Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1336: Focus on the big picture!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

What is the majesty and glory of the powerful in the Holy Soul Realm? At this time, the shadow of the slightest shadow can no longer be seen on the dark sky of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. At this time, the Ninth Five-Year Plan is an embarrassed old man, and there is only one word in his body, that is tragedy!

Unshaven hair, ragged clothes, blood stained mottled, just like the tramp! It can be seen from this that although the strongest in the Holy Soul Realm is strong, it is by no means strong enough to be invincible.

"You ... you really want to kill!"

The Ninth Five-Year Plan was unkempt or fearful. One face was ashen blue, and the whole body was trembling, pointing at Xiao Ping and the sound of a ghost!

"Nonsense! Since the moment you gave Yaoting a poisonous hand, you personally sent yourself to the ghost gate! Without killing you, how can you comfort Yaoting's soul?"

As before, Ping Wu Niang did not have the slightest sense of mercy. She stretched her arms together, three swords, and she was instantly brilliant, and an extremely terrifying murderous opportunity broke out. The whole child was covered.

The ninety-five-year-old **** was shocked, and the subconscious had to move, but before he could move, there was another majestic breath like the universe in the oblique thorn. After the Nine-Five-Year of the Nine-Five-Year-Empty Sky was swept, I saw Xiao Zhenwei holding up the giant tripod, wearing a magnificent divine light, and had already sealed all the trails of the Nine-Five-Yellow-Earth Nine Sky. It was another killing situation, and let a desperate look rise in the dark eyes of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

No longer rebelling, the Ninth Five-Year Plane suddenly stood up and shouted, "It seems that the old man is inevitable today! Since the sky is going to destroy me, I have nothing to say, just come if you want to kill! But I I believe that it wo n’t take long for my ninety-five family's anger to sweep across the door. By then, one of you who is present will not escape cause and effect! "

"Where is there so much nonsense, let me die!" Ping Wu Niang was too lazy to listen to the time-lapse of the nine-five-year-old sky, and with a loud roar, the three swords flew together.

The sky-high murderous opportunity came close, almost all of the dark hairs in the Ninth Five-Year Plan were erected. For years, the dark sky has not faced such death threats directly. The sweat beads on his forehead seemed to be out of control, and he kept running.


Seeing that the Ninth Five-Year Plan was about to die, under the sword of Ping Wuniang, a sigh suddenly sounded. Immediately afterwards, a piece of blue light, volleying and falling, grabbed a step before Ping Wuniang, and pulled the ninety-five dark sky aside.

Ping Wu Niang's sword suddenly fell through!

"Mu Yucheng!" There is no need to think about it at all. Only Mu Yucheng is the one who can save the Ninth Five-Year Plan from the sword of Ping Wu Niang. Ping Wuniang uttered a sharp rebuke, sharp as a knife, and immediately shot Mu Yucheng.

Mu Yucheng sees that he can't save himself, even for the sake of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he did not hesitate to bear the notoriety of rebelliousness. He was so unfair in his dealings, how could Ping Wuniang not hate?

Faced with Ping Wuniang's anger, Mu Yucheng's face was full of embarrassing smiles. For a long time, Mu Yu has to be reasonable in everything he does, to build and maintain the majesty of his family leader. But at this moment, it goes without saying that Mu Yucheng is the most unreasonable.

"Pingdao Friends, please also be angry!"

"Quiet? I breathe your sister!" Ping Wu Niang burst out of hate, his wrist shook, three sword lights immediately blasted, this time, Ping Wu Niang's Jian Guang even Mu Yucheng included among them.

"Ravage!" "Don't be rude!"

Ping Wuniang's shot, a strong Mu family can not sit back and watch, screaming loudly, several figures pulled up at the same time, directly formed a siege of Ping Wuniang.

"Fuck things! Stay aside for me!"

However, these Mujia strongmen just responded, and they attracted Xiao Zhenwei's anger. Juding exploded with thousands of rays of light, Xiao Zhenwei's natal squint with his eyes narrowed suddenly, his eyes were suddenly rounded, a kind of supreme power that could not be profaned, swept all over the world, and directly swept up the strong Mu Family , A brain suppressed.

"Two Dao friends, please listen to me!"

In a hurry, Mu Yucheng could only raise his palm and sacrificed his anger, temporarily resisting the sharp sword of Ping Wu Niang. However, Mu Yucheng did not dare to go further and made a counterattack. In this way, he is bound to offend Xiao Ping and the two. As before, Mu Yucheng may not feel anything, but now both Xiao Ping have been promoted to the Holy Spirit, and it is absolutely unwise to offend them.

"Brother Mu, what else can you say to these two traitors? You will be slaughtered together!" The Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky has suffered a series of losses on the two Xiao Ping, and the hatred in their hearts is already flooding. I couldn't see the situation in front of me at all, so I clamored to Mu Yucheng frantically.

Mu Yucheng had long been dissatisfied with the 9th Five-Year Plan, and when he heard it at this time, he was even more furious. Not waiting for the obscure speech of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he patted it with his backhand.

Although Mu Yucheng's power of this palm is not strong, he went straight to the dark face of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he was seriously injured, and secondly, his training was not as good as Mu Yucheng. Moreover, he didn't think of it, and he had no precautions. Mu Yucheng's slap, unbiased, sturdy and straight. The volley hit by the ninety-five-year dark sky was rolled straight, and his teeth fell to the ground.

"Mu Yucheng, you ..."

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the pair of eyes that had been beaten straight were all red, and Mu Yucheng's finger pointed to him.

However, before waiting for him to speak out, Mu Yucheng's face suddenly jumped, throwing out the sentence "Want to die or want to live?"

Mu Yucheng's words directly made the Ninth Five-Year Plan blank and speechless. Of course, he wanted to live, domineering, and flying for so long, so that the Ninth Five-Year Plan is more desperate than anyone!

Seeing that the ninety-five-year dark sky was full of purple, and did not speak for a long time, Mu Yucheng snorted coldly, and said in a somber voice, "Shut up if you want to live, and talk nonsense again, without Xiaoping's two buddies, I His mother destroyed you first! "

At this time, even Mu Yucheng couldn't help but scolded swear words, which shows how much he hated the Ninth Five-Year Plan in his heart.

Under such circumstances, the Ninth Five-Year Plan will no longer want to bow your head, but you also have to bow your head. Can only bear the shame of vomiting blood, and walked aside bitterly.

After slamming the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Mu Yucheng turned to look at Ping Wuniang and coughed a little, saying, "Ping Daoyou, I don't know if you can look at my face ..."

"Bah! Do you think your face is very valuable?" Mu Yu just said half of it, and was directly pushed back by Ping Wu Niang.

Mu Yucheng was uncomfortable, but what can he say? Without the spring breeze, where is the autumn rain?

In response to all his previous actions, Ping Wu Niang did not regard him as a mortal enemy. It was already open-minded and justified.

Not daring to refute Ping Wuniang in the slightest, Mu Yu coughed heavily and said embarrassedly, "Ping Daoyou, I know that today's events are quite unfair to you and Xiao Daoyou ..."

"Mu Yucheng, don't you really say that, Zhenwei and I are nothing. The real injustice is Yaoting! Are you Muyu worthy of him? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Zhenwei and I just sent your second daughter When he came back, it was Yao Ting who fought with blood and rescued Tong'er from the blood skeleton killer's palm! Others saved your daughter, but you couldn't help but die. The character of the Mu family head was really admirable. 'Nah! "

The more Ping Wu Niang said, the more he felt heartache, and even the irony and the scolding, made Mu Yucheng a dog blood sprinkler.

If at ordinary times, Mu Yucheng had to be angry with Qiqiao, but now he could not feel the slightest anger in his heart. Instead, he was ashamed, apologetic, and heartache dominated the mainstream. Especially when Ping Wuniang told the truth, Mu Yucheng's heart was rumbling. If the mine array was detonated, he would not be calm for a moment. If Wan Dong is safe and sound, but if Wan Dong is a failure, then this will definitely become a debt of conscience that he can't repay in his life!

"Ping Daoyou, you scolded well! My Mu Yucheng was really sorry for Yao Ting's child. If he survived and met in the future, I would like Mu Yucheng to bow to him. If he died, then his longevity card, I will always offer it to Mu Mou, every day! "

"I'm afraid that Yaoting is not rare!" Ping Wu Niang said on his mouth, but the tone was not as strong as before. He can truly be ashamed of Mu Yucheng's degree.

"But Pingdao friends, we are all human beings, we always have to focus on the overall situation. Now that the Daomen catastrophe is coming, we are in need of the unity and unity of the Daomen ethnic groups. How can I wait to kill each other again? It is better to look at Mumou's face Today, the two of them temporarily spared a dog's life in Jiuwu's five-year-old, and after spending the robbery, Mumou was willing to work with the two to go to the ninety-five-year-old emptiness and ask the ninety-five family to return this justice! "

Ping Wuniang's glance at the emptiness of the Ninth Five-Year Plan was already full of resentment, but she did not refuse Mu Yucheng's proposal.

Mu Yucheng took the opportunity to continue and said, “Yao Ting is indeed a very good child, and he had a brilliant future. This time he died in the hands of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and my heart is also full of annoyance and heartache! If the two Dao friends are determined to be today So I put the Ninth Five-Year Plan to death, then let me do it, so that even if the Ninth Five-Family family wants to avenge it, it will know that it will be aimed at my family, and will not be angry with two people! "

Listening to Mu Yucheng's words, the dark face of the Ninth Five-Year Plan has suddenly changed. Mu Yucheng's gritted teeth didn't seem to be a fake. In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he shouted angrily, "Brother Mu, what do you mean?"

"Shut up for me!" Mu Yu was too lazy to explain to him, and once he yelled, he was too lazy to look at him again.

This feeling of putting life in the hands of others and letting others slaughter, the Ninth Five-Year Plan is really a real experience. That kind of taste makes him crazy!

"Mu Yucheng, you just said that the monks should unite and live together in disasters. Why are you going to kill the Ninth Five-Year Plan by yourself now, can you ignore the overall situation?"

Ping Wuniang frowned slightly and asked with three points of doubt.

"Of course, the overall situation needs to be maintained, but the child's hatred must be reported! It's all wrong in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and I will kill him for granted! If the Nine-Five Family came to seek revenge for that, then it would be the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The family ignored the big picture. At that time, my Mu family could only spare everything and fight with them! "Mu Yucheng's expression said extremely firmly.

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