Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

When it was said that the time was fast, Wan Dong's thoughts just turned around, and there was a sudden shock in his back, followed by a sudden pain, like an electric current, flooding his body instantly. .. The refreshing taste made Wan Dong's fortitude so painful that he could not help crying. The figure was more like a cannonball that burst into the air, and with a whizz, it flew straight away dozens of feet away.

This scene fell in Xue Wen's eyes, and Xue Wen was so stupid! Is that golden eagle a good match? The copper bars and iron bones are stronger than those made of iron and steel. Looking at the whole fairy court, even if it is a real cowboy in the real fairyland, it seems that few dare to compete with the golden eagle like a "flesh" body. Although Wan Dong's combat strength is high, his cultivation base is only a fourth-ranking character immortal after all. Can't this be broken up by the golden carving?

Xue Wen's worry was overdone, Wan Dong did not fall apart, but it was really uncomfortable. The whole body, even the pain in the bones, is due to the twenty golden "color" runes, which strengthened his ** to a terrifying point, otherwise, even if it ca n’t be scattered, serious injuries are indispensable. .

"Brother, brother!" Seeing that Wan Dong hadn't stood up from the ground for a long time, Xue Wen was really panicked, shouting with a trembling sound, and running towards Wan Dong while busy.

Tang Jingruo is concerned about Lun Waner, but also anxious. Neither of them noticed each other, and they were heading in the same direction, and both ran fast, almost inattentively, and almost slammed together.

Tang Jingruo suppressed the panic, and ruined Xue Wen fiercely, said coldly, "The surname is Xue, you listen to me, if my family Waner has three lengths and two shorts, you and your brother, don't want to live either. ! "

"'Hang' account!" Tang Jingruo's words just fell, and Wan Dong lying on the ground suddenly jumped up and jumped, screaming, just like throwing a sack, Lun Waner, who scared him from his arms, Tang Jingruo was severely dumped.

When Tang Jing was surprised, she reached out to pick up, but when Lun Wan'er came beyond her ferocity, she couldn't take it. She staggered back and forth in five or six steps, and finally sat on the ground. . Worried that she might hurt Lun Waner, Tang Jingruo had to make a ‘meat’ mat. The strength of this **** sitting was not light, which made her frown for a while.


When Tang Jing was furious, he looked up at Wan Dong, but he didn't expect that Wan Dong was even more angry and fiercer than her at this time. It seemed that his eyes were about to 'shoot' out of the knife. Tang Jingruo's guilty conscience was inexplicable, and he swallowed back involuntarily when he came to his mouth.

Wan Dong was really annoyed at this time, he had never seen such a troublesome "woman" like Tang Jingruo and Lun Waner! Tang Jingruo's perseverance in hatred is simply a pervert, and Lun Waner is also a madman, even more crazy than the golden eagle! For the sake of a beast, his ‘sex’ life is not to mention, he almost took his ‘sex’ life!

Fighting a little bit to save Lun Waner, Tang Jingruo didn't even have half a word of thanks. He still told him not to want to live. Wandong really wanted to see if this 'female' had the ability to kill him!

"What are you? You say one more word, believe it or not, I cut your tongue!"

Tang Jingruo didn't want to be soft in front of Wandong, but the anger from Wandong almost turned into substance, surging like a 'tide', which made her open her mouth several times, but she couldn't even spit out a word. Horrible, this teenager is too terrible, right?

"Brothers and brothers, don't be angry, don't be angry! Jing Ruo is just talking casually, without that heart ..."

Seeing Wandong's anger, Xue Wen hurried forward to mediate, but just said a few words, and the rest of the words were glared back by Wandong's fierce eyes. "You are also a bone! That's a female 'If you treat you like this, can't you be a little bit angry? "

"This ... this blames me, who made me sorry for her ..."

"Bah! I'm sorry that her person is Du‘ Yu ’, who has a fart relationship with you? Do n’t you all explain it to her, why do you still want to do so?”

"Even if it was the poisonous hand under Du Yu, then it was because of my relationship ..."

"Xue Wen! Don't you feel tired when you live like that? Du Duyu clearly wants to put you to death, you don't blame him, but also recognize him as a brother, then I can only say that you are a high-spirited festival, righteous Bo Yuntian, but you still have to take over the sins he committed in the past, then I can only say that you are stupid! Also, I ask you, what do you do to this 'female' person It ’s so cheap, is it because you still love her, or is it because of guilt? "

"I ... I ..." Wan Dong scolded, so that Xue Wen's whole person was "blind", his face was blue and white for a while, and he looked like a **** without a god.

Wan Dong shook his head, too lazy to talk to him again, stared back at Tang Jingruo, and said in a cold voice, "I advise you to go back and think about it, what do you think in your heart! Don't think you are the most pitiful in this world." People are more pitiful than you! Let go of what you lay down, and throw away what you quit, otherwise you will only get more and more pitiful, and it will also hurt others! "

"I ... I don't need you to teach you!" Tang Jingruo's eyes were also in a panic, and he struggled for a long time, then said hard.

Wan Dong snorted coldly and said, "The ghost is too lazy to teach you! If it weren't for this bitch, I wouldn't say more to you!" Wan Dong glared Xue Wen fiercely again as a Man, even if it is love, you have to be a little bit more daring, right?

"Tweet ~ Tweet ~~"

As soon as Wan Dong's words were finished, the cry of the golden eagle was heard again.

The collision just a moment ago, Wan Dong was certainly sour, and the golden eagle did not take advantage of it, so he came back so quickly, which was somewhat unexpected from Wan Dong. If this fairy beast is crazy, the combat power will indeed improve, but it is often for a while. The more crazy, the faster the death, but Wan Dong, who is as long-lasting as the golden eagle, has never heard of it. . I don't know what kind of evil this golden eagle is, what is crazy?

Just as Wandong Ningmei was preparing to fight the golden eagle again, the golden eagle flew halfway and suddenly fell from the air. Wandong couldn't help but feel happy, was this beast finally crazy enough?

The golden eagle made a few earns on the ground. Although he stood up reluctantly, he never had the strength to fly to the sky. The scream in his mouth gradually turned into mourning, and anyone could see its weakness at this time.

And the most obvious is the eyes of the golden eagle! Unconsciously, the soaring blood has long disappeared, and the previous madness has also changed into fear, evading to dare to face Wandong.

"Could it be that the collision just made it sober?" Wan Dong turned to Tang Jing suspiciously.

Tang Jingruo obviously couldn't say why, and his face was full of consternation.

"You try to shake the bell." Wan Dong glanced at the bell in Leng Wan'er's hand.

"Don't! Lun Wan'er just shook the bell, and the golden eagle just chased her down at all costs." Xue Wen said tightly, subconsciously blurted out.

Wan Dong glared at him politely, and said with a lip, "What are you afraid of with me?"

Xue Wen talked aloud, and Tang Jing shook the bell if he didn't hesitate. Hearing the crisp bells, the golden eagle's "color" was really shocked, as if he had seen a loved one, flapping his wings and struggling towards Tang Jingruo.

Xue Wen was a little nervous at first. After seeing that the golden eagle had no murderous intentions, it was full of intimacy, which made him feel relieved.

When the golden eagle came to Tang Jingruo's side, he honestly leaned down and let Tang Jingruo 'touch', but did not show any murderous intentions, and it seemed that it was really recovering.

Tang Jingruo was delighted and doubtful, and could not help turning his head to ask Wan Dong, "What's wrong with this golden sculpture?"

"The brain is broken! I advise you to check it out after you go back. Who knows if it will go mad again!" Wan Dong snorted and said angrily.

In any case, the golden eagle has been restored as before, and there are no casualties. It can also be explained to Qimeng Xuan. Tang Jingruo is not very angry about Wan Dong ’s attitude.

"Although Du Meng was disbanded, we still have to stay here to practice. I wonder if Zhaoyue will not agree?" Wan Dong asked coldly. The spiritual pool here is very divine, less than a last resort, Wan Dong is unwilling to give up.

"As long as you are no longer evil, you can of course stay!"

Song Po is completely convinced now, and the crazy golden eagle has been enslaved by Wan Dong. How dare he not be convinced? Fearing that Tang Jingruo would say anything that would make Wan Dong angry, Song Po, the vice president of Zhaoyue Society, said busy.

Although Tang Jingruo didn't speak, he didn't show any objection. It seemed to be the default.

"That's good! Everyone in the future, well water does not violate river water! Let's go!"

Tossing this day, Wan Dong was also annoyed, waved his hand, took Wang Qing, Chen Qing, and a group of allies of Du Meng, and turned away. Even if there is no opinion at the lunar meeting, naturally there will be no objections when doing free repairs, not to mention, they even bow to Wandong from the heart! Seeing Wandong coming over, he gave way to both sides.

After walking a few steps and seeing that Xue Wen had not followed, Wan Dong frowned and looked back. He saw Xue Wen falling behind the old man, turning back three times, looking at Tang Jingruo non-stop, and could not help but curse in his heart. Bite bones! This guy is afraid that it is not saved!

After Wandong left, Tang Jingruo did not stay any longer, holding Lun Waner, carrying a golden eagle, and hurried away.

Fangtiandi, finally returned to silence from the hustle and bustle, at first glance, it seemed as if nothing had happened, but in fact, the entire ancient mountain secret realm, from this moment, turned a new page!

"Wan'er, are you awake?" In a bamboo house that was very 'fine' and elegant, Lun Wan'er finally opened his eyes, making Tang Jingruo rejoiced, and the high hanging heart finally fell back. Back in the belly.

"I'm not dead, how could it be here? Aunt Black, you ..." Lun Waner looked east and west, his face blank.

Tang Jing couldn't help laughing, and lightly touched Lun Waner's pink and white nose, saying, "Silly girl, who said you died?"


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