Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1386: The last resort!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!


"Brothers look great! From now on, you are my brother Mu Yucheng, and he will never die!" Everything that happened here, obviously Mu Yucheng was also seen in the eyes, excited, grateful, all kinds of emotions were overwhelming Come, let Mu Yucheng just want to worship with Wandong Shangxiang now, live and die in this life!

When Mu Yu became emotional, she felt sorry for Wan Dong if she didn't do it, but she was very embarrassed to make Wan Dong wrong. t / .. worship the boss with your own husband, if this is spread, you must not make people laugh?

Wan Dong shook his head vigorously, only pretending not to hear, and at this time, he couldn't allow him to distract from responding to Mu Yu.

Yu Huaping's hand was not that heavy, and it was not much worse than the punch he gave him in the Nine Five-Year Plan. Although Wandong is not the same as before, he still suffered a lot of injuries, and there was constant blood in his body that wanted to blurt out, and he was firmly pressed by him. At this time, even if he showed a little injury, he would put great pressure on Mu Lian and Li Baiyi.

In this desperate situation, faith is really too important to exceed everything!

"You can still stand up !?"

Looking at Wandong standing upright like a mountain, Yuhuaping finally couldn't help but widen his eyes, and took a breath of breath, his eyes filled with horror. He has faced countless strong enemies throughout his life, but if it is difficult to talk about, he really can't be compared with Wan Dong.

"What's the matter? Do you think you succeeded in sneak attack, you can put me to death, don't be naive!"

Wan Dong sneered, his wrist trembling, a dazzling cold light, and immediately jumped into his palm. At the same time, an extremely domineering and extremely sharp sword, bursting out like a gust of wind. A reincarnation sword seems to have been impatient for a long time. At this moment, after this world, before Wandong's idea was urged, he buzzed and was very strange.

"White, do you say ... does he still have the power to fight?" Mu Lian bit his lips tightly and murmured to Li Baiyi.

Li Baiyi shook his head, with both admiration and bitterness on his face. He is so far away from Wandong that there is simply no way to judge him.

"Lian'er, are you sure you didn't know this person before?"

Mu Lian was stunned for a moment, then shook her head in confusion. He was sure that he had never seen Ghost Face Lord, but Li Baiyi's doubts also existed in her heart. He always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the figure in front of him, and this feeling was becoming stronger and stronger.

"Foreign and strong! Do you think you can bluff?"

Yu Huaping gritted his teeth, and his palm swayed again, enough to turn the terrifying energy of the mountains and seas, and turned into a huge wave-like light curtain, layer upon layer, continuously rolling towards Wandong.

Yuhuaping's heart is filled with boundless killing intentions, so the moves he released are also murderous! As palm swept through, it seemed as if there was an invisible cold air shrouded the four fields, making people burst into the cold.

Li Baiyi couldn't help but shudder, such a strong enemy, he might not even have the courage to face.

Yuhuaping is like a possessor of killing gods, but Wandong's figure is still standing like a mountain, without ever being shaken. It seems that it has really turned into an indestructible longwall, blocking the wind and waves alone, creating a peaceful harbor for Li Baiyi and Mu Lian.

At this moment, not only is Mulian's nose pantothenic acid, but Li Baiyi also has a urge to cry.

"Don't be stunned, kill me!"

Mu Yucheng's blood seemed to be boiling, and the whole person was going crazy. In the roar of Zhen Tian, ​​the palms were shot continuously, and the hot wheel-like rotation released a great amount of energy, sweeping the four fields, but all the blood skeleton killers who dare to stop, immediately disappeared.

Others have spared their lives for their daughters. As a father, of course, he is moved, but more is self-blame and guilt! Others can still desperately, why can't he?

spell! Fight him apart, fight his death!

Wan Dong ’s actions not only infected Mu Yucheng, the entire disciples of the Mu family were crazy! With a pair of crimson eyes, each Mu family disciple gave up the defense and attacked with all his strength. The blood skeletons who had defended more and attacked less, the pressure suddenly increased.

Chang Sibo looked at the whole situation and knew everything. Of course I knew that it was not Dongren who caused the change, but Wandong. He hated his teeth, but he was helpless. Knowing that Wan Dong was seriously injured, he was already a strong foreigner, but he was unable to take Yuhuaping.

Seeing a divine sword in Wandong's hands, dancing in succession, offering a sword like a mad dragon, smashing the offensive of Yuhuaping, time and time again, Chang Sibo has the urge to kill.

"Chang Sibo, today is the time of death!"

Just when Chang Sibo was full of annoyance, a cold drink came from the oblique thorn, and Mu Tiannan's big hand turned into a dark cloud, and rolled down towards him.

Chang Sibo narrowed his eyes, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Mutian Nan, even if you are strong, but you can't kill me, why do you do this useless work?"

After saying nothing, Chang Sibo pointed out a gleam of light, condensed into a gun shape, and straightened into the dark cloud pressed against the head.

The Huaguang was full of Chang Sibo's morale, and it was also full of his understanding of the Tao. It was so great that Mu Tiannan's palm-like palm strength could not be suppressed for a while, and he stayed there.

Chang Sibo, the best among the blood skeletons, is really well-deserved!

Mu Tiannan couldn't help but let out a sigh, Chang Sibo was right, he wanted to kill him, it was impossible!

"Who do you think you are, God? Even God, you have to die today!"

While Chang Sibo was entangled with Mu Tiannan, Xiao Zhenwei's roar came suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a giant tripod with gleaming brilliance flew like electricity, and slammed into Chang Sibo.

"You dare to sneak into this seat!" Chang Sibo's white eyebrows condensed, his face fluttered with anger.

"Ruer and other thieves, everyone is to blame, how about I attack you?"

"And me!"

With a clear drink, Ping Wu Niang also flew in, and the three-color Excalibur broke out at the same time, just like three colorful mad dragons, roaring all over the sky. For a time, for dozens of miles, they were shrouded in a breath of sword and spirit.

Even the three great holy soul realm shot together, that might not be able to resist even the chief Siberian. Suddenly the body shook, the finger pointed by Chang Sibo collapsed, and the guests collapsed. Then, the three great forces merged into one, and went to Chang Sibo in the same direction.

Although Chang Sibo was unable to rival Mu Tiannan's three men, he refused to kill him. In the cold hum, the figure suddenly turned into a ten million phantom, flying all around. Chang Sibo's body method is obviously not simple. With the practice of Mu Tiannan's three people, it was difficult to distinguish his true body, so he watched him get away from the encirclement.

"You bully the less, but you still boast of orthodoxy!" Chang Sibo shouted.

Mu Tiannan, Xiao Zhenwei, and Ping Wuniang all sneered. They made it clear that they wanted to cheat to the end!

"Good!" Chang Sibo drank three good words in a rage, and then shouted at the sky, "Everyone listened to the order, and at all costs, beheaded Mulian!"

Chang Sibo's voice had just fallen, and a crowd of blood skeletons immediately withdrew from the line of defense and pounced on Mulian. The rest of the line of defense, one by one, did not hesitate to burn the vitality potential with a mysterious method, and won a brief outbreak. It simply made up for the loopholes left in the line of defense.

"Damn! These beasts are crazy!"

Mu Yucheng killed the Quartet, and was killing him. Unexpectedly, a purple sword-level killer in front of him suddenly patted his chest with a palm and spouted a red-golden effort. Xiuyu suddenly surged to be comparable to the Holy Spirit. Mu Yucheng was caught off guard and was forced to retreat in one fell swoop.

However, after the Purple Sword Killer forced Mu Yucheng to retreat, he could still pursue it in the future, so he exploded into the air and turned into a **** mess!

This is the secret method of blood skeleton's actuation, which needs to be cited as life, which is cruel!

Seeing that a large number of blood skeleton killers went straight to Mu Lian, and the disciples of the Mu family were blocked by the side of the line of defense, Mu Tiannan was anxious.

"Xiao Daoyou, Ping Daoyou, bother you to save Lian'er, I will keep the surname alone!"

"Alright!" The two of them naturally understood the situation and nodded without any hesitation.

"Hey ... Come here if you want to, leave when you want to go, do you really think Changmou can't be bullied?" After all, Chang Sibo didn't take action, but there was a roar in the sky.

Just when the two of Xiao Ping and Mu Tiannan felt dark in their hearts, an unusually evil breath suddenly swept over the earth, like a river surge, destroying people's hearts!

"what happened?"

Xiao Ping and the two subconsciously stood side by side, their faces all dignified.

"I should have thought that the surname Chang must inevitably have a back hand, everyone be careful!" Faced with this monstrous evil breath, Mu Tiannan did not dare to neglect, and looked at the source of the evil breath.

It didn't take long for me to see two blood clouds, which were rolling in at a fast speed, and they were not much more than the strong ones of the Holy Soul Realm.

"this is……"

Mu Tiannan's eyes were sharp, and at one glance he saw in the blood cloud, there were two human figures hidden faintly. The same is wearing a blood coat, but unlike ordinary blood-coat people, the chests of these two blood-coat people clearly reveal golden light.

This golden light is not simple, and it is filled with endless domineering, which has shocked the powerful people of Holy Soul Realm like Mutiannan!

"Originally, I thought that there was no need to use this last resort to deal with the Mu Family. Now it seems that I underestimated the Mu Family. Fortunately, let you see the masterpiece of our patriarch in advance!"

Chang Sibo's voice is full of pride and madness, as if the two blood-clad men came out, they are invincible in the world!

"Just pretend to be a ghost, who can fool? Die to me!"

Xiao Zhenwei's temper was hot, and the most obvious thing was that he was not accustomed to the usual men like Siberian. With a loud roar, before the blood cloud approached, Ju Ding's phantom, he had smashed the past with infinite glory ...

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