing across the face.

"Mutiannan !?" Xu was so crazy in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and he didn't even bother to look at Wandong and others with his right eye, but he didn't notice the existence of Mutiannan. Mu Tiannan's shot clearly shocked him.

Really speaking, the Ninth Five-Year Plan is to be short of Mu Tiannan, regardless of age or cultivation. Coupled with the obscure style of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Mu Tiannan dismissed it with a disdain, snorted coldly, and refused to give him a good face.

"Brother Mu, how did you get together with these little cubs, aren't you afraid of self-proclaiming your identity?" Nine-Five-year-old Fang Kong came to him and smiled a little embarrassed.

In front of others, the 9th Five-Year Plan may still be crazy, but in front of Mu Tiannan, he really dare not make it, Mu Tiannan will not get used to him!

Mutian Nan simply ignored the 95th Five-Year Plan, and a pair of eyes fell directly on the body of the 9th Five-Year Chong. Mu Tiannan's clash against the Ninth Five-Year Plan wouldn't be like Yan Yue to Wan Dong, as if he had changed a person, his eyes were sharp like a blade!

Not to mention that the Ninth Five-Year Chong is only the middle level of Tiange, even if it is the middle level of Shinto, it can't hold the sharp eyes like Mu Tiannan, but just a moment of blinking, his whole body is sweating and the body is more like a sweat I was electrocuted and trembling.

"Brother Mu, what are you doing? Could this kid offend you?"

Seeing that Ninety Five Chong was so hard, Nine Five Ambiguity hurriedly stopped in front of him, sharing the coercion of Mu Tiannan for him.

Mu Tiannan snorted coldly and said, "The Ninth Five-Year Plan is empty, your disciples of the Ninth Five-Year Family are getting more and more educated! Isn't it possible to even salute your seniors here?"

When the Ninth Five-Year Plan was heard, Mu Tiannan was looking for fault. Speaking of seniors, he is also in the dark during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but Ling Tianhua, Ling Wushuang, and all the masters of the Ling family have not stood there one by one, and no one has moved.

Although he was dissatisfied in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he didn't dare to say more. No one knew better than Mu Tiannan's end. He really couldn't describe it with the word tragic.

"Chong'er, haven't you seen Grandpa Mu yet?"

Niu Chong Chong is typically the kind of bully and fearful master who, in the face of Mu Tiannan, lent him a courage, he did not dare to brush off! Wiping a cold sweat dripping off his forehead, he walked forward in a hurry. Just about to greet Mu Tiannan as a salute, but unexpectedly, Mu Tiannan suddenly waved his sleeves, a strong wind, and immediately rolled back and forth with ninety-five punches, and then backed back five or six steps. Finally, he slumped heavily on the ground. .

"Humph! Worshipful and insincere worship, the old man is not rare!"

As soon as Mu Tiannan's words came out, the face of the ninety-five-year-old Chong and the ninety-five-year emptiness immediately changed. The sleeves of Mutianan's power, although not very powerful, could be the face of the two men. !

Wan Dong of course knew that Mu Tiannan did this, and Shi You ** was exhaling for him, but this exasperation was certainly enjoyable, but it made little sense.

"Huh? Isn't this bullish, like Wang Yangde's kid? After a while, why didn't he become this kind of virtue? Hey, Grandpa Kong, look, this injury seems to be left by the explosive flame tiger."

Ninety Five Chong stood up sullenly from the ground. When he looked back, Luo Xiao et al.'S faces were filled with ridiculous smiles, and his heart suddenly became angry. When I turned around, I just saw Wang Yangde lying there, and suddenly I got a spirit, and said yin and yang strangely. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498405->

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