Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 912: Catch and fight!

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"Elder Yu, who are these people?" Hu Xueqing could no longer suppress her inner surprise and confusion, and asked Qingping anxiously. There is only one sentence for + I, the update speed is twice as fast as other stations, and there are few ads

Yu Qingping was surprised for a moment, and asked strangely, "Why, don't you know? Isn't this the strong aid you asked me to go to Shenlei City?"

"But these people, I ... I only know the Venerable Hidden Blade. Oh, and that Ye Qingyu, but when I saw her, her practice was not as good as mine. How come you have achieved the Great Consummation now? This ... what the **** is going on? "

Hu Xueqing was completely confused and scratched her head.

After thinking about it, Yu Qingping couldn't help laughing, and said, "If this is the case, then it seems that your understanding of the Lord of the Thunder City is far less than you might think. Wang Gongzi, Miss Liu, even including the hidden knife Venerable and Ye Qingyu, these should be the masters of the Lord of Thunder City. Perhaps he did not recommend you before. "

"This guy ... oh right, what about Xu Gongzi's people? Why didn't I see him?" Hu Xueqing suddenly remembered and asked repeatedly.

Hu Xueqing asked about this, and Yu Qingping's face immediately showed a deep worry, and muttered, "This ... I didn't know until I arrived at Shenlei City. Xu Gongzi was missing. no."

"Missing? What do you mean by missing?" Hu Xueqing's heart tightened and asked subconsciously.

Yu Qingping's expression was bitter for another three points, and he knew in his heart that this matter could not be concealed anyway. He shook his head and said, "Xu Gongzi has met a strong enemy.

"Life and death are unclear ?! No! His cultivation base is so high, who can threaten his life and death in this mundane small world and the Ascension Continent?" Hu Xueqing subconsciously shook his head again and again, anxiously.

"But what if it's a Taoist?"

"Ah !?" Hu Xueqing exclaimed and turned to look at Yu Qingping in disbelief.

Yu Qingping sighed and nodded gently, Hu Xueqing's heart suddenly tightened.

"Wei Qianfu is mine, I will not die, and no one of you will be allowed to interfere!" Wang Yangde stared at Wei Qianfu from the beginning, his eyes were full of the fighting intentions and the excitement of meeting his opponent .

Liu Kerr couldn't help but pouted and didn't know if Wan Dong had been together for a long time, this guy was becoming more and more overbearing.

Venerable Hidden Knife chuckled and said, "Light rain, Kerr, you will be on the sidelines for a while, let me be a screen!"

Ye Qingyu and Liu Kerr smiled at each other, knowing that whether it was Wang Yangde or Venerable Yin Dao, it was for their good.

There is also a difference between Dzogchen and Dzogchen. To be honest, the lightness of Ye Qingyu and Liu Kerr's Dzogchen is still slightly worse in front of Hua Weiping and Wei Qianfu. They may be able to compete with Hua Weiping and Wei Qianfu in the last one hundred rounds, but the last ten defeats will be them. Wang Yangde and Hidden Sword Master don't want them to have any failures, so they choose to fight alone.

After all, it is a long-standing veteran old strong, Wei Qianfu and Hua Weiping quickly recovered from the shock. With one enemy and two, the two may play drums in their hearts, they can be one-on-one, they are still very confident.

Especially for Wei Qianfu, even though Wang Yangde's cultivation was amazing, his face that was too young still gave Wei Qianfu a lot of confidence.

"Boy! I think you have good qualifications. If you are willing to submit to my Sword Sect Master, I will make you the Deputy Sect Master, and I will give you the entire Sword Sect Master in the future!"

"Don't talk nonsense, after today, there will be no more Sword Sect."

"What an arrogant tone!" Wei Qianfu shouted angrily, his shoulders flicked slightly, a coercive pressure like real, immediately flooded into Wang Yangde.

"Less to look down on people!" Wei Qianfu's play was obviously based on the strong and weak play. Wang Yangde looked angry and launched a counterattack without hesitation. The two equally huge pressures met in the air in an instant, like two grids colliding together, and there was a burst of noise in the air.

"Huh?" Wei Qianfu's expression suddenly condensed, and Wang Yangde's coercion broke out in no way inferior to him. The coercion of the two collided in the air, and Wei Qianfu didn't even take advantage of the slightest price.

"Don't waste your energy, let the sword come out!"

They are all experts in Kendo, and they all have a deep sense of swordsmanship, and they are all dragons in people. When Qian Qianfu was in the beginning, Wang Yangde aroused the arrogance in his heart. With a sigh of relief, the sword in his hand flew out of his hand, and volleyed to Wang Yangde.

Some people say that the sword is the overlord of all soldiers! At this time, Wei Qianfu put this "tyrant" character into full play. An unparalleled domineering, full of sky, just like everything in the world, must lower his head in front of it, otherwise it will be annihilated on the spot, without mercy!

Wang Yangde's eyes lighted up suddenly, and there was an extremely clear long roar in his mouth. The Chixiao sword seemed to be attracted by something, and it spun out automatically.

What is hegemony? What is king? In the world, how many people can speak clearly and see clearly?

Two peerless **** soldiers, continually confronting in the air, kept sending out jingling bells, like the sound of iron. Dao or domineering, or sharp energy, splashing everywhere, passing through, are all messy, stone and wood destroyed together!

Wei Qianfu and Wang Yangde stood opposite each other, as if they had a weight of ten million jins. The gusty wind raging across the sky, even the hair of both of them could not be moved at all. In the dust of the sky, only two magic soldiers, as if spiritually, continuously interpret the essence of kendo, colliding endlessly.

In the entire Ascension Continent, there is almost no one who can compete with Wei Qianfu on Kendo. Even Yuntiannan, who is the head of the three giants of Yuntianmen, has to admire Wei Qianfu's accomplishments in kendo.

Hu Xueqing never thought that someone could even compete with Wei Qianfu on Kendo, no less incomparable competition, and this person is still so young, which undoubtedly shocked Hu Xueqing's heart.

"Elder Yu, do you say that my cultivation can one day reach this state?" Hu Xueqing murmured to Qingping.

Upon hearing this, Yu Qingping couldn't help but be surprised. Hu Xueqing in her impression was always confident. How could there be such a question? If this doubt takes root in her heart, it will surely become a nightmare on her way to practice in the future.

"Xue Qing, what's the matter with you? Is it still necessary to ask, of course you can reach this level! In fact, your qualifications are not worse than that of Wang Gongzi, but you are out of luck. I think if you can also Like Prince Gongzi, he is always with him beside the Lord of the Thunder City, and his cultivation will not be worse than him! "

"Cough ... Elder Yu, you don't have to comfort me like this, I won't be discouraged! I just feel a little unfair, why God didn't let me meet that guy earlier."

Hu Xueqing gently grunted her small mouth, looking annoyed, but the expression was relaxed, obviously Yu Qingping was worried.

"Avalanche is thousands of miles!" It was when Qing Ping breathed a sigh of relief, Hua Weiping screamed and drew her attention to the past.

I saw the folding fan dancing in the hands of Hua Weiping, the white light like snowflakes in the sky, surging and turbulent, at first glance, it really looked like the snow flow that collapsed and rushed down from the high mountain, almost unstoppable.

If it is Hu Xueqing or Yu Qingping, perhaps the only one who can do nothing is to face His Holiness the Sword, but it is a different situation.

A gold knife, chopped through the sky, gleamed with golden light, immediately illuminated most of the world.

The vigorous demeanor pours on the blade, so that the golden sword of the Hidden Sword Sovereign seems to be able to split even the world.

A huge knife with a score of tens of feet wide open suddenly appeared, but it was actually a `` snow flow '' that was rushing towards the face and split open. Bai Mang and Jin Guang each other, the Venerable Hidden Blade stands in it, and the whole person is rendered like a god, almost making it impossible for people to look directly at.

Yu Qingping watched repeatedly and said in awe, "If the Venerable Hidden Sword is in China, I am afraid that the Open School will not be a problem."

Hu Xueqing also nodded non-stop, na n said: "Compared with the last time I saw him, his cultivation performance has obviously increased a lot. Yu Elder, you said that Xu Gongzi could not be a god, why? Has such a great ability? Not only his own cultivation practice, but also the earth-shattering, even the people around him are brought by him more than one pervert? "

Yu Qingping couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "Why do you ask me who I am asking? You have had several connections with Xu Gongzi anyway, but he and I have never seen each other! Now in my heart, as long as you can communicate with Xu The son sees him, even if it saves me a few years of life! "

"Who said no?" Hu Xueqing murmured softly, his expression slightly faint.

Wang Yangde and Wei Qianfu, Hidden Blade Sovereign and Hua Weiping, the four of the two sides are fighting against each other. If you want to win or lose, I am afraid that it is impossible in a short time. However, on the other side, under the leadership of Luo Xiao, the gods Leicheng Qunying, together with Xu Sansan and other one-on-one repairs, the disciples of Jiuxiao Pavilion and Jue Jianzong continued to attack, and the disciples of Jiu Xiaoge and Jue Jianzong were completely Defeated.

Even Dan Xiazong's disciples, who had returned to God at this time, rejoined the battle. Don't ask for anything else, just ask for the evil in your heart.

"Is this Danxia Zong? Sure enough, it's a fabulous meteorology!" Marriott Martial is today an addictive, a purple gold dragon gun, which is danced by the wind and water, not only the successful first-level masters are often planted in Under his gun, even the middle-level ones were killed by him by stabbing, picking or smashing.

At this point the battle was coming to an end, and Marriott Marquis looked away and could not help but give a compliment.

Wan Youqi was always beside Marriott Martial. Hearing his sigh, he couldn't help giggling and said, "Brother, if you like it, you will settle down here!"

Marriott Xiong laughed and said, "I like it or not, but the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as my own dog kennel! My bones will always be buried in the kingdom of heaven in the future!"


The author's off-topic: If something happens temporarily tonight, there are only these three chapters. Don't wait after reading it.

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