Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Dying to the end, still talking hard, seconds, palm his mouth for his father!" Huo Zhenglei sneered, said. +

"Babe obey! Hey ..." Huo seconds heard it, and immediately showed a cruel grin on his face, and slapped dozens of slapped faces at Qu Fei's face.

Huo seconds estimated that even the strength of breastfeeding was used. After a dozen of slaps, Qu Fei's face immediately swelled up, and his mouth kept splashing blood, which looked very terrible!

"Curse! You'll continue to scold! Hahaha ..." This slap, Huo seconds is considered addictive, and bursts of crazy laughter.

"Dog ... dog stuff! You Huo father and son ... all are eggless beasts! There is a kind ... you kill me if there is a kind!" This song is really tough, even so, it still refuses to succumb, Fearfully stared at Huo seconds roared.

"Hum ... do you think I dare not kill you? I will take your dog's life now!" Huo seconds looked sharp, actually pulled out the sword.

Seeing such a situation, Hu Xueqing was anxious, and the subconsciously rushed to protect Qu Fei, but she just started to move, and there was a painful pain in her body, which made her fall back with a loud bang.

"Huo seconds, you dare to kill Qu Fei, I will let you not die!" Hu Xueqing helpless, can only yell anxiously.

However, Hu Xueqing's roar did not cause Huo seconds' attention. The sharp blade, with a loud noise, deeply fell into Qu Fei's chest, and the hot blood, like a volcanic eruption, sprang out. Hu Xueqing looked dumbfounded.

"Qu Fei, I told you a long time ago that one day, you will die under my sword. Now, you believe it! Hahaha ..."

"Bah!" When Huo seconds were laughing wildly, Qu Fei suddenly sprayed a smear of blood on his mouth, which was spraying on Huo seconds' face, and suddenly turned him into a big face.

Huo seconds are not disgusted, whispering in the mouth, jumping feet, looks like a clown clown!

Qu Fei straightened up suddenly, bursting into laughter in his mouth, staring at Huo seconds with contempt and said, "Look at your virtue, not even a dog! You can rest assured that your grandfather Qu will be in Yin Cao. The land is waiting for you, and then I will play with you! "

"Qu Fei! Qu Fei !!!" Unexpectedly, even before dying, Qu Fei had to make himself ugly. Huo seconds' direct lungs were exploded, and the hand holding the hilt suddenly used force. Stirred hard in Qu Fei's body.

"Huo seconds! You beast, you beast !!" Looking at Qu Fei who slowly fell to the ground, but still refused to close his eyes, Hu Xueqing's sadness even exceeded her ** The pain, the whole person yelled like crazy.

"I also believe that I am a disciple of Dan Xia Zong. They all picked up my sword and killed these shameless traitors!"

Hu Xueqing completely disregarded his injury and just struggled to stand up.

Among the disciples of Dan Xiazong, not all were soft bones with no bones, the tragic death of Qu Fei, and the roar of Hu Xueqing, so many people were greatly stimulated. Hu Xueqing's words haven't landed yet, and they have been messed up.

The disciples of Dan Xia Zong who had a conscience immediately turned towards Li Wangya, Huo Zhenglei and his son, especially Huo seconds who killed Qu Fei, the most hateful and the most rushed to him.

"Brother Li!" Huo Zhenglei narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Wangya.

Li Wangya raised her eyebrows, frosting all over her face.

At the end of the day, the figure immediately rose into the air, his palms waved at the same time, a strong and domineering palm, like a row of mountains and seas, slammed into the crowd, and immediately many disciples of the Danxia Sect fell into the pool of blood.

"Elder Li has heard everything, kill me!" Huo Zhenglei has been planning for a long time, and he also encircled a group of disciples. With the order of Huo Zhenglei, a great melee was immediately staged at the headquarters of Dan Xiazong.

There are two elders, Li Wangya and Huo Zhenglei. The surrender faction is undoubtedly stronger. Even though Hu Xueqing is in a hurry, the balance of victory can be tilted toward Huo Zhenglei a little bit.

"Dad! I'm going to deal with Hu Xueqing's stinky girls!" Huo seconds under Huo Zhenglei's support, he was unscathed during the chaos. He glanced at Hu Xueqing, and the corner of his mouth immediately turned up, showing a grin. .

Huo Zhenglei nodded and said, "Just stop her, just keep her life for a while. The two old ghosts Wu Zunzhi and Xue Chengfeng hid the holy sword Dao before they left. We have to point out As she finds out the entire Holy Sword Dao. "

"I understand! Hey ..." Huo Zhenglei's approval, Huo seconds immediately flew towards Hu Xueqing.

"Huo seconds, what do you want to do?" Hu Lili immediately stopped Hu Xueqing in front of her, and stared at Huo seconds fiercely and asked.

"Go away!" Huo seconds are not nonsense, snorted, and slashed at Hu Lili with a sword.

Hu Lili's cultivation practice was obviously much weaker, and she was sitting on the ground by the sword of Huo seconds. When she was struggling to stand up, Huo seconds kicked and kicked. She closed her acupuncture points while kicking her and flying her.

"Smelly girl, don't worry, wait until I finish playing Hu Xueqing, then play with you!"

"Huo seconds, you dog thief, you dare to move the sister a hair, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Hu Lili's threats were totally useless, and Huo seconds could not be prevented from approaching Hu Xueqing's body.

"Huo seconds, do n’t forget, you are like me, who grew up here in Dan Xia Zong. Do n’t you forget, did the two Masters love and teach you? How can you betray Dan Xia Zong? ? If you still have a little conscience, stop your father and persuade him to close! "

Hu Xueqing couldn't move at this time, and could only hope to persuade Huo seconds to let him retreat from the cliff, although she also knew that it was almost delusional.

Sure enough, Huo seconds did not respond to Hu Xueqing's words, and sneered repeatedly, "Why do you want to close? Seeing this Dan Xia Zong is our Huo family's father and son, it is a pity to close this time!"

"It's a matter of course, and the retribution is not good! Even if you succeed now, it is destined not to last forever!

"Enough!" Huo seconds suddenly screamed, and slammed Hu Xueqing's pink and white neck with his sword, gritted his teeth and said, "When is this, you still put me on the master's stink. I will I'm wondering, what is it that you taught me to be addicted or not? It's such a long talk to see me, chatter, why have you ever seen me Huo seconds? Maybe in your heart, I'm totally worthless, even a song Doesn't a flying toe match it? "

"Qu Fei is different from you. He is honest and straightforward, discerning right from wrong ..."

"But Qu Fei is dead!" Before Hu Xueqing finished speaking, Huo seconds roared and interrupted her, "Qu Fei is dead, it is dead in my hands! This can't make you understand, right or wrong. This is the most useless thing! To achieve a great cause, rely on cruelty, but it is not a matter of distinguishing right from wrong! "

Hu Xueqing's heart was desperate, and he never thought that the foundation industry of Dan Xiazong would end up in the hands of Huo's father and son.

"Sister, look at the sky!" Hu Lili suddenly exclaimed at this moment.

Hu Xueqing's heart sank, and he hurriedly looked up at the sky. I saw the foggy, depressing sky, which became brighter a little bit.

Hu Xueqing's eyes were immediately rounded, and she looked at Huo seconds in disbelief. Her voice was full of surprise and asked, "Yes ... Did you close the Huzong formation?"

Huo seconds sneered, and said unabashedly, "Of course! Apart from my father, who else has the ability to shut down the big guard?"

"Impossible! Only the current suzerain and suzerain heir can be activated and deactivated. Only your father can't know it!"

"Huh ... you're not okay, as soon as you say, I'm angry! Why are you the heir to the patriarch? Is it because you are a master sister? The two bad old men are the most biased! In their eyes It ’s just you! My father really did n’t know how to turn off the big guard, and it really made my father worry for a while. Otherwise, how could you support it for so long? ”

"Huo Zhenglei doesn't know how to close the Huzong Formation, but how did he close the Huzong Formation?"

Huo seconds sneered, and his face was not smug, "That's because my dad suddenly thought that the Great Guardian Array needed Yuan Jing to maintain it. If Yuan Jing was used up, even if he didn't know how to close the Great Guardian Array Method, the protection of the large formation will naturally turn off automatically because of the loss of energy source. "

Hu Xueqing couldn't help but took a breath, staring at Huo seconds bitterly, and Jin biting his teeth, "Your father Huo Zhenglei is really smart!"

"Haha ... Thank you for the compliment! I think my father will be happy when he hears you!"

Hu Xueqing shook his head, his heart was cold. As soon as the Huzong formation was closed, the entire Danxiazong headquarters would be completely exposed in front of Jiuxiao Pavilion and Juejianzong, and the outside should be combined with the outside, not to mention her Hu Xueqing, I am afraid that even Wu Zunzhi and Xue Chengfeng , I am afraid that it is difficult to return to heaven.

Is it really the end of Dan Xiazong today?

"Hahaha ..." Just as Hu Xueqing sighed in his heart, a series of laughter burst into the sky suddenly.

I saw two figures, with a group of masters, as if swept through like a dark cloud, Hu Xueqing recognized at a glance, the two figures headed by the main flower of the Jiuxiao Pavilion as the screen, absolutely Jianzong's Sovereign Wei Qianfu!

In order to prevent them from entering the headquarters of Dan Xiazong, Hu Xueqing racked his brain, but did not expect that he would be defeated in the end. If the Huzong large group was forcibly broken by Hua Weiping and Wei Qianfu, Hu Xueqing's mood can be brighter, but today's fiasco was all because of being sold by the same door, but this made Hu Xueqing's mood unprecedented Depressed, there is a kind of unwillingness to penetrate the bone marrow!

The author's off topic: Cultivation of the iron cover group of rain and clouds 37484336--by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402397->

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