Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1256: The antidote to immortalized grass!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

In Luo Xiao and Tang Xinyi's hearts, Wandong is a god, honoring glory, and never allowing anyone to blaspheme! In the minds of Ling Tianhou and Ling Feiqiu, Wan Dong is a life-saving benefactor and the one who allows them to repay with death. In the case of the Ninth Five-Year Chong, it was simply a rage, and even Mu Tiannan's face changed.

Dao Dao Ling murderously, could not help but fall on Jiu Chong Chong. The 95th Chong, which was still very rampant, immediately felt an unprecedented pressure. Her heart was warning, and she stepped back uncontrollably for five or six steps.

Seeing that the situation was wrong in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he hurriedly plugged in and protected the Ninth Five-Year Cushion behind him, and then his shoulders shook slightly, easily blocking the anger and killing from everyone. The powerful of the Holy Soul Realm, after all, cannot be countered by a large number of people.

"What do you want to do? My ninety-five people are not vegetarian!"

"Ninth Five-Year Plan! You grandson is too crazy, no matter how well disciplined, beware of dying on the streets!" Mutianan took a step, took the power of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and said coldly.

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Xiekong Xiexie smiled and said, "Brother Mu, what you said is wrong! Do you want to buy or sell? You want to love me! If you don't want to, you can refuse as much as possible. What's the matter with Liang Jian? People, do you have to find the right person? "

"You make people kneel and kowtow, what kind of business is this?" Mu Tiannan asked in a low voice.

"I don't think there is any fairer business than this! Isn't this kid really concerned about his brother? Kneel down for a few heads for his brother's life. That's fine! Unless this kid is fake here. 'S acting, it's another matter! "

The Ninth Five-Year Plan was talking while giving a thumbs-up to the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The expression was full of praise! Mu Tiannan was also angry and turned blue, reasoning with the two men, it was simply playing the piano with cattle!

With the strong support of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the courage of the Ninth Five-Year Plan became stronger immediately, and he sneered and looked at Wan Dongdao again and again: "Do you want to exchange? In the end, if we don't, then we're gone, there's not so much time Stay with you blindly here! "

Wan Dong's teeth squeaked, the green muscles on his forehead jumped like dancing, and his eyes were bloodied with anger. The man has gold under his knees. How can he kneel when he kneels? This kneeling makes it easy for people to stand up, but it is difficult to stand up again. However, if he does not kneel, Wang Yangde's life will end there. I have to say that these ninety-five punches are too ruthless!

"Boss, if you kneel, I'll die!" Wang Yangde didn't know where he came from, but he stood up from the ground stiffly. The expression is firm, and anyone can see it. He is not a joke!

"Nine-five rushes, kneel me to kneel!" Luo Xiao's eyes also turned red. His own negligence had to pay such a huge price. The self-blame in his heart had almost climbed to an indescribable height.

"You? Ha ha ha ... what are you? It's up to you, even if it is knocking 30,000 heads, this young master doesn't take any reason." Chong Luoxiao waved his hand, looked at Wan Dong at the 95th Five-Year, sneered repeatedly "What are you still hesitating about? Under the sky, only the Xingsu Dan can solve the poison of the immortal grass. Looking at the entire door, I am afraid that only Master Ben has a star in it, and I missed today. If you want to save your brother again, it's a fool's dream! "

"What do you say is the antidote to Huaxiancao? Xingsu Dan!" After listening to Jiu Wu Chong, Wan Dong's body seemed to have an electric current flowing through it, causing his body to tremble involuntarily, his face It is full of unspeakable excitement.

Ninety Five Chong Chong would be totally wrong, see Wan Dong's expression, and because Wan Dong was scared by the preciousness of the star Sudan, he sneered again and again, "forgive you, this earth leopard has never seen the star Sudan, Master Ben today It will open your eyes! "

After all, the storage ring of the 95th Five-Year Chong flashed through a strange awn, and he immediately had a quail egg in his hand. The whole body was blue and full, and under the sunlight, it was constantly shining like a star. Elixir. The fragrance is overflowing and refreshing. You don't need to look at it and just sniff with your nose to know that this is definitely an extremely precious elixir.

Wan Dong couldn't speak, Huo turned to look at Mu Tiannan. Mutian Nan nodded his head lightly and frowned, "Yes, this is the star Sudan! Unexpectedly, there is such a fairy in the family of the Ninth Five-Year!"

The Ninth Five-Year Plan was finally able to find a reason to stand up in front of Mu Tiannan, sneered, and proudly said: "That is of course! The foundation of our Ninth Five-Year Family, is it that you outsiders can imagine Arrived? "

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "I'm not asking this. I'm asking, can the stars of the stars actually detoxify the poison of the fairy grass?"

Although Mu Tiannan did n’t want to see Wan Dong kneel down to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he also knew that this was really Wang Yangde ’s only chance in his life, and he did n’t dare to hide it. He nodded and said, “It ’s good! , Tianyicao, two refined medicines, is just to restrain the poison of the immortal grass. It is just that the candle candle flower and the Tianyi grass, like the immortal grass, are the most treasures that can be encountered and not sought. See. And even if you find the candle candle flower and Tianyi grass, you want to refine it into a star altar, it is not alchemy master, and even the alchemy master, the success rate is only one-tenth. Because of this Then I will tell you that if you are poisoned by the immortal grass, there is both salvation and no salvation. "

After listening to Mu Tiannan's words, Wan Dongzhi couldn't help crying and laughing. If Mu Tiannan told him all this earlier, why should he be controlled by the 95th Five-Year Plan?

"Hear it, Senior Mu, you will never doubt it? Tell you, even if this star is in my hand, it is passed down from generations of my ninety-five family. It will be exchanged for your Di Kunpeng and you. The three bells and whistles are actually made by you. "

Looking at Wan Dong's expression of "dull as a wooden chicken", the 9th Five-Year Chong became more proud and said with a sneer.

Jiu Chong's character is not good, but his eyesight is okay, seeing Wan Dong is a master of love and justice, this will be so crazy. This time through the mouth of Mu Tiannan to tell the preciousness of the star Sudan, the ninety-five Chong even decided Wandong, full of thought that it will not take a moment, Wandong will kneel obediently in front of him, kowtowed and shouted. But while he was waiting with excitement, Wan Dong, without warning, suddenly burst into laughter.

Compared with the madness in the laughter of the 95th Chong Chong, Wan Dong's laughter is full of joy and excitement!

"Hahaha ... Constellation Dan, turned out to be Constellation Dan! Hahaha ..."

Wan Dong's laughter made Mu Tiannan and others inexplicable. Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and others looked at each other with confusion. It seemed that Sister Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang suddenly remembered something, and their faces were shrouded in surprise at the same time.

"Boy, what are you laughing at, could it be that you've lost your mind and got mad?" Even the ninety-five-year emptiness was lost in Wan Dong's heart, let alone the nine-five-year rush, shouting at Wandong.

"Nine Five Chong, want me to kneel for you? Come on in your life! You can hardly hold me in the stars?"

Before the 95th Chong Chong, Wandong's storage ring flashed two brilliances in succession. When the brilliance dispersed, Tian Yicao and the candle candle floated quietly in front of Wandong.

"This is ..." The Ninth Five-Year Plan was unable to help but exclaimed first, and his face was full of incredible looks.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan was slower, not because he was more calm than the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but because of hindsight. After the 9th Five-Year Plan was exclaimed, he realized faintly that the two fairy grasses floating in front of Wandong were very similar to Zhuyinhua and Tianyicao.

"This ... this is impossible! Both the candle-yin flowers and Tianyi grass are almost extinct. How can they appear in your hands at the same time?" Jiu Wu Chong couldn't accept this reality at all, and his long hair almost took root. Stood upright.

Not to mention him, even Mu Tiannan was taken aback, as if it were incredible.

In fact, Wan Dong's heart is also fluctuating, and while feeling lucky, he is also amazed by Wang Yangde's luck. Zhu Yinyin got a sword from peace, Tian Yicao got a defense from Shaoqing. Both of them were robbed by him, and both of them showed a fluke. In the midst of meditation, it seemed like God had arranged deliberately to save Wang Yangde.

"Even if you find Zhuyinhua and Tianyicao, there is no alchemist who can successfully refine them into Astral Pill! And if you directly feed Zhuyinhua and Tianyicao to the kid named Wang, fierce The medicine's power will cause him to explode and die! "

Ninety-Five Years is worthy of being a powerful player in the Holy Soul Realm. After being surprised, it quickly calmed down and said with a contemptuous lip in his face.

"Compared with candle Yinhua and Tianyicao, alchemy master is the easiest! The ninety-fifth five-year-old is empty, and today Master will open your eyes!" Wan Dong sneered, his arms spread, and a thunder came out of his mouth. ! "

As soon as the words fell, nothing happened in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and Wandong wanted to let it out. Then he saw a white dragon, which burst out of Wandong's body like thunder. As soon as this white dragon emerged from Wandong's body, he immediately rose in response to the storm, and in a short time, he had grown into a giant.

The dragon was tumbling in the air, majestic and majestic, and it was astonishing!

Mu Tiannan and others have already seen the power of Dinglong, but it is nothing, but the ninety-five rushes and the ninety-five emptiness are terrified. The grandchildren and the grandchildren looked at each other, their mouths opened several times, but they were stunned. He couldn't even say a word.

After a long while, the ninety-five-year-old rushed and asked, "Grandpa Kong, this ... is this guy's pet?"

Nine Five's dull head suddenly dull, there is a feeling of lack of oxygen, even if he is a strong in the Holy Soul Realm, I have seen many big scenes, but I have never seen it. At that time, you can control two animal pets. Even if I witnessed it with my own eyes, there is still a ridiculous feeling in the heart of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, which is ridiculous ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498409->

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