Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1381: Prepare to fight hard!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Miss, you ... don't do anything stupid! How can you let Feng'er live if you die?" Everything that happened just now was so fast that Lufeng could not stop it at all. "Hua" was straight and scared, and his tears did not flow out like money. . More w ..

Li Baiyi is the same! The gritted teeth that originally hated Wan Dong, like Mu Yucheng at this time, was really grateful to him. I still thought about wanting to kill Wandong with thousands of swords, but this time I wish I could form an eight-day relationship with Wandong.

The human heart is unpredictable, and his emotions are even more complicated.

Among everyone, I am afraid that only Mulian is in a different mood. Of course, he would not feel 'excited' because Wan Dong stopped himself. On the contrary, the hate in her heart seemed to be detonated again, and it skyrocketed many times.

Although he was clicked on a "hole", he could not speak, but Mu Lin's eyes could still move. At this time, no matter what else, just stared at Wandong, and only wished that his full hatred would be poured on Wandong through his own eyes. Let him crush his bones and make him irreversible!

"Lian'er! You listen to me, I am your father, I will not allow you to do stupid things! Believe that father, father will be able to rescue you, will be able to!" Mu Yucheng roared like crazy. This lost taste is too painful, he absolutely can not bear the second time.

"Ghost Face Lord, what kind of person are you !? Sometimes, I think you are a good person, your eyes are so clear, so kind, but sometimes, what you do, but people are angry, beasts are not as good! I was completely confused by you, but now I beg you, please rescue my lady, if you have even a little conscience, please rescue her! "

Lu Feng suddenly turned around, and said to Wan Dong with a very sincere and extremely sincere tone.

Lvfeng did this, maybe just doing her last efforts, and did not expect at all, Wandong would really help her. Li Baiyi even pouted, but only felt that Lu Feng was still doing this at this time, but he was only humiliated.

If Mu Lian is able to speak at this time, she will certainly be blamed on Green Phoenix! She is almost desperate now, even if it is dead, she does not want to be ridiculed by Wan Dong again.

"Can you give up your life and die for your young lady and fight hard?"

Shen ‘Yin’ for a moment, Wan Dong said suddenly.

Li Baiyi and Lu Feng couldn't see Wan Dong's expression, let alone understand the meaning of his question, and looked at each other blankly.

Wan Dong has long been hesitating in his heart, hoping to come up with a more secure solution, but the arrangement of Chang Sibo and Yu's 'flower' screen is too thorough, and there are no 'holes', and this situation is in front of him. And there is no time for him to delay it. It seems that there is no other way, only to fight hard and put it to death!

"What do you mean by asking like this?" Lv Feng asked uncertainly.

"Don't take the time to answer my question!" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, increasing his tone.

"Of course I can! I grew up with the young lady from an early age. In my mind, she is my sister! For the young lady, what are you afraid of dying?"

Without much hesitation, Green Phoenix said decisively. It is really not easy for a maid to have such a sincere and courageous spirit.

Li Baiyi gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Although I was injured, I can still have some strength. After a big death, it's more powerful than this kind of living!"

"I am willing too!" Li Liu said not much, but the attitude was the same determined.

"That's good! Then prepare to fight!" Wan Dong's eyes narrowed, and his eyes shot "infinite" light.

"You ... are you really willing to save my lady?"

Wan Dong's attitude was certainly what Lvfeng expected, but when Wan Dong really said that, she was completely confused. I thought about Wandong's actions in my mind, and only came to a conclusion, even if it was a neuropathy, he would never behave like Wandong.

Even Mu Lian was surprised, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, full of deep doubts.

"Li Baiyi, come here!"

"What?" Li Baiyi's confusing one stepped closer to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong's hand was suddenly raised at a speed comparable to lightning. Li Baiyi just felt a 'flower' in front of him, and secretly said a bad time, Wan Dong's palm was already printed on his 'chest'.

"Cao! Is it fooled?"

When Li Baiyi was stunned, when he was screaming at "desire", an extremely warm and vigorous force suddenly filled his whole body. This power is so miraculous that it is like sunlight, which instantly warms his body. The damaged organs of the meridians are healed and restored at an alarming rate under the combing of this power. Li Baiyi can even clearly feel that the power he has lost is skyrocketing at a ‘tide’ speed.

"You are ..." Li Baiyi looked at Wan Dong in amazement.

Wan Donghong blinked at him and smiled softly, whispering, "Your injury is actually not as heavy as you feel! After your injury is healed, you and Li Liu, don't attack, stay at Mulian with all your strength. With Lu Feng's side, try to fill the leaky 'holes' that I left, so that no one can hurt them. "

"You mean, you have to face all the blood skeleton killers alone?" Li Baiyi turned his head to look around, and his enemies were everywhere, like the enemy's sea. Even more crazy. "You are Hu Lai, you are not a god!"

"Because I am not a god, I need you to cooperate with me!"

"There are so many people with **** skulls, they can kill you with just one round of attack!"

"Hehe ... I'm not as vulnerable as you think!"

Wan Dong smiled, he no longer ignored the dumbfounded Li Baiyi, but turned his attention to Mu Lian.

At this time, Wan Dong can only wish to tell Mu Lian with the loudest voice, he is Wan Dong, he came to her! However, Wan Dong forced to hold down such a **.

Wan Dong really has no confidence and can continue to live in the siege of so many blood skeleton strong men. Maybe he is about to fall here today. If so, it would be better for Mu Lian to always think that he is a ghost-faced Venerable. This way, at least in her future life, will not cause her too much trouble. Moreover, if Mu Lian knows that she is Wan Dong, she might give up her life and choose to die with him! And this is precisely what Wan Dong is most reluctant to see.

That being the case! It would be better to put the reunion after the victory! Down to earth, hug together happily!

Mu Lian could not see Wan Dong's expression, but could see Wan Dong's eyes. At this time, Wan Dong's eyes were separated from the ghost on his face, and he could no longer be integrated.

The ghost face on Wan Dong's face was terrifying and scary, like a demon, but his eyes were gentle and warm, making Mu Lian the whole person like sunshine!

"Who is he? In the end, it's terrible, but he has such a look ..." Mu Lian was also ignorant, and only felt that even his own world was completely 'mixed' and 'chaotic'.

"You can't die, if you die, your father will die too! You must promise me to live strong, and no more stupid things!"

Somehow, Wan Dong's words gave Mulian an urge to cry. Not cry of grievance, but cry of happiness!

"Mu Yucheng, do you still want your" female "? If you want, hurry up to kill Mu Tiannan! Oh, I understand, you lack motivation. It doesn't matter, this seat can help you! Jiao Huang, you're going now, cut me off the arm of Mu Lian! "


Jiao Huang didn't hesitate anymore. As soon as Mr. Sibo's voice fell, he jumped up to Mu Lian and sneered, "Miss Mu, I'm sorry!"

"Chang Sibo, the beast you killed that day, you let him stop! Stop it !!"

Mu Yucheng was roaring, his voice was already hoarse.

"Mu Yucheng, this seat doesn't want to be like this. It's a pity that you are too disappointed! But fortunately, it's just that there is no arm. Although it's not beautiful, it's fine to continue living.

Mu Yucheng watched as Jiao Huang threw himself at his baby 'female', but couldn't do anything. His eyes were glaring and his eyes were about to pop out.


Just as Mu Yucheng's heart was about to break, Wandong suddenly shouted in his mouth and shook the sky.

With a bloodthirsty look on his face, Jiao Huang, who was about to tear Mu Lian's arm alive, shuddered sharply, and a heel that was almost drunk fell from the air.

Ignoring the stunned Jiao Huang, Wan Dong took a step forward with no expression on his face, blocking Mu Lian behind him.

"Ready, whether it's life or death, just look at this fight!" Wan Dong whispered to Li Baiyi and Mu Lian.

Li Baiyi and Mulian looked at each other, holding their breath involuntarily. Li Baiyi, in particular, raised all his ethics to the extreme. In any case, this is the last chance, he must seize it!

Only for Wan Dong, Li Baiyi has more doubts and confusions in his heart!

"Brother Ghost, what are you doing? Didn't you hear that my brother and I were given orders from Changgong, and I was never going to take your credit!"

Jiao Huang coughed softly, and said with an awkward expression.

"If you don't want to die, just leave me alone!" Wan Dong snorted.

"Brother Ghost, do you dare to violate Chang Gong's orders?"

Although Jiao Huang was a little afraid of Wan Dong, in front of so many people, he was still acting on the orders of Chang Sibo, and he was still courageous, Shen Sheng said.

"Ghost face! What the **** are you doing, give up this seat immediately!"

Chang Sibo turned his eyes to see the situation here, frowned, and drank aloud.

As a result, Jiao Huang's courage became stronger. No longer hesitating, he stretched his hand and grabbed Mulian's arm.

"Since you are looking for death, I can't make sense for you? Go to death!"

Jiao Huang never dreamed that the Venerable Ghost Face had such a guts, and he didn't even think about Chang Sibo, nor did he expect that the Venerable Ghost Face would really poison him!

Before he touched Mu Lian's clothes, Wan Dong's palms had gusts of thunder and thunder, and like a mad dragon patrol the sky, he slammed into his 'chest' ...

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