Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 52: Victorious over the enemy!

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"Boy, with my palm, I'm going to crush you!" Wu Qiujun didn't expect that he would be as real as a real boy, but he didn't know why. A huge threat, which made him almost completely irrational.

"Wow! Before I die, my sword will leave a transparent hole in your heart!"

"What?" Wan Dongjun's words made Wu Qiujun shivering with a terrified expression on his face. When I looked up to see Wan Dong's sword tip, a chill emerged from the bottom of his heart, just like the long sword in Wan Dong's hand, which had already pierced his body.

"Do I really want to die with this kid?" Wu Qiujun's heart suddenly rose a lot of unwillingness.

At this age, Wu Qiujun had reached the state of ninth true energy, and he had a chance to climb to the top and enter the realm of extraordinary sanctification, not to mention the countless properties in his name, the wealth of the enemy, the world, the wind and the rain, the omnipotence. . But as soon as he died, all this immediately vanished. Think about Wandong again, where a ruthless child who is rudied and has no achievements can be compared with him? With such a person, one life for another, for Wu Qiujun, who has done business for a lifetime, is definitely the biggest loss-making business.

Wu Qiujun's mind was full of thoughts, and his spirit could not be concentrated. His palm strength immediately weakened a little. The growth and decline of the opposite, but the momentum of the opposite Wandong is more and more fierce, and the decisiveness is more and more. The long sword in his hand has also turned into a dragon flying in the sky, which can smash everything between heaven and earth. .

"No!" Wu Qiujun suddenly uttered a loud cry, his palms closed, and his figure jumped far away. Wu Qiujun's third move used all his true energy, the most fierce and overbearing, but Wan Dong's break seemed the easiest.

"Master!" Duan Lengyan exclaimed, bursting into Wu Qiujun's ears like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Wu Qiujun shivered with a whole body, and suddenly woke up to God.

When I looked up to Wandong again, Wandong's body was determined, and the momentum of throwing life and death away was long gone. All that remained on his face was a slightly ironic smile.

"You ..." Pointing to Wan Dong, Wu Qiujun was trembling all over, his face even more bluish.

Wan Dong laughed softly, and said lightly, "Wu Qiujun, you are still a master of true spirits and nine heavyweights. It turned out to be so timid. You do n’t want to think about this broken sword in my hand, and my serious spirits. Cultivation, is it possible to pierce your body protection? I'm afraid that you haven't reached your feet, you have already been slammed by your palms, how can you die with you? "

"Yes, Master, you've become the dude again!" Duan Lengyan shook her head again and again, the expression on her face was both regretful and admired, and mixed with a little surprise, it was very complicated.

"You **** kid, I ..."

"What do you want? Three strokes have passed. You Wu Qiujun lost this game!" Such a result also greatly exceeded Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan's expectations, and they were both surprised and happy. Seeing Wu Qiujun showing a fierce face, the two flew over at the same time, just like the second general of Haha, they were blocked in front of Wandong. Just because of the gambling game, the two were inconvenient to shoot, but at this time there was no scruples.

With Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan as two top experts to protect, Wu Qiujun could not treat Wan Dong, his face was already swollen into pig liver color because of his shame and anger.

"Wu Qiujun, this third move, you lost in the momentum, there is nothing to feel wronged. You have enjoyed everything in your life, glorious and wealthy, but I did n’t expect it to be so dismissive. It was Yaoting, No care, no progress, this has influenced your judgment with momentum, and made you automatically give up the third move. "

Xu Wenchuan's voice seemed calm, but at a deep level, it was full of unspeakable joy and shock. Recalling the thrilling scene of Fang Cai, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but praise Wan Dong three times!

To Xu Wenchuan's words, Wu Qiujun didn't say a word, but he dismissed it. Xu Wenchuan was able to teach himself this way, because it was not him who just played against Wan Dong. Wan Dong's body must have the same spirit as him, and it is by no means false. Until now, he still has a lingering fear. If you change to Xu Wenchuan, the performance will not be much better than him.

In the final analysis, Wandong is too evil, too terrible! Wu Qiujun could not help turning his head to look at Wan Dong, except for dignity in his eyes, there was no previous contempt and disdain. Concealed in my heart, it is because the cultivation of this kid is not high, if his cultivation is the same as Duan Lengyan

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