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"Humph! Did you kill me?" Wan Dong sneered coldly, his expression full of sarcasm. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it?

"Even if we can't kill you, but I don't believe that, with the power of Jiuxiao Pavilion and Dong Xuzong, you can't help you." Hua Qingkong said coldly.

Shi Huaxiong frowned slightly for Hua Qingkong's words, his expression faintly disdainful, but he didn't say anything.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and said quietly: "I really don't want to be an enemy to you, the ancestors of the ascending continent, but it seems that I am wishful thinking!"

"Originally! Today, you and Jiuxiao Pavilion and Dong Xuzong have already become enemies!" Hua Qingkong screamed with an expression of threat.

Wan Dong was a little impatient, and if he went on, it would make people feel that he was afraid of these sects.

"Who are you and who made you break in!" At this moment, a sharp drink drew Wan Dong's attention to the past. I saw seven or eight women, rushed into the city's main palace, led by Dai Yajun. A **** from the city's main palace stepped forward to block it, but failed to stop it. Dai Yajun brought his sisters and sisters straight to Wandong.

Wan Dong's eyes squinted slightly, and Dai Yajun seemed to be injured. The pale green dress was stained with a little blood, especially the left arm, a shallow wound, and he was still bleeding.

Looking at the female disciples who were behind Dai Yajun, almost all of them were adored, with varying degrees of importance and a weak expression. It seemed that they had just finished a fierce battle. No wonder Dai Yajun and they will only arrive until now.

Wan Dong hurriedly waved his hand and ordered Ma Yunliang to greet him. Two of the most seriously injured disciples of the Jade Girl seemed exhausted. Ma Yunliang and others had fallen to the ground before they stepped forward. Ma Yunliang hurriedly ordered them to carry them down, and he had a good doctor to cure them.

When Dai Yajun came to Wandong, he was almost collapsed, his body flicked a few times, struggling hard, and then he was able to support him, and he did not sit on the ground.

"Miss Dai, what happened?" Wan Dong had a good impression of Dai Yajun and asked her as a friend in her heart.

Dai Yajun opened his mouth and tried to answer, maybe it was too tired, but he was just breathless, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Wan Dong stopped asking and hurriedly let Chu Yunyan get the water. Dai Yajun took it, and then gulped a few gulps, because he drank too much and accidentally got choked, and there was another violent cough.

When Dai Yajun finally came back, he was able to speak, but at this moment, a loud bang, the gate of the city's main palace, was kicked by someone. Sawdust flew all over the sky, many sergeants were unable to dodge for a while, suffered immediately, and injured more than a dozen.

Wan Dong's expression immediately became cold, his eyes flashing cold and cold.

"Master Lord, it's ... it's Yuntianmen!" Dai Yajun said with a trembling voice.

"Yuntianmen? Wan Dong's brow tightened, and his face was suddenly cold by three points.

Shi Xiong, who was on the side, was slightly trembling, and his expression was three points more angry.

"Ya Jun, how do you know him?" Seeing Dai Yajun was close to Wan Dong, Shi Xiong was a bit tasted when he was standing, he couldn't help asking Shen Sheng.

"Shi Xiong?" Dai Yajun turned to look at Shi Xiong with a confused look, dare to talk to Shi Xiong, she realized that Shi Xiong was here. It was so neglected by Hualili, and he was still his beloved one, Shi Xiong's mood was conceivable, a pair of fists slammed with a bang.

"You come to me!" The unbearable Shi Xiong uttered an angry scream, and the people's ears buzzed with shock.

"I ... Why should I listen to you?" Dai Yajun had no feeling for Shi Xiong, and Dong Xuzong preached everywhere, she was Shi Xiong's fiancee, and even made her annoyed. At this time, she was not willing to give Shi Xiong a face. , When even back up.

"You ..." Shi Xiong wanted to be angry, but as soon as he saw Dai Yajun's pitiful expression, his anger immediately dissipated, and he said slowly, "Yajun, it's all about this time. No one can protect you except me. You need to know that Yuntianmen is not irritating. This kid is a coward, can you count on him? "

"Fuck! Who do you say is a coward !?" As soon as Shi Xiong's words fell, Ma Yunliang and Hu Gui roared at the same time.

There are strange things every day, and today seems to be exceptional. When will it be so arrogant to lose?

Shi Xiong snorted coldly, glanced at Wan Dong, and said, "Of course he is it! Although his deeds are passable, but this courage is still too small. Even our Dongxuezong dare not provoke him, Not to mention Yuntianmen! "

Shi Xiong said that Dai Yajun's expression suddenly dimmed, not that she was disappointed with Wandong, but suddenly thought that she rushed in this way, which is undoubtedly equivalent to bringing trouble to Wandong, and it is still a big trouble . As Shi Xiong said, Yuntianmen is not so irritating.

"I'm sorry ..." Dai Yajun gently said to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong's mind was not on her body. She didn't pay attention for a while and subconsciously asked, "What do you say?"


Dai Yajun was about to repeat the words of apology again. A dozen of Yuntianmen's disciples, led by a young man, suddenly poured in. The guards of the main city mansion responsible for vigilance were knocked to the ground by these disciples of Yuntianmen before they could react.

"Calling" the disciples of Yuntianmen, all fierce and evil, rude and rude, but Shi Xiong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, his expression was a lot calmer.

"Fortunately ..." Wan Dong was wondering, and Lai Wanli beside him suddenly patted his chest.

Wan Dong couldn't help but asked curiously, "What are you saying?"

Lai Wanli smiled and pointed to the Yuntianmen disciple headed by him. "That man is called Yunhan. Although he is also an elite disciple in Yuntianmen, he is not the most powerful. The most powerful person is Yunxiao, known as the younger generation of Ascension Mainland. The first master in China, it is said that Xiu Wei has entered a half-step big consummation, not to mention that there is no one in the younger generation, even in the older generation, it is also in the top ranks. If he came today, then The trouble is more serious! "

Listening to Lai Wanli's words, Wan Dong understood when he was standing, no wonder Shi Xiong would breathe a sigh of relief. Yun Xiao couldn't afford it, but he didn't pay attention to it.

"You little girls, see where you are fleeing this time!" Wan Dong waved his hand and ordered the guards of the city's main palace to make way. Yun Han immediately rushed over with a bunch of Yun Tianmen disciples.

"Yunhan, you bastard, don't deceive people too much!" Dai Yajun screamed angrily, and tears flashed in his straight eyes. She was just injured, but she had two good sisters who had died in Yunhan's hands.

"It's too deceiving? Hey ... Where is this? It won't take long, and I will kill Yuntianmen into your old Jade Emperor's nest, killing you all!" Yun Han grinned and grinned. At first glance, it is simply a beast that wants to eat people.

"Your lord regards my city's mansion as a place, but dare to lay wild here!" Wan Dong sneered and said quietly.

Wan Dong can tolerate Hua Qingkong, Shi Xiong, and even Tiesha and Yuanyangmen, but he has no such patience with Yuntianmen. In his speech, he was already a bit murderous, and it sounded extremely cold.

"What a **** city mansion, in the eyes of this son, is just a pile of broken bricks!" Yunhan is very arrogant, the arrogance is more arrogant than the sum of Hua Qingkong and Shi Xiong.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and was about to attack. Dai Yajun suddenly dragged him and whispered, "This is my business, you don't need to control, I can't drag you down!"

Upon hearing this, Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, whispering "Can't drag me down, can it drag down Shi Xiong?"

"No! I will never owe Dai Yajun his favor!" Dai Yajun bit his lip hard and said firmly.

"Then what should you do? These Yuntianmen people seem to be bad comers!"

"It's nothing, it's a big deal!" Dai Yajun looked soft and weak, but at the last moment, what he said was hard to keep his eyebrows.

Wan Dong shook his head gently and said, "You think so, but others may not think so."

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, Shi Xiong stood up, staring straight at Yunhan, and said coldly, "Yunhan, have you dared to eat the ambitious leopard, even my woman dare to bully?"

Not to mention, this Shi Xiong usually looks strange, but at this time, it is very heroic. Some people say that the most attractive time for a man is to stand up for her woman without fear of hardship.

This sentence is still very reasonable, at least Wan Dong clearly saw a warm color in the corner of Dai Yajun's eyes. It seems that Dai Yajun is not really repelling Shi Xiong, she should just not be able to bear the way Shi Xiong pursues her, and has produced a kind of rebellious psychology. The more Shi Xiong was, the more she accepted in her heart, the more she refused to admit that Shi Xiong had actually entered her heart.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain! This sentence is most applicable to Dai Yajun at this time.

"Yu! The surnamed Shi, you are also there." Yun Han turned to see Shi Xiong, although his expression was slightly surprised, but soon he was relieved, and was replaced by a thick sarcasm.

Shi Xiong's brows frowned at that time. He usually taught Yun Han a lot during the week. Yun Han was always very honest in front of him. Today's performance of Yun Han is actually somewhat abnormal.

"Since I know that Shi Xiong is here, then you should know what you should do!" Shi Xiong snorted coldly.

Yunhan Xiexie smiled and suddenly pouted and asked, "What should I do?"

This Shi Xiong didn't take Yun Han too seriously. He didn't even notice Shi Xiong's expression. He sneered and said, "Apologize to Yajun, then how far away!"

"Hahaha ... I'm surnamed Shi, I'm wondering, why are you so cheap? Why do you like to stick your hot face to the cold **** of others?" Yun Han laughed loudly, his words sharply turned, and he was merciless. He sneered at Shi Xiong.

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402308->

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