Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1325: High spirits!

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.Recommend all the book readers to read: Cultivation Covers the Clouds, Cultivation Covers the Clouds, Chapter 1325 Fighting spirits!

This inconspicuous purple wind, full of frightening threats, felt naturally by Xiao Zhenwei. Even if he didn't dare to let it come close, it was still far away, and the road fire in Juding had sputtered thinly, rolling like a fire dragon towards the purple wind. But the purple wind was more difficult than Xiao Zhenwei imagined. When Dao fire collided with it, the purple wind whirled in a strange place. Then, the fire dragon formed by the fire condensed, He was led aside. That purple wind took the opportunity to accelerate. Like a purple electricity, it shot directly into Juding. The speed was so fast that Xiao Zhenwei didn't even have a chance to react.

As soon as the ray of purple wind entered the giant tripod, it surged immediately! At first, only the thickness of the little finger, and in a blink of an eye, the baby's arm was already thick, and after a few breaths, it turned out to be thicker than the tank.

Xiao Zhenwei desperately mobilized the Dao fire in Juding and wanted to annihilate it, but whenever the Dao fire approached, he would be bounced away by him immediately, making it hard to hurt him. As the purple wind grew stronger, it began to devour Dao fire in reverse. In the end, it turned into a purple wind, rolling across the giant tripod, violent and terrible!

"What is the name of this wind !?" Xiao Zhenwei was shocked, and sat down cross-legged, his hands folded, and the air in his body flowed out at an unprecedented speed, not to spend money into the giant tripod.

At this time, Xiao Zhenwei did not want to be able to sweep away that purple wind, but only hoped to suppress it a little, at least not to let that purple wind ruin his destiny!

"Hahaha ... useless, stop struggling in vain! In front of the" Aeolus "in this seat, only destruction!"

Nine-five-year-old dumbfounded a laugh, finger lightly, the purple wind doubled in an instant. Among Juding, thunder and thunder sounded immediately. The Tao Fire condensed by Xiao Zhenwei was almost completely wiped out, and Zifeng began to directly impact Juding. That thunder and thunder is just the sound of two avenues that collide with each other.

Xiao Zhenwei couldn't control that much at this time anymore, a burst of ethos burst out of his body like a mad dragon, and then poured into Juding directly. He was connected to the blood of that giant tripod, and his soul was connected. Once the giant tripod broke, his life came to an end.

"Zhenwei, I'll help you!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhenwei was almost at the last moment, where could Ping Wuniang be on the sidelines? Even if it is mentally and mentally exhausting, the five laborers are at the top, and Ping Wu Niang has to fight. In Li Xiao's voice, the two crack soldiers covered with cracks turned into two horses, and ran straight into the dark sky of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

When the Ninth Five-Year Plan was empty, he didn't surprise but smiled, and said quietly, "You have a way to heaven, you have no way to hell, but you can cast your own money! In this case, the old man will make you a pair of desperate couples!"

During the speech, the left palm of the ninety-five-year vacant sky was chopped out, and another purple wind roared. Ping Wuniang had just realized that it was not good, and her two swords had been caught by him. Then a force that almost could not resist Wu Niang's resistance directly dragged her two swords and shot into Juding together.

Among the giant tripods, the sound of the sound swelled again and shook the sky!

"Xiao Zhenwei's peace Wu Niang is afraid it's over!" Mu Ao frowned, his face dignified.

Mu Xuansheng couldn't help shaking his head again and again. The strong man of the Holy Soul Realm was really terrible, terrible beyond his imagination.


All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone immediately attracted them. I saw the crack that was about to heal above the giant tripod, and then it cracked again at this time, and it continued to have fine lines, spreading in all directions.

Xiao Zhenwei couldn't withstand the blow, and a spit of blood suddenly spewed out, his complexion was white and pale, just like the dead.

Ping Wuniang was not much better. Blood was like a fountain, pouring out of her mouth. The two excaliburs that were dragged into Juding had only one left, still struggling.

"Homeowner, don't we really ..." Mo Taichang suddenly looked up at Mu Yu at this moment, his expression was a little complicated.

Mu Yucheng frowned slightly, his sharp eyes were not on Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang, but on Wan Dong. He clearly noticed that an unusual breath fluctuating from Wandong's body.

"How is it possible? Isn't it possible to hold down this kid even with the emptiness of the Ninth Five-Year Plan?"

At the moment Mu Yu was in a state of mind, Wan Dong, who had been competing with the coercion of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, suddenly burst into thunder and a sharp sword rushed straight out of his palm, in the air Condensed into a false and real sword shadow, directly hacked towards the ninety-five years.

"Dao Jian !?"

As soon as the sword came out, all the people present were silent, and even Mu Yucheng changed his complexion, and the color of shock turned to the extreme.

Such things as Dao Jian are purely condensed by Dao Qi, but not everyone can do it, and even the strongest of the Holy Soul Realm may not be able to condense Dao Jian. Even if it were possible, it would never be as wonderful as Wan Dong, and the momentum was purely amazing! This requires a profound understanding of the sword together before it can be done.

"Unexpectedly, this kid's comprehension of sword together is so deep and terrible!"

In the murmur of Mu Yucheng, the Tao sword formed by Wan Dong's condensing directly broke through the coercion of the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky and instantly reached the top of the Nine Five-Year Dark Sky.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan is about to annihilate Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei together. I never thought that Wan Dong, who had been suppressed by him, would suddenly launch such a stunning blow at this time! Perhaps Wandong's Daodao sword is not enough to hurt the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but Wandong's sword has undoubtedly shaken the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

The master showdown, the fight is of course cultivation, more meaning, more mind! The slight chaos in the Ninth Five-Year Plan was a very precious life for Xiao Ping and the two. The two launched at the same time, only to hear a rumbling loud noise, that incomparable purple wind, was forced by Xiao Ping and the two to force them out of Juding.

Of course, the two also paid a great price for this. Whether it is Juding, or the only sword left by Ping Wuniang, it is now in a dilapidated state, and even Huaguang is no longer blinking. As for the two, they are bloodless and almost completely lost the power of World War I!

The achievements that were originally at his disposal were once again destroyed by Wandong. Only this time, the Ninth Five-Year Plan is no longer surprised. It seems that this is not the first time. However, the anger of the 9th Five-Year Plan is the same. Looking at Wandong, he hopes that Wandong will be burned to ashes.

"Little bastard, I have to admit that you surprised me again! But now what should you do? Ping Wu Niang and Xiao Zhenwei are now no different from the waste people, and they can no longer help you. You do n’t think that it ’s up to you With the power of striking, can you defeat this seat? "

The Ninth Five-Year Plan has changed your mind! He originally thought that Wan Dong was not a threat. When he killed Xiao Ping and his wife, he could naturally play Wan Dong to death. But now he discovered that Wan Dong was the biggest variable after a long time. He decided to concentrate on removing Wan Dong first, and then kill Xiao Ping.

The thick murders of the Ninth Five-Year Plan are no longer covered up, and Xiao Ping and the two have no reason to feel it.

"Mu Yucheng, did you listen to what Ling Tianhou said? Yao Ting, but the elder Mu Tiannan's fancy man, if he really died in the hands of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, how would you explain to his old man? "

Xiao Zhenwei hurriedly looked at Mu Yucheng. At this moment, only Mu Yu was able to keep Wandong.

"Hum ... It's this kid who doesn't do his best. He can't blame him for his death. Xiao Zhenwei, you don't need to talk anymore. I already said that this battle, I won't help anyone at Mu Family!" Mu Yucheng's The attitude was still so tough that Xiao Zhenwei's heart fell to the bottom.

"Yao Ting, let's go! Don't sacrifice because we are meaningless!" Ping Wu Niang said to Wan Dong almost in a pleading tone.

"That's right! Yaoting, you can rest assured that even if you die, we must die with the old thief of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and never let him threaten you again!"

"The two predecessors, who did not know the deer's death at this time, what did they say they all died? Although the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky is a holy spirit realm, it may not be invincible!" Compared with Xiao Ping's pessimism, Wan Dong is as usual Positive, ambitious never dimmed in the slightest, the words spoken are still uplifting and shocking.

Mu Yucheng suddenly discovered that the most shining thing in Wan Dong's body was that he was not his superhuman talent. His heart that never died and never refused to lose was even more precious!

Mu Yucheng's heart was a little excited, and he could almost be sure that Wandong would have a huge impact on the future of Mu Family. He almost couldn't help but stop the fight, even if he risked offending the ninety-five family. But in the end, he refrained. The more he discovers Wan Dong's flash, the more Mu Yucheng wants to knock down Wan Dong's 'shortcomings'. This person will inevitably have a little perfectionism.

"But ... but Wu Niang and I have reached the limit, but we can't ..."

Before Xiao Zhenwei finished his speech, Wan Dong smiled and interrupted it. "It's good to the limit! When it reaches the limit, it means a breakthrough, it means more powerful! Two seniors, if such a rare opportunity, if you give up, It ’s not a violent disaster! "

"Yao Ting, you ... what do you mean?" Xiao Zhenwei and the Wu Niang inexplicably asked.

Wan Dong's expression was suddenly taken off, with an unprecedented solemnity, and he shouted, "Break and stand up! Two seniors, between life and death, let yourself become stronger!"

After all, Wandong's fingers suddenly shone with red light. In that red light, a huge immortal spirit stone flew straight out of his storage ring. The hill was like it, and it fell heavily on Ping Wuniang. In front of Xiao Zhenwei.

This sucking spirit stone is the one that Wan Dong got from Tiansha Valley. This absorbing spirit stone has absorbed the ethics of countless Ling family and blood skeleton strongman, among which there are 20% ethics from Mu Tiannan and Shen Lian.

Who are Mu Tiannan and Shen Lian? They are all holy soul cattlemen stronger than the Ninth Five-Year Plan, so the amount of Dao Qi contained in this suction stone is absolutely impressive ...

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