Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Don't distract the two seniors!" When Qi Dongxu and Wu Chaoying looked at each other and were shocked, Wan Dong's voice rang in both people's minds at the same time. +

Qi Dongxu and Wu Chaoying smiled at each other, and quickly suppressed the excited heart, calmed their minds, dispelled their distractions, and cooperated with Wandong.

Just as the three people of Wandong were concentrating on healing, Yuan Cangzi suddenly moved and flew towards the three like a cloud of smoke. Xiao Lang saw this, his eyes narrowed suddenly, his figure swayed like a tower Was blocked by three people.

"Yuan Cangzi, what do you want to do? Are you in danger?"

Xiao Lang's expression was very sharp, and his words were unkind. All his former affections for Yuan Cangzi, just like dominoes, are rapidly collapsing.

"Xiao Lang, you have no school and no school, it is best not to mix in, otherwise it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the Ascension Continent in the future. You may not know that Yun Tiannan he ... he has already achieved Taoism and has officially become a monk. . It is said that his current cultivation base has at least reached the intermediate level of the Yellow Seed. In Ascension Mainland, no one is his opponent. "

"Yuntianmen refines the innate birth rate?" The news of Yuan Cangzi surprised Xiao Lang a little.

Probably to persuade Xiao Lang, Yuan Cangzi did not conceal him, nodded, and said, "As early as three years ago, he got a 'Reborn Pill' from the Ping Family. During these three years, Yuntianmen could not help Hu, retreating all day long is to complete this last step from the warrior to the monk. Now that he has succeeded, no one is his opponent. This ascension to the mainland will soon become his world. "

Xiao Lang sneered and said, "So, do you not hesitate to betray your best friend who has been with you for decades?"

Yuan Cangzi frowned, saying, "As the saying goes, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie! I did it out of frustration!"

"Bah! You are greedy for life and death, selling friends for glory! I was really blind, Xiao Lang would be friends with you, Yuan Cangzi, you really let me down!"

"You are disappointed, not disappointed. I advise you to leave early, lest you fall into disrespect!"

"Don't talk nonsense! If you want to beat my brother's idea, save yourself as soon as possible. With me in, you can't even hurt one of his hairs."

"Isn't it? The two of us have discussed many times before, and each time is half a catty, regardless of the outcome. I know you have left your hand, but I didn't use my best. Furthermore, you have to care about these three people everywhere. Life must not be played by 100%. Counting it, my chance of winning is at least 60%! "

"Hahaha ... Okay! You might as well try it!" Xiao Lang laughed loudly and shouted sharply.

"Xiao Lang, I only look at you and my past sentiments, so I can persuade you, but you must not be obsessed!"

"It's you who is obsessed! What's more, I have to mention the previous things again. I'm blind!"

"Good! Xiao Lang, this is what you asked for!" Yuan Cangzi screamed and slammed at Xiao Lang.

Wan Dong was able to retreat Huang Linquan with one palm, which really shocked Yuan Cangzi. I thought that today is just a hard time. Who ever thought that Wan Dong would choose to heal Wu Chaoying and Qi Dong at this time. In the view of Yuan Cangzi, it was simply an opportunity given by God.

Taking advantage of Wan Dong's healing for the two, he couldn't be distracted and killed him in one fell swoop, then the rest was simple. It was because of such an abacus in his heart that Yuan Cangzi so desperately wanted Wan Dong to die.

Seeing that he could not convince Xiao Lang, Yuan Cangzi's heart was already ruthless, and he gave birth to an infinite killer. This is the end of the matter, he has no way to look back, only God blocks the killing god, Buddha blocks the Buddha!

"Yuan Cangzi, you are meticulous, you have to do everything, but you just missed a sentence-people are not as good as heaven!"

Facing Yuan Cangzi's tide, Xiao Lang shook his head again and again, his face full of pity.

"If the person counts, the sky can be reversed! What do you know? Eat me a palm!" Yuan Cangzi's complexion suddenly rose, his palm suddenly rose by 50%, and the air thundered from time to time. The loud noise, the entire atmosphere, suddenly suppressed to the extreme.

"But did you count? Roar !!!" Xiao Lang suddenly sneered and watched Yuan Cangzi's palms flick towards himself, not shining or avoiding the need to shoot. Until Xiao Lang's palm distance was only one arm away, Xiao Lang suddenly opened his mouth and gave a roar like a crazy lion.

This roar, full of moral energy, shocking! Yuan Cangzi's palm suddenly stopped, and his palm-like strength, like a tide, actually collapsed and quickly dissipated in this roar.

Yuan Cangzi was trembling, and when his mind was blank, a violent wind swept through at this time, and he overturned his whole person to the ground.

Venus stared straight in the eyes, and the blood in the body was tumbling. Yuan Cangzi was as if he had lost his soul. He sat on the ground for a long time, and did not know to move for a long time.

Xiao Lang shook his head and said: "You think you are a good man who knows the current affairs, but you know that on the contrary, you are a stupid! Do you think that Yuntiannan has reached the middle level of the yellow seed, is it invincible? It is a frog at the bottom of the well!

"This ... how is this possible, your cultivation ..." After a long while, Yuan Cangzi woke up and looked at Xiao Lang with a shocked expression on his face, his voice trembling straight.

"My cultivation base is beyond your imagination, right? What do you think of Yuntiannan?"

"Is your cultivation base higher than Yuntiannan, this ... this is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Ha! What do you think Yun Tiannan is? Let me tell you the truth, don't talk about me, even my little brother has the power to kill him! Otherwise, why do you think my little brother can put Huang Linquan in one palm? Back off? "

"Ah?" Yuan Cangzi's complexion suddenly changed.

Xiao Lang sneered, and then asked again, "You thought, why did my little brother have such a courage to dare to heal Wu Sect Master and Qi Sect Master here and here? Together, it ’s not as good as one of my brother ’s toes. "

"You bullshit! I ... I don't believe it!" Yuan Cangzi suddenly jumped from the ground, shouting hysterically.

"Don't believe it? Well, don't you want to take advantage of people's danger and kill my little brother? From now on, I won't intervene, you come to kill!" Xiao Lang sneered, and really gave a step to the side Three Wandong leaked out.

"You ..." Yuan Cangzi looked a little suspicious.

Xiao Lang sneered again, and said, "You are different, but I am different from you. When Xiao Lang talks, I always spit a nail! I said that it will not stop you, then it will definitely not! However, I have to remind you that if you take advantage of people's dangers and sneak attack on my little brother, the one who suffers bad luck in the end will most likely be you! "

"You really ... really stop me?" Yuan Cangzi's face shouted with a fierce color.

Xiao Lang shook his head slowly, his face full of disappointment. At this point, he was completely desperate for Yuan Cangzi.

With a gesture of please, Xiao Lang took a few steps back.

"I'll see if this kid is as evil as you said!" After a moment of hesitation, Yuan Cangzi suddenly gritted his teeth and waved his hands to the top of Wandong's head.

In the end, Yuan Cangzi is cautious. When the right palm splits towards Wandong, the left palm is indifferent, apparently preventing Xiao Lang. With Xiao Lang's eyes, how could it not be broken? With a sneer, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Seeing that Xiao Lang really didn't mean to block at all, when Yuan Cangzi's right palm was about one arm away from Wan Dong's head, his left palm also suddenly launched, straight toward Wan Dong's back heart. In the past.

The two palms on the left and right refer to the two key points of Wandong. This Yuan Cangzi is not innocent. At this time, when Wan Dong healed Wu Chaoying and Qi Dongxu, he might have to die with Wu Chaoying and Qi Dongxu once he got out of the game.

"Go to death!" Yuan Cangzi gave a loud roar with his teeth clenched in his teeth, and his expression was like a bloodthirsty demon.

However, at this moment, a piece of golden light suddenly bloomed from Wandong's body as if the peacock was on the screen. Yuan Cangzi's palm, just after touching this piece of golden light, was like touching the grid Violently trembling, at the same time a face was instantly occupied by pain.

"Why ... how could this be?" Yuan Cangzi murmured, and the whole person flew out of the air. More than a dozen blood arrows spurted along the way, and when he landed, his face had completely faded into blood and turned gray. Even a blind man can see at a glance that Yuan Cangzi was not only injured, but also seriously injured.

"My brother's body protection is so ridiculous, you can't bear it, and you want to take his life, it's whimsical!"

Xiao Langhui's eyes were like a torch, and at a glance, the true qi in Yuan Cangzi's body was almost shaken away by Wan Dong's body protection Zhengang, and his internal organs were all displaced and damaged. Even if I ca n’t die, I ’m afraid I ca n’t return to the heyday in my life.

It's just that he is responsible for all this, and who can he complain about?

"Only ... It's just that the body protects Zhengang ..." Yuan Cangzi froze completely, staring at Wan Dong's eyes, not to mention hell.

Xiao Lang shook his head and ignored him, but turned to Wu Zunzhi and Huang Linquan. The two have almost passed a thousand strokes, and Wu Zunzhi finally began to show his weak face gradually.

Huang Linquan's domineering tactics are extraordinary. The strength and tenacity of ** are a little higher than those of Wu Zun. With such advantages, Huang Linquan played wide open and wide open without any scruples. Compared with Huang Linquan, Wu Zunzhi's offensive was somewhat restrained and could not be carried out. Sometimes he hit Huang Linquan obviously, but the other party seemed to be unaware of it. Instead, his palm was faintly painful, as if he had split on the steel plate.

"Wu Zunzhi, although your cultivation base has improved a bit, it is far worse than this seat! It's too ugly to not want to die, or just obediently restrain your hands!" Proud, bursts of laughter in his mouth. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402391->

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