Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 824: The other side of Shi Xiong!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Tang Peng is very likely to overwhelm people, relying on his cultivation base to be a few heavier than Shi Xiong, his spirits are like waves, and he is unscrupulously venting to Shi Xiong. There is only one sentence for + I. The update speed is two times higher than other stations. The advertisement Shao Xiong is also stiff, even though he is sweating and raining, even though his face is pale, the tiger's body is still clenching his teeth. Without talking about others, even Dai Yajun looked at this moment, and he couldn't help moving.

"Brother ..." Shi Yan couldn't help shouting when he saw that Shi Xiong was extremely hard.

Shi Xiong glanced at him, but didn't make a sound, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Shi Xiong, I don't have to worry about my affairs, you let go!" Dai Yajun's heart is not iron, after all, at this time, anyone can hear it, her voice is a lot softer.

"Shao Luo word! Stand behind me not to move!" Shi Xiong is still domineering.

Dai Yajun gently turned his head to the side, and a drop of crystal clear tears fell silently.

"Senior Tang, you are the great vener of Yuntianmen, and you have a lofty reputation in Ascension Continent, so it's difficult for us juniors to say something, right?" Shi Xiong stared at Tang Peng's eyes and said with difficulty.

"Ha! When will my Tang Peng have your juniors to teach? What a courage!" Tang Peng suddenly screamed and took a step forward. The pressure on Shi Xiong suddenly rose suddenly.

Shi Xiong finally couldn't resist, he made a mumble in his mouth, knelt on the ground on one knee, and his face was a little bluish.

Seeing that Shi Xiong was forced into this position, he still refused to be soft, and Tang Peng was even more annoyed. He said coldly, "Unexpectedly, Qi Dongxun, the old guy, actually trained a hard-boned apprentice."

"Please also ask Senior Tang to show mercy, let me go of my woman!" Shi Xiong suddenly raised his head, staring straight at Tang Peng, and said neither humble nor humble.

"Fuck!" Tang Peng burst into tears, and his palm suddenly shot in the air. An invisible force suddenly hit Shi Xiong's body, hitting Shi Xiong to the wall ten feet away.

Shi Xiong's mouth spouted a **** arrow, and his complexion instantly turned from green to purple. Then Tang Peng deserved to be the famous star of the Ascension Continent. Thanks to Shi Xiong's thick foundation, otherwise only fear of this palm is enough for him to break his bones.

"Sovereign Lord, something as stubborn as this, just killed a hundred! I expected that Qidongxu was empty, and I dared not say anything!" Yunhan hated Shi Xiong's bones and gritted his teeth.

Tang Peng seemed to be fighting this idea as well, sneering when he heard, "Yunhan, go and grab those girls of the Jade Lady Sect. If anyone blocks, it will be the enemy of the old man, and the old man will let him try Try the old man's thunderbolt! "

"Yes!" Yun Han waited for this sentence from Tang Peng, and Gao Ying immediately made a big stride and walked towards Dai Yajun.

At this moment, Shi Xiong's body jumped abruptly, rushed a few steps, and rushed towards Yunhan like a lion. At this time, Shi Xiong, with his eyes wide-eyed and murderous, was like a **** of killing. Yunhan only felt a tremendous coldness, spreading straight along his backbone, and exclaimed involuntarily, followed by a series of exclamations. Take a few steps back.

"Shi Xiong, what do you ... what do you want to do?" This Yunhan is obviously a fearful of death, and his face was scared and pale at this time.

Shi Xiong suddenly gave a loud laugh in the sky, and even Tang Peng couldn't help but change his face. With a strong sense of contempt and disdain, Shi Xiong reached out and pointed at Yunhan, sternly shouting, "You clown leap, you are not qualified to speak to me, leave me!"


Yun Han was furious and was about to make a sound, but suddenly saw Shi Xiong's eyes, releasing a glacial-like cold light outwards, and he couldn't help but shuddered. When it came to his mouth, he said no again. Export.

"Shi Xiong, are you going crazy?" Tang Peng apparently didn't expect Shi Xiong to be like this. His expression was both shocked and angry.

Shi Xiong seemed to be out, he shook his hand and said in a deep voice, "Tang Peng, you are a predecessor, but you are very aggressive, it's just awful! If you must take Yajun away today, then kill me first Right! "

"Are you asking for death?" Tang Peng asked with a pouting face.

"Perhaps! But even if it's dead, I want to splash your blood"

"Brother!" Shi Xiong said this, clearly wanting to turn his face with Tang Peng. Shi Yan was taken aback, and screamed in a hurry.

The side of the flower sky is also a face of accident, and the meaning of gloating in the eyes is also more intense.

"Good! The disciples of Dong Xuzong are really amazing. Since everything has been said, if I shouldn't fight, where is the face in this world? But when it comes to the front, this is your own Challenge me, if you have three longs and two shorts, shouldn't your Master trouble me? "

"With the power of Yuntianmen, are you still afraid of trouble?"

"Hahaha ... That's good! Just to say this to you, I don't fail to make sense of you today! Come on!" Crazy laughter, Tang Peng could be described as murderous.

"Shi Xiong, you don't have to be like this, I ..."

"Will you be my woman or not? It's your business, or will you die for you, that's my business!" Shi Xiong dropped this sentence and ignored Dai Yajun, turning his head to look at Shi Yan in a low voice "I will be desperately entangled with Tang Peng, you must take Yajun out!"

"But Big Brother ..." Shi Yan's eyes could not help but burst into tears.

Shi Xiong didn't allow him to finish his speech. He pressed it **** his shoulder with his hand and walked towards Tang Peng without looking back.

"Your kid has any last words ..."

"Long Po Jiuxiao!" Before Tang Peng's words were finished, Shi Xiong roared with a tiger's roar and punched out with both fists. That was a call.

Two mad dragon-like strengths were entangled and tumbled in the air, just like Shi Xiong, rushed to Tang Peng without looking back.

"Well, there is no one in your eyes, Shi Xiong!" Tang Peng's silver eyebrow raised, a flash of anger flashed on his face, his left palm was behind his back, and the right palm was thundered like a thunder, which was a terrible force like a mountain and a sea of ​​reclaim. , Want to completely smash all the obstacles in front of you.

Shi Xiong's dragon broke Jiuxiao is indeed strong, and after adding Dao Qi, he has an unmatched momentum. However, compared with Tang Peng, Xiuwei is much worse after all, and the two dragons also have the same punching strength. After spending a moment with Tang Peng's palm, he showed signs of defeat.

"Shi Yan, take Yajun with them!" Shi Xiong knew very well that he could not support it for a long time, and his voice was both high and urgent.

"No! I won't go!" Shi Yan and Dai Yajun blurted out almost simultaneously.

"Go? Hey ... That's what you have to do! Yunhan, get someone for the old man!" Tang Peng groaned suddenly, and Yunhan immediately took a dry disciple of Yuntianmen, and rushed over with great force.

"Tang Peng! You deceive people too much!" Shi Xiong gritted his steel teeth and let out a roar, his fists pushed forward.

The boxing power that was gradually collapsing was reunited at this time, and took a big step closer to Tang Peng.

Tang Peng sneered. "Is this desperate? Real courage! It's a pity that people are too stupid to pick the wrong object!" Tang Peng gently shook his shoulders, his body full of real energy, spewing out again.

Shi Xiong groaned, and a blood arrow spouted out of his mouth. His feet were as if they were fitted with pulleys, and he exploded back more than ten steps in one breath.

"Yunhan, you bastard!" Shi Xiong didn't have time to catch his breath before he heard Shi Yan's scolding sound.

Shi Xiong looked back and saw that the Yun Han was like an eagle falcon, so he went straight to Dai Yajun. Shi Yan was in a hurry, but he was helpless. At first, his cultivation base was not as good as Yunhan. Secondly, his true energy was sealed at this time, which was no different from ordinary people.

As for Dai Yajun, it seems to be stupid, just staring at Shi Xiong dumbly, as if the whole person did not see the Yun Han who flew over, and it seems that he did not even mean to dodge.

"Silly girl, hide!" Shi Xiong saw it, hurriedly suppressed the retrograde energy in his body, and roared.

After hearing the roar of Shi Xiong, Dai Yajun reacted, but at this time he had lost the opportunity and could not hide even if he wanted to hide. Dai Yajun had no choice but to clench his teeth, ready to touch Yunhan. At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly rolled over, and before Han Yadai responded, Yunhan flew out with blood spouted.

After landing, he hit a big pit straight on the ground! After struggling a few times, he was trembling and stood up in pain.

"How ... how could it be?" Dai Yajun said in a state of confusion.

Shi Xiong's gaze shot to Wandong like electricity, and he was both grateful and amazed at the same time, "You ... did you even shoot?"

Wan Dong chuckled lightly and said, "Everyone else has bullied me into my house. If I don't shoot again, wouldn't it be a turtle turtle bastard?"

"But ... you don't dare to provoke Dongxongzong, how dare you provoke Yuntianmen?"

Wan Dong waved his hands again and again and said, "You are wrong, you don't dare, you just don't want to."

"You ..." Shi Xiong froze, thinking that Wan Dong's mind seemed to be wrapped in layers of mist.

"Where did your little **** come from? Could it be enough to dare to hurt my Yuntianmen?" Tang Peng's brow furrowed angrily.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "I think you are the one who has enough life? Are you as wild as my **** Thunder City, is it because you are my lord?"

"Hahaha ... What a **** city master, little bastard, are you just waking up, or are you so stupid? Not to mention the city master, even the emperor, the old man let him kneel, he would never dare to stand!"

"Ravage! Based on your words, the lord of the city will be able to punish your Nine Clan!"

"Just my Nine Clan? Okay! You show me it!"

"Since you are actively seeking death, then I will kill you first!" Wan Dong sneered, and strode toward Tang Peng.

Tang Peng did not expect Wan Dong to have such guts, and the expression on his face was slightly stunned, but it was fleeting.

"I don't know if it's a thick little hybrid, let me die!" Tang Peng may feel that if he goes on nonsense with Wandong again, he will lose his share, drink a lot, and slam his palms together, rumbling. Wandong heart went away ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402310->

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