Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

But even so, none of them like Junwen and others shrank, but instead they fought bravely against the offensive of birds. He did not hesitate to stick to it and use his own flesh and blood to stop the collision, just to drag these birds to death, not to threaten the people on the ground.

Seeing such a tragic situation, Xin Biantian could not help but tears in his eyes. But at this moment, he couldn't do anything. He could only release his greatest strength with every blow, gritted his teeth to push the beasts from all directions, and repelled again and again.

Xin Biantian possesses the cultivation base of the peak state of celestial lattice, and the Dao Qi in the body is also considerable, but even so, it can't bear the consumption of Dao Qi. Feelings of weakness and powerlessness are constantly magnifying and becoming stronger. Not only the body, the tight and repressed mind, but also constantly challenging the limits of Xin Biantian.

By this time, Xin Biantian almost no longer had any hope, he could even die before others. This kind of painful, indescribable words looked at the familiar people, falling down one by one.

It seems that Taoyuangu Xiuxiu holds the same idea, one by one, and many people even give up the defense directly, just attack with all strength, then attack!

There was a loud noise in front of him, Wen Xiong's big dustpan fist, slammed **** a Wugang pig. Although the Wugang pig is thick and rough, it can only be regarded as a low-level fairy beast. For the former Wenxiong, this punch came out, which was enough to knock down a piece. But now the result is that Wen Xiong punched out, Wu Gang pig just shook his head, but Wen Xiong was shocked and took three steps back. If it was not Xin Biantian, he would resist him with his back. Will sit on the ground. And in this sea of ​​beasts, once you sit down and want to stand up, it is difficult.

Looking at wheezing and wheezing, his face was pale and pale, Wen Xiong, Xin Xintian's heart was suffering. The beast-training family is favored by heaven, and they are born with power and energy far beyond ordinary people. In Xin Biantian's impression, it seems that Wen Xiong has never been so tired.

"Brother Tian! You are a fan of the wind, if you run away now, it's too late!" Wen Xiong stared fiercely at the herd in front of him, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Escape? You let me abandon everyone and escape alone? Wenxiong, what do you think of me?"

"In order to Zhi Xuan, you have to save her!" Wen Xiong suddenly turned around, his eyes glowed with red light.

"Zhi Xuan ..." These two words jumped out of Wen Xiong's mouth, straightened into a sharp dagger, and stabbed fiercely in Xin Biantian's heart. The pain almost suffocated him.

The brutal battle of overload made him forget the pain for a time, but Wen Xiong just mentioned it again. To be honest, Xin Bian naively wanted to punch his head with a punch!

Biting his lip tightly, Xin Biantian wanted to use more intense pain to cover this kind of heartache, otherwise he would probably collapse on the spot.

Drops of blood came out of the lips and then gathered together, slowly flowing down the corners of Xin's mouth. Anyone can see that Xin Biantian's body is shaking slightly. After a while, Xin Biantian suddenly exhaled for a long time, with a nearly hoarse voice, and said, "There is no need for this ..."

"No! Zhixuan she must not die, she must still be alive! Brother Tian, ​​if you want to save her, you must go!"

Wen Xiong let out a mad roar, which was even more terrible and crazy than the beast. The immortal beast that rushed forward was frightened by him, and he was patrolling outside, so he didn't dare to get close.

"Brother Tian, ​​lead everyone to live!"

Suddenly there was a roaring roar in the sky, and Xin Biantian looked up and saw Jun Wen's chest, which was penetrated by the hawk's claws of a barefoot fierce eagle. The blood splattered like blood, and gathered in the sky into a blood rain. But Junwen seemed to be completely unaware, just staring at Xin Biantian.

"Jun Wen!" Xin Biantian's heart seemed to be punched hard with an invisible fist, and the pain caused him to stop breathing.

Junwen didn't speak any more, but gave a roar, ignoring the eagle claws piercing his chest. His body suddenly turned over and embraced the neck of the barefoot eagle. Immediately in the angry and frightened tweet of the barefooted eagle, he decisively detonated Yuanfu. The strong shock wave immediately exploded barefooted eagles into chopped meat.

"Brother Xin, the brother takes a step first!"

"Brother Tian, ​​I won't embarrass you!"

"Grandma a bear, Lao Tzu fights with your flat-haired beast!"

"Life is alive, if you want to be clean, how difficult is it? Hey!"


Junwen's final feat seemed to inspire the remaining people. With a loud sigh, several Taoyuangu monks who fought **** with birds made the same choice. A series of self-explosive sounds came one after another, and it seemed like a blood rain firework show ushered in the sky.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Xin Biantian didn't even have time to dissuade. Seven or eight Taoyuangu monks, together with seven or eight wild birds, all turned into blood rain. The noisy sky for a long time fell into a dead silence.

Not only the sky, but the ground!

The tragic choices of Junwen and others not only shocked Taoyuangu Cultivators, but also deterred those crazy beasts, and the world was quiet at once, and the needle fell.

A drop of blood with temperature still dropped from the sky and fell on Xin Biantian's face. Xin Biantian seemed to be standing there rigidly as if he had been used to hold his body, unable to move.

The self-explosive shots of Junwen and other monks automatically played in his mind. And every time it is played, it is enough to split Xin Xintian's heartache.

"Brother Tian, ​​this and this ..." Wen Xiong turned his head to look at Xin Biantian, the **** tears in his eyes, the two-foot tall man, at this time, he could not even speak, and he was sad and angry, and his body continued. Trembling.

"Axiong, do you still let me escape?"

With Xin Biantian's question, Wen Xiong's fists tightened suddenly. In this situation, let alone Xin Xintian will not escape, even if he escapes, I am afraid that he will live in guilt and restlessness all his life. That kind of pain is definitely better than death.

Seeing Wen Xiong not talking, Xin Biantian's face suddenly burst out with a faint smile. While slowly holding the sword hilt, he said, "Fight! Fight him, it's dim and dark, battle him into blood, Zhixuan ... She is waiting for us to reunite with her! "

After finishing this sentence, Xin Biantian's figure fluttered up and down. The three-foot cold front in his hand bloomed a sword-mand that was even more glamorous ten times than usual.

"Fuck things! Laozi smashes you!" Wen Xiong howled, not the fist, but the whole body, and slammed the Wugang pig that had knocked him back just now. Now that the power has been exhausted, use your own weight!

Wen Xiong knew his own strengths and weaknesses. His two-foot-high body weighed no less than five hundred kilograms. Under this flutter, his strength was turned several times. After all, the Wugang pig's reaction was not flexible enough, but he was really crushed by Wen Xiong.

The bravery of Junwen and others ignited the fighting intentions of every Taoyuangu monk. The battle was quiet for a moment, and immediately entered the second more intense **.

Those who did not cultivate martial arts, or cultivated too low, could only avoid the bystanders of Taoyuangu far away. At this time, they also suppressed anger and acted one after another. Shoot the crossbow arrows, stones, and use your full strength to hit the beasts!

Fairy beasts are of course scary, but if people are crazy, only scarier!

"Roar ~~~"

When the battle between the beasts and the beasts reached its fiercest moment, a dragon chant, suddenly resounded through Jiuxiao, and immediately turned into countless waves of people, just like substance, shaking people's hearts.

"Yes ... what is it?"

Xin Biantian's mind shook suddenly, his face covered with horror. Taoyuangu Zhongxiu and his enemies have just stabilized. If another super fairy beast appears at this time, the consequences can be imagined. And listening to this roar, what is not a super fairy beast?

After being shocked, Xin Biantian couldn't help but let out a sigh. Is it really the sky that is going to destroy Taoyuan Valley?

"It's my eyesight, how is it possible? Brother Tian, ​​I think we're better off on our own ..." Wen Xiong shook his head again and again, staring in one direction, and he could squeeze out two pounds of bile.

Following Wen Xiong's gaze, Xin Xiantian looked up. With this look, his eyes couldn't help but widened, and his breathing became extremely rapid. In his sight, a hundred-foot dragon came with its teeth spread out. Wherever he went, the pressure was everywhere, as if to crush everything in this world!

Where is this super fairy beast? Clearly is the real beast! What kind of evil did the people of Taoyuan Valley actually do, and was so hated by God?

Wen Xiong's words are not bad at all. Instead of being devoured by dragons, it is better to commit suicide!

"Axiong, aren't you a beast-training family, can you speak animal language?" Xin Bian couldn't help but turned his eyes to Wen Xiong with a hint of hope in his eyes.

Wen Xiong shook his head bitterly and said, "Brother, you despise me too much! Don't say it is me, even the elders in our family are not able to talk and communicate with the dragon. Besides, what can I say to the dragon, Let him raise his noble hand and let us go? I'm afraid that before I finish talking, he will be blown to death by his nose! In the eyes of the dragon, we humans are no different from ants, they are simply not worthy of talking with them! "

Xin Biantian stopped talking and a heart sank to the bottom.

Dinglong's speed was extremely fast, and he passed dozens of miles in the blink of an eye. Xin Biantian's heart tightened suddenly, even if it was a dragon, he couldn't do anything about it. Otherwise, how can it be worthy of Junwen and others who died in a blast?

Seeing Ding Long rushing straight, Xin Biantian's whole body's Dao Qi instantly turned to the extreme, only when Ding Long approached, he would do his best.

What Xin Biantian didn't expect was that the huge body of Dinglong suddenly twisted into the herd.

The huge dragon tail, covered with colorful dragon scales and shining in infinite light, swept across the beast like a fallen jade pillar. Only in this sweep, there were hundreds of fairy beasts, which turned into blood and blood mud, that mighty power, and let Xin change into the air.

The thick-skinned fairy beast can't stop this sweep. If it is replaced by human flesh and blood, the consequences may be even more unimaginable ...

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