Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1262: Successive breakthroughs!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

In this person's life, there will always be a few nobles. If you ask Mu Tiannan at this time, who is the biggest nobleman he has encountered in his life, I believe he will say he is Wandong without hesitation! Wan Dong gave Ling Tianhou, Ling Feiqiu was only an opportunity to advance to the Holy Soul Realm. Although the Holy Soul Realm is the highest state that a monk can reach, it still belongs to the category of a monk. But what Wandong gave Mu Tiannan was the key to entering another world!

Entering the fairy court has always been Mu Tiannan's ultimate dream, but with the stagnation of Xiu Wei, this dream has been deeply locked in the heart by Mu Tiannan. But now, the four true meanings are reflected in Wan Dong's body, just like the light of hope, directly into Mu Tiannan's heart. The dream that has cooled down feels the temperature again and releases the light again!

Xianting is not as far as Mu Tiannan imagined, not at all!

In comparison, Wang Yangde, Luo Xiao and others have much shallower cultivation, and the realm is far from enough, and they are completely unable to perceive the power of the law that flows around Wan Dong, and it is impossible to comprehend the mystery of Taoism . But because of the super rich heaven and earth aura gathered by Wandong's breakthrough, it is also a rare opportunity for them. Everyone present, even inadvertently, the cultivation rate has increased more than twice the usual time. If you are guided by the mind, the cultivation rate will increase ten times more than usual!

I dare not imagine that if you can practice in such a rich heaven and earth aura for a long time, what a terrible evil will be created!

Wan Dong didn't know what he brought to the outside world at this time. All his minds were already immersed in the wind, the sword, and the fusion of the four true meanings. As Wan Dong's understanding of the true meaning of fusion continues to deepen, the wind and the two original truths that are independent and unrelated to each other have produced so many connections under Wan Dong's mind. These connections are like invisible silk threads that extend and interweave, bringing the two true meanings of wind closer and closer.

Wan Dong also faced such a scene for the first time, and he did not know whether this was due to the fusion of the true meaning of the true meaning, but this entire process was surprisingly wonderful. Wan Dong can feel that every trace of Dao Qi in his body seems to be endowed with a soul, and comes alive, cheering like a human. Yes, Wandong can feel their excitement clearly and clearly!

Wan Dong is immersed in this wonderful feeling, unwilling to disturb, even if all this is a disaster, not a blessing!

With the vitality and vitality of Wandong's body, the speed of the two true meanings of the wind is getting closer and closer, becoming faster and faster. Slowly, the two independent truths are like two stalls of mercury convection from opposite directions. The edges finally flowed together and began to blend together.

At this moment, it was as if someone had opened a huge mouth in Wan Dong ’s head. Countless he had never understood it, but it was enough for him to consolidate the essence of the avenue of initiation, converging into a torrent of torrents. Into his mind.

At this moment, Wan Dong's body burst into a radiant glory like fire. This Huaguang is filled with an ancient, mysterious, vast and extremely majestic atmosphere. Even a strong man like Mu Tiannan couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise!

With the glory of the sky rising from the sky, Wan Dong was attracted to here, dissipating the surrounding heaven and earth aura, as if instantly activated, roaring and rolling, not only from Wan Dong ’s Tian Ling Cave, Wan Dong Each pore has become a channel, entrance, and surrounding qi, which merged into Wandong's body at an alarming rate.

At this time, Wandong has become a human-shaped black hole, swallowing up Dao Qi!

The scene when Wang Yangde was just ascending was already amazing, but when compared with Wan Dong at this time, he would understand what a little witch sees!

With the infusion of such a huge amount of Dao Qi, within Wandong's body, Xuan Tian Wu Shen Ju, together with Feng Tian Tian Ju, worked to the extreme. Although there are many auras in the world, once they enter Wandong's body, they will be converted into Dao Qi by these two laws without forming a breath. If someone sees Wandong's body at this time, he will be shocked to find that Wandong's Yuan Mansion is like a dammed lake in a rainstorm, and the water level has skyrocketed at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The bottleneck from the first stage of Tiange to the middle stage of Tiange, under the soaring madness of Dao, the fragility is like a piece of paper, and it was broken through in an instant. Once the bottleneck is broken, the qi in Wandong's body is like a wild horse that has been shed, accelerating soaring.

Such a powerful and unstoppable breakthrough, even Mu Tiannan, is unheard of. It was just that he could not be distracted and distracted at the moment, the moment when the Wandong realm broke through, the wind, and the power of the three principles of truth were merged to reach the peak of activity. All kinds of comprehension are almost automatically poured into Mu Tiannan's mind, and the gap that can send Mu Tiannan into Xianting is continuously expanded and expanded again!

Although Mu Tiannan had almost mobilized all the willpower to suppress his excitement at this time, the whole body could not help shaking slightly.

After breaking through to the middle level of Tiange, the qi in Wandong did n’t stop there. The violent qi was like a tide, destructive and decayed, and kept moving forward. Not only did the foundation of the middle level of Wandong Tiange be stabilized, and it was more direct Going out of the bottleneck of Tiange Peak.

A breakthrough, two consecutive levels of promotion, this is not something that has never happened in the Daomen World. In particular, the three major Yipin families have experienced such breakthroughs with their strong resources. But most of it happened in the Yellow Seed, Xuan mark realm. In the realm of earth, this kind of continuous crazy breakthrough is almost impossible. In the celestial realm, this breakthrough method is even more difficult to think about.

When the qi in Wandong's body rushed to the bottleneck of Tiange's pinnacle with an unstoppable posture, Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou and Ling Feiqiu opened their eyes almost at the same time, looking at each other, all eyes Filled with deep horror!

"Mu Lao, what kind of law is Yaoting's brother practicing?" Ling Tianhou's curiosity in his heart was so strong that he seemed to burst into the air, and his voice asked with a little trembling.

Mu Tiannan shook his head and said before the gods, "The old man is not clear, but it can be concluded that the law practiced by Yao Ting is definitely unique among the Taoist gates, and it is far superior to my imagination!" "

"There is still such a magical rule in this world, which is unbelievable!" Ling Fei Qiu shook his head again and again, the shock on his face reached an unprecedented level.

The world was almost swallowed up by Wandong Aura. With Wandong's enlightenment, he quickly gathered again. It's just that at this time these qi are no longer from a hundred miles, but hundreds of miles away.

It's hard to imagine that a breakthrough of a monk in the Heavenly Realm can actually arouse the spirit of heaven and earth hundreds of miles away. This level can already be comparable to that of the Shinto Realm!

"Are you going to break through again?" Although Mu Tiannan felt a shock in his heart, he was not as surprised as before, and he was almost numb.

How sensitive is Mutianan's perception? His low voice has not yet landed, and the bottleneck of Tiange's pinnacle in Wandong's body is declared broken. The surging Dao Qi, like the rivers and rivers, rushed through Wandong's meridians, straightening Wandong's meridians, expanding it more than several times.

And at the moment when Wandong broke through the peak of Tiange, the wind and the two true essences suddenly merged together. Wan Dong's mind instantly set off a series of shocks, countless mysteries, and tumbling. The doubts that puzzled Wan Dong in the past, disappeared without a trace under this mystery.

The feeling of comprehending the meaning of the universe and seeing the heavens and earth made Wandong's heart very happy, and his body seemed to have lost weight, and he was about to go with the wind. Like a brain, hundreds of tons of heavy stones were removed from the body, free and free!

When the two true meanings of wind were completely integrated in Wandong's body, Wandong realized that his previous understanding of wind-changing tactics was so shallow. The wind-changing heaven tactics, no matter from what aspect, are the ancient immortal tactics that do not lose to Xuan Tianwu **** tactics!

With Wan Dong's thorough comprehension of the wind-changing tactics, his momentum immediately changed dramatically. If it weren't for that face, I'm afraid no one could link Wan Dong in front of him with Wan Dong before the breakthrough.

At this time, the power erupted from Wandong, so that Ling Tianhou, Ling Feiqiu, such a godlike peak realm, could not help feeling threatened. Although they can't believe it, the two can vaguely feel that after the breakthrough, Wandong already has enough energy to threaten their lives!

Ling Tianhou and Ling Feiqiu looked at each other in shock, but they didn't know that Mu Tiannan was also shocked. The momentum that burst out of Wan Dong also brought him a lot of pressure. If this was before, Mu Tiannan could not imagine it, and he couldn't believe it!

When Wandong successfully broke through to the peak of Tiange, most of the free heaven and earth auras have been taken into the body by Wandong, and the remaining small part began to dissipate slowly.

"Is it finally over?" Mu Tiannan let out a long sigh of breath. At this time, he looked at Wan Dong's eyes and said, without exaggeration, a little awe. The young man in front of him was completely invisible.


Mu Tiannan's turbid breath just finished, and a strange flow of air in the air suddenly caught his attention. Mu Tiannan exclaimed.

Ling Tianhou and Ling Fei and Qiu Zhengshen were outside, and they were startled by Mu Tiannan's sudden exclaim.

"What's wrong with Mu Lao?" Ling Tianhou turned to look at Mu Tiannan with a look of uncertainty.

Mu Tiannan stared blankly at Wan Dong, and for a long while, he said, "Yao Ting him ... he seems to be attacking the Shinto realm!"

"What !?" As soon as Mu Tiannan said this, Ling Tianhou and Ling Fei Qiu had a great tacit understanding. They shouted in unison, a pair of eyes glared as if they would jump out of their eyes at any time. : Book Library--by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498416->

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