Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1333: It's going to be raging!

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"Wu Niang, why do you need to talk nonsense with this old man? You take good care of Yao Ting, and I slaughtered him!" Ping Wu Niang was angry, and Xiao Zhenwei couldn't contain his anger. With a loud scream, his palms rose suddenly, a huge mountain-like shadow of the furnace, exuding golden and purple light, Huo Ran appeared.

This furnace is similar to the one before Xiao Zhenwei, but it is also different. The furnace is obviously bigger, and the various runes engraved on it are more and more profound. The natal Dao fire rising from the furnace is also more violent than before.

With both hands in his hands, Xiao Zhenwei didn't think about it, and slammed into the dark sky of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The furnace was so huge that it was smashed out by Xiao Zhenwei with all his strength. When flying through the sky, a huge buzzing sound was made. At the same time, the golden and purple light also skyrocketed. Sheng, as if to smash the whole earth.

"It's really that the peduncle is dead and not stiff!"

Seeing this situation, Niu Wu's empty mouth twitched, and his face showed a touch of disdain. At the same time, his right palm was shot in the void, and a purple long rainbow, like a giant spear thrown out, stabbed fiercely into the furnace.

Do n’t look at the ugly face of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, it ’s disdainful, but he did n’t slack off with this blow. When the palms roared, the avenue really sounded like a cloud, and there was an invisible coercion. Shake for the heart.

when! when! ! when! ! !

The palm crashed into the furnace, like a heavy hammer hitting Twilight Bell, and there were several crisp but shocking blasts. The two kinds of golden and purple light, all of which are masterpieces, are the strange light that renders the whole world, like a strange world!

According to the 95th Five-Year Plan, under this impact, the furnace will not be able to withstand, let alone explode on the spot, at least there must be cracks. But the facts are diametrically opposed. Until the ninth five-year emptiness of exhaustion was exhausted, there was no trace of cracks in the furnace, but the light was slightly dim, and the fire of Xiao Zhenwei's moral energy was slightly converged.

This means that Xiao Zhenwei blocked the almost full blow of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and it didn't take much effort. This scene made Mu Ao duo dumbfounded, unable to even speak.

Who would have thought that on the verge of life and death, Xiao Zhenwei would still be able to achieve such a fortune, and his cultivation practice would skyrocket. To what extent did Xiao Zhenwei's cultivation practice reach, Mu Ao could not see clearly, and he did not dare to talk nonsense, but one thing he could be sure of was that at this time Xiao Zhenwei, cultivation practice was absolutely above him!

Taking advantage of Xiao Zhenwei's fierce battle with the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Ping Wuniang hurriedly swept to Wandong's side and hugged him in his arms.

Ping Wuniang realized that Wan Dong's injury was ten times more serious than he looked. His whole body was up and down, even a complete bone was gone, and the whole body was soft, making Ping Wu Niang's heartache alive. As for the meridians, they are broken by inch! It's hard to imagine how Wandong has supported such a big pain.

"Senior Ping, I ... I can only do so much, and the rest ... it depends on you."

Lying in the arms of Ping Wu Niang, Wan Dong's mouth rippled with a bleak smile, and his voice spoke weakly.

He said that the tears of Ping Wuniang fell at that time, almost with a crying cry, "Enough is enough, you have done enough for us. We owe you ... I'm afraid all this life Not clear yet ... "

Wan Dong shook his head hard, just about to say something, but before he could say it, a sip of blood spouted out first.

Ping Wu Niang was in a hurry, and quickly reached out to Wandong ’s back. She did not hesitate to pass her own anger into Wandong ’s body, and she repeatedly said, “Yao Ting, your injury is too serious. , Stop talking, I ’ll treat you! "

At this time, the light of the Dao species in Wandong's body was too weak to be noticeable. Once it is completely extinguished, Wan Dong's Xiaominger is gone. I have n’t seen Mu Lian yet, and these three realms have n’t been spent yet. My relatives and brothers are still in extreme danger. How can Wandong let go at this time?

With a strong sense of responsibility, Wandong has a strong desire to survive! With the support of this desire for survival, the last light of Dao in Wandong's body, although it is like a candle in the wind, is extremely tenacious!

At the beginning, Wan Dong's injury also made Ping Wu Niang helpless. I didn't know where to start. Seeing such a situation, Ping Wu Niang's heart was greatly stimulated, and he directly urged Dao Qi to pour into Wan Dong's Yuan Mansion, regardless of Others, just wholeheartedly nurturing the light of Dao.

"Yao Ting, you can do it, you must do it!"

Seeing the faint light of the Dao species almost extinguished, it lighted up a little bit more, and the tears of Ping Wu Niang's direct joy flowed.

"Super talent, amazing perception, these are enough to make him a dragon in man. But unexpectedly, in addition to these, he still has such a strong will. What kind of teenager is this? The young man, does it make sense to be the hero of a lifetime? "

Mu Yucheng sighed in his heart, but he couldn't help feeling distressed. Such a terrific teenager must pass by with Mu Family. As the owner of Mu Family, Mu Yucheng is not distressed!

"Why does it matter! See how powerful Zifeng kills me!"

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, several methods were used, and the results were easily blocked by Xiao Zhenwei. From start to finish, he failed to hurt him. The ninety-five years were so angry that both hands were lifted together, and countless purple spins that turned like knives spread out immediately, swarming toward Xiao Zhenwei like a swarm of bees.

Xiao Zhenwei did not understand the true meaning of the wind. Naturally, like Wan Dong, it is impossible to kill the dark purple wind of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It does not matter, Xiao Zhenwei naturally has his means!

"Zifeng kill? Kill your sister!"

In the roaring sound, Xiao Zhenwei controlled the furnace and spun like a meteor hammer. You can't break the enemy by cleverness, then come hard! This is Xiao Zhenwei's method.

During the circling of the furnace, countless golden lights burst out, like a grenade. When it encounters a purple awn, it bursts out, killing the purple wind and directly destroying it!

"You barbarian!"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhenwei would be so hot, and in the 9th Five-Year Plan, he screamed. But he can be scolded. After a while, he really can't take Xiao Zhenwei.

"All the troubles of the little bastard! What a **** it!"

Xiao Zhenwei couldn't help it, and the 9th Five-Year Plan was involuntarily attributed to Wan Dong's anger. Look back. Seeing that Ping Wu Niang was spared no effort to heal Wan Dong, he even came out of nowhere.

With a snort, the fingers of the Ninth Five-Year Plan were broken and anxious, and countless fingers converged in the air to form "Three Lifespan", and went straight to Xiao Zhenwei.

In the ninth five-year-old emptiness of the "three lifetimes," Xiao Zhenwei used to be very embarrassed, but now, Xiao Zhenwei has not changed his face.

"All three lives are destroyed? Huh, I don't need to destroy your three lives, I only destroy you this life!"

Amidst the roar, Xiao Zhenwei's hand, Huaguang's masterpiece, directly grabbed his eyes, making people blind. The surging energy was even roaring into the sky, making people dare not look straight.

Xiao Zhenwei originally wanted to go all out to blow up the "three life-long extinctions" of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but unexpectedly he suddenly lost the corner of his eyes. Xiao Zhenwei's mind sank, and he hurriedly looked around. He suddenly found that the shadow of the Nine Five Five's emptiness flew out hundreds of feet strangely, and forced him directly to Ping Wuniang and Wan Dong.

Is this okay? Xiao Zhenwei was in a hurry!

"Nine-five old thief, you are so mean!" Where can you still take care of the "three lives are destroyed", Li Xiaowei, Xiao Zhenwei like a Dapeng, went straight to the dark sky of the Nine Five.

Xiao Zhenwei's response was not slow, and his body was also amazingly fast, but after all, he was preempted by the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and he watched the palms of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, looking toward Ping Wuniang and Wan like a sea dragon East shot.

"Yao Ting, Wu Niang!"

Xiao Zhenwei screamed in a hurry. Mu Yucheng, Mu Ao, Ling Tianhou and others also changed their colors. The screams, Li Xiaoshou one after another, even Mu Yucheng's eyes were spurting his anger directly, hoping to step forward and split the 95th year.

Fortunately, Ping Wuniang suddenly felt the crisis at this time, and suddenly opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the Ninth Five-Year Plan has come to her. Under the tremor of the mind, Ping Wuniang did not hesitate at all, and immediately embraced Wan Dong in his arms, and at the same time used his own back to block the palm of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, in order to put the two to death, this blow definitely used all their strength. Ping Wuniang naturally knows that if this palm strikes her, the consequences must be very serious. No matter how serious it is, at most it is a serious injury, but if it is split on Wandong's body, it is hard to say.

"Senior Ping ..."

Ping Wu Niang just turned around, Wan Dong's eyes also opened. Ping Wuniang smiled at him slightly, and originally hoped to comfort Wandong with a smile, so that he should not worry. What's more, Ping Wu Niang's smile hasn't dissipated, and Wan Dong smiled.

It's just that Wan Dong's smile didn't make Ping Wu Niang's heart feel relieved, but made her heart tighten.

Sure enough, when Ping Wu Niang felt bad, she burst out of Wan Dong suddenly. When Ping Wu Niang wanted to resist, she had already flew out with Wan Dong's power.

"Yao Ting!"

Ping Wuniang also had no time to issue an exclamation, the dark five-fifth palm leader, then missed her body, directly blasted on Wan Dong's body.

"Go to die! Go to die!"

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the whole person looks like crazy. At this moment, he can only hope to use all the qi and qi in his body, as long as Wandong can die!

The powerful force exploded violently, and Wan Dong's body flew straight away into the distance, like a small pebble being blown off.

This scene happened so suddenly, so thrilling that everyone present was stunned.

Ping Wuniang ’s brain was blank, as if the soul had left the body, standing there innocently, without moving, but with a pair of eyes staring closely at Wan Dong ’s figure flying in the air, tears breaking like The beads of the thread keep rolling down ...

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