Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1316: Ping Wu Niang's power!

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Not to mention Ping Wuniang's curiosity, Mu Xuansheng's heart is also extremely puzzled. In the scene just now, he watched very real, Wan Dong really walked in the gate of the ghost gate, no matter who the two of them are a little slower, Wan Dong will die without a burial place. Mu Xuansheng wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out why Wandong was desperately trying to save him this enemy.

Wan Dong laughed aloud, and flattened Wu Niangdao. "Senior Ping, everything was just a misunderstanding, but if you kill Mu Xuansheng, it will no longer be a misunderstanding."

"Huh! How about that, do you think my wife will be afraid of their Mu family?" Ping Wu Niang snorted heavily, ignoring Wan Dong's words on the surface, but it was obvious that she was against Mu Xuansheng in her heart. The killing intention is clearly reduced a lot.

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Mu Xuansheng again, Shen Sheng said, "Senior Ping was born in a Ping family, but it was very different from that of Ping Sihai. Ping Sihai's betrayal of Daomen did not make sense for Senior Ping. It makes no sense! Senior Senior Ping let you go today, it is an expression of sincerity, I hope you can understand! "

"That is to say, it was not me but the Ping Wuniang that you were fighting to save your life just now?"

Wan Dong sneered and sneered, "If that makes you feel more comfortable, I don't care!"

"I ..." Wan Dong's words were not polite, and he pierced Mu Xuansheng's point of careful thinking, making his old face flush instantly.

After a long silence, Mu Xuansheng nodded heavily and said, "Okay, what happened today, I wrote down this seat, and I will definitely speak to the master when I have a chance."

After finishing speaking, Mu Xuansheng was consciously faceless, and was about to leave. Ping Wu Niang snorted coldly and said, "Don't hurry, I will rely on you to rescue Xiao Zhenwei!"


Mu Xuansheng was about to get angry, and Ping Wuniang's eyes were stunned. He didn't wait for him to speak out, and then he said sharply, "What are you? You are bullying me like that, I don't care about you now, let me help you Busy, do you still want to refuse? Leave me alone! "

Ping Wuniang was not so polite to Mu Xuansheng. With a whisper, a move in the right hand, an invisible force, Mu Xuansheng was imprisoned for a moment, making him unable to move anymore.

After subduing Mu Xuansheng, Ping Wu Niang turned to look at Wan Dong, and shook her head and said, "Yao Ting, you are good everywhere, but sometimes too old and stable, unlike a young man!"

Wan Dong smiled and didn't speak. If Ping Wu Niang could really understand his experience, he might not say such a thing.

"Luo Xiao, Brother Xiao, are you all okay?" Wan Dong turned around and summoned Dingshan Weiqun Ying.

Dingshan Weiqun Ying was very hurt, and Wan Dong looked distressed.

Luo Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shook his head and said, "I can still hold it!"

Wan Dong thought for a while and said, "You immediately return to the Seventh Peak for healing and adjustment, and leave the rest to me, Senior Peace."

"How do you do this? It must be very dangerous. How can we let the boss take the risk alone? This injury is not a big deal. If you come to Mu Xuansheng, we can still deal with it!"

"That's it! Boss, die together, this is the oath we made together!"

"Yao Ting, Xiao Zhenwei is my grandfather. He is in danger. How can I be a grandson? Look at it as long as I can move, I must go!"

Dingshan Weiqunying said one after another that they would not let Wandong be in danger alone.


While everyone was talking, there was a loud noise not far away, followed by the tremor of the earth and the roar of the wind. Even Wandong has been affected here, and countless trees were instantly knocked down by the strong wind.

This gust of wind is terrifying, but the remnants of Dao Qi contained in this gust of wind even shake Wandong's heart and soul. If it weren't for the top two strong men, there would never be such a violent collision.

Ping Wuniang's complexion changed instantly, and the anxious color between her eyebrows had reached a point where she couldn't hide it.

"It must have been Zhenwei and Mu Ao's old man who fought their lives! Yao Ting, you don't have to fight anymore, you also go back to the seventh peak, it is best to lead everyone to escape from the Mu family immediately, here for you, too It ’s too dangerous, I do n’t want any of you to experience any failure! ”Ping Wu Niang said anxiously.

Wan Dong also realized that time was running short, frowning, and said with a clear face, "Okay, don't delay anymore, just do what I say!"

"But the boss ..."

"Why, really force me to give you orders? Go!"

Wan Dong took out his majesty and looked grim. Luo Xiao and others immediately felt a pressure, looked at each other, and nodded helplessly.

After instructing Wan Dong, Luo Xiao and others stopped and returned to the seventh peak. Ping Wu Niang sighed, and did not persuade Wan Dong, with the imprisoned Mu Xuansheng, flew to Mu Ao and Xiao Zhenwei's duel.

"Yao Ting, Mu Ao, this old man is not easy. Many years ago, he has entered the half-step Holy Spirit. Some people say that although his realm has not been promoted to the Holy Spirit Realm, his combat power has been infinitely close. Holy Soul. When I get to the place, I will work with Zhenwei to deal with him.

Ping Wuniang was very uneasy about Wan Dong, and kept admonishing him on the road. Wan Dong's words are borne, but he has other ideas in mind. Unexpectedly, his trip to Mu's family caused so many misunderstandings. Isn't God playing with him deliberately?

"Someone, return it to me!"

The place where Xiao Zhenwei and Mu Ao faced each other was clearly surrounded by the masters of the Mu family. As soon as Wan Dong Heping Wu Niang approached, there were countless lights around them to lock them. A few more shots came from behind, directly blocking the way of Wandong Peace Wu Niang.

"Senior Mu family, please listen to the younger generation ..."

"Say anything to them, get away with me!"

Wan Dong didn't want to continue to misunderstand like this, and wanted to explain it, but Ping Wu Niang didn't have that patience. Before he finished speaking, the whole person rushed out. By the time Wan Dong responded, Ping Wuniang's palms were already spread out.

Among the dozen Mujia masters who came to block, there was only one peak of Shinto, and the rest were all in the first stage of Shinto Realm. A master of Mu family has already flew out by the palm shaking.

A series of pumping sounds sounded clearly from all around, apparently shocked by the fighting power of Ping Wu Niang.

"The people of the Mu family listened to me. I only asked Mu Ao to settle the accounts. How far should the rest go? Who can think that there is such a domineering side.

The sound and waves are like substance, rolling and tumbling between heaven and earth, and even shaking people's hearts.

Wan Dong wanted to praise Ping Wuniang's domineering attitude, but the kind of hateful gaze around Mu family around him made him distressed again. He came to Mu Family to win his beloved wife, but he didn't pull hatred!

"Something you can't talk about! What do you think my Mu Family is, dare to come here to play awesome!"

With a loud bang, an old man led a large number of masters, and they all rose up one after another, and forced him to Wandong Peace Wu Niang. Seeing the power of this old man, he is even stronger than Mu Xuansheng. His position in Mu Family is not low, which makes Wan Dong frown.

Sure enough, Mu Xuansheng's shouting confirmed Wan Dong's speculation, "Three brothers be careful, the old lady with the surname Ping has forced out the bone-boning spirit needle, which is not easy to deal with!"

"What? How could Elder Mu Ao's bone bone needle be easily pushed out?" The old man was immediately taken aback, his eyes widening.

Mu Xuansheng's mouth was also bitter, and his eyes could not help but glance at Wan Dong. If it were not for the emergence of Wandong, where would the situation be today?

"Hum ... Mu Xuantie, things you can't think of are still behind! Eat me!"

Ping Wuniang screamed, without a word of nonsense, and waved his hand to the old man.

Although Mu Xuantie's cultivation base is higher than Mu Xuansheng's, but in Ping Wuniang, it is still not enough! The tyrant's palm-like strength, he did not dare to block it, and in a cry of excitement, he quickly retreated.

It was just his retreat, but it hurt his apprentices and grandchildren. Ping Wuniang ’s palm burst into burst. The countless Mu masters were immediately swept away by dozens of feet away. The film sounded through the sky.

"Mu Ao, you old man, if you don't let these cats and dogs back, I will kill them all!"

Ping Wuniang had no patience with Mu Xuantie at all. They were only concerned about Xiao Zhenwei and roared back to heaven.

"Mu Xuantie, please let go of all of you and let her in. The old man wants to see how big a storm she can make!"

It didn't take a moment for Mu Ao's voice to pass. Although Wan Dong didn't see anyone, it was only from this voice that he could feel Muao's arrogance.

"You have to ask for bitterness, just go! But you have to put my seven younger brothers first!" Mu Xuantie looked at Ping Wuniang with his eyes fixed and said, gritting his teeth.

Ping Wuniang sneered, stretched his hand and choked Mu Xuansheng's throat, pushed it forward, looked coldly at Mu Xuantie, and said quietly, "If you have the ability, you will **** him from my hands!"

"You ..." Mu Xuantie weighed secretly, he really didn't have such a skill, and immediately felt a sense of being pushed against the wall, his face turned purple for a while, and his chest was sullen as if he was about to explode.

Upon seeing this, Ping Wuniang said with a curse, "I forgive you that there is no such a skill! Give me a good roll away, otherwise I will take off this arm first!"

Mu Xuansheng saw that Ping Wu Niang actually wanted to threaten Xuan Tie with herself. She hated and shy in her heart and couldn't help but whispered, "Ping Wu Niang, if you want to kill, why do you humiliate me?"

"Humiliation? Ha! Compared to what you put on me, what is this?"

Originally, Wan Dong was still thinking that Ping Wu Niang's actions seemed to be a bit 'over', but according to Ping Wu Niang's statement, Wan Dong's thoughts vanished immediately.

Bone lock spirit needle, lashing punishment, ruthless pursuit ... If these things happen to him, he must be crazy! By comparison, Ping Wuniang is already restrained ...

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