Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Looking at the pair of extremely eager eyes around, clutching Wan Dong's warm hand tightly, Mu Lian's mind seemed to float back to a few years ago, the day when he first met Wan Dong! She did not misunderstand the people, she knew that one day, Wandong would come like a god, and was shocked to be ‘beauty’, even if it was at the ‘door’, no one could cover its edge!

Little ‘female’ and ‘spring’ are heroes! Mu Lian was very thankful and thanked God for letting her firmly grasp the man beside her!

Never let go in this life!

"Wang Gongzi, for your sake, who will come out of the trial treasure first, our leader Mu Hao and their leader Li Bin?"

"That's what it is! Wan Gongzi's cultivation as a psychic, with a unique vision, can certainly guess!"

A group of Mu family disciples who had quarreled before could not wait for Wan Dong to judge them. . More w ..

"Treasure for trial?" Wan Dong stunned slightly, turning his gaze to Tiger Leap.

Hu Yue smiled and said, "Our brother's cultivation practices have generally been promoted to heaven, and even Wuyang's kid is no exception ..."

"Fuck! Hu Yue, who do you despise?" Hu Yue's words immediately aroused Wuyang's dissatisfaction and glared.

Hu Yue ignored it and smiled, then said, "The other day, Brother Luo organized us to 'enter' into the treasure of trial, and harvested a lot of amethysts. Now I come to Mu's house, and you become the boss. My aunt, everyone is naturally a family. Brother Luo took out the extra amethyst and distributed it to the disciples of Mu, Ling, and Li. You do n’t know, it ’s quite a test treasure now. lively……"

"Yes, yes! Not only us in the treasure of trial, but also the disciples of the Huangfu family began to enter in large numbers. We also encountered Xin Wuhen and Lin Feng in them. They miss the boss, but you miss it!" Wuyang Rushed to take the words and said.

"This trial treasure land is really a good place. Although it is dangerous, it is an infinite gain to Xiu Wei's entry! I only went in three times, and Xiu Wei would have to break through the middle level of Tiange, which is really amazing!"

"Me too! At this speed, it is no longer a dream to achieve Shinto!"

"If we find such a treasure early, where else do we need to fear blood skeletons? Come and kill one, one and two!"

"Isn't this all the credit of Wan Gongzi?"

Suddenly burst the pot around, and there was a lot of discussion! A pair of pairs of excited and grateful eyes fixed on Wan Dong's face. Wan Dong is naturally happy too. In this troubled autumn, when disaster strikes, it is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to maximize the fighting strength of the monks of the 'Door'!

"By the way, do n’t forget to collect as many amethysts as possible after entering the blood skeleton! The master of the house already knows the magic of the test treasure land, and is very happy. Some time, a lot of amethysts are needed! "

"Is it still for you to talk about? It's been passed on long ago!"

"This is all right. After some hardening of the trial treasure land, the fighting power of our Mu Family disciples will surely skyrocket several times! If the blood skeletons and monks come back to madness again, we will have to weigh carefully!"

"Unfortunately, this place of trial treasure seems to be limited. You can not enter below the first level of Tiange, and above the intermediate level of Shinto. I heard that many elders of our Mu family are badly damaged."

"That's for sure! If those cows at the pinnacle of Shinto can enter the trial treasure land, what else do we have? But then again, is the trial treasure land so attractive to the elders?"

"You don't understand this? Many elders of our Mu family have been wandering in the pinnacle of Shinto for many years, and they still can't see the hope of promoting the Holy Spirit. For them, the treasure of trial is hope, you Is it attractive? "

Wan Dong's mouth was listening to everyone's comments with a smile, and his mood was a little 'exciting'. In the end it is still a teenager's heart ‘sex’ and likes liveliness!

"The trial treasure land is so magical?"

Hearing this, Wan Dong and Mu Lian looked back together, only to see Li Baiyi slowly accompanied by Li Wendao.

Although Li Baiyi's expression was a little sluggish, he was not decadent. Obviously he had not given up completely, and he was still fighting against Hei Juzhi. In comparison, Li Wendao is even more tired. Although Mu Yucheng said that all the strong people of the Mu family will infuse Li Baiyi with qi, but under the threat of blood skeletons, all the strong people of the Mu family will rest on Godadan and be vigilant at all times. How can Li Wenlong be willing to waste their way? gas? These days, he has always been the strongman of the Li family.

"White dress, do you feel better?" Mu Lian greeted him, full of concern.

Li Baiyi smiled bitterly and said, "Strictly speaking, it is not very good."

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Li Wendao. Li Wendao shook his head solemnly. He said, "Chang Sibo's black finger really is overbearing. It can not only swallow Dao Qi, but also use the swallowed Dao Qi to strengthen itself and endure this ... … "Li Wendao didn't finish his words, but turned into a sigh.

Everyone present had no fools, and naturally understood. The black arrogance in Li Wenlong's body is like a growing beast, and sooner or later there will be a day when it will be impossible to suppress, and then it will be the death of Li Baiyi.

The scene suddenly fell into silence, especially the disciples of the Li family, who even faced the sorrowful expression of sorrow!

"Chang Sibo really deserves to be the strong man of the Holy Soul Realm." Dong "knows the rules and runs the avenue. My generation can't reach it!" Li Wendao couldn't help but uttered another lament, full of a kind of depression that hates the sky and has blind eyes !

"Avenue ... law ..."

Hearing Li Wendao's lament, Wan Dong's heart moved abruptly, as if there was a shadow drifting across the Linghai, and when Wan Dong turned back to find it, there was no trace.

"Uh" "Uh"

At this moment, the two purple-red lights lit up almost at the same time, attracting everyone's attention to the past.

I saw that Mu Hao and Li Bin came out of the purple light almost at the same time. They were all ordinary heroes, young and handsome ... but the clothes were slightly sloppy and their hair was not very neat. However, the expression of the two is generally exciting!

"Yes, Mu Hao, it seems I look down upon you!" Li Bin turned to see Mu Hao and smiled with open mouth.

No matter whether it was cultivation or combat strength, Mu Hao had to lose to Li Bin. But in a short period of time, Mu Hao has already compared with this, this progress is not unpleasant!

"Less nonsense! Dare to go in and fight again? I must be longer than you insist this time!" Mu Hao's eyes were scorched, filled with a very strong 'desire' to win.

"Ha! Say you are fat and you still breathe! Fight to fight, what dare not? I was stronger than you before, only stronger than you in the future!" Li Bin shouted, fearless.

"Don't be embarrassed, you two, have the ability to compare with Wang Yangde and Xiao" Lang "!"

I do n’t know who shouted in the crowd. Mu Hao and Li Bin looked a little bit more surprised. Mu Hao turned to look at a member of the Silver Guards team and asked in surprise, “Why, those few A fierce **** hasn't come out yet? "

As soon as the crew shook their heads, Mu Hao and Li Bin couldn't help uttering a sound at the same time. All the excitement was 'swaying' and disappeared, and the whole person also fell with Yi Xing.

Wan Dong smiled inwardly, and the two were really true. They couldn't compare with anyone. They had to compare with Wang Yangde and Xiao ‘Lang’. Are they not looking for depression? Li Bin and Mu Haobi are the ones who persevered longer in the trial treasure land, but Wang Yangde and Xiao 'Lang' are probably the ones who can pass the trial treasure land in the shortest time.


Another purple light flashed, this time it was Wang Yangde. Wang Yangde has been focusing on the sword together, and this time certainly has made some progress. The entire person's momentum is fierce and abnormal, giving people a sense of being like a sword out of the sheath.

Wan Dong nodded slightly, Wang Yang had a high degree of "sex", and he was also talented. The most important thing is that this kid is more diligent than most people. If he continues, he will surely become the "door" of the Dao, Kendo first people!

"Brother Wang, why did you come out first? To be honest, I think your cultivation style is even higher than that of Brother Xiao Lang!" Asked a little strangely behind the scenes.

"Ha ha ha ... in the end lost to you!"

Before Wang Yangde answered the words, Xiao Lang's laughter came from Ziguang. Xiao'lang's heart and chest are the most open-minded. He didn't feel displeased and frustrated because he lost to Wang Yangde. The smile on his face was as bright as usual. The fighting spirit did not diminish, but instead rose. .

"Why did you come back and remember that you lost?" Mu Hao was confused.

Li Bin whispered something in his ear thoughtfully. Mu Hao's expression changed suddenly and turned his head to stare at Li Bin. "You ... did you talk nonsense?"

Li Bin did not speak, but nodded vigorously, his face full of joy and persuasion.

"Brother Xiao, it's too early to lose this time! This time it's me fast, next time maybe you're fast?"

"Hahaha ... This statement makes sense! Our contest is only just beginning!" Xiao "Lang" responded happily with laughter.

Mu Hao could n’t believe it anymore, but after hearing the dialogue between Wang Yangde and Xiao Lang, he had to believe it. I could n’t help but ‘knead’ my nose and sighed, “It really is a group of fierce gods!”

Not long after Xiao Xiaolang came out, Ye Qingyu, Hu Xueqing, and Liu Kerr were all together. Looking at the three people with smiles on their faces, it must have been through the customs, and it was really a shame.

Behind them are Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang siblings! With Ling Tianhua's cultivation practice, he is no less than "satisfied" in front of the three beauties. He falls behind, and ten ** is to take care of Ling Wushuang.

Further back, it was Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and a large number of Dingshanwei's backbone forces. Someone completed the customs clearance, some people failed to complete the first line, but it was enough to bring great shock to the disciples of Mu Liling's family.

"Brother Bin, do you say that this group of fierce gods really came from the ordinary small world? How do I think they seem to have come down from the fairy court and tortured us by the" door "?" The longer he spent with Dingshanwei, Mu Hao The greater the "surge" of the thorns. Thanks to his unwillingness to lose, otherwise all the thoughts that had been hit at this time would be grayed out.

Li Bin also smiled bitterly, shaking his head and said, "Maybe it is. Dingshan Weizhong, just pick one out, and you can overshadow you and me, which is really annoying!"

"Boss, I'm going to find you!" Wang Yangde said when he turned back to Wan Dong, his face suddenly "exposed" with joy and color.

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