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"I don't know? Gulie, you're not really shameless!" Seeing Gulie open his eyes and talking nonsense, Xu Sansan was so angry that the flowers were shaking. +

Gu Lie was not ashamed, and smiled and said, "Three or three, don't you admire Xiao Lang the most? With his cultivation practice, even if trapped in Fahua Mountain, those fairy beasts can't hurt him, I You can rest assured to see you. "

"I have no time to entangle with you here, get away!" Xu Sansan completely lost his patience, slammed, and waved towards Gu Lie.

The surging palm strength, surging like a tide, it can be seen that Xu Sansan does not have any reservations, but can only hope that through this palm, Gu Lie will be alive.

Gu Lie frowned, his shoulders shook violently, and he stepped at an unknown pace under his feet. He swiftly hid Xu Sansan's palm, and it seemed that Gu Lie's cultivation behavior seemed to be superior to Xu Sansan.

"Xu Sansan, you are not my opponent. I advise you not to ask for trouble. Although you are unintentional in running water, but I have a pity for flowers, don't force me."

"What a pity of running water !? Dare to stop me from saving people today, killing no amnesty!" Xu Sansan ignored it, slammed the sword in his hand, rolled up the Daomang, and decisively turned to the ancient fierce Shot away.

At the same time, the dozen or so companions who came with her were not idle, and they each improved their cultivation practice to the extreme, struggling to rush deep into Fahua Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lie's face sank fiercely, his right hand flicked in the void, and a sharp noise suddenly resounded through the clouds. At the time of standing, the clothing was broken and the wind was making a big deal. From all directions, a few dozen figures were suddenly swept out, all dressed in uniforms of the Jiuxiao Pavilion, murderous, and it seems that it has been ambushed for a long time.

Upon seeing this, Xu Sansan was shocked and asked angrily, "Gu Lie, what the **** are you doing?"

Gu Lie smiled coldly, Huo De showed his carry-on weapon, a purple gold crescent shovel, under the sun's shadow, constantly reflecting the sensation Hanhui.

"I'm instructed to block Fa Huashan, no one can get in, anyone who breaks in, no matter who it is, will be slaughtered!" Gu Lie was holding a crescent shovel, his face full of coldness.

"Why does this matter! What a mean Jiuxiao Pavilion!" Xu Sansan was full of resentment and said, without exaggeration, that mouthful of silver teeth was almost all bitten by her.

The Jiuxiao Pavilion is one of the seven major gates of the Ascension Continent, and it is the most arrogant and arrogant to act on weekdays. Those slightly smaller ancestors were repeatedly bullied by them, and Jiuxiao Pavilion was even more welcome to the scattered repairers. Robbery and killing of people, the **** of the crowd, can be said to be omnipotent. For this reason, there have been conflicts with Xiao Lang. To say that the entire Ascension Continent, who hates Xiao Lang the most, must be the Jiuxiao Pavilion.

The Jiuxiao Pavilion blocked the Fahua Mountain at this time, and the fool knew that he was going to kill Xiao Lang by the hand of the fairy beast group. It was clearly to take advantage of the danger of others and fall into the rock.

"Hum ... Xu Sansan, my Jiuxiao Pavilion is out of good intentions, where is the meanness?"

Seeing Gu Lie's triumphant look, Xu Sansan didn't even get angry, full of disdain. "Gu Lie, don't you keep asking me, don't you look down on you most? I can tell now You, the one I do n’t despise the most is the face of your villain! "

"Xu Sansan! My Gu Lie likes you for being fake, but I can't allow you to be so humiliated by me. If you retreat obediently today, otherwise, you can compete with the crescent shovel in my hand!"

"A contest is a contest, will I still be afraid of you?" Xu Sansan also simply, before waiting for Gu Lie's voice to fall to the ground, he suddenly rushed towards Gu Lie.

Gu Lie shoveled the crescent crescent to the ground, and he roared with rusty face, "The disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion listened to the order, and those who dared to break into the Mount Fahua Mountain will be killed!"

Along with Gu Lie's loud roar, dozens of Jiuxiao Pavilion masters immediately rushed to the dozens of casual repairs brought by Xu Sansan, like blood-thirsty wolves.

The partner brought by Xu Sansan, although he was not bad, was at a disadvantage because the number was too small. Facing the siege of dozens of disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion, the situation suddenly became difficult. More than a dozen loose repairs can only be grouped back to back, so as to resist hard.

Although Xu Sansan's offensive was fierce, her cultivation base was lower than Gu Lie after all. In addition, Gu Lie didn't collide with her at all, just blindly dodge, avoiding the truth and making Xu Sansan double. Feeling helpless.

"Gulie, are you still a man? If so, just die with me!"

Xu Sansan handed out dozens of swords one after another, but Gu Lie escaped easily, but he didn't even touch his clothes corner. Xu Sansan shouted loudly.

Gu Lie chuckled softly, and his figure was as steady as Mount Tai. "My Gu Lie is the most pitiful and cherishing jade. How can you know the woman like you? Three or three, you should stop it, useless!"


Gu Lie's words just fell, and a beast roar came suddenly in the depths of Fahua Mountain. This beast roar, full of violent and violent, shocking, is not what ordinary fairy beasts can emit. Xu Sansan's mind was extremely extraordinary, and upon hearing the roar of the beast, his mind fell to the bottom of the valley.

There was a smile on Gu Lie's face, and he gloomy said, "This fairy beast must be very powerful, I hope not to be hit by Xiao Lang Xiao Xiao! Ha ha ha ..."

"Damn Gu Lie, I'll kill you!" Gu Lie's words made Xu Sansan, who was already indignant, even more annoyed.

The sword in his hand suddenly came out, and the pieces of the sword light swept toward Gu Lie like a falling waterfall. As you can see, this sword, Xu Sansan almost used all his strength.

Gu Lie's expression narrowed slightly, realizing the power of Xu Sansan's sword, but he was not alarmed. The crescent shovel lifted and swept, and the crescent light of the crescent shape burst out, as if it were a shield, before Xu Sansan's sword energy.

A jingle sounded like a cracking iron, Xu Sansan's sword mansions, all left, were blocked by Gulie's crescent shovel. However, Gu Liefei was unscathed, and in turn, retreated Xu Sanyi's successive earthquakes by several steps.

Seeing Xu Sansan's full **** undulate, his face slightly pale, Gu Lie grinned with an evil smile, and then made a concerned look, asked "Sansan, are you okay? My crescent shovel is so domineering , Sometimes I can't control it. "

"Xiaoxiong! Xiaoxiong!"

Just when Xu Sansan was guilty of Venus by Gulie's shameless eyes, a quick and mournful call made her tremble.

When I looked back, I saw a young man in his twenties, a blood arrow suddenly spewed out of his chest, and his body fell unbalanced. Opposite it, a disciple of Jiuxiao Pavilion, who was full of cool faces, was slowly withdrawing the **** sword.

San Xiu, who was on the side, rushed to rush, but was blocked by another disciple of Jiuxiao Pavilion. Like her Xu Sansan, she could only watch her companion fall.

"Huh! How young, what a pity, what a pity!"

Xu Sansan's heartbroken eyebrows were straight, but Gu Lie was talking coldly. The words are contemptuous, the expression is sarcasm, and a cold-hearted face.

"You ..." By this time, Xu Sansan had been angrily speechless, just pointing at Gu Lie, shaking all over.

Gu Lie shook his head and said, "Thirty-three, you have seen it. Why is this necessary? I advise you to leave as soon as possible. You can't get in this Fahua Mountain."

Xu Sansan was almost desperate and said, "Gu Lie, if Xiao Lang is dead, I must ... you must be buried with him!"

"Let me be buried with him !?" Xu Sansan's words fell, and Gu Lie's face immediately flew into the sky with anger.

"Good! I Xu Sansan swears to the sky!"

"Hahaha ..." Xu Sansan's words just fell, and Gu Lie suddenly burst out laughing, and looking at that look, he had become crazy.

"Well, you are Xu Sansan. It seems that my infatuation is regarded by you as a donkey! Why are you so affectionate again since you are so ruthless? The disciple of Jiuxiao Pavilion listens to orders, kills, and one does not stay!"

Gu Lie's words fell, and the offensive of dozens of Jiuxiaoge disciples was more than doubled. The situation of more than a dozen scattered repairs suddenly became more difficult, and wounds were constantly added to his body.

When Xu Sansan saw the silver teeth, the sword stabs at Gu Lie's heart.

Gu Lie raised his eyebrows, swept the crescent shovel across the sky, and a powerful force immediately appeared in the air, as if collapsed mountains rolled towards Xu Sansan.


A series of blasts of earth shook slightly, Xu Sansan only felt like he was hitting a wall, and flew backwards out of control. The blood in the body was tumbling, and finally he could not suppress it.

Gu Lie, no longer merciless, began to burst into attack.

"You ... your cultivation ..." Xu Sansan's face was full of shock and disbelief.

"Is my cultivation progress a lot? Ha ha ha ... Xu Sansan, how do you compare my current cultivation to Xiao Lang?" Gu Lie burst into laughter, his face mad and proud.

Xu Sansan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his sword and his chest, and said coldly, "You don't need to be proud! Although your cultivation is much improved, it is far worse than Xiao Lang's!"

"Fuck! Why ... why do you always look down on me? Obviously I am better than Xiao Lang, but you still say that I am not as good as him! Xu Sansan, you are too unfair to Gu Lie!" Gu Lie growled, The crescent shovel slammed heavily, as if detonating countless mines. With an explosion, it brought up the dust that covered the sky and went straight to Xu Sansan.

Xu Sansan couldn't help but panic, and quickly hurled his sword to stop it. The terrible air wave actually shot Xu Sansan's long sword out of the air. Before Xu Sansan reacted, a more violent force hit her and straightened her into life. The crash hit and flew out.

Xu Sansan swayed from the ground awkwardly and stood up, vomiting several sips of blood again and again.

"How is it? Now that I know how powerful I am? Now you know, can I easily step on Xiao Lang under my feet?" Gu Lie forced Xu Sansan's eyes and roared fiercely. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402322->

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