Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 854: Bloody battle under the city!

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Not far from Marriott Martial, the Thousand Thousand Swords are also wide open and wide open, and a wide knife in the hand is rounded to the extreme, and then severely cleaved, immediately splitting the snow ape that just reached the head of the city into two. half. +

In the blood splatter, like Marriott Marquis, Breaking the Thousand Knives had no time to ignore it. Instead, he hacked out a skill knife and went straight to a golden-billed falcon that hovered down quickly. Among the immortal beasts, these golden-billed falcons are the most difficult to entangle, standing high above them, which is difficult for ordinary archers to reach. Only by relying on a strong man such as Marriott Marquis, who can break the Thousand Swords, can only cause some deterrence. Breaking the Thousand Swords has to take care of both the eyes and the heavens, and even beware of the city. The pressure on him can be imagined.

However, this is really a helpless move. Baiyue City is not like the master of the Thunder City. Fortunately, it was Marriott Marquis, who was here with Broken Thousand Swords. If not, Li Xingbiao would not dare to imagine such a scene.

On the other side, Li Xingbiao and the two younger brothers who smiled broadly at the Daomen Gate just moved closer together. With the strength of the three of them, they struggled with Xue Jing ape, and the situation was more difficult than that of Marriott Xiong and Po Qiandao.

With the Thousand Thousand Swords, Marriott Martial, and Li Xingbiao as three lines of defense, it finally managed to resist the offensive of Xue Jing Ape. As for the rest, you can only rely on Wan Youqi.

At this time, Wan Youqi has become the commander in chief. All the soldiers are dispatched and the defense lines are arranged. If you change to other places, Wan Youqi really has no confidence. Fortunately, they are facing fairy beasts. Although they have spirituality, IQ ca n’t be compared with humans. Wan Youqi can still deal with it, but she also Obviously feel that the pressure is increasing.


In a loud noise, the city gate of Baiyue City trembled tremblingly, and then there was a click of a brittle sound, and the thick city gate was hit by a crack with more than ten heads of rhinoceros.

"Reinforce the city gate!" Wan Youqi suddenly jumped in her heart.

If the gate of the city was broken, the immortal beasts poured into the city like a tide, and the nearly one million people who worshiped Moon City would only fall into the sea of ​​blood in minutes.

Wan Youqi's voice just fell, a team of officers and soldiers, immediately carrying giant wood, rivets, quickly ran to the city gate.

"Choo Choo Choo"

A sharp cry made a sudden masterpiece, and the number of heads seemed to be the golden-billed falcon glancing at the opportunity, and suddenly swooped down from the air, like a golden lightning. In an instant, a cry of pain and pain resounded through the sky. Several officers and men who were caught off guard were stabbed by the claws of the golden-billed falcon, and blood spattered all over the sky.

"What's the point! Archer, shoot me!"

Wan Youqi was furious, and at an instant, an arrow of rain, immediately shot towards the golden-billed falcons. Where do you know that the golden-billed falcon is not at all afraid, and the huge wings flapping in succession will actually shoot the bows and arrows that shoot at them, and wait for the second wave of arrow rain to hit, and then flutter their wings to the sky. , From time to time also issued bursts of tweeting, which is simply a mockery of Wan Youqi.

Wan Youqi's lungs were about to explode, but there was no way to do so. He could only watch the golden-billed falcon, continue to soar in the sky, and continue to search for the next target with impunity.

The golden-billed falcon was no more vicious, and the city gate had to be strengthened. Wan Youqi had to order the archer to guard and cover, while ordering the soldiers to continue to strengthen the city gate.

"Shoot me the elephant rhinoceros!" After looking away from the golden-billed falcon, Wan Youqi stared at the elephant rhinoceros under the city again.

These rhinoceros have thick skin and thick body, and heavy body. Although the reaction is not very sensitive, but they are very powerful when they collide. It is no exaggeration to say that each elephant rhinoceros has great strength. When the heads are together, even the bluestone walls may not resist, let alone the gates.

With the order of Wan Youqi, the rain-like bow and arrow suddenly turned to the rhinoceros.

The golden-billed falcon is high above the ground, and it is difficult to shoot. This rhinoceros is very easy to hit. Even a field peasant who has never shot an arrow can shoot a prospect. But what's the use of light? The skins of these rhinoceros are too thick to be counted. If you hit ten arrows, maybe only one arrow can hurt it, and it is still a very light wound, like a needle.

At first, when the rhinoceros were shot, they would take the initiative to avoid it. Later, they slowly discovered that human bows and arrows did not work for them at all. These rhinoceros simply did not hide. Let your arrows rain up, I Without any focus, he ran into the gate and was so angry that Wan Youqi was about to vomit blood.

All the soldiers in the Moon City had their lives squandered. The soldiers responsible for strengthening the city gates, even the airstrikes of the Golden-billed Falcon, were completely ignored, but even so, they could not keep up with the speed of the destruction of the rhinoceros.

Seeing the cracks on the city gates getting bigger and bigger, the huge and heavy city gates showed a collapsed appearance, Wan Youqi was finally anxious, could not help turning her head to look at the broken thousand knives, and roared extremely eagerly. Thousand knives, need you here! "

Upon hearing Wan Youqi's call, the Thousand Swords roared, releasing several swords and gangs, shaking a few snow apes down the city wall, and then leaning forward, they came to Wan Youqi.

"What's wrong with Youqi?" As soon as she came to Wan Youqi, Breaking Thousand Knives first eagerly looked at Wan Youqi up and down, and saw that she was not injured, so she asked.

Wan Youqi pointed at the elephant rhinoceros under the city wall and said, "These elephant rhinoceros can't shoot at all, and then let them run down so unscrupulously, I'm afraid the city gate can't resist."

"What's the point! Give it to me!" Po Qiandao yelled angrily and turned his head to look at Marriott Xiong.

Needless to say, Marriott Martial Immediately noticed, moved his body to the side, and took care of the position that originally belonged to the Thousand Thousand Knives. He said with a deep voice, "There is me, you must be careful!"

With the words of Marriott Marquis, Breaking Thousand Swords no longer has any scruples, and his figure rebounded, and he jumped directly down the city head.

A broad knife unfolded, and all over the sky, the knife and knife flashed. The elephant rhinoceros who were rushing into the city gate were caught off guard, and were immediately chopped to death by a thousand knives.

But the fairy beast was a fairy beast. After realizing the threat, he immediately gave up and rammed the gates, and dozens of heads were squeezed together, just like a copper wall and iron wall, he rushed towards the broken thousand knife. Breaking the Thousand Swords retreated a few steps, and then suddenly jumped high, the broad swords in his hands were all fancy, but with a glorious glory like a scorching sun, they slammed down from top to bottom.

The head of an elephant rhinoceros, with only one time to whine, was split into two halves under the knife that broke the thousand knives. The death of the leader immediately disrupted the pace of the rhinoceros group, and the defense line like the iron wall of the copper wall was chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Broken Thousand Swords rushed up and grabbed the weakness of the elephant rhinoceros, which was awkward and inflexible, and turned a tiger with a broad sword into a breeze.

Not to mention the death directly under the broken thousand sword, just because the rhinoceros attacked the broken thousand sword and caused accidental injuries to the companions, there are several. The threat of a rhinoceros was suddenly weakened by more than half.

Wan Youqi, standing on the head of the city, saw this scene and couldn't help but breathe a long breath. However, before she could breathe out of her breath, the change was sudden! Those flame beast tigers, silver-winged demon wolves, and other fairy beasts who were watching from the side, rushed towards the broken thousand knife at this time.

The melee capabilities of the Explosive Tiger and the Silver Wing Devil Wolf are by no means comparable to those of the rhinoceros. They have both dagger-like sharp teeth and claws that can tear apart everything. What's more terrible is that they are far more flexible than rhinoceros and know how to cooperate with each other. Let's put it this way, if the melee ability of a rhinoceros is one, then the silver-winged demon wolf is three, and the explosive flame tiger has reached five.

The killing of the Thousand Thousand Swords is killing, and a flamboyant tiger burst out of the diagonal thorns. The sharp claws rushed straight through Thousand Swords' throat. The broad knife blocked it.

When the claws of the flaming tiger rubbed against the blade of the Thousand Blades, the Thousand Blades clearly heard a creak, making his scalp numb.

"Damn it!" Blocking this claw, he broke the thousand knives and cut it off.

The reaction of Breaking Thousand Swords is not unpleasant, and it is not unshakable to arrive in Hong Kong, but the result surprised the Breaking Thousand Swords. The flaming tiger turned around in the air, stunned from an incredible angle. Escaped the broken sword.

"What a terrible animal!" This scene made Shi Qiandao's heart tremble.

The Blazing Tiger and the Silver Winged Demon Wolf rushed up, and the rhinoceros retreated sideways. Who can say that this is not a cooperation? After the second miracle happened, these fairy beasts also seemed to have turned sex, which really made people feel incredible.

It's just that the Thousand Thousand Swords at this time have no time to ignore them. The big wave of the explosive flame tiger and the silver-winged demon wolf rushed, and it was faintly surrounding the broken thousand swords.

Surrounded by elephant rhinoceros, he is not afraid of breaking a thousand knives, but if he is surrounded by a flaming tiger and a silver-winged demon wolf, the consequences will be too serious. Even if the Thousand Thousand Blades has reached the mid-level, it can't resist!

Wan Youqi on the head of the city saw it more truly. It is no exaggeration to say that a heart almost jumped out of his throat. The number of coalitions formed by the Explosive Tiger and the Silver Winged Demon Wolf is not very large. At first glance, the Thousand Blades will almost be overwhelmed.

"Come up!" Wan Youqi shouted desperately.

Breaking the Thousand Swords also knew that he could not fight for war, and with a roar in his mouth, the Broad Sword swept out. The sharp and overbearing knife and gang, set off a violent wind, and in a blink of an eye, swept a vacuum zone five meters around him.

Opportunity was rare, and Broken Thousand Swords hurriedly lifted his breath and went straight to the head of the city. However, what he did not expect was that his figure just vacated, and dozens of golden-billed falcons actually swooped down together, forming a ‘cloud mass’ straight on top of his head.

"You beasts! Give me arrows!" Wan Youqi was anxious, roaring almost hysterically ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402340->

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