Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1339: Togenya, 芷 萱!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

.Recommended readers to read: Cultivation Covering the Clouds, Cultivation Covering the Clouds, Chapter 1339, Taoyuan Valley, Xin Zhixuan!

Beautiful woman, Wan Dong has always been around. Or delicate, or youthful, or beautiful, or charming, each has its own merits. However, the woman in front of her is different. Erba Fanghua, youthful and prosperous, needless to say, the key is that the temperament of his body is like a blue orchid, gentle and quiet, and it is gratifying to see at first sight. "Oh, you wake up!"

The woman stepped in the door, and when she saw Wan Dong opened her eyes, she shouted in joy. Wan Dongfang realized that her voice was more pleasant than beautiful.

This is a woman who can't give birth to any evil thoughts, it is simply the darling of heaven!

Before Wandong came back to God, accompanied by a scent of fragrant wind, the woman approached him, her big eyes, she could only compare with the light of the stars, and looked at Wandong with a wink, More than talking, it can play a silent sound, reaching people's hearts.

Thanks to the young age of this woman, if you pass the last three or five years, I am afraid that even Wandong will have to raise her hands to surrender.

"Huh? Why aren't you talking, are you dumb?"

A bit of regret passed over the woman's face, making Wan Dongzhi cry and laugh.

Looking around, Wan Dong smiled and asked, "Where is this?"

"Ah? You ask here, this is Taoyuan Valley!"

"Taoyuan Valley?" The Daomen World is more than ten times larger than the mundane world. Although Wan Donglai's time can't be short, his knowledge of the Daomen World is still very rare. As for the term Taoyuangu, he had never heard of it, and it was unfamiliar.

"Is it far from Mu Family?" Wan Dong asked again.

"Are you talking about the Mu family of the three big first-class families? Well, it's not far away."

Wan Dong couldn't help but stunned, and was about to ask the question, but the woman went on to say, "For others, a thousand miles away must be far away, but for the people of my chasing wind family, it's just two or three days away.

"Chasing the wind family?" It is another unfamiliar term, Wan Dong has a feeling like coming to a different world.

"No? You haven't even heard of our wind chasing family? Our wind chasing men were born with invisible wings. They are the only race in the world that can chase the wind. And like my brother, It is also a hero of our wind chasing family, running faster than the wind! "

Speaking of her brother, the little girl's face was full of pride.

In the world of Daomen respected by monks, it is faster than the wind, and it is not uncommon to see it. Cultivation can be done in order to reach the spirit realm of the gods, and even for a man like Wan Dong who understands the true meaning of the wind, it is even more so. Of course, Wan Dong will never be rude to this woman, showing disdain, and not wanting to destroy her pride in her brother.

"Oh! I forgot, you hurt so badly that you can't talk too much. I'll stop bothering you first, you have a good rest."

After that, the woman turned into a fragrant wind and walked out of the house. Wan Dong originally wanted to ask her name, but it was too late.

However, Wandong had no choice but to give up. At the next opportunity, the door of the room was pushed open again, and the beautiful blue face was once again reflected in Wandong's eyes. "Yes, my name is Xin Zhixuan, How about you? "

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and replied "Xu Yaoting!"

"Xu Yaoting ... Ok, I remember myself!" Leaving a big smile, the door was closed gently again.

As if the sun had dispelled the smog, Wan Dong's mood suddenly lighted up. As for the lingering strangeness before, it also disappeared.

"Xin Zhixuan ... lovely girl!"

With a smile on his mouth, Wan Dong's mind slowly sank into Yuan Mansion.

At the moment when the fist of the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky hit his body, Wan Dong heard a clear voice, like a crack of glass crackling from the Yuanfu. It was just that Wan Dong passed out immediately and had no time to explore. He was very worried. The crisp sound was probably not good.

Sure enough, when Wan Dong's mind sank into Yuan Mansion, he immediately found nothing but empty dragons and reincarnation swords in Yuan Mansion. Not to mention Dao, even Jin Dan was gone.

One heart of Wan Dong suddenly mentioned his throat. He could even accept Yuan Yuan's breaking, but he couldn't accept the disappearance of Jin Dan. Because Jin Dan is the foundation of Xuan Tian's awakening of God's tactics and the foundation of his self-cultivation.

If Jin Dan is gone, it means that his cultivation is completely abolished!

"Is that the fist of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, which directly smashed Jin Dan !?"

For a monk, cultivation is always more important than life. This is no exception for Wandong. Although things that broke afterwards did not happen to Wandong, this time it was obviously different.

The destruction of Jin Dan means the end of everything! There is darkness in Wan Dong's eyes, and there is no more light and guidance from the light of hope.

Wan Dong didn't give up exploring Yuan Yuan over and over again, but the result was always the same. Not only is Jindan gone, the meridians in Wandong's body are almost completely destroyed. What he saw was a desperate mess. Just like the people who have just experienced the war, sitting in front of the ruins. That feeling is sad and helpless!

Wan Dong's head was all messed up at once. The huge blow almost broke the limit of what he could bear, leaving him at a loss, even if he calmed down and couldn't think for a moment.

Despair, grievances, anger, unwillingness, sadness ... All sorts of negative emotions surged into the brain, let Wan Dong feel as if the whole person fell into the abyss, and the light was abandoning him at an alarming rate!

"Is this the end? Lian'er, father, mother, brothers, friends ..."

"Brother! You are back!" As Wandong struggled in the endless darkness, a clear and sweet voice, like a silver bell-like voice, suddenly pierced through the darkness, and shone like a sun on Wandong's heart .

Wan Dong slammed a shocking spirit, as if returning from the ghost gate to the Yang world and being reborn. In a blink of an eye, the sun outside was tilted westward, and the twilight was covering the earth.

"Zhi Xuan, did the kid wake up?" After a while, a slightly thick voice sounded, presumably the brother who made Xin Zhixuan proud.

"Well, it's already awake! But I didn't dare to disturb him much and wanted him to rest more."

"Confused! Since he woke up, you should let him leave immediately!" Brother Xin Zhixuan's voice suddenly became severe, and he was rather blamed.

"But you said he was badly injured. If I let him leave immediately, he would die!"

Before Xin Zhixuan's words fell, the door of the room was pushed open, followed by a slender and sturdy man, about thirty years old, with a stern step.

Seeing Wan Dong, the other party ’s face grew darker, and she was about to open her mouth to say something, but Xin Zhixuan rushed forward and rushed and said, "That Xu Gongzi, let me introduce you. Brother Xin changes the sky, the fastest hero of our chasing family! "

Xin Biantian, what a great spirit! Wandong Jianmei raised her head and looked up at the other party. The cultivation base of Tiange Peak Realm is a master, but it cannot be included in the strong. At least in Wan Dong's eyes, there is nothing. However, this kind of changeable expression is really different, calm and calm, full of wisdom, quite a leader style. Thinking of Xin Zhixuan said, Xin Biantian is a hero in the chasing wind family, it seems that it is not so simple.

"Thanks to Brother Xin's life-saving grace, Xu Yaoting is very grateful!" Anyway, his life was saved by others, Wan Dong must not lose his courtesy.

Xin Biantian raised his palm with one hand and said, "Thanks are not necessary, just ..."

"It's just that Mr. Xu is very badly injured, and you need to take care of yourself. My elder brother and I won't disturb you, right, elder brother? Let's go!"

Xin Zhixuan didn't give Xin Biantian any chance to speak, and pulled him out involuntarily.

Xin Zhixuan's kindness, Wan Dong was naturally grateful, but it was a bit bitter. Causal reincarnation, did not expect him to fall to the point where women need to maintain.

Xin Biantian was obviously very fond of Xin Zhixuan. After being forced out by Xin Zhixuan, he did not insist anymore. After softly reprimanding Xin Zhixuan, he walked away. Xin Zhixuan returned, and said to Wan Dong with a smile, "Yes, I forgot to tell you just now, my elder brother they brought back a lot of prey this time, everyone will drink and celebrate in a while, you come!"

Who can bear the rejection of such a girl? Wan Dong didn't hesitate long before he nodded.

"Great! Come with me!"

Seeing Wan Dong agree, Xin Zhixuan was not happy. Cheering, rushing up and holding Wan Dong's hand.

Feeling greasy with his hands, Wan Donghun couldn't help but stiffen his body, feeling embarrassed, and glanced at it, only to find Xin Zhixuan's bright smile on his face, without any slight tweaking, the whole heart suddenly relaxed.

In front of such a pure heart in a moment, it is hard to relax if you want to relax!

Walking out of the room, Wan Dongfang discovered that Taoyuangu was much bigger than he had imagined. Although it is not as magnificent as the Mu Family Seven Peaks, it is also extremely beautiful. As the name suggests, it looks like a paradise. The people living here are all peaceful, and they can hardly feel the slightest anger.

I just don't know how long such a beautiful paradise will exist! This made Wan Dong's heart inevitably heavy, and he who had lost all his cultivation ability was afraid that he could only watch the destruction of all this beauty. This feeling makes him sad more than let him die!

"What's wrong with you, why are your hands so cold?"

Zhixuan found something strange and looked up at Wandong with some worry.

Wan Dong had a heavy heart, and when he looked at Zhi Xuan, he immediately became heavier!

Shaking his head, Wan Dong sighed heavily and chose silence.

Zhixuan patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "You don't have to worry! Although your injury is not light, it will definitely get better!"

Where did Zhixuan know that Wan Dong was not worried about herself at this time, it was just her!

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