Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1393: Between life and death!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!


"Yucheng! Save Xiaodong!"

Chang Sibo succeeded in scheming, Wan Dong was once again in a deadlock. Mu Tiannan wanted to be rescued, but at this time it was beyond reach. In desperation, he had to put all his hopes on Mu Yucheng.

Fortunately, Mu Yucheng had already broken through the line of defense of the blood skeleton and was rushing towards the rain screen. As long as the rain screen can be put down, the remaining blood skeleton killers and blood-clothed people are handed over to Li Xuan and Li Wendao, and he can rest assured.

Just before Mu Yucheng's offensive fell on Yuhuaping, Mu Tiannan's roar had already sounded through the clouds. Mu Yucheng gazed at him, his hair all stood up immediately. Wan Wan didn't expect that at this juncture, Chang Sibo would kill Wan Dong again. How big a hatred would this be, would Wan Dong qj lose Chang Sibo's old lady? But having said that, Chang Sibo is also really embarrassing. As a strong man in the Holy Soul Realm, he even attacked a teenager twice. You must die!

Although most people with blood skeletons are shameless, but shamelessness is really a realm for this part!

Where can I still take care of the rain screen? Mu Yucheng snarled, followed by the two fists blasting out at the same time, and the two heavy punches were combined into one, turning into a red beam of light with a bucket thickness, and slammed into the dark Fingers!

"Raining screen!"

Chang Sibo flashed a cold power in his eyes, and raised a sigh in his mouth. Yu Huaping is holding his strength to atone for his sins. Before the roar of Chang Sibo falls to the ground, he has risen, his palms are dancing, and countless palms are rushing into Mu Yucheng's fist like a storm Gang.

It can be seen that in order to atone for the merits, the rain screen is also quite hard!

"How dare the rain thief !?"

Seeing Yuhuaping's shot, Mu Yucheng's angry eyes were coming out of his eyes, and he burst into tears, wishing he could eat Yuhuaping alive. Just let him be angry again, let him scold again, but Yuhuaping didn't pay any attention to it, and the perseverance directly moved people.

When Mu Tiannan saw this, a heart suddenly sank, and Yuhuaping was so desperate that it greatly exceeded his imagination. If Yuhuaping really stopped Mu Yucheng's fist at all costs, then 10,000 What East is facing is almost a deadly situation!

Mu Tiannan is no longer dared, and has no face to look forward to Wandong to save himself! Not to mention Wan Dong, who was seriously injured, can no longer resist Chang Sibo's finger, even if he creates a miracle again and blocks it, he must be hanged alive by himself!

"Yu Cheng is not in a hurry, and our uncle and nephew! Yuhuaping, you are mad!"

At a critical moment, Li Xuan burst into anger and broke with Li Wendao. Chang Sibo's fingertips, they dare not touch, but the injured rain screen, but they are full of confidence. The uncles and nephews palmed like electricity, and a network of qi was intertwined in the air, which directly covered the palm strength released to the rain screen.

"You die!"

Seeing Uncle Li's nephew coming from the sky, Yuhua screen's eyebrows were angry, he was so powerful that he had been humiliated by others, and he was still two small people he hadn't put in his eyes before.

Amidst the anger, Yuhuaping breathed out again, letting his palms swell, and his momentum suddenly soared by 30%. The victory or defeat is in one fell swoop. Where else will the rain screen be spared?

It's just that Yuhuaping greatly underestimated the cultivation behavior of Uncle Li's nephew and lowered their determination. The power of Yuhuaping's palms skyrocketed, and the large net opened by his uncle Li's nephew also shone. Between Xu Yu, the big net covered the palm of Yuhua screen. After a series of explosions that made the eardrums buzz and tremble, Yuhuaping's palm strength failed to break through the big net, but instead dissipated a little in the net.

"How could this be ?!" Yu Huaping's eyes suddenly widened, filled with shock and disbelief.

But no one will explain to him, Mu Yucheng's fist, rushing like a torrent, immediately attached to his body, swept past, and slammed into Chang Sibo's finger, nothing could stop it!

"Good job!" Mu Tiannan was relieved to see such a situation.

"Hey ... Mutianan, you are too happy to be too early!"

"What?" Mu Tiannan's breath was not over yet, and Chang Sibo's cold words raised his heart again.


At this time, Mu Yucheng's fist has collided with Chang Sibo's finger. The unexpected trembling of the sky came as expected, but beyond Mu Tiannan's expectation, although Chang Sibo's finger was dissipated by the impact of Mu Yuchengquan's impact, most of it dissipated, but still remained The thick line of the little finger continues to shoot at Wandong, and the speed is faster than before! Just like the alphabet sword, the mother sword is destroyed, the child sword is still there!

"Yucheng, what are you doing !?"

Mu Tiannan was frightened and angry, and could not help but yelled at Mu Yucheng.

Mu Yucheng was shocked and sweated on his forehead. The punch less than a moment ago also condensed at least 90% of his strength, but he failed to completely stop Chang Sibo's finger. The surprise of him made him more alert. It seems that the improvement of Chang Sibo is not only stronger than him, but also much stronger!


Mu Yucheng quickly recovered from the shock, chasing the black finger with horror in his eyes, and at this time the black finger was only a few feet away from Wandong.

"He's dead!" Seeing this, Chang Sibo couldn't help but spit out a long sigh of relief, and there was a lightness in his expression. On the other hand, Mutiannan was ashamed, and the whole person was immobilized as if he had been immobilized.

At this moment, Mu Tiannan, how much he hopes his eyes can be turned into substance, destroying the finger!

Mutian Nan was totally unacceptable, so many of them could not protect Wandong! Mu Tiannan couldn't dare to think about it. If Wan Dong died like this, what kind of darkness would he spend the rest of his life in?

"Do not!"

With a shouting cry, he was gazing affectionately with Wandong, who was about to forget where he was, Mulian suddenly woke up, and then moved without any hesitation, rushed to Wandong with his body.

Wan Dong didn't fail to notice Chang Sibo's poisonous hand, but at this time, he really didn't care. As long as you can see Mu Lian again, this is enough for Wan Dong. Even if you leave like this, as long as you are in Mu Lian's eyes, it will be happy. In front of true love, death is really nothing!

But Wan Dong did not expect that at the last minute, Mu Lian would do such a ‘silly thing’ and use his body to block the finger!

There seemed to be a current flowing through Wandong's body. Wandong, who had been unable to move, actually sat up from the ground. Just when he was going to push Mu Lian away, a sudden pain came from his body and mind, and then a spit of blood spurted out. The figure he had just sat up had to lie down again.

I have more than enough heart but not enough power! Sometimes, this kind of perception is painful and unbearable!

"Lian ... Lian'er!"

Mu Lin's figure is magnified infinitely in Mu Yucheng's eyes, her movements are infinitely slowed down, how much Mu Yucheng hopes this time can stop, even if it is the price of his life, he will never frown.

What kind of sin did this pair of young people make, and why did Cang Tian torture them like this? Mu Yucheng just wished he could grab God's collar and forcefully question him!

Mu Yucheng's eyes were full of tears, and a heart seemed to burst apart, but just as he was about to accept this cruel reality, a **** figure in the diagonal spur suddenly burst out, in Chang Sibo's Immediately before the finger was about to be shot into Mu Lian's body, he was standing in front of Mu Lian, and at the same time, he extended his hands and suddenly pushed Mu Lian and Wan Dong out. The blood flower splashed in Mu Lian's exclamation, and it was a little dazzling!

"who is it!?"

Mu Yucheng and Mu Tiannan's eyes glared at the same time, the sharpest eyes cast on the figure! No matter who it is, Mu Yucheng and Mu Tiannan are most grateful to him at this time.

"White ......... white!"

It was Li Wendao who first recognized the figure, and uttered a scream in his mouth, and the whole person rushed up like crazy.

Li Xuan also woke up to God immediately, a word of sorrow swiftly spread on his face, his body trembling slightly, so that his full hair also shivered with turbulence, anyone As you can see, this blow is definitely not a big deal for him!

"It turned out to be the kid in white!"

Mu Yucheng whispered, his face filled with endless emotion. It's said that the sky makes people fool, but this sky is really *** too playful!

The fingers offered by Chang Sibo are extremely powerful, not to mention the first stage of Shinto, even the peak of Shinto can't bear it. Like being stabbed in the chest, Zhimang instantly penetrated Li Baiyi's body. Thanks to Li Baiyi's insightful knowledge, he knew that he would not be able to stop his fingers and pushed Mulian and Wandong together. Otherwise, he would be afraid that Mulian and Wandong would still be unable to escape.

A large amount of blood flowed out of Li Baiyi's body like a fountain. In a flash, he had soaked Li Baiyi's clothes, and his complexion immediately became extremely pale.

Compared with the internal injury suffered by Li Baiyi, his little injury is nothing at all.

The fingers remaining in his body directly launched a violent attack on his internal organs, and even launched a crazy strangulation on the qi in his body.

Compared with the conciseness and purity of Chang Sibo's morality, Li Baiyi's morality is almost as weak as a baby. The two are not at the same level at all. It's just a blink of an eye. Bo's fingers eroded away.

"White! You must hold on, you must hold on wow!"

Li Wendao seemed to be crazy. He reached out and mad on Li Baiyi's body, and even spared his own moral energy to infuse Li Baiyi's body. Chang Sibo's fingers are not only overbearing, but also extremely evil. After swallowing Li Baiyi's moral energy, he began to devour Li Baiyi's vitality!

Li Wendao can only temporarily save Li Baiyi's life by continuously injecting qi into his body and providing food for Na Jin. It is hard to predict how long Li Wendao ’s cultivation will last. However, this point seems to be completely outside the scope of Li Wendao's consideration ...

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