Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

It was just the views of the five elders that obviously could not be recognized by the blood-skeleton mass murderers. As soon as the voice fell, a sound of laughter was raised.

The old Jiao of the blood skeleton even smiled to Wan Dong repeatedly, "Brother Ghost, you must be careful of this old guy's" Hao Ran Zheng Qi Gong ", it is very powerful! Ha ha ha ..."

"The world is restless, and the thief is so fierce. The old man is willing to use the sword in his hand, sprinkle blood in his cavity, and walk the sky for the heavens, irritating and clearing!"

The elders of the five elders sneered at the fierce blood skulls, and ignored them. Raising the sword in his hand, pointing to Wandong's throat, his body is like Yuan Yuan Yuezhi, showing his strength!

This is an old man who makes Wan Dong admire in his heart. He is upright and upright. If it is to change to peace, Wan Dong is not willing to hurt him anyway. But now, in order to Mu Lian, it is necessary to offend.

Originally Wandong hated the Li family, but now he owes so much guilt to the Li family. It is really a fate like a drama, unpredictable!

Wan Dong was upset in his heart, but when he looked back, he saw the blood skeletons, and they were all excited and energetic. They seemed to be looking forward to the performance of a wonderful drama. Once Mulian is out of danger, you must refrain from these bastards, and no one will stay!

"You haven't fought, your heart will be chaotic, this is the way to seek death!"

Five elder Li Xuan's perception, beyond the imagination's keenness, actually felt Wan Dong's emotional change. However, he did not take the opportunity to take action, but instead made a reminder, which showed that his heart was bright and decent.

"Brother Ghost, this old guy talks too much, and it sounds irritating. Please also shoot, it is best to let him shut up forever!" Jiao Lao said aside.

Wan Dongchang took a breath and said "please!" To Li Xuan

Wan Dong's request unconsciously joined his admiration for Li Xuan. Li Xuan clearly heard it, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes. To discuss the fierce name, Venerable Ghost Face is far above the other two Purple Sword Killers. But Li Xuan's feeling for him was obviously better than that of the other two.

Li Xuan had doubts in his mind, but this was not the time to solve them. It's not hypocritical. When I drank, I tapped on the ground with my right foot. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a catkin, fluttering, as if there was no weight at all.

However, compared with Li Xuan's light and light body, his sword is as important as a sword! The swaying room seems to smash down the male mountains. It makes people believe that as long as he touches his sword intention, he will be smashed.

Light as a catkin, but a sword as heavy as Mount Tai. These two very different feelings are perfectly integrated in one body, so Wan Dong can't help but cry out well. This Li Xuan's comprehension of kendo and combat power must definitely be above Li Wendao.

"People are like clouds, swords are like mountains! Venerable ghost face, you are careful!"

After the elders said slowly, the figure suddenly twisted, and the sword in his hand suddenly turned into ten million lights, condensed into a collapsing male mountain, and rolled over to Wandong like a sky.

Li Xuan is so powerful. If it is changed in the past, Lvfeng can't help but cheer up, but at this time she is in a heavy mood. Looking at Wandong from time to time, Li Xuan always felt that although his sword was strong, he couldn't help Wandong.

Lvfeng couldn't help but look back at Li Wendao, wanting to ask his judgment, but he saw Li Wendao's eyebrows frown tightly, and the dignified color on her face was even worse than her. No more exports.

"Good sword!"

Wan Dong's eyes lit up suddenly, and the true wind step unfolded instantly. Everyone was just a flower in sight, Wan Dong's figure had disappeared.

When Lu Feng had seen such a method, the whole person could not help but exclaimed. At the same time, a pair of phoenix eyes, constantly looking around, but where is Wan Dong's figure?

Not to mention the Green Phoenix, at this moment even Li Wendao's eyes were rounded and his face was full of surprise. Can't help whispering "What kind of body is this? He ... how strong is he?"

The two Purple Sword Killers also looked at each other at this time, and they both saw each other's shock in each other's eyes.

As soon as Li Xuanjian's momentum was unfolded, he suddenly lost his goal. No matter how wonderful the sword was, he suddenly fell off, and drove pits in vain on the open ground in vain, but even Wandong's clothing corner could not get in .

"Elder beware!"

Li Xuanzheng was shocked and suddenly burst out of Li Wendao. Immediately afterwards, Li Xuan felt a tremendous amount of strength and was rushing from behind at an alarming speed.

"Aren't you a ghost!"

Li Xuan snorted, turned around suddenly, and saw Wan Dong coming like a Changhong, the purple palm of his right palm was skyrocketing, the avenue roared, and the glorious Li Xuan couldn't even open his eyes.

"Roar ~~~"

But even so, it is impossible for Li Xuan to retreat. Just listening to his roar, his whole body's morale, the sword edge and the sword, he suddenly rose a sky-breaking green awn, and there was a buzzing sound like a dragon chant, and it kept ringing!

This sword, Li Xuan used his full strength! Innumerable sword-points were transformed into clouds, turned into fog, roared and boiled, just like a fierce beast with a big mouth open in the blood basin, just waiting to swallow Wan Dong's palm.

Just ... swallowed?


Amidst a thunderous sound, two pieces of blue and purple light slammed into one place. The sun and the moon compete for glory, and the world collides with each other. The momentum is so strong and magnificent that all the people present will be horrified.

The two Purple Sword Killers frequently stared at each other, and their faces were full of horror! I probably didn't expect that Li Xuan could explode to this degree! This is thanks to "Ghost Face Sovereign". If you change to either of them, you will have to peel off the skin even if you don't die!

"not good!"

Li Wendao didn't know where the strength came from. He ignored the injury and stood up violently, with a pair of electric eyes staring at the gleaming light in the sky.

Lv Feng does not have the vision as Li Wendao, and can't see what is happening in Huaguang at all. But Li Wendao's exclaimation made her a heart, as if she was grabbed by an invisible palm, almost stopped beat.


Huaguang dissipated, and a blood mist spread. Li Xuan's beard and chest are all bright red. The face seemed to be ten years old at once, and it looked sad.

"Elder Five ... has he lost?"

Watching Li Xuan slowly falling from the air, with exhausted and painful faces, Lvfeng froze, whispering.

Li Wendao gave a sigh, but he was helpless in his expression. The power shown by "Ghost Face Sovereign" is really terrible. Even if there is no Yuhuaping, they still want to escape from Huxiao Mountain.

Daomen's Zongmen, although always knowing that the power of blood skeletons is very large, did not really take them in their eyes. This is especially true of the second-rate family like the Li family. It is always believed that the killer of the blood skeleton only knows how to attack and assassinate secretly, and uses some indiscreet means that are not visible and not on the countertop, and cannot be compared with their orthodox. But now, Li Wendao finally realizes that the blood skeleton is far more terrible than he thought, and among them there are super scary superpowers like ‘Ghost Face Lord’.

At the same time, it also reminded Li Wendao how severe the disaster is in the Daomen World!

"I lost!"

Li declared that he was calm, and he said slowly. Although there is loneliness and frustration in the expression, there are still unyielding fighting spirits spreading.

"But I will not put down the sword in my hand, and will not kill it with my hands! I will fight with you until the last drop of blood is drained!"

In a few breathing efforts, Li Xuan suddenly seemed to be a different person, and there was a burst of heat in his body, which made people's eyes full of pride.

At this moment, Li Xuan, who dare to say that he is old? The volcano-like eruption and fighting spirit are nothing more than young people's!

This Li Xuan is definitely a real warrior with endless life and endless battles!

"You are not allowed to hurt the five elders, I will not!"

Just when Wandong walked away, Mulian rushed to Li Xuan in one arrow, and protected him with open arms, while a pair of apricot eyes stared at Wandong, pretty face. The resurgence was full of determination.

This is not the first time Wan Dong has seen such a lotus! When I thought that, in the common world, Mulian had protected herself like this. At that time, she faced a group of fierce beasts.

At this moment, Wan Dong seemed to be back to that time, and his heart was warm as if he was shining in the sun!

"Pull Mu girl away!" Jiao Lao snorted angrily, and said to Wan Dongdao again, "Ghost Brother, there is not much time, let this old guy go on the road as soon as possible!"

"Go away!"

Seeing several blood skeleton killers, the fierce gods came forward, and Mu Lian waved anxiously. Just because of her cultivation practice, where can hurt the other party, it attracted bursts of ridicule.

Along the way, Mu Lian saw too many masters of the Li family and died because of herself. This is an unbearable pain for Mu Lin, who is kind in nature. Now that everyone was falling, she realized that it was time for herself to play the role of protector.

Although Mu Lian knew well, she probably could not protect anyone. But this is what she should do, she can't and doesn't want to retreat!

Perhaps it is a good choice to die with everyone!

Wan Dong knew Mu Lian and knew what kind of pain she was suffering at this time. It is no exaggeration to say that his heart would be broken.

"Smelly girl! Do you think you are the eldest lady of the Mu family? You are just a prisoner now, if you don't want to die, just leave me alone!"

It seems that people with blood skeletons do not know how to pity Xiangxixiyu by nature, and no one shows even a slight sympathy for Mulian.

A **** skeleton killer with a sturdy body, like a tower, stretched out his hand violently, trying to drag Mu Lian away from Li Xuan.

However, before he touched Mu Lin with his hand, there was a sharp noise in the oblique thorn, which suddenly struck. The speed was so fast that the blood skeleton killer had no time to react. Mu Lian's hand fell with his arm.

It wasn't until the blood spewed out and the pain was flooding like a flood, that the blood skeleton killer didn't wake up to God, and his mouth uttered a scream that was not human ...

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