Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Son, before you enter the ancient mountain secret realm, you must be respected by your master, right? After all, this ancient mountain secret realm is vast and immense. If you go on chaos by yourself, not only will the" waves "cost time, but also It is easy to encounter danger. -79- "Seeing Wan Dong's vivid look, Xue Wen was bold again and asked cautiously.

As soon as Xue Wen's words came out, Wandong's pair of sword eyebrows suddenly raised up, and his original calm eyes suddenly "shot" out of the cold mans, "Hello brave, dare to" touch "my bottom?"

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, Xue Wen shuddered like a chaff, and the cold sweat that had stopped before came out again. Wan Dong is indeed very interested in the Lingchi Linghu that Xue Wen said, but this does not mean that Wan Dong will be dizzy and can let Xue Wen cliché.

Wan Donghui's eyes were like a torch, and he suddenly saw through Xue Wen's thoughts, which naturally made Xue Wen feel terrified. While busy with sweating, he kept saying, "No, no, where is there such a big courage, dare to" touch "your son? You just feel that the young man first entered the ancient mountain secret realm, the road is not familiar, if you want to go somewhere , It is very inconvenient, and you can guide your son. "

"Lead the way? If the place I want to go to is among the mountains, can you lead the way for me?"

Wan Dong's eyes couldn't help but light up. Although there are many treasures on the periphery of this ancient mountain secret realm, it can't be compared to the depths of the Shenshan Mountain, making people yearn for it. And Wandong is equivalent to the fighting power of the Eight Immortals. Presumably, it should go deep into the first Shenshan Mountain. There should be no problem.

After listening to Wan Dong's question, Xue Wen's face suddenly became more embarrassing and more embarrassing. After a long pause, he just said, "The son is really very comparable, the elite is bold, and he is like a son. For example, Xue Wen was almost self-proclaimed. After spending so many years in the mysterious realm of ancient mountains, he never even stepped into the first **** mountain. "

In fact, Xue Wenyan does not need to know that just looking at his expression, Wan Dong knows that he is a bit too 'fucked'. Although a little disappointed, Wan Dong did not care about it, waved his hand, and exposed it.

"Wang Gongzi, although you are an art master and you are bold, I still advise you not to be busy entering Shenshan first. In fact, there are many places of cultivation in this periphery. Although it is not as good as Shenshan, it is safe. And, you can Accumulating a lot of information about the inside of Shenshan, and then entering Shenshan, it will be more effective. "

Xue Wen is very reasonable, even if he is not familiar with the outside world, he eagerly "goes" into the Shenshan Mountain. If they are replaced by those big "gate" disciples, in groups, led by experienced people, there may be no problem. It can be replaced by Wan Dong, a solo man with black eyes, which is very dangerous.

Seeing Wandong nodding his head slightly, Xue Wen's "Jing" God was very excited and said, "Son, our Dumeng headquarters is located near a spiritual pool. The spiritual pool there, although not the best in the entire periphery, also It's a good thing. You are practicing there, and cultivation will definitely improve quickly! "

After all, Xue Wen looked at Wan Dong with his eyes shut, and almost all the feelings of anticipation were engraved on his face.

Xue Wen has already made a judgment on Wan Dong. Although he is young, his combat power is unfathomable. It is definitely the best master in the periphery of the entire ancient mountain secret realm. Furthermore, although Xue Wen didn't 'find' the origin of Wandong, his temperament made him firmly believe that Wandong's background must be very scary. If such a character can be invited back to Du Meng, first of all, his position in Du Meng will become more stable.

Thinking of the few members of Du Meng, who clearly did not stand up to him, but relied on cultivation as higher than him, he dared to treat him with a "thorn", and Xue Wen's heart was full of hate. With Wandong this time, see if they dare to be arrogant in front of themselves.

Secondly, for the entire Dumeng, it is a big help! Others don't say that when they tried Wan Dong's powerful Song Po and his photo session, and then wanted to fight against Du Meng again, they had to weigh it carefully.

"You let me go to your Dumeng?" Wan Dong sneered and looked at Xue Wen. A pair of bright eyes seems to see through everything.

Xue Wen felt a sudden burst of pressure, and his heart burst into emptiness, and he smiled a few times, saying, "Son, the spiritual pool where our Dumeng is, really suits you ..."

"Okay! I have a clear idea of ​​your mind, and it ’s useless to cover it up. You ’re interested in the Lingchi, I ’m very interested and willing to take a look, but if you want to use me as a gun, then you Will definitely be disappointed! "

"No no no! Xue Wen never meant that!"

Xue Wen denied busy, but Wan Dong was not interested in listening to him. He waved his hand and said, "Lead the way!"

When Xue Wen led the way, Wan Dongfang discovered that his previous "rich" harvest was a joke. With the continuous deepening, all kinds of fairy grass appearing in the sight of Wandong, not only the number is amazing, but the quality is getting better and better!

Just like the candle ‘yin’ and ‘flower’ that made Wan Dong happy, before long, Wan Dong found several more plants, and the quality was several times stronger than that one. Wan Dong couldn't help but want to stop and put all the fairy grass in his pocket, but Xue Wen didn't take a glance at these fairy grass, and didn't mean to stop picking. Wan Dong was also embarrassed to make a request to stop.

The immortals in this fairy court, one by one, were indeed rich and wealthy. Even people like Xue Wen who were close to myself had such a high vision, and Wan Dong was really drunk.

After another walk, at the end of Wandong's sight, a large-scale building appeared.

It's just that these buildings, in Wandong's view, are really a bit humble, they are all low-rise wooden houses built randomly from wood. For example, even if it is placed in a small world of vulgarity, it is a shantytown at best!

"Son, do you feel it?" Xue Wen, who was walking in front, saw the low wooden hut, and his expression was significantly relaxed. It seems that finally arrived at the territory belonging to Du Meng.

"What do you feel? Oh!"

Xue Wen's sudden question made Wan Dong stunned for a while, but then he woke up to God. The aura around the world was obviously much richer than the way they came, and the more forward, the more It is rich!

"Hey ... Son, go a few tens of miles, that's where Lingchi is!"

As soon as Xue Wen's voice fell, Wan Dong's figure suddenly reached a height of dozens of feet. His eyes widened at once, and he looked in the direction pointed by Xue Wen. Wan Dong really saw the spiritual pool that Xue Wen said.

Wan Dong saw Lingchi for the first time, but was shocked for the first time. If he were not told that it was a spiritual pool, Wan Dong almost had to suspect that it was a huge gem set in the middle of the earth!

Because the relationship between the heaven and earth aura is too strong, that spiritual pool actually showed a crystal clear, like the real green ‘color’ luster, it is simply a piece of super emperor green emerald!

Because there is still a certain distance between them, Wan Dong estimates that there must be hundreds of square feet in that Lingchi. In such a big place, how much heaven and earth aura must be gathered and deposited to show such a scene? Wan Dong's imagination can not be said to be not rich, but at this time it is also impossible to imagine.

Seeing Wan Dong's shocked expression on his face, Xue Wen smiled and said, "Son, it's better to watch from a distance! Please continue to follow me."

Wan Dong nodded and couldn't help but accelerate the pace.

This is indeed Du Meng's territory, and the two of them greeted some figures before they even walked to the low wooden house. Seeing the coming person, Xue Wen's original slim figure suddenly straightened up, and his face was accustomed to ‘sex’ a little more reserved and proud.

Wan Dong looked at it, but only sneered, but didn't make a speech.

"Second Lord, you are back!"

Several flying figures suddenly stopped at a distance from Xue Wen, and bowed in unison.

Xue Wen waved his hand, motioned for several people, and asked Shen Sheng, "What about the lord?"

"The main leader is waiting for you in the conference room! Second lord, the main leader is very concerned about you for a few days. By the way, Xiaojiu, why didn't they come back with you?" One of the few looked smart The smart young man asked respectfully to Xue Wen.

When Xue Wen heard it, he immediately flew a rage of anger and snorted, saying, "Come back fart! Including Xiao Jiu, a dozen good players are all dead! If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid I won't be able to return ! "

"What, are you dead?" The few people who came to meet Xue Wen were taken aback.

Xue Wen said dully, "It was done by the people at the Zhaoyuehui! Our action was top secret, but the people at the Zhaoyuehui were already guarded. I think there must be a traitor in our Dumeng!"

"Inner traitor?"

As soon as Xue Wen said that he was ‘treasoning’, those few people stopped talking, and their expressions were a bit embarrassed. After all, this word is really sensitive.

Xue Wen didn't continue to say more, waved his hand, and said, "Go, go back and talk!"

With that in mind, Xue Wen looked at Wan Dong again with a smile, and the waist bar bent slightly, "Son, please first!"

At first few people didn't notice Wan Dong, and suddenly they saw Xue Wen's attitude, and then they looked at Wan Dong in surprise. You know, in Du Meng, Xue Wenna is above 10,000 people under one person. Except for Du ‘Jade’, the leader, he has never seen him so respectful to others.

"Second man, this little brother is ..."

"Little you" milk "and" milk "! This is my elder brother, called uncle!"

Xue Wen's rude reprimand made some people not dare to neglect Wandong, and they all leaned over and shouted, "See your uncle!"

Wan Dong gave Xue Wen a disgruntled glance, just because his boy wanted to be Wan Dong's younger brother? Fortunately, Xue Wen helped him, and Wan Dong didn't make him too embarrassed. No denial, he snorted, it was a few people's courtesy.

Xue Wen, the absolute person is 'fine'. Although he has only known Wan Wan for a short time, he basically 'sexed' and touched Wan Dong's spleen. He expected Wandong would not refute his face at this time, so he was so blessed that his heart came. No matter what, he finally recognized the big brother Wandong and let his relationship with Wandong go forward. A big step forward.

"Brother, a group of ignorant little cubs, with no eyes, you don't know them in general."

After playing the snake with the stick, Xue Wen changed his mouth while the iron was hot. It sounded natural, not awkward at all!

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