Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 920: Storming Yuntiannan!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

A great perfect man was even fired by Wan Dong, and even the whole body was not able to stay. Even Wan Wan was his own son, which also surprised the Marriott ’s heart. fear. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it?

Fathers, of course, hope that their sons will be better than blue, and their future achievements will overshadow themselves, but Wan Dongsheng is really outrageous. It's almost embarrassing for Marriott to recognize his son. It seemed that Wandong had called him a dad, and how much he took advantage of.

"Dad! It's a little cheaper. Are you still old-fashioned?"

Marriott Martial couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "You guys, those surnamed flowers are dead and there are no corpses. What else can I get angry? And, it will be bad for you! "

Wan Dong chuckled softly and said in a serious way, "Dad teaches, children remember it!"

No matter whether Wan Dong intends to do so, or is accustomed to nature, he said that Marriott's heart was immediately comfortable. In any case, Wandong is the son of Marriott Marquis, this can't be changed!

"Xiaodong, the surname is now dead, we are all right, go and help Xiao Xiaoxia!" Marriott Xiong said with open mouth.

"He? Hahaha ... He doesn't need me to help! Even if ten Yuntiannan tied together is not enough for my elder brother to abuse, you can rest assured!"

"Xiaodong, the cultivation of Yuntiannan is by no means comparable to flowers, you must not despise ..."

"Brother, look at it!" Yun Tiannan's words didn't finish, Wan Youqi's exclamation sounded.

Marriott Marquis looked up puzzled, and his eyes suddenly straightened at this look!

Hua Weiping is already miserable in Wandong's hands, but Yun Tiannan faces Xiao Lang, but there is no worst, only worse!

When Marriott Marquis turned to look around, it happened to see Xiao Lang flying, kicking Yun Tiannan kicking out like a ball. When Yun Tiannan fell to the ground and stood up, Marriott Xiong almost smiled.

Yun Tiannan's outstanding temperament has long disappeared. The face at this time is like a pig's head. I don't know how many slaps and how many kicks Xiao Lang has suffered. A pair of eyes narrowed into a thin line, seeming to be hard. It's hard to pull apart, and an old face seems to be blowing, bulging and bulging, plus the pimples on the end, it seems not to mention how funny.

"This ... is this the invincible Yuntiannan?" Marriott Martial, Luo Xiao and others came from the mundane small world. In fact, they don't know much about Yuntiannan, but it's different if they wait for the third and third class to do it alone.

Yun Tiannan's prestige is absolutely second to none in Ascension Mainland. How many people, even if they just hear the name, will already tremble. The strong performance of Yuntiannan in the past made them afraid of Yuntiannan. At this time, seeing Yun Tiannan in Xiao Lang's hands, he could not survive without survival, and the shock in his heart was naturally imaginable.

"Sister Xu, dare to love Xiao Xia before they are hidden!" A little sister of Xu Sansan, next to Xu Sansan with a look of admiration.

"Ah? I ... I don't know ..." Xu Sansan shook his head blankly, as if his expression had just met Xiao Lang.

Although there are some strangeness in his eyes, there is no doubt that Xiao Lang at this time is more heroic and more handsome! Xu Sansan became more and more drunk.

"It's impossible ... it's impossible!" Yun Tiannan once again climbed up from the ground in embarrassment. The whole person seemed to be crazy and hissed.

"Impossible? Hey ..." Xiao Lang came to Yun Tiannan with a wicked smile. Raising his palm, he pulled it towards Yun Tiannan's face.

Xiao Lang's movements seem very random, neither fast nor showing much power. In that sense, Xiao Lang was treating Yun Tiannan as a wasteless man with no power. Not to mention Xiao Lang's scornful expression, this act of light, in Yun Tiannan's view, is a great insult.

"You're looking for death!" Yun Tiannan immediately gave a roar, and desperately waved his hand to Xiao Lang's chest.

Yun Tiannan's moves are fast enough. In the view of others, this is definitely a model of post-control. Yun Tiannan's leader, Xiao Lang first took a step and slashed **** Xiao Lang's chest.

A joy in Yun Tiannan's heart, he hurried desperately to arouse the qi in his body.

"Hahaha ... Xiao Lang, as I said long ago, you can't be my opponent! It can never be ... uh!"

Yun Tiannan's laughter didn't last long, and then he stopped abruptly, and then his face was covered with a thick incredible and deep horror. All of his ethos remained on Xiao Lang's body, but it turned out to be mud bulls entering the sea, disappearing without a blink of an eye, let alone splitting Xiao Lang into pieces, Xiao Lang's figure didn't even shake a bit.

"You ..." Yun Tiannan suddenly froze, and only one goose egg could be tucked in with his mouth open.

Xiao Lang sneered, slapped in the face, suddenly accelerated, and snapped on Yun Tiannan's face. Yun Tiannan screamed, and the whole person was lifted up into the air, and tumbling in the air for a thousand and eight, before he fell heavily on the ground.

The broken tooth spattered out with the blood, and fell on the ground, a big piece of white flowers!

"Big Brother is domineering!" Wan Dong gave his thumbs up and gave Marriott Martial Arts to Wan Youqi to take care of himself. Then he walked over to Wang Yangde, His Holiness the Sword, Ye Qingyu and Liu Kerr.

The loss was due to the timely arrival of Wan Dong and Xiao Lang, otherwise the consequences of the four would be unimaginable. Even now, the four have exhausted their last traces of strength, each one pale, without even the strength to stand up.

"Senior Hidden Blade, Yang De, Qing Yu, Kerr, how are you guys, can you still hold up?" Seeing the four was just exhausted, but the internal injury was not serious, Wan Dong was relieved and asked with a smile .

"Hush ~~~" As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, Wang Yangde made a mute gesture to Wan Dong. His eyes seemed to be welded to Xiao Lang's body, and he refused to move away for a moment.

Wan Dong couldn't help but smiled and said, "Is it great?"

Wang Yangde nodded dumbly, whispering as if dreaming, "It's more than awesome, it's even more perverted than you! Oh ... no no no, I mean ..."

Wang Yangde said for a moment that he was bald, and his expression was greatly anxious. He hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "You are right, he is indeed even more perverted than me! Take a closer look, he is the real monk, the middle class of the earth wheel!"

"Earth ... Earth wheel mid-level !?" Wang Yangde is no longer unfamiliar with the division of the monk's cultivation. He knows what this earth-wheel mid-level means, and his face is full of horror.

Venerable Hidden Blade, Ye Qingyu and Liu Kerr have the same expression, their mouths open, they can't close for a long time.

"You don't have to be envious, and it won't take long, you will be able to surpass him!" Wan Dong patted Fear Wang Yangde's shoulder and said aloud.

"Really !?" Wang Yangde was overjoyed, his eyes bright like the morning stars in the night sky.

Ye Qingyu and Liu Kerr were also excited. Although Venerable Hidden Sword had to be more restrained, his expression was not calm!

"Xiao Lang, you are ruthless! But even if I die, I have to die with you!" At this moment, Yun Tiannan suddenly made a roar, and the whole person rushed towards Xiao Lang like a crazy tiger.

"Yun Tiannan is desperately desperate!" Everyone in the room was refreshed, just waiting to see the final collision between Yun Tiannan and Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang is also prepared. Although the first stage of the yellow seed is very different from Xiao Lang's middle level of the earth wheel, once Yun Tiannan chooses to explode, even if his power cannot hurt Xiao Lang, I am afraid it will hurt others. people.

Seeing Yun Tiannan's crazy appearance, it seemed to be a self-explosive idea. Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed a little. Even subconsciously retreating, wanting to pull the battle situation further away from Wandong and them, so that he can easily use his means, and secondly will not hurt the innocent.

But what surprised Xiao Lang was that when he was retreating backwards, Yun Tiannan's violently surging figure suddenly collapsed, straight to the Venerable Hidden Blade, and Wang Yangde threw them over.

"Hahaha ... Xiao Lang, I admit that your cultivation is stronger than me, but you have no brains! I leave Qingshan without worry and firewood. Where is Xiao Lang's life as precious as my Yun Tiannan's life?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help but smile bitterly, but I never imagined that Yuntiannan was also a good man, and he would eventually play such tricks. He slammed the hostages, took the hostages, and lost him out!

But if one counts ten thousand, it is not as good as one! Looking at Wandong standing there quietly, Xiao Lang didn't even mean to catch up.

This final collision between Yun Tiannan and Xiao Lang would have happened like this. Wan Dong was also very surprised, and at the same time felt a little funny. Yun Tiannan thought that the power of the Four Hidden Swordsmen was exhausted, and it was the easiest to control among the crowd, so they regarded them as the target of hijacking. Speaking of which, Yun Tiannan is indeed scheming!

"Boy, get away if you don't want to die!" Yun Tiannan roared loudly when she saw Wan Dong's appearance as a blocker.

Wan Dong chuckled softly and said, "I advise you to close it as soon as possible, and don't be ashamed here!"

"Fuck! Do you think I lost in the hands of Xiao Lang, is it anyone's deceit? You stinky little boy who dares to despise this seat and see me not to take off your dog's head!" Yun Tiannan was angry. To be embarrassed, a series of screams uttered in his mouth, his figure rushed towards Wandong.

"It's still possible to do evil, but you can't live by doing evil!" Seeing Yun Tiannan rushing towards herself, Wan Dong's mouth suddenly gave a sigh, hanging on the right palm of his side, and suddenly lifted up, like a mad dragon raising his head, Kuai Ruo Ben thundered towards Yun Tiannan ...

The author's off-topic: today's four more is completed, and I still owe you two chapters! Continue to work hard tomorrow! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402411->

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