Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1328: Undoubtedly the strong!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Damn it!" The image of the natal **** was damaged, which was a shame to the 9th Five-Year Plan. After a roar filled with excitement, the huge figure behind him suddenly burst out, and the infinite Huaguang burst into flames, each of which turned into a sword, strangling Wandong from all directions.

Although Wan Dong had long expected that the Ninth Five-Year Plan was going to furiously counterattack, he held the reincarnation sword in his hands early in the morning, but he still suffered a lot from the overwhelming and aggressive offensive of the Nine Five-Year Plan. After a jingle of crunchy sounds, Wan Dong's body was **** and his skin was almost intact. Many places even exposed his bones, which looked terrible.

But Wan Dong's figure still stood upright, standing firmly in front of Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei, like an indestructible wall, shielding them from all wind and rain.

Looking at the violent 9th Five-Year Plan, Mu Yucheng's heart seemed to be boiled. "His grandmother's, I think this kid is against the sky!"

Mu Ao couldn't help but stay stunned. The first person under his holy spirit, compared with Wan Dong in front of him, instantly faded away, and it didn't seem so remarkable. Although the Ninth Five-Year Plan is the strongest in the Holy Soul Realm, his light cannot cover Wan Dong at all.

"This kid is too evil, he is not a human at all!" Mo Taichang's heart is like the sea that is blown by the storm, from time to time, the waves are horrified. Before he was easily defeated by Wan Dong, he felt humiliated and even disappointed, but at this moment, he didn't think so anymore. Even the cattle of the Holy Soul Realm in the Ninth Five-Year Plan were disgraced, and he lost to Wan Dong, what did he count?

With such a thought, Mo Taichang's heart suddenly relaxed a lot, and even a smile appeared on his face. It can also be regarded as inadvertently opening the heart knot, which will certainly produce great benefits for his future cultivation.

"The Ninth Five-Year Plan is empty, I see enough, stop it!"

Ling Tianhou was amazing at Wan Dong's performance, but Wan Dong's **** appearance made him distressed. He flew forward and rushed to the ninety-five.

"Yao Ting has a high grace for my Ling family. My Ling Tianhou, even my Ling family, can never sit back and watch his being killed, even if we have to face the entire ninety-five family!"

"Go away! There's no room for you to talk here!"

Will the Ninth Five-Year Obscurity just stop? Before Ling Tianhou finished speaking, he suddenly took a palm, and his violent palm force directly pushed Ling Tianhou back to dozens of feet away.

Ling Tianhou had just stepped into the half-step Holy Soul, and naturally couldn't resist the anger of the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky. In anger, he turned his gaze to Mu Yucheng. It was only him who could stop the Nine Five-Year Dark Sky.

Without Ling Tianhou's opening, Mu Yucheng has also planned to end this asymmetric battle. Compared with the preciousness of Wandong, the anger of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is really nothing. However, just as Mu Yucheng was about to do this, a glimmer of light burst out of Wan Dong, which suddenly caught his attention and further changed his mind.

"Dao !? Is this possible?" Mu Yucheng couldn't help but whispered, his eyes locked like a radar like Wan Dong, and the glory flashed, full of shock and excitement.

The Dao species is the key to the monk's entry into the Holy Soul Realm, and then to impact the higher realm. It is formed by a monk's lifelong perception of the avenue and the law.

It is not easy to breed Dao species, which requires super insight, super opportunities, and perhaps one hundred people, it is difficult for one person to breed Dao species. In order to cultivate Taoism seeds, cultivation as a state must reach the pinnacle of Shinto. Although Wan Dong's combat strength is amazing, but his cultivation as a realm, but only the first stage of Shinto. Dao species can be bred at the first stage of Shinto, which has not been seen in the tens of thousands of years of Daomen world.

But the light shimmering out of Wandong's body was indeed the light of Tao. Mu Yucheng has been in the Holy Soul Realm for so many years, and he is right. But all of this appeared on Wan Dong's body, obviously it should not be, it is no wonder that Mu Yucheng's expression, half shocked, half confused.

However, the appearance of this glimmer made Mu Yucheng change his mind. He will continue to look at it to see how far Wandong can reach. The Ninth Five-Year Plan is a death threat, but it is also an excellent sharpening stone!

"Master Mu, do you really want to continue to sit and watch?" Seeing Mu Yucheng didn't respond for a long time, Ling Tian was anxious and shouted.

Mu Yucheng was still silent, and Ling Tianhou's eyes were sharp, "Well! Since Mu Family Master doesn't care, then I'm in control! It's a big death, what a fear!"

"Who dares to move without my orders ?!"

Ling Tianhou was about to launch, Mu Yucheng reached out violently and reached out. An invisible energy turned Ling Tianhou into imprisonment. Mu Yu became the head of the Mu family, and her cultivation was truly extraordinary. Even if she looked at it in the ninety-five years, she couldn't help but feel sad. Secretly comparing, he could not grasp Ling Tianhou as easily as Mu Yucheng.

"Master Mu, you ... you will regret it!" Ling Tianhou struggled several times, could not escape Mu Yucheng's control, and could not help but roar.

Mu Yucheng ignored it and waved his hand. Ling Tianhou reached Mu Ao in front of him, "Look at him, forbid him to act lightly!"

Mu Ao's brows were also tightly frowned upon Mu Yucheng's approach, but he could be photographed in Mu Yucheng's identity.

"Hahaha ... The Master Mu keeps his promise and promises, and it really makes people admire!" Nine-Five-year-old Wukong gave a loud laugh.

Mu Yucheng gave a cold snort in his nose, but did not answer, but just continued to observe.

"Little bastard, the time has been delayed by you long enough, this should be over!" No one is going to make trouble again, the fierce flames of the Ninth Five-Year Plan are even more arrogant.

Wan Dong glanced back at Ping Wu Niang and Xiao Zhenwei, only to see that the two were still desperately absorbing the qi in the absorbing spirit stone. I do n’t know how they entered at this time, but looking at the expression of the two was easier than before A lot, it seems that at least their respective injuries are almost healed.

Wan Dong didn't know how long he could persist, but the more he insisted, the greater the chance that Xiao Ping and his two would survive.

This is the end of the matter.

There was a dull low growl in the throat, and the reincarnation sword in Wan Dong's hand shone again with a dazzling cold light.

The blood hasn't drained yet, the fire of life is still burning again! Want Wandong to admit defeat at this time? That is a dream!

Wandong did not wait for the Ninth Five-Year Plan to shoot, but in a scream, he proactively pierced the Reincarnation Sword to the Nine Five-Year Plan.

Blood Tu Qianli merged with the smoke and clouds, and lifted a thousand-footed blood red sword awn between the world, with a fearless momentum, blasted vigorously towards the ninety-five dark sky.

This is undoubtedly a sword full of courage! If it wasn't what he saw with his own eyes, who could believe, who could believe that a young descendant with only the first stage of Shinto would dare to hand this sword to the powerful in the Holy Soul Realm?

Wandong at this moment is simply enemies with the sky! The sorrowful, scorching heat is like substance, and a brand is fiercely branded in the hearts of everyone, enough for them to never forget.

That pride is even more like a gust of wind, completely sweeping the hearts of everyone!

At this moment, Wandong's influence on everyone surpassed everything, enough to affect their life!

Mu Yucheng's eyes were unprecedentedly eager. If every Mu Family disciple can have such pride and courage, what kind of situation will Mu Family be? Mu Yucheng suddenly realized that Wan Dong was the Mu Family's greatest asset, and there was no one!

"Huh! Since you are deliberately seeking death, does the old man fail to make sense for you?"

Nine-five-year emptiness does not know how complicated the psychology is, and his complexion changes instantly. With a bite of steel teeth, the right hand and the finger point out, and a finger, the vast tens of miles, rolling endlessly, seems to divide the world into two.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan knows that he can no longer continue to rub it down, he must immediately kill Wan Dong. Although Wan Dong's cultivation practice does not threaten his life, it has already affected his mind. This is even more serious than the threat to life, and it makes the Ninth Five-Year Plan unacceptable. Once it forms a shadow, for the rest of the ninety-five years of emptiness, Xiuwei never wants to make progress!

Jianmang collided with the fingermand without any suspense, and there was no earth-shattering sound coming. The obscure fingers of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, like a group of wild horses, had nothing to stop and approached Wandong at an alarming speed.

"Okay ... It's such a powerful" three lives are destroyed! "The Ninth Five-Year Plan was even unfolded ..." Mu Ao was completely stunned. The horror in his eyes is beyond words. That vast expanse is so powerful, he is clearly very clear.

"Mu Yucheng!"

Ling Tianhou, unable to move, exhausted all his strength to make a roar filled with despair and anger. He didn't understand that Wan Dong was committed to solving the Mu family's siege. Why could Mu Yu become so cruel as he could not be saved? Thinking of these, Ling Tianhou really feels worthless to Wan Dong!

Feeling extremely excited, Ling Tianhou, who was almost close to being out of control, was certainly impossible to see. When that vast finger fell to Wandong, Mu Yucheng's pair of fists could not be tightened anymore, and his fingertips even penetrated the meat!

"Die, die! Hahaha ..."

The Ninth Five-Year Plan is almost mad at this time. In the hysterical laughter, fingers are connected, countless fingers are connected one after another, and they are merged into the "galaxy" into the fingers, making the power of the fingers surging!

The blood-red sword light was finally unable to support it and was completely annihilated. The finger is like Changhong, and it rushed to Wandong in an instant, and then swallowed it like a fierce beast.

When the finger mantle covered Wan Dong's body, everyone's mind at the scene couldn't help but sink to the bottom of the valley, and his face was full of despair, even those who had gritted their teeth with Wan Dong's teeth.

Daomen is always a place where the strongest is respected. As long as you are strong enough, you can be respected by others. Needless to say, Wan Dong's performance today fully interprets the meaning of the strong!

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