Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 808: Cave rock stone!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Sister-in-law, what kind of fire are you making? My brother treats you ..." Shi Yan became more and more frivolous, not only did he not listen, but instead brought his face full of frivolity, and moved towards Dai Yajun. +

"Shut up!" Dai Yajun's pretty face was cold, and there was a scold in his mouth, and he pierced the sword towards Shi Yan.

Shi Yan did not panic. He smiled and jumped to the side silently. He easily avoided Dai Yajun's sword.


When one sword missed, Dai Yajun raised his eyebrows, and stabbed three swords in succession, three lightning arcs, struck Shi Yan's throat and chest, and most of them demanded a sword to kill him. Shi Yan couldn't laugh immediately, and his figure shook rapidly, bringing out several afterimages, obviously using all his strength.

"Dai Yajun, you're crazy!" Shi Yan escaped the three swords, Shi Yan burst into a rage, and shouted sharply.

Dai Yajun snorted heavily, screaming "Let's keep your mouth open!"

"Hum! I see, what you are like now, it's all my brother used to! If you change to me, you've beaten your skin a long time ago, see if you dare to be so crazy. It's really evil, you talk about it "Why did my brother really look at you? Why should you not marry?"

"Shi Yan, have you said enough?" Dai Yajun's handsome face flushed.

Shi Yan shoved his neck and shouted, "No! Today I must tell you carefully! You said, what are you cows? Your jade sect, a fart-like martial art, can stand on the Ascension Continent and rely on our hole. Xu Zong's asylum, otherwise you girls only have to be concubines for others. Besides, my brother, Dong Xu Zong's future master, the first-class master of the younger generation of Ascension Mainland, has a boundless future? My brother can look at you, it is because you have accumulated great virtue in your life! Do n’t shame your face, just look up here every day and look disgusting! "

"You ... you have the courage to say these words again!" Shi Yan's mouth is not ordinary vicious, he said something out, and tremble Dai Yajun's charming body.

"I said Dai Yajun, are you guilty of Ji, and not being scolded enough?"

"Sister, don't talk too much about this kind of people, let's go!" Several sisters held Dai Yajun, who was about to run away, and said.

According to Dai Yajun's temper, it is necessary to pierce a transparent hole in Shiyan today. Can temporarily press down.

With a fierce glance at Shi Yan, Dai Yajun turned to go, but Shi Yan suddenly opened his arms to block Dai Yajun's way. Hey he laughed a few times and said, "Don't hurry to go! Since morning and evening are a family, then It ’s only necessary to help each other. We ’re in a hurry, and Pei Yuandan does n’t have enough belts. He ’s about to run out now. Presumably, you should bring a lot of them. Give us some. Should n’t there be any problems?

"The beauty you want!" Dai Yajun stared at him, and then gave a loud rebuke.

This Pei Yuan Dan is a rare thing even in the Ascension Continent, and refining is extremely difficult. There are a few sisters of Dai Yajun, and a total of more than 20 are brought to prevent high-level fairy beasts from being used to keep secrets at critical moments. Shi Yan even opened his mouth to get it, but also lost his mouth.

"Dai Yajun, our Dongxu Sect carried a big thunder for you, but you could n’t even get a few Pei Yuandan, it ’s too uninteresting? I did n’t need to open my mouth to you. What Zongnei has is is that it's not easy to go back and forth, so I have to find you for emergency. "

"Shi Yan, even if you say that the sky is coming, you still want to get a Pei Yuan Dan from me!"

"Dai Yajun, if you are so ignorant, don't blame me."

"What do you want?" Dai Yajun asked, frowning tightly.

"What else? Since you don't want to surrender it, we have to rob it!"

"Dare you!" Dai Yajun almost raised her eyebrows.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Zhu Cai was worried that Dai Yajun would lose money, and second, he was even more worried about his possessions. These young men from the Ascension Continent are highly educated, but he has witnessed it with his own eyes. Where can he stand their toss with him as a householder?

Despite the fear in his heart, Zhu Cai walked over with his teeth clenched and said with a smile on his face, "You guys, if you have something to say, if you have something to say ..."

"Is there anyone you can talk with here? Get away!" Shi Yan scolded, and waved with his hand, then pushed Zhu Cai to the ground.

"Second Uncle!" Baoer saw Zhu Cai fell at once, and immediately threw himself up. While blocking Zhu Cai with his young body, he shouted at Shiyan, "Why do you want to beat my second uncle, you villain!"

"Dare you **** scold me?" Shi Yan burst into a roar, suddenly reached out and grabbed Bao'er's shirt, and lifted him up high.

Dai Yajun did not expect that Shi Yan was so despondent, even a child didn't let it go, and was anxious now, "Shi Yan, what do you want to do, put Baoer down!"

"Hahaha ... Dai Yajun, why are you so nervous? Could it be that this little **** is a wild seed that you hooked up with a man?"

"You ... you bullshit!"

"Then don't worry about the life and death of this little bastard!"

While Shi Yan was about to throw Bao'er down, Wandong said, "If this kid hurt a hair, I will screw your head down!"

Wan Dong's voice was cold, and what he said was like a gust of cold wind, which penetrated through the skin and penetrated into Shi Yan's bone crack, making him unable to beat a few chills.

"What are you talking about?" Shi Yan turned his head to look at Wan Dong, his eyes full of disbelief. Perhaps I hadn't thought of a dream. A man whom he regarded as a mortal ant would dare to speak to him in such a tone.

"Let go of that child, I can spare you not to die!"

"Hah! You ... forgive me not to die? Interesting, it's so interesting. It seems that you idiot don't know who you are talking to! You forgive me not to die, but today you are dead!"

Shi Yan suddenly jumped like thunder, and suddenly hurriedly threw Bao'er far away. At the same time, the whole person seemed to be a tiger coming down the mountain. He rushed towards Wandong desperately.

However, when Shi Yan rushed to Wandong, the palm front poured in the power of Wanjun, and when he slashed to Wandong, Wandong's figure gradually blurred, as if it was melted in the air.

"What !?" Shi Yan was taken aback. Not waiting for his body to stand firm, he looked around.

With this look, Shi Yan's heart jumped suddenly. I don't know when Wan Dong has reached more than ten feet, and that Baoer is lying in his arms steadily at this time, except for the shock on the small face, it is unscathed.

From Shi Yan's point of view, it is almost unbelievable. Wan Dong not only disappeared under his eyelids, but also in the electric light and flint, catching Bao'er. With such a strange body method, Shi Yanguang was shocked when he thought about it.

Not to mention Shi Yan, even Dai Yajun, who was a bystander, was taken aback. She didn't see how Wandong moved at all, but felt that with a flower in front of her, Wandong had already picked up Bao'er. The shock in her heart was no less than that of Shi Yan.

"You ... are you a human being?" Shi Yan couldn't help asking.

Wan Dong ignored it, turned around and gave Bao'er to his father, and said to Zhu Cai, "Bring Bao'er in. He is still young, and some things shouldn't be seen."

Zhu Cai knew that Wan Dong was about to start, and it was no longer wordy. He nodded immediately, and Chong Bao'er's father made a wink and told him to do what Wan Dong said.

"Uncle, you have to teach this bad guy fiercely. See if he dares to bully my daughter-in-law again!" Before entering the back room, Bao'er did not forget to tell Wan Dong specifically.

When Wan Dong heard it, he couldn't help laughing, and Dai Yajun couldn't help but look. This treasure is really a big kid!

"Where is your sacred ... ah!"

Before Shi Yan's words were finished, Wan Dong had reached him, and Pu Fan fell like a slap at his face. The speed was so fast that when he shot suddenly, Shi Yan had no time to react and was solid. He was standing by.

This slap, the strength is very small, just turned the stone rock in the same place, the cheek on the right swelled almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"You ... dare you hit me?"

Such a slap in the face was so muddled. Shi Yan first felt ill for a while. After waking up to God, he immediately became furious and roared at Wandong with a terrible face.


Shi Yan's move is in Wan Dong's eyes. Without waiting for his roar to fall, Wan Dong waved his palm again.

This time, Shi Yan seemed to be prepared. As soon as Wan Dong moved, Shi Yan's feet began to explode backward, and after a breathing effort, he quit less than ten steps. But can we get rid of Wandong's slap?

Shi Yan obviously looked down on Wan Dong and looked at himself higher.

A crackling sound came again, this time Wandong's strength was more full, Shi Yan was directly slapped to the ground by Wandong's slap. There were like ten thousand mosquitoes flying around in my ears, all buzzing, and there was a burst of black in front of me. Venus jumped out piece by piece, very spectacular.

"Ok ... so strong!" Not to mention Shi Yan, at this time even Dai Yajun couldn't help but scream.

Shiyan is not a rookie, and his cultivation base is no lower than Dai Yajun. But at this time, it was like a three-grandson, and was slapped by Wan Dong even for two tricks. If it was not seen with his own eyes, Dai Yajun would not believe it.

"Dare to hurt our brother? Find death!" Shi Yan was slapped with two slapped faces, and the few behind-the-sect disciples from behind him reacted, screaming and rushing towards Wandong.

"Dare to cast a wild in my **** Leicheng, I think you are looking for death! Fuck me!" Wan Dong suddenly screamed, his right palm swept through the sky, a golden light flashed immediately, and the disciples of the hole One by one, it seemed to hit the elastic wall, and flew back straight and far! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402294->

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