Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1347: Purple Mansto Kill Soul!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Xin Zhixuan hesitated for a moment, until he was convinced that Ding Long had no intention of harming her, and then took a few steps to embark on the avenue that extended into the sea of ​​beasts.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a road in the sea of ​​beasts. As far as Xin Zhixuan's eyes are concerned, only the tumultuous herds came one after another, like the waves of the sea. Even in the air, the wings cover the sky, and the wings of countless birds converge into a huge wave covering the sky, as if they will be depressed at any time, giving Xin Zhixuan a sense of unspeakable oppression.

Thanks to Dinglong's circling support, otherwise no herds need to do it. This oppression alone is enough to make Xin Zhixuan's three souls exterminate.

"His ~~~"

A piebald python with double horns and tens of feet long protruding out of the herd, restlessly, the thick purple and black plums stretched like electricity and almost licked Xin Zhixuan's face.

Why did Xin Zhixuan see such a murderous thing, a pretty face suddenly lost its color, his legs became softer, and he never dared to take a step forward.


At the same time, a dragon chanted, shook Jiuxiao, and a white firelight fell like a punishment, slamming directly on the head of the piebald python. The flame suddenly rose and the scorching breath swept through the tens of miles. The piebald python mourned and twitched, but its body was twisted, but it had turned into ashes. Even the hundreds of small beasts beside him were also implicated, and they all returned to the dust.

This white light flashed, and Xin Zhixuan's eyes suddenly cleared, the tight heart string, and then he relaxed, and looked up to Dinglong in the air, nodding again and again to express gratitude.

Dinglong, a spicy attacker, was instantly killed by killing chickens and monkeys. The herd suddenly calmed down, and no longer dared to covet Xin Xinxuan, but even backed away.

Although Xin Zhixuan had settled his mind, he did not want to stay in this group of beasts for a long time. He was even more curious about the end of the avenue and hurriedly accelerated his pace, almost trotting all the way forward.

In a cave, Huo Ran jumped into his eyes. Xin Zhixuan couldn't see what was in the cave, but first he saw a hazy purple escape from the cave. This purple is not like Baoguang, but it is very strange. Xin Zhixuan looked directly at him, and felt his head roar. There was something in the sea that was about to collapse. His heart was horrified, and he quickly moved his eyes away from the purple meaning.

And with this shift of gaze, Xin Zhixuan discovered that these purple meanings not only affected her, but also were fierce to those fairy beasts. Anyone who is in the range of the cave entrance can witness the fairy beasts of Ziyi, at this time it is extremely painful.

Something is tumbling down on the ground, a roaring figure in the sky is like a crazy person, and even a dead body is lying on the floor, and there are more bloodshed. Looking at this scene, this purple meaning seems to be more lethal to fairy beasts!

What exactly is in this hole, so powerful?

Although Xin Zhixuan was curious in his heart, he was even more distraught. Human nature is already afraid of the unknown, let alone the unknown, so powerful!

Just as Xin Zhixuan hesitated, Dinglong made consecutive snorts, which was urging Xin Zhixuan to hurry into the hole.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, a curse can't be avoided!" Xin Zhixuan took a deep breath, meditated in his heart, emboldened, and strode into the hole.

After entering the cave, Xin Zhixuan found out that compared with the purple meaning in the cave, the ones that escaped were nothing more than nine cows. The victory of the purple meaning in this cave almost formed the light, rendering the whole cave into a purple world.

But this purple meaning is strange, if you don't stare at it closely, it's no big deal. Putting this purple meaning on your back can bring people a warm and cozy feeling like a hot spring bath.

"There is either power in this hole, or there is a beast!"

Xin Zhixuan whispered, feeling a little nervous. If it is great, that is okay, but if it is a big beast, how terrible should it be?

After a few more steps, deep into the cave, Xin Zhixuan's complexion suddenly changed, with surprise and surprise.

Not far away, a figure sat cross-legged, with purple light on his body, at first glance it was the source of the purple meaning. The key to Xin Zhixuan's concern is not these, but the people in the purple light.

"Xu ... Mr. Xu?" Xin Zhixuan's voice shivered. In this desperate place, who can't be excited when meeting familiar people?

If it is not found that Wandong's situation is different, Xin Zhixuan will definitely fly over.

The purple light wrapped around Wan Dong turned Xin Zhixuan's excitement into fear. The light is the purple meaning that escapes to the outside of the cave, and it is already so domineering. Isn't the harsh purple light that bound Wandong more dangerous?

Xin Zhixuan found a heart of his own and jumped out of his throat nervously.

In fact, Wan Dong's complexion is indeed somewhat dignified at this time. He couldn't even be bothered to say hello to Xin Zhixuan.

Before he walked around the world with his consciousness, he discovered that Sirius was about to be unfavorable to Xin Zhixuan. Originally based on Wan Dong's cultivation practice, it was impossible to drink the Sirius at once, but Wan Dong unconsciously mobilized a trace of purple awn from Yuan Fu. This purple mango permeated into the sound of screaming, annihilated the beast soul that a Sirius drank, and screamed his life. At that time, it was Wan Dong himself, which was really frightened.

The piece of purple mang that he was gestating in Yuan Yuan had such great lethality to the soul of fairy beast, which was completely beyond Wan Dong's imagination.

According to Wandong, fairy beasts of this level, such as Sirius, can only be killed by the strong of the Holy Soul Realm, and that is because the strong spirits of the Holy Soul Realm are infused with the spirit of drinking , Enough to shatter the core of the fairy beast.

But the Purple Mansions in Wandong Yuanfu are different, it is aimed at the spirit of the fairy beast. Only then did he drink it out that day, the wolf was not only innocent, but also had no skin and flesh damage, only the soul of the animal was annihilated. How can this not surprise Wan Dong?

After Wan Dong unconsciously mobilized a trace of Zimang, the Zimang seemed to have been completely awakened and began to grow madly. The feeling, as if there was something, was about to break through the cage and be born!

Wan Dong doesn't know what this Zimang is, but he knows that it must be very extraordinary! Even the reincarnation living in the Yuan Mansion felt something, and he kept sending out swords and swords, which seemed to be excited, but a little panicked.

"Xu Gongzi, what's wrong with you? Are you talking?"

Seeing Wandong just sitting still, his forehead kept leaking sweat, Xin Zhixuan was not worried, he kept asking.

It is just at this critical moment when Zimang is conceived. Where can Wandong be distracted? Don't talk, mouth closed!

As the purple qi in Yuanfu became stronger and stronger, the light of Dao species that had shrouded Wan Dong's body, rolled back together, carrying a huge amount of Dao qi, and slammed into the purple qi.


Yuan Dong ’s Yuan Mansion was suddenly a huge earthquake, and there were countless real sounds of heaven and earth immediately, which spread like a thunder!

Those immortal beasts who did not want to retreat easily, but still faced Dinglong, suddenly heard the sound, and they were all appalled. A series of beast roars rang out from the herd, and immediately withdrew from Baizhang. One by one wailing, it was like begging for mercy.

The impact of that kind of light on Ziqi at first made Wan Dong extremely worried, thinking that two kinds of heavens would decide the victory in his Yuan Mansion. If so, he would have a flesh and blood sac in this area. Back to the dust!

However, after the impact, Wandong didn't feel any other discomfort except for the heart-shock tremor, and the rich purple gas, instead of dissipating, became more intense. Wandong realized that the light of the Dao kind was not hostile Instead, they are helping each other, like helping a young phoenix who is breaking a shell.

After the first impact, the light of the Dao species skyrocketed again, communicating the world's aura, transforming a large amount of Dao Qi, and then hit the Purple Qi again.

This second impact was even more fierce than the first. The true sound of the avenue formed between heaven and earth directly connected into a thunderstorm, and there was endless roar. Within a thousand miles, it seems to have become a restricted area of ​​Leichi, even if it is only from a distance, it is enough to make people tremble.

Those fairy beasts were still begging for mercy at first. When the real sound of this wave of avenues rushed in, the weaker beasts directly burst their souls, and the corpses were on the spot. Murderous skyrocketing.

It's just that these red-eyed fairy beasts didn't dare to hit the cave, but they turned their heads and ran away in the direction of Taoyuan Valley.

Xin Zhixuan was in the hole at this time. I don't know what was going on outside. Otherwise, he would lose his color. So many, crazy beasts, rushed to Taoyuan Valley, enough to flatten Taoyuan Valley to the ground!

The true sound of the avenue produced by the collision between the light of the Dao species and the purple qi sweeps for thousands of miles, and in the Taoyuan Valley, it is naturally clear to hear.

The true sound of Dadao is a fairy beast nightmare, but it is a blessing of the human race! So many real sounds of the Dadao came out and rushed directly into the Taoyuangu Cultivation Body to consolidate their foundation and improve their cultivation. This was originally a blessing for Tian Da, but Xin Xintian was not even happy at all.

Wen Xiong is also the same, his face sinking like water, whispering constantly, "God, what power did the Holy Water Sect invite? This is too terrible! Brother Tian, ​​do you think we still need a battle?"

Xin Biantian couldn't help but looked up at Wen Xiong, his expression was silent, even Wen Xiong, who was the most belligerent and never succumbed, even had the idea of ​​quitting war. It is conceivable that this powerful sense of oppression is How strong.

Xin Biantian took a glance, Taoyuangu Cultivation, all exposed and sad, almost completely lost their fighting spirit. Although he knew that this was wrong, he could do nothing at this moment.

The sound of the road in the ears lasted for a long time, and the ground underneath trembles suddenly.

Xin Biantian's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked like a mad dragon. He swept up to the nearest highland and looked into the distance. Xin Biantian's heart seemed to be pierced by ice arrows and filled with coldness.

I saw a black line, rolling up the dust of the sky, rising from the horizon, a terrible breath that swallowed the sky, and a moment of labor rushed in, even Xin Xintian's body could not help shaking. stand up.

"Is the Holy Water Sect invited ... is it a beastly power !?" Wen Xiong's voice seemed to be swept by the wind, almost silent.

"Enemies! Blow the horn!"

Xin Biantian bit his steel teeth, lucky tongue, spring tongue thunder!

Countless Taoyuangu monks flew by immediately, and assembled in front of Xin Biantian. Although all were sad, no one flinched. In Taoyuangu, a group of real men gathered ...

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