Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 848: Fight forever!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong laughed bitterly and said, "Brother, my surname is Xu, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Lang looked at Wan Dong very seriously, and then he said, "Are you really not? But how do I think you are as perverted as the children from those super families?"

Wan Dong shook his head and did n’t know what to say. Xiao Lang ’s expression suddenly disappeared, grabbed Wan Dong ’s hand, and said with concern, “That thing is very domineering, and now it enters your body, there will be nothing Question? "

Wan Dong smiled and said, "It doesn't seem to be. Not all websites are the first to start, search + you will know."

Xiao Langchang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "That thing does not belong to me, it belongs to you!"

After hearing Xiao Lang say this, Wan Dong also felt a little mysterious. He didn't know Xiao Lang, but now he can come together. It really makes him feel that there is an invisible hand in the midst of this, controlling all this.

"How about you, Brother? Yu Pei has left your body, will you be fine?" Wan Dong suddenly thought of it and asked quickly.

Xiao Lang was surprised, but he hadn't thought about it yet. At this time, Wan Dong was reminded, and his expression was immediately tense. Unable to speak, he sat down cross-legged and began to stare inwardly.

After a moment, Xiao Lang burst into laughter suddenly, and the laughter was unusually cheerful, as if he was crushed under the boulder and suddenly turned over. Needless to say Xiao Lang, just listening to his laughter, Wan Dong knew that Xiao Lang was fine.

After a long while, Xiao Lang stopped his laughter and turned his head to look at Wan Dong, his face full of excitement that could not be concealed. "It's all done! It's all done! Right now, it only takes time to adjust the interest rate. A little bit of recovery, even when I was back to my peak! Hahaha ... I wo n’t be so angry anymore! "

The more he said that Xiao Lang was more happy, and the whole person danced like crazy.

"Brother, take the liberty to ask, what was your state of cultivation at the peak?" Wan Dong asked curiously.

Xiao Lang turned his head to look at him, his body twitched suddenly, his face filled with arrogance and replied, "The first stage of the earth wheel! If it was not tortured by this jade pendant in the past few years, I think my cultivation should be elevated to the ground It's mid-level. "

Upon hearing this, Wan Dong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, not to mention the mid-level of the earth wheel, just the first level of the earth wheel, which is enough for what he currently looks up to. No wonder Xiao Lang was so disdainful to the blood skeleton killer.

In front of the first stage of the earth wheel, the first stage of the little Xuan marks might only be crushed to death.

"Brother, since you came from Daomen Dajie, then ... do you know a man named Li Baiyi?" Wan Dong endured a little, but still couldn't hold back, and finally asked.

"Li Baiyi !?" Xiao Lang seemed very surprised when he heard the name from Wan Dong's mouth, his eyes widened, and he was surprised and asked, "How do you know this guy?"

Seeing Xiao Lang's expression like this, Wan Dong's heart could not help sinking, frowning and asking, "So, does Brother know him?"

"Of course I know! This Li Baiyi is not simple. This guy has already gained fame when I didn't come to the ordinary world a few years ago! It is the most outstanding genius of the super family Li family! Look at the whole door. The younger generation in the world, I am afraid that only the leader of the Ninth Five-Year Family, the Nine-Five-Year-Eight Bully can win him! "

Xiao Lang was obviously much older than Li Baiyi, but when Li Baiyi was mentioned, the distinct expression on his face was a kind of expression close to worship.

"Brother, is Li Baiyi's cultivation very high?" Wan Dong felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"When I left Daomen World, his practice was already the first stage of the earth wheel. After these few years, he should have at least reached the peak of the earth wheel, and maybe even higher!"

As soon as Xiao Lang's words came out, Wan Dong's heart seemed to be splashed with cold water.

Not to mention Gao, let's just talk about the pinnacle of the earth wheel. This distance from Wandong can no longer be justified. If the blood skeleton master is in front of Xiao Lang, only the crushed part, then I am afraid that even if he walks in front of Li Baiyi, he is not qualified to face him.

"Brother, you have been living in a small world of common life, how did you know Li Baiyi? Anyway, if you really know Li Baiyi, you must give me an introduction to your brother. This kind of peerless genius, future achievements will definitely be It ’s unlimited, and it ’s a great blessing to be able to get to know it! "

Wan Dong's heart was panicked, and when he heard Xiao Lang's words, he almost didn't vomit blood on the spot. I didn't know what to say to Xiao Lang for a moment, Wan Dong had nodded vaguely.

I don't know. What kind of expression will Xiao Lang look when he learns that he and Li Baiyi have become deadly enemies? Presumably sympathy?

"But after all, Li Baiyi's qualifications are indeed difficult to find for thousands of years, but you are no worse than his brother. In the poor and secluded world of the ordinary world, the world is extremely scarce, and you can cultivate to the yellow species at this age. Pinnacle, this is a miracle! If you go to the Daomen World, I think your achievements may not be worse than Li Baiyi or even the Ninth Five-Year Hero! "

Xiao Lang sighed unintentionally, but it caused Wan Dong's heart to suddenly heat up, as if he had received a shot of a stimulant, and his heart was suddenly excited.

Yes, he may not be as good as Li Baiyi now, but it doesn't matter, come to Japan to grow up, the most important thing is to have a heart that will never lose, a group of high fighting spirit that will never be destroyed!

Li Baiyi has a powerful family to rely on, but his Wandong is not nothing. Xuan Tian Wu Shen Ju, Ming Shen soul jade, this is his biggest reliance! Moreover, this reliance will never be weaker than that of Li Baiyi's family!

He shook his head vigorously, throwing all the frustration and loss into the sky. Not to mention, he cannot disappoint Mu Lian who loves him in any way.

"Brother, I don't think the blood-skeletal killer will give up, maybe I'll find it here soon."

Xiao Lang hummed, and his face became dignified, saying, "You are right! Blood Skeletal Killer, who never fails to achieve his goal! Never stop once he takes over the business!"

"So brother, now we are pressed for time. In your opinion, how long will it take you to resume your cultivation at its heyday?"

"Resume the heyday? Here? Ha ha ... Brother, you really dare to think!" Xiao Lang shook his head again and again.

Wan Dong froze for a while. "How?"

Xiao Lang patted Wan Dong on the shoulder and said, "Brother, in the past few years, in order to suppress the jade pendant, I lost almost 90% of my body's qi. To restore the full prosperity, rely on the thin world of the world Jing Qi is tantamount to a fool's dream. Maybe, I haven't recovered to full prosperity, but I am old and dead! "

"Ah? Why is this happening?" Wan Dong didn't really think about this, and his brow furrowed.

Xiao Lang sighed and said, "Unless I return to the Daomen World, it may be possible to fully recover in a short time."

"Then ... what should I do? The blood skeleton killer will arrive at any time!" Wan Dong's heart sank. If Xiao Lang couldn't recover in time, what was waiting for them was still a dead word.

"If you want to deal with the blood skeleton killer, why do you need to return to the time when I was full? As long as I return to the middle level of Xuan Scar, I can easily kill it!"

"Yes, yes! I remembered that the blood skeleton killer was only at the level of Xuan marks." Wan Dong's eyes lit up, and he saw hope again, and he asked quickly, "Brother, how long will it take you to recover Xuan marks Intermediate, I'll protect you. "

"About half a year!"

"Cough cough cough ..." Xiao Lang said, Wan Dong coughed loudly as if he had been choked.

For a long while, Wan Dong gasped for breath, and he could squeeze the bile out of a bitter face, "Brother, are you deliberately playing with me, right? That blood skeleton killer would be so kind, give us half a year ? "

Xiao Lang spread his hands across his face and said helplessly, "What can I do? The spirit of this world is so thin, I can return to the middle level of Xuan marks in half a year, it is already very good. It is not necessary to change to someone else I can do it! You know, your eldest brother and I were in the family at the time, and are also geniuses that can be counted! "

"My genius brother, it's been too long for half a year. By then, you and I will both become bones!" Looking at Xiao Lang's complacent look, Wan Dong was about to cry.

"Hey! If there can be enough amethyst, maybe it can speed up." Xiao Lang sighed.

"Amethyst? What kind of stuff is that?" Wan Dong was really curious about this and asked Zhangkou.

Xiao Lang said, "This amethyst is a kind of strange treasure generated by heaven and earth, which is filled with pure Dao Qi and can be directly absorbed and used by the monks ..."

"Sounds like it's about Yuan Jing!" Wan Dong moved.

"Yuanjing? Yes, yes, Amethyst was originally an upgraded version of Yuanjing! The amount of Dao Qi contained in a piece of amethyst is roughly equivalent to one hundred Yuanjing. This amethyst, like Yuanjing, is a Daomen The hard currency of the big world. "

"A hundred Yuan Jing can only be worth an amethyst? This ... this Yuan Jing is too worthless?"

Thinking of Xiao Lang's opponent even hiring a blood skeleton killer to chase Xiao Lang at the price of 100,000 amethysts, Wan Dong couldn't help but feel a chill. One hundred thousand amethyst, is it not equivalent to ten million yuan crystal?

Xiao Lang pouted his lips and said, "Compared with Amethyst, Yuanjing is really nothing. But after all, Amethyst is very precious. Now the main circulation in Daomen World is still Yuanjing. Unfortunately, this Ascension mainland was originally rich in Yuan. I have also accumulated some crystals, but later I distributed them to others. Amethyst I do n’t want to, now if there are a batch of crystals, they can also come in handy. "

"So, Yuan Jing is also helpful for you to resume your cultivation?"

"Of course, the flies are small, but they are also meat!"

"That's right, I have a batch of crystals here, you can use them!" Wan Dong heard the words and hurriedly took the more than 3,000 crystals he had accumulated from the storage ring, and took all the pieces he didn't leave. When he came out, a small hill was piled up in front of Xiao Lang ......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402334->

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