Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wuyang Zongyang glanced at each other with a lot of helplessness in their eyes. There is only one sentence for + I, the update speed is ahead of other stations, the advertising is less against the tiger, and the two dare to have teeth, but to Wang Yangde, the two have no temper. There is no way, the difference is too much, the two are not cheap at all.

Seeing Wang Yangde sweeping through the herd as if it were a tank, Wuyang and Zongyang hurriedly speeded up their body, lest they could not even drink the residual soup.

"Brother Luo, we ..." Li Wenying's eyes kept glancing at Chengtou, apparently very worried about the situation in Li Xingbiao and Baiyuecheng.

Luo Xiao knew that he turned his head to Liu Keer, Ye Qingyu said, "Keer, light rain, you two escorted Wenying, Wei Xuan, Xiaoqi and they went to Chengtou."

Liu Keer giggled and said, "Leave it to me!"

Ye Qingyu is also willing to obey. Although Luo Xiao is not the highest among the young talents, his prestige is unmatched, and even Ye Qingyu is very convinced of him!

Both Liu Ke'er and Ye Qingyu have achieved the Great Consummation, but they have found a chance to try their skills. The two of them, one left and one right, wrap up the three Li Wenying and rush directly to the head of Shenlei City.

At the same time, Tang Xinyi, Zong Qinghe, Wuyue, Balinger, Ye Qingxue, Xie Danfeng and other female generals also joined the battle. The blossoming flowers bloomed among the fairy beasts.

Distributing a good number of people, Luo Xiao pointed a sword in his hand, Dingshanwei seemed to be the backing of the people, and madly advanced forward with a destructive posture. The fairy beasts they met, regardless of strength or weakness, were killed in seconds.

I have to say that the same Dingshan guard, in Luo Xiao's hands, is more powerful than Wan Dong's hands!

Wang Yangde, Hu Yue, Tang Xinyi and others, like a sharp dagger, pierced into the fairy beasts ruthlessly, and then split the fairy beasts apart, and Dingshanwei, commanded by Luo Xiao, was a bulldozer, ruthless Crush everything.

The people fought each other, but they formed a whole together, cooperating with each other, and struck through the immortal beasts.

Marriott Marquis and Wan Youqi stand on the top of the city, condescending. They see the most clearly and the most shocked.

Wan Youqi had already seen the combat power of Dingshanwei before. At this time, she just felt that in a short period of time, the combat power of Dingshanwei had skyrocketed several times than before, which was quite surprising. Marriott Marquis was really shocked. Staring blankly at Dingshanwei who was galloping among the fairy beasts, he couldn't get back to God for a while.

"Brother, have you seen it? That's the Dingshanwei I said to you before!" Wan Youqi's voice was very excited.

"Incredible! It's incredible! I have been in the army for so many years, and I have pride myself in bringing out a lot of elite soldiers, but compared with this Dingshanwei, it makes me ashamed. You Qi, you said, if we are a kingdom of heaven There can also be an army like this, would the Iron War Dynasty dare to bully us? "

Marriott Marvel repeatedly sighed, his heart was surging, and he could not be calm for a long time.

Wan Youqi chuckled and said, "Big Brother, this makes Qing out of blue and outweighs blue! Xiaodong's child, did not lose your face!"

Wan Youqi said this, Marriott Xiongxi couldn't help but laughed loudly, the joy of the laughter was pleasant and moving. As a man, the greatest pride is not what a great career he has accomplished, but to watch his own son, surpass himself and achieve a new peak!

"Ha ha ha ... Marshal, we are saved!" Ding Shanwei launched an attack and immediately attracted the attention of most fairy beasts. The pressure on Baiyue City was greatly reduced, and Li Xingbiao was relieved and laughed. The sound kept coming.

"City Master Li, big brother, don't hurry and be happy first, he is still in danger!" Wan Youqi snapped her head, thinking of breaking Qiandao, and said anxiously.

Marriott's male frowned, clenching the Zijin Dragon Gun, and said, "I'll help him!"

"No!" Wan Youqi was taken aback and hurriedly pulled him off, saying, "This is too dangerous!"

Marriott Xiong said with a big smile, "What's the danger? I think Shan Wei's offensive is so fierce. It won't take long before it will be killed under the city, and I and Qiandao will be rescued naturally!"

"But ..." Marriott Marquis was right, but Dingshanwei always needed time to cross the fairy beasts and rushed to the city, in case there was a failure, wouldn't it be a big deal?

What's more, perhaps realizing that the threat is approaching, the immortal beasts are becoming more and more crazy, and Marriott Marquis has just stopped fighting, and has not had time to adjust interest rates.

At the time when Wan Youqi's heart was entangled, Li Wenying led Wei Xuan and Xiao Qi, and their coats fluttered open.

Know daughter Mo Ruo father! As soon as Li Xingbiao saw Li Wenying, his mind was spurred. Although Li Wenying, who has achieved a successful intermediate level, can't be said to have changed a person, but the spirit of his body is never comparable.

"Dad! Are you okay?" Seeing Li Xingbiao only suffered some injuries, but lifeless worries, Li Wenying's high-hanging mind fell to the ground.

Wei Xuan and Xiao Qi also hurried forward to meet Li Xingbiao. Looking at the three people, Li Xingbiao's face was full of excitement and relief. Shaking his head again and again, "What can Dad do? This little injury, Dad can bear it! But Wenying, you came in time!"

Li Wenying nodded and said, "As soon as we received Mr. Wen's report, we rushed immediately!"

"Mr. Wen is okay?" Li Xingbiao asked hurriedly.

Li Wenying smiled and said, "Dad rest assured! Mr. Wen was not badly hurt, but he didn't have to worry about his life. Now Senior Senior Yindao is doing his best to cure him, I believe he will recover in a few days."

"Good! Great! This time Baiyuecheng can escape, and Mr. Wen should be the first!"

"General Wan, are you here too?" Liu Kerr fell from the air and saw Wan Youqi, a look of surprise appeared on his face immediately.

In the last time in the Cloud City, Liu Kerr was very close to Wan Youqi. Of course, there are many reasons for Wan Dong, but Wan Youqi's personal charm cannot be ignored.

"Ker !?" Wan Youqi immediately smiled and quickly stepped forward, holding Liu Keer's hand tightly. The two women stood side by side, pretty and unparalleled, like a pair of sisters flowers, pleasing to the eye.

"Brother, this is Kerr I mentioned to you once. Kerr, this is my brother Marriott Martial!" Wan Youqi and Liu Kerr exchanged greetings and introduced her to Marriott Martial.

Last time I returned from Yunzhong City, Wan Youqi gave a detailed introduction to the group of young talents surrounded by Wan Dong. Marriott also knew in his heart. When I saw Liu Kerr in person, I just felt that the girl was not only handsome, but also extraordinary, unlike the ordinary girl. With admiration on his face, he nodded again and again.

But Liu Kerr did not dare to neglect, and hurried forward to pay a respect to Marriott Yingying. Even if there is no Wandong relationship in the middle, Liu Ke'er also respects the famous Marriott Marquis.

"You Qi, you are talking, I will help Qiandao!" Throughout the audience, the situation of breaking Qiandao was the most dangerous. After Marriott and Liu Kerr greeted each other, they said anxiously.

"Coughing ... Wan Wanshuai hasn't stopped fighting for a long time. I must have been a little tired. Let us leave the rest! Light rain, let's go!"

Not giving the opportunity to Marriott Marquis at all, Liu Kerr waved at Ye Qingyu, and the two stood up in unison, without the use of soldier's blades, and swept down the city's head with only a pair of flesh palms.

At first, Marriott Martial was not at ease, but was about to leap forward. Li Wenying stopped him with a smile, and said, "Marshal, both sisters have achieved great consummation. These fairy beasts can't help them."

"What are you talking about?" Li Wenying's words came out, Marriott Martial Arts, Wan Youqi and Li Xingbiao exclaimed together, his eyes wide, filled with incredible looks.

It is rare to see such an expression on the faces of the adults. Li Wenying is very complacent in his heart. He smiled and said to me, "Even Wei Xuan and I have achieved a perfect intermediate level, but Sister Er and Qingyu have achieved a great success. What's so strange? "

"Ah !? You ... have you and Wei Xuan reached the level of perfection?" Although Li Xingbiao saw that his baby daughter had become very different from before, he still couldn't see through Li Wenying's cultivation as a realm. When listening to Li Wenying said, his face was immediately full of surprise.

Wan Youqi and Marriott Marquis glanced at each other, and the expression was very strange. Especially Marriott Marquis, he is quite satisfied with his success in such a short period of time, but at this time compared with Li Wenying, what is this?

Just when Marriott Marvel was shocked, Liu Kerr and Ye Qingyu had already been killed!

The circling golden-billed falcon didn't put Liu Kerr and Ye Qingyu in his eyes at first. When they saw the two swept down the city head, they immediately swooped down towards them.

Unexpectedly, the golden-billed falcon just swooped halfway down, and the two tremendously overbearing palm powers rolled up into the sky.

Is the great consummation offensive good? Powerful, fast, and beyond the expectations of the golden-billed falcon! In the blink of an eye, dozens of golden-billed falcons fell **** and thumped, falling like dumplings. The rest of the chats were lucky, and they all screamed that Fei body was far away, and they never dared to get close again.

Liu Keer and Ye Qingyu left and right, falling on either side of the broken Qiandao. Each raised a pair of jade palms and swept, and immediately pulled the fairy beast that besieged the thousand swords aside.

Suddenly in the fierce battle, he suddenly felt his eyes light up, as if all the fairy beasts disappeared all at once. Suddenly lost the enemy, broken Qiandao once was not very adapted, and froze.

It wasn't until I felt that there were two unusually thick and powerful momentums beside me, and then it reacted. I turned around and looked anxiously. Liu Keer and Ye Qingyu were like second generals, and they were extremely powerful. The beasts were all taken over, but they didn't miss a thousand knives.

This is not the thing that surprised the Thousand Knives the most. What surprised him most was the fierceness of these two girls! The broad blade top of the broken thousand sword can leave a shallow blood on the body of the flaming tiger, but the two girls are good, and the palms of both hands are like pistols. Wherever you shoot, there will be a flaming tiger. Or the silver-winged demon wolf fell to the ground and killed, and the high killing efficiency made the broken thousand swords cold for a while ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402342->

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