Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1390: Resurrection!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!


"Where the hell, dare to spoil this good thing?" Yu Huaping's body retreated, and he couldn't help but yell. ..

Since hitting the first peak of the Mu Family, it seems that he has been opposed to everything, and it really hasn't been a moment. I thought that Mu Lian was here this time, and somehow Cheng Chengjin was killed halfway. Could it be that his Ba Zi is incompatible with this side of the earth?

When the rain screen turned his gaze, his complexion immediately changed. It looked like he was struck by thunder, sometimes green, sometimes red, and his complexion fluctuated. Looking at his gritted teeth, his blue muscles burst into anger, as if he saw his old enemy who killed his wife and won his son!

Li Baiyi's heart was shocked and joyful at the same time, but also extremely puzzled. The master of the Mu family was blocked on the other side, and Wan Dong couldn't help it. This is already a deadly situation. Why is there a wave of waves?

In amazement, Li Baiyi could not wait to turn his head to look around, but this look directly grabbed his tears of joy.

Li Baiyi is definitely a very strong person. This road is extremely difficult, passing countless times with life and death, but Li Baiyi never shed even a tear, but at this moment, he really can't help it, tears Instantly wet the **** white robe.

"Three uncles, elders, you ... you are still alive!"

Li Baiyi's choked voice, trembling constantly, and the unspeakable joy filled his entire body and mind. At this moment, Li Baiyi wanted to kneel down, and slammed a few heads to the sky above him!

Li Baiyi shouted with tears, making Mulian, Li Liu, and Lu Fengzhi not believe their ears. When the three of them slowly turned their eyes and saw Li Xuan and Li Wendao standing there alive, they were also confused.

It took a few seconds for the three of them to recover, but they were already in tears like Li Baiyi.

The four people of Mulian couldn't be more excited, but they didn't know that the excitement in the hearts of Li Xuan and Li Wendao was even greater than them!

When Li Wendao woke up from a coma, he once thought that he had arrived in the Underworld Mansion. After killing a few blood-covered people, he realized that he was not only alive, but his original practice was not only abolished. All recovery, and seems to be better than before.

Apart from the excitement, both of them also had doubts in their hearts. They only wished to find Wan Dong in the first time, and asked them carefully!

"Children, let you be wronged!" Looking at Li Baiyi and Mu Lian, who were covered in blood, Li Xuan said heartlessly, Shen Sheng said.

"No! Don't be wronged! As long as you, Sanshu and the elders are fine, it's better than anything!" Li Baiyi hurriedly said, the excitement in his eyes could not be added.

"You are finally here, and the rest ... it will be yours!"

Just when Li Xuan wanted to comfort four young people, there was a bit of tiredness and a bit of relief in a hoarse voice, and it slowly sounded.

Li Xuanxun looked forward, and his body jumped suddenly, followed by an unusually strong excitement on his face. He even said, "You didn't abolish our cultivation behavior at all, nor did you ever think of killing us, starting from scratch At the end, everything you do is safeguarding us! "

When I saw Wan Dong, Li Xuan and Li Wendao didn't need to ask anything, and everything was clear. In his life, Li Xuan has never been so grateful to someone like this!

"I knew it! I knew it was all your means, your conspiracy! You are the gods, who are you?"

Li Xuan and Li Wendao understood that Yu Huaping was not stupid, and naturally realized. An irresistible anger swept across his heart instantly. At this time the rain screen, I just wish to break Wan Dong's corpses into pieces, and then frustrate!

"In order to save us, he has endured such a big grievance ..." Li Baiyi stared blankly at Wan Dong, and he didn't know what language and how to express his deep feelings.

And Mu Lian and Lu Feng couldn't help crying softly, especially when they thought of their sneer and sneer at Wan Dong along the way, even malicious insults, and they were ashamed and embarrassed. Just fine!

"Li Xuan, Li Wendao ?! Well, you came here in a timely manner. You must keep that ghost-faced brother, and you can't let him have any missteps!" Mu Yucheng looked back at the two of the Li family and immediately burst out loud. call.

At this moment, it seems to him that Wan Dong has become more important than Mulian!

"Yuhuaping, what you did!"

Although things were beyond the expectations of Chang Sibo, it was extremely bad, but he had to set things right anyway and regain control of the situation. He never expected that at this time, Li Xuan and Li Wendao were killed. It was nothing short of stabbing at the top of his heart.

Chang Sibo was really angry, but his anger and dissatisfaction with Yuhuaping was even stronger than Mujia.

The rain screen is so fine, can't you hear it? Moreover, all of this was indeed caused by him, and he did not even have room for refusal. He could hardly imagine what would happen if he failed this time and returned to the blood skeleton. Even if the lord of the blood skeleton doesn't care about him, I'm afraid Chang Sibo will not let him go. Thinking of this link, Yuhuaping couldn't help but startled out a cold sweat.

"How did he hurt so badly?" Li Wendao looked at Wan Dong, who was covered in blood, and his face was full of shock.

Li Baiyi said with a very bitter expression, "In order to protect us, he alone blocked the siege of the blood skeleton by himself, and was repeatedly attacked by Yuhuaping and Chang Sibo. He can persist until now. It ’s ... it ’s not easy! "

In fact, Li Baiyi does n’t need to explain why Li Xuan and Li Wendao ’s eyesight is so amazing. As long as they raise their eyes and sweep around, the blood skeleton killer corpses in one place, and the blood mist that has n’t dissipated in the sky, is enough to prove that there has just been an experience Brutal war.

Li Xuan and Li Wendao looked at each other and all took a breath! This is Wandong. If you change to either of them, Wanwan will not be able to stick to the present.

"Be careful!"

Just when everyone sighed, a bucket of blood-colored light suddenly hit from behind Wan Dong, instantly making the atmosphere of the scene tense again to the extreme.

In order to rescue Mu Lian before, Wan Dong can forcefully hold his breath, no matter how serious the injury, he can also wield a sword to kill the enemy. However, the appearance of Li Wendao and Li Xuan let this breath go away instantly. At this time, Wan Dong only felt that his body was soft, and even a trace of strength could no longer gather. Even the reincarnation sword, which has always been connected to his blood, seems to have become very heavy at this time, and he must drop his hand and fall to the ground at any time.

Wan Dong didn't feel the danger in the blood beam behind him, but he couldn't hide it, and he didn't want to hide. After tossing up to now, he was really tired, a kind of burnout that seemed to have penetrated from the depths of his soul, so that he just wanted to find a place to lie down immediately, and never get up again.

Rather than do unnecessary struggles, in Wan Dong's view, it might be better to use this time to see Mulian a few more times.

Use these last few eyes to imprint Mu Lian's appearance on your heart deeply, and strive for the next life, you can recognize her at first sight! I haven't been able to have a happy marriage in this life.

"Wait for the beasts, all die!"

Seeing the blood pillar of light approaching Wandong, Li Xuan was furious, and with a loud scream, the palm of the earth shattered and withered, straight toward the blood pillar of light.

Knowing Wandong ’s hard work and hard work, and even seeing Wandong ’s sacrifice, Li Xuan was completely moved. He had only one thought at this time. Even if he did n’t want to spare this old bone, he could n’t let Wandong lose anything. . Otherwise, this relationship will not pay off!

Li Xuan's mind was good, but some people refused to make him wish. Finally, there is a chance to slash Wandong. Will the rain screen make people destroy?

As soon as Li Xuan moved, Yuhua Screen waved his palms, followed by his palms, and he came first. He hurried off before Li Xuan ’s palms hit the blood-colored beam. The two palm volleys met, and thunder bursts immediately.

Li Xuan's body shook slightly, but the rain screen was dull in his heart, and he took a step back.

"You ..." Yu Huaping's eyes widened in shock, even though he was injured, he never believed that he would lose to Li Xuan.

The gap between the Shinto Peak and the Holy Soul Realm is not so easy to be filled!

"The surname Yu, you **** it!"

Yuhuaping hadn't recovered from the shock yet, and there was another burst of energy in the diagonal thorn. In the moment when Yu Huaping shot, Li Wendao was not idle, and he launched an offensive.

"Even your little kid dares to make noise in front of this seat, I don't know what to do!"

Although Li Xuan surprised Yu Huaping, he did not pay any attention to Li Wendao. Although the figure didn't stand firm, it didn't prevent Yuhua from showing his palms, and his palms spit out with strength.

Yu Huaping was full of confidence, thinking that he would definitely hit Li Wendao, but when the energy of the two really hit each other, the result was that he was surprised. Li Wendao's offensive was beyond his imagination. Ferocious, not weaker than Li Xuansi. Yuhua screen was in a hurry and despised, and immediately suffered a loss, and directly opened a blood arrow!

Li Wendao apparently did not expect that his palm could cause such a result, but he had no intention of surprise at all. Almost at the same time that he spit blood from the rain screen, the **** beam of light also hit hard. Won Wandong.

Wan Dong's body thrust forward suddenly, this time, not only the blood was sprayed, but also the ghost face on his face flew out, revealing a pale white paper, but still a handsome young face.

"I'm useless, I'm really useless!"

Watching Wan Dong being hit hard again, Li Xuanzhi couldn't help but grab his hair, and he kept groaning with self-blame and guilt.

Wan Dong's figure drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground more than ten feet away.

After landing, Wan Dong didn't move anymore. In fact, he couldn't move, but the pain on Wan Dong's face was not very strong. He looked at Mu Lian with a fixed gaze, and even had a warm smile. The corners of her mouth slowly rumble ...

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