Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

With such a quick sword move, this blood-skeletal killer is not going to be too difficult to assassinate the monks of the middle rank of Xuan marks. +

Do you really want to die here today? Xiao Lang's brows couldn't be tighter, he still had many things to do, and he had too many unwillingness in his heart. The point is that the brother he just recognized did not know whether he could escape.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang glanced back subconsciously, and did not see Wan Dong's figure, which made Xiao Lang relieved. He was really afraid that Wandong was too stubborn and would not leave him alone to escape.

"Don't worry, I won't stop the kid from escaping. He wants to escape, as long as he can't escape the ordinary world, he will be the soul under my sword sooner or later!" See Xiao Lang worried about Wan Dong's appearance, blood The skeleton killer said with a grin.

"I'm going to you!" Xiao Lang burst into tears and waved again towards the blood skeleton killer.

"Huh, Xiao Lang, you're too slow, slow to make me sad!" Blood Skull Killer tweeted, and seemed to carelessly stab at Xiao Lang's sword.

Just as Xiao Lang sank in his heart and prepared to deal with it with full strength, an azure sword-man, who didn't know where to start, suddenly hit his right arm. In a burst of pain, another **** flower blooms.

The speed of the blood skeleton killer's sword moves has exceeded the limit of vision, which makes Xiao Lang's heart cold as if it had frozen.

It hurts, but the arm hasn't broken! Xiao Lang clenched his teeth, and suddenly put force under his waist, struggling to push his palms, and continued to cleave to the blood skeleton killer.

"Xiao Xiaoxia really is a tough guy, admire admiration!"

The blood skeleton killer's mouth said nicely, but there was no pause under the sword. The blade moved slightly, and a blue light was like a poisonous snake, and suddenly bit on Xiao Lang's leg. Xiao Lang's figure could not help softening, and finally his palms stopped, his figure fell uncontrollably.

The sword of Blood Skull Killer is really vicious enough, through the meat turned to the sides, you can clearly see Bai Sensen's bones. Not to mention that Xiao Lang was not iron, even if it was, I was afraid that he could not bear such pain.

The blood poured out like a fountain, and Xiao Lang covered it with his hands, but the blood poured out from his fingers. The bitter pain made Xiao Lang's teeth fight.

"Xiao Xiaoxia, don't rest, let's continue to play!" Blood Skull Killer smirked, and he couldn't see even the slightest sympathy on his face. Worthy of being the killer in the blood skeleton, this heart is afraid that it is harder and colder than the iron stone.

"God's day, there is a kind of sword that killed me!"

According to the blood skeleton killer's so fast sword move, I am afraid that one stroke can stab him in the heart and take his life, but the blood skeleton killer is unwilling to go to the shoulders, arms, and legs. Where to start, this is clearly intentional.

Sure enough, listening to Xiao Lang said, the blood skeleton killer's face immediately showed a three-pointed gruesome smile, and said, "That's not enough! The employer said clearly, to kill you to death! I will kill you with a sword You killed, did n’t you live up to the employer ’s request? Hundreds of thousands of amethysts, this is a large number, we have to satisfy the employer, right? Well ... what about Ling Chi? I think the employer should be satisfied Is that right? "

"I'm your grandma!" Xiao Lang's straight hair was raised, and in the roar, his eyes were flushed towards the blood skeleton killer.

Perhaps it was hate to the extreme, Xiao Lang's offensive, more than crazy, but completely lost the rules. This made him already at a disadvantage, even worse.

The blood skeleton killer Xiexie smiled, fluttering left and right like a fluffy figure, and Xiao Lang's attack was easily evaded by him.

"Unexpectedly, the famous Xiao family even gave you such a useless waste, no wonder it will be relegated to the ordinary world. You are too weak, the weak is like a ants, as long as I raise my hand To crush you alive! "

The blood skeleton killer said on his mouth, and the sword in his hand was raised. The crystal-clear blue swordmands resembled a spiritual phantom, swirling around Xiao Lang non-stop, from time to time a blood flower would be spotted on him. , Almost saturated with blood.

"You ... the animals you killed today!" Xiao Lang seemed to have no strength to stand still, and the whole person wobbled like a drunk. But a pair of tiger eyes, but it is increasingly red, all of which is raging anger and monstrous hatred!

"Ha! Oh wow, I was stabbed with so many swords, you still have the strength to scold, really a clamoring man. However, I will now cut off your tongue to see how you scold!" The blood skeleton killer eyes A squint, the killing paused, and the sword in his hand pointed at Xiao Lang's mouth.

"Fate is all right, am I still afraid of losing my tongue? Puppy, if there is a species, you will come! Hahaha ..."

Knowing that it was the last moment today, Xiao Lang let go of everything, but felt a lot calm in his heart.

"Courage!" The blood-skeletal killer seemed to have enough play, his arm suddenly bounced, and a blue sword awn burst out of the air again.

Xiao Lang didn't even resist anymore, and just leaving it was considered a relief. With his eyes closed, he was ready to embrace death.

God didn't let Xiao Lang die, but I don't know, but Wan Dong is definitely not allowed. At the moment when the swordman's sword sacrificed by the blood skeleton killer was about to stab Xiao Lang, a terrible atmosphere of terrible destruction suddenly swept away.

Thousands of golden sword awns, like the strong light emitted by the planetary explosion, scorching people's eyes, can't look directly, so there is no sign of soaring from behind Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang turned his back to him, and the feeling was not too strong. The blood skeleton killer was facing directly, and he could not help but exclaimed. He just felt that his life was not guaranteed at any time. Where could he take Xiao Lang's life? , Hengjian danced hurriedly, forming a shield of sword gas in front of him.

In the past ten days, Wan Dong has simulated countless times of "smoke dissipating clouds" in his mind. At this time, he finally exerted it. The power is even greater than his imagination.

"This ... what kind of swordsmanship is this?" The blood skeleton killer asked loudly, his voice trembling obviously.

"Killing the sword and swordsmanship, kill you evil dog!" Wan Dong roared, and the blade suddenly rushed forward. Thousands of golden and bright sword lights immediately turned to the blood skeleton like a rain of light. The killer fell.

Just listening to the constant noise, the **** skull killer's shield of sword gas in front of him, and the blink of an eye, it became a rotten fishing net, and the golden swordman shot through the holes and shot him directly. go with.

It was only after the two sides succeeded that the blood skeleton killer realized that the power of this sword was stronger than he thought.

While blaming again and again, the blood skeleton killer swept across the sword, releasing millions of swords at any cost, desperately preventing the approach of the golden swords.

The blood skeleton killer knew clearly that no matter what sword technique Wan Dong used, it was extremely mysterious and profound, and he was never able to crack it. The only thing he can do is to resist, relying on his own repairs that are higher than Wandong's number chip as a hard support!

Although this method is somewhat shameful, it is obviously the most effective. The sword awns sacrificed by the blood skeleton killer, under Wandong ’s sword, although it is like a decayed wood, collapsed at an alarming rate. It seems that it is completely vulnerable, but with his nearly crazy addition, it has not been completely destroyed. For him, the situation is getting better, as long as the power of Wan Dong's sword is exhausted, he can fight back.

The blood skeleton killer didn't care about Wandong before, but Wandong used the big tricks of 'Blood Slaughter' and 'Smoke Disappearing Clouds' one after another. If the blood skeleton killer wouldn't care about him again, he would simply It's a mallet!

Whether it is ‘Blood Slave Thousands of Miles’ or ‘Smoke Disappearing Clouds and Clouds’, these are all moves that the blood skeleton killer has never seen before. If Wan Dong is as good as that of the blood skeleton killer, these two moves are enough to kill him in seconds. How could this not arouse the murderous heart of the blood skeleton killer?

Although Wan Dong knew the power of "Smoke Dispersed Clouds", he knew that with this move alone, he could not make up for the huge gap between him and the blood skeleton killer, and he had no intention of killing his enemies.

His purpose is only one, and it is very simple, that is, save the shock of the blood skeleton killer and save Xiao Lang.

"How did you kid ..." Xiao Lang thought Wan Dong was already far away, but he didn't expect him to jump out again at this time, only to feel that all the efforts he had made were in vain, and his heart was not annoying.

He was about to scold Wan Dong fiercely, but Wan Dong didn't give him a chance at all, carrying Xiao Lang's crumbling figure, and swooped to the cave where the two were hiding.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help laughing, just thinking that Wan Dong's head must have been kicked by a donkey, otherwise how could such a stupid thing be done?

If you want to escape, you should escape far away. What is it like to escape into a cave? Wouldn't it be a turtle in an urn?

Xiao Lang really wanted to strike a violent throb on Wan Dong's head, but it was a pity that he was wounded at this time, his strength was almost exhausted, and even raising his hand was very difficult.

When Xiao Lang's thoughts were mixed, Wan Dong didn't hesitate. He carried Xiao Lang on a short stature and jumped into the cave.

Choosing a relatively dry place and letting Xiao Lang down, Wan Dong was angry and heartbroken when he saw the deep and shallow wounds on Xiao Lang's body. After gritting his teeth, he cursed the blood skeleton killer badly. Wandong picked out several kinds of spirit grass from the storage ring that were specially used for the treatment of trauma. .

Fortunately, he had a storage ring and carried a lot of spirit grass with him. Otherwise, the clever woman could not make a meal without rice, no matter how great he is, he can only stare.

"You kid, would you like to kill your elder brother alive, right?" Xiao Lang recovered some strength, grabbed Wan Dong's shirt, he broke his mouth, and scolded, spitting stars, flying directly to Wan Dong. Full face ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402346->

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